Thursday, December 20, 2012

Jamaaldiays and Sir Gilbert

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Hey jammers! Let's jump straight into today's Jamaaliday update. Today's new clothing item is the Reindeer Mask!
Today's new furniture item is the adorable Stocking!
Both are available in their respective Jam Marts! Today's daily item is the Winter Window, returning from last season.
This update is again, all about the Jamaaliday season.
They include some reminder posts from last update.
 There is a fun new feature in Tierney's Aquarium, the Monterey Bay Open Sea Cam, here are the articles.
You get to see footage from an undersea camera! It's actually very beautiful and calming, see what you can spot!
There is also some news about the daily gifts and the upcoming year of 2013. Can you believe its almost here?
Also, the Alpha description of Sir Gilbert, previously known as the tiger shaman, have been published on the DE.
I really like his description, but what do you guys think? AJHQ also posted a cool Jamaaliday/Snow Leopard wallpaper.
Finally I leave you with this update's calendar and double gems.
 Happy jamming everyone, see you around Jamaa!