Saturday, December 1, 2012

Jamaaliday Festivities

Hey jammers! Second post of the day, hope you don't mind. There are Jamaaliday Lights available in Jam Mart Furniture.
 Meanwhile, the December member gift has arrived. It's the same as last year's, but isn't the Gingerbread House a fun den?
Plus, to make long-time jammers happy, AJHQ included a bonus gift. What is it you ask? A super sized Gingerbread Treehouse!
What's different about this card?

Next exciting event on the list, the Jamaaliday Jam!
This returning party is always a fun hangout place. The same items seem to be returning in the gingerbread cart!
More will be added as the season goes on, I'm sure!
There is also a little music shop, with the seasonal song.
 There are tons of fun things to do at the party. You can roast s'mores on a candy fire while sitting on marshmallows. . .
Click the fire to get your tasty treat!
Or maybe grab a tasty candy cane from the candy jar. . .
Not to mention adopt an adorable little pet reindeer!
 Hope you're enjoring the festivites jammers, I know I am! Hope to see you around Jamaa, perhaps at the Jamaaliday Jam!