Saturday, December 22, 2012

Santa, Cookies, and Gingey

Hey jammers! I'm sorry for missing yesterday, I had one last big project before break, hopefully I can now relax a little! Anywho, here are today's and yesterday's daily gifts.

Yesterday's daily gift was the Cookie Table.
And today's gift is 900 gems to spend on holiday items.
In Jam Mart Clothing we have the Hat and Beard.

And in Bahari Bargains we have the Gingerbread Man!
There is also a returning Jam-a-Gram to celebrate New Years!
Also, with this Thursday's update, you can now control whether or not you receive buddy requests and game invites.
AJHQ also has a new art post up on the DE.
That's about all I have time for today jammers. Hopefully over my holiday break I can get a few blog projects done. Here is the list of ideas of improvement I could work on in my free time:

update rare lists
improve chat situation
figure out funding
generally organize things

Tell me if you have any more ideas on what I could (reasonably) work on over the break. Happy jamaalidays everyone!

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!