Hey jammers! Today's update brings more of the Jamaaliday season, and it also two returning rares - the Jolly Elf Hat (Jam Mart Clothing) and the Gingerbread Tree (Jam Mart Furniture).

Today's daily item is 400 gems, great for spending on items!
Well jammers, it's officially the Jamaalidays, don't you think?
In the Jamaa Journal AJHQ has a few articles about gifts they're giving out this season (daily gifts and member gifts).
There are also some tidbits about the Jamaaliday Jam as well as pet Reindeer you can find there (and around Jamaa).
There are a few pages of advertisements as well.
The newest item in AJ Outfitters is the Animal Jam Keychain.
Meanwhile, here are this update's calendar and double gems!
There are also new animal spaces for members (four actually), and a totally revamped animal selection system!

There is also a new News Crew article winner.
Now for the exciting things. First off, Peck has been announced as an Alpha, the newest one actually, interesting fact about missing the phantom wars. . . Keep that in mind for a little while.
Now, here's a must see, the new ALPHA video in Jammer Central. Go on, go watch it. Hurry, hurry, it's exciting!

Though the sound is a little off and the animation is a little pixely, this is a huge step in our discovery of Jamaa's history. Do you think our Jamaasian Movement really inspired all this?

I can't wait to see where all this leads. Quests, more Alphas, meeting the Alphas? I guess we'll have to wait and see.