Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Scarves, Palms, and More

Hey jammers! Lots of new stuff, I know. I'm sorry for not posting yesterday, but an ill-timed update is getting in the way of my normal posting time (I can't stay up later, I need sleep).

Anyhoo, yesterday's daily gift was a Gingerbread House.
Dang, I missed it! Good thing I have one from last year. Today's daily gift was 600 gems (100 gem increase each day??), sign in today to get some spending money for Jamaaliday items!
The new clothing yesterday was a lovely Jamaaliday Scarf.
And in Jam Mart Furniture there can be found two new trees, the Lit Palm Tree and the Lit Baobab Tree. Festive!
Plus, a returned item in Sunken Treasures, the Coral Snowman!
There is a price cut on the Snow Leopard memberships at Target currently, so if you want one now is the time to buy!
There are a couple fun new DE posts as well.
There has also been a very nice reorg of the Daily Explorer (looks MUCH better now, less helter skelter, yes?).
I've also noticed an all new banner for the alphas on the Animal Jam tab of the National Geographic Kids website.
AJHQ is really going all out on the Alpha thing. What do you think of the change? Is it for better or for worse?