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Hey jammers! Sorry for the past two days of frantic posting. As you might have seen in my last post, I've been missing out on sleep. Don't worry, it's not because of the blog, it's because of homework!
Today's new item is a Beanie, sold on the first page of the Summer Carnival clothing prize booth. What do you think?

Not super animal-ish, but it's a cool design! What do you think of the pet raccoons? They seem to be a mix of an adorable teddy bear and a high-energy kitten. ^.^ I got one to match my Snow Leopard!
When they play they chase after an apple! In the Pets Only Party these are the exclusive hats you can dress them in.
Looks like you could wear matching Beanies now, hehe. Now, the page I left out yesterday! Why? Because I wanted a post just for discussing what in the world this must mean for Jamaa!
So, my first thought is, WE DID IT! Good job everyone, and great job AJHQ! The Jamaasian Movement was a success, and we've seen Jamaa change since then. It really seems Animal Jam has revisited its old goals (when they first started, they said there would be quests).
What do you think of the Alphas coming back? What do you think of these upcoming adventures? What are those phantoms up to?
Hey jammers! Sorry for the past two days of frantic posting. As you might have seen in my last post, I've been missing out on sleep. Don't worry, it's not because of the blog, it's because of homework!
Today's new item is a Beanie, sold on the first page of the Summer Carnival clothing prize booth. What do you think?

Not super animal-ish, but it's a cool design! What do you think of the pet raccoons? They seem to be a mix of an adorable teddy bear and a high-energy kitten. ^.^ I got one to match my Snow Leopard!
When they play they chase after an apple! In the Pets Only Party these are the exclusive hats you can dress them in.
Looks like you could wear matching Beanies now, hehe. Now, the page I left out yesterday! Why? Because I wanted a post just for discussing what in the world this must mean for Jamaa!
So, my first thought is, WE DID IT! Good job everyone, and great job AJHQ! The Jamaasian Movement was a success, and we've seen Jamaa change since then. It really seems Animal Jam has revisited its old goals (when they first started, they said there would be quests).
What do you think of the Alphas coming back? What do you think of these upcoming adventures? What are those phantoms up to?

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!
An super creative music video from ibp911!
If you'd like to submit a music video, email!
1st comment and I saw u today just before you left! :)
ReplyDeleteand also since there are gems in the pic maybe were trying to guard them from the phantoms and they help Mira's spirit and at the end we earn lots of gems just a guess xD
DeleteCongrats on getting first!
DeleteI wonder if we will see the alphas like, 4 reals
DeleteI hope.
DeleteWe probably will.
Hey btw if you want some colored alpha pics there are coloring pages I am coloring specifily to what they look like and I'm gonna hang them in my room!
DeleteTo get to them, go to The Alphas on the right side of The Daily Explorer, click that and then click to go to the very back of the pages, and then click the, if you want to print the picture if the alpha (fill in the blank) click here. Click on that and then you get a large looking copy on it and then print it! Have fun Jammers and AJ lovers! By the way if u want to look me up here's my user!
Tgirl, great guess!
DeleteWolflover, I think that they would be great for my room, if I was allowed to print stuff!
We have to, or the adventure won't mean anything.
DeleteI agree.
Congrats!! The closest I've gotton to 1st is 2nd lol I got 2nd on yesterday's post ^^ congratulations though!! That is a big accomplishment!! :)~Greekwolfawesomeness
DeleteCongrats! I wonder what the 'Adventure' is gonna be. I saw it yesturday and i was like o.o
DeleteAll of you, agreed.
DeleteI hope it's not some boring game thing like the Brady Barr adventure :p
DeleteCongrats tgirl ^.^, and that's a great idea XD! I hope too, Mailflower c:! Me too lpsblue! I hope the adventure is fun and full of surprises ^.^!
Deletei agree with Artemis.
DeleteWow, it makes you really wonder about whats gonna happen! Btw it was nice meeting you today Snowy! Your really nice :)
ReplyDeleteI agree. It makes you really think.
DeleteShe's really, really nice! I wish I was more like her! (Don't worry, I've matured quite a lot during my break.)
DeleteIt does! In two weeks, we'll find out!
Me too, I agree Gabrielle c:! Yep, just like Amy said, Snowyclaw is super-duper nice and fun :)!
DeleteSorry if this counts as spam but I do have a google account i just use anon for some reason xD but can you guys check out mine and Gabrielle's blog? Thanks and again sorry if its spam
DeleteAmy no need to wish. I think you're amazing like her ^-^
Deleteyep i agree with tgirl! :3
DeleteI love the music video! ^.^
ReplyDeleteme three ^.^
DeleteThanks!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D
DeleteHuh? ?.?
DeleteAwesome music video ibp911!!!! I love imagine dragons :) my favorite song by them is Radioactive. Though the Radioactive music video doesn't make any sense..... Anyway, I can't. Wait for the adventure that might be coming!!!!!! :))))) ~Greekwolfawesomeness
DeleteIbp911 made the music video.
I just don't watch the video at the end, sorry.
DeleteMe four ^^! The song sounds pawsome :)! ~ilovecutechihuahuas~
Deleteyour welcome! ^.^
DeleteMatching beanies, hehe!
ReplyDeleteThey look adorable on bunnies!
Also, why is there flytraps near the gems???
Perhaps the phantoms put them there to guard the gems! Also, does anyone know when in June quests are coming? I hope within the next week or two, because after that im going on vacation.
Deletemost items look cute on bunnies X3
DeleteI know. Bunnies are adorable!
Deleteyep XD foxes are cute too and racoons!
DeleteFoxes seem to always look good. Bunnies and raccoons come in close.
DeleteHayluc, great theory!
I agree with Hayluc ^^! Maybe the phantoms stole the gems and guarded it with a flytrap so no jammers or alphas could get near it!
DeleteHey Snowyclaw, I have something I want to say. You know about the hamsters and whatnot happening? That was probably because of me. I typed up a three page paper (not for grades XD) on how we can help AJ be better, including NM stuff, and the history part of Jamaa.( Note: I included that I liked hamsters the best in it. Maybe they're listening?). I also pointed out that AJ needed a little more history and clues to the past in it. I think it would make it feel like old times, eh? (I was there in early 2011)
ReplyDeleteAlso, schools out for me, so yay, no stress!
Wow, animal jam must have saw that you made a real effort in that letter and took your ideas into consideration!
DeleteHayluc, agreed! Even I, the stupendous writer, would appreciate it if they considered our writings as ideas! (Hint hint)
DeleteI think non-members having hamster pets REALLY was because of you, Anonymous :D! And yep! AJHQ listens to what every jammer thinks c:! Good job on thinking that idea so that non-members could have pet hamsters ^.^!
Delete7th comment!
ReplyDeleteCongrats ^^!!!!!!!
DeleteSnowy there is a new achievement. When you get your first pet, there is an achievement that says "First Pet" with a dog on it I think
P.S Sorry if this achievement was put in when pets came out! I just realized it when I was getting a hamster on my back-up account! >.<
Mail flower down there is right. Also, that achievement was there when pets came out. Maybe you forgot seeing it on your main account.
DeleteHayluc, agreed.
DeleteDoes anyone know a way to convince my mom to buy me an Arctic Wolf card so, so far from Christmas, Chinese New Year and/ or my birthday?
I thought on the achievement it has a kitten/cat on it? I don't know...Amy, maybe you can try begging your mom in an innocent way, do good things, be polite and do manners, or when it's on your birthday tell her that you really really want an Arctic Wolf gift card c:! Hope it helps!
DeleteWhen you get four pets you also get an achievement.
ReplyDeleteHmm, I know that, but its a great thing to tell new members!
DeleteI'll try to convince my mom to buy me an Arctic Wolf card, because I need the membership to keep my status of member, the diamonds, and the popular animal.
I agree Amy ^.^!
DeleteWhat is Liza holding at why are there Venus fly traps? Venus flytraps were old items right? I can't wait for this to start! :D
She's holding a magical staff, and the Venus flytraps are guarding the gems, im guessing.
Deletewhen i took a second look they do seem to be guarding the gems!
Lisa is holding her sacred staff, which I believe holds every single Spirit Stone the Alphas have recovered. The venus fly traps could be Cosmo's creatures guarding it from the phantoms around it.
DeleteYes, I agree Amy. Wherever you see Liza, you are going to see her staff with her.
DeleteGreat idea, Amy! I thought the phantoms stole the gems and the flytrap was guarding it from the alphas... well, everyone has different ideas and there all really good c:!
Deletei never thought that the staff carried all the spirit stones and great theory too Amy!
DeleteDerp, no ones commenting! I'll do one of those mini games where you guess what the animal is. Put your username on your comment because if you win you get a prize from meee, Hayluc. Ok, this animal has wings. It lives in North America. Females are are a red tinged brown, and males are bright red. This animal doesn't migrate. Guess who the animal is?
DeleteCardinal? I THINK that's what it's called anyway.
Hmmm...Cardinal? I agree with everyone so far. lol
DeleteYep ^^! I agree with everyone too Mia! Cardinal or robin? I don't know!
Deletei agree with EVERYONE! i think cardinal
The Summer Carnival keeps getting Nonmember items and most are hats...
ReplyDeleteI wonder what's going on?
Isn't it normal to make some stuff for nonmembers?
DeleteI think so.
DeleteIt's just weird that there all hats.
well i think AJHQ should back more nm back items in the summer carnival..
DeleteWell, its probably because nonmembers have a lack of good hats. I'm serious, look at some of their clothing.
DeleteIt's hatapalooza: Summer carnival NM version! Lol
DeleteIt shouldn't be that hard to figure out :)! Because fox hats, raccoon hats, eagle hats, dragon hats, bunny hats, top hats (not the members ones), and the Summer Carnival hats (again not the members ones!) are all non-member :)!
ReplyDeleteI'm sort of worried though, that the quests will be, quite, Boring, or, slightly dumb.
The only reason I'm worried about it is because, AJHQ are the ones making the quests.
(For three updates in a row, all they had were what was in the shops)
So, things could be, very, unpredictable. :(
I'm hoping the quests have you solve the mystery of Jamaa! HOPEFULLY! The quests won't be us getting sent by the alphas to do dumb tasks, like
"Go to the temple of Zios and find the turtle" Or
"Go destroy three phantoms"
Because truthfully, LOTS of games have "Quests" like that, and truthfully, that's why their boring, and then put out of business because nobody liked them.
Hopefully AJHQ has a better imagination :)
That is very true.
DeleteI agree, it should be as epic as possible. For example, going on an expedition like Cosmo did with the koalas, or exploring the new land with him! Not just finding clues around Jamaa because people might want to be like the Alphas/Shamans, to go on an expedition! I hope AJHQ will understand us.
(Forgot one thing) And also do puzzles, get prizes (like rares) and fight phantoms along the way you do expiditions with friends or with the Alphas/Shamans (yes, I had the idea for multiplayer expiditioning; about more than 4 people, like 1-30 people including Alphas/Shamans)!
I think that Animal Jam can handle it, they have already added so much to Jamaa without overwhelming their users, while Disney and other companies messed up by doing boring stuff and offering too much to their members. Besides, I would be happy to help write dialogue and the overall story. They have good writers, they shouldn't mess up too much.
DeleteOh, and new idea! They should use Monkey Quest as an example, since I've seen KINDERGARTENERS play it without getting scared. They should work with their 3D engine, and make the enemy animations, design of quests, story, and the overall game creative.
DeleteI really dislike Monkey Quest. I just simply do not understand the point. >.<
DeleteThe goal of the quest is to defeat Ka and restore order to Ook. Get it now? I don't like the odd sound effects and how the quests require multiplayer sometimes, but its actually a pretty good game, although Animal Jam still lords over it. I appreciate your opinion, still.
DeleteI get out of school today :D
DeleteI got outta school yesterday, woo-hoo for us!
DeleteI got out of school on May 21 I think... well it was something in the 20's, and I'm pretty sure it's 21 :)! That's pawsome that you get out of school today ^.^!
DeleteBut.... don't you miss your best friends? I do :'c
Deleteschool for me DX lucky you.. luckily its puplic holiday this Monday! ^.^
DeleteI got new profile pic! Watcha think? I ♥ IT! ★☆
ReplyDeleteIt looks awesome.
DeleteE-pic! (Get it? Epic and Excellent Picture at the same time?)
DeleteIt looks like a star constellation!
DeleteOr a spirit wolf!
DeleteLove it ^.^!!!!! I get it Amy :)! And yep, could be any one of those things :)!
DeleteThankies! ^.^
Deleteanyone wanna read my blog?
DeleteYes i want to read your blog cloudclaws! You rock!
Of course! No need to ask us, we're happy to generate views for a fellow Spirit Fan!
DeleteThanks Snowyclaw for putting my Ajmv up! Hope you guys like it :D
ReplyDeleteBtw, what do you guys think of my new profile pic?
Anyway, I started a new blog called legends of Animal Jam. It is mainly responses to Monday mysteries. Check it out @
Right now i am on an ipad cuz my computer broke dowm:p
Yesterday was my last day of school!:D Summer, here I come!!!!! Sorry forsuch a long comment...
Btw i might be on my mom's gmail acount right now.. I dunno.
Your profile picture is epic!
Deletei agree Mailflower!
DeleteYesterday was also my last day of school.
DeleteNice blog, but needs a little more "oomf". Try fooling around with Blogger and checking out to get a good look to your blog. Also, feel free to look at my own successful story blog for ideas and modeling.
DeleteIts going to be a busy and longggg summer....
DeleteThat's cool! Where do you live? I am ending school today. I'm homeschooled. Are you?
DeleteI got out of school on May 24th. But that was because we started the school year on August 14th :P
Deleteummmm so its winter here DX its actually weird how its winter over here and summer over there lol
DeleteWhats up! I just want to give a huge thumbs up for the great info you’ve gotten right here on this post.
ReplyDeleteI will likely be coming back to your blog for more soon.
Here is my web blog: seo services contract
AJ spirit is getting heaps of spam these days..
DeleteYeah it is, it's quite annoying.
DeleteUm, guys? Just ignore them, because we're generating spam replying to them.
DeleteYup. Now I will not reply to any more spam for today. Or ever...
DeleteWow, Mia, we both did a very good job of that... *elbows her*
DeleteWhat happens when you click on the link anyway? Do they hack your computer or something? O _o
ReplyDeleteWhat the... Are the beanies reminding you of cakes?
DeleteSpent all my gems on pets lol.
ReplyDeleteI spent almost all of my diamonds on gems so that I could get a Lisa statue. >.< Now I have to wait to get a raccoon... STUPID AJHQ! MEMBER GIFTS WERE A LOT BETTER!
DeleteI agree... :P @Amy
DeleteWow... Siamese twins curse again... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
DeleteI can't wait for the quest... If only they have Warriors Cats quests!
ReplyDeleteI don't think there would be,but'd it be pretty cool.
DeleteNo way, hosay, because that would be copyright infringment and unoriginal. We could roleplay, but thats about it.
DeleteYes! I very much agree with you.
Also, I think it would not appeal to all Jammers such as me. I'm not interested into warriors.
Mia, thanks for backing us up.
DeleteRemember, when roleplayin, ALWAYS FOLLOW THE ANIMAL JAM RULES!
Delete(Siamese twin power again AHHHH)
Snowy, I found a cool glitch, if a snow leopard sleeps while wearing a saxophone the saxophone FLOATS above the leopard!
ReplyDelete~Lime Kitten
Awesome glitch!
Deletehappens also if you wear a samurai sword ^.^
DeleteHmm, I have a snow leopard, I'll buy a saxophone if I do and try it out.
DeleteAnyone else besides me and my friend Vicky building a base in their den to defend themselves from the phantoms?
I have samurai swords! (i think)
DeleteI'll try out these glitches sometime!
I am! The walls aronnd it are alpha statues! :D
Delete★winter★ that is too lazy to log in.
Hi winter! Don't forget that the roleplay is closing in two weeks!
DeleteHmm, good idea, but don't forget to enchant them. Check out my den to get fort ideas.
Pawsome! Me too, Amy.
DeleteWork hard on those forts, Jamaasians!
DeleteTold you guys I was coming back! I'm here now!
ReplyDeleteI'm bored. =P Anybody want to play games on Animal Jam or have a comment competition?
DeleteI'll play games on AJ with you. Are you on right now??
DeleteAAH! I'm so excited! I can't believe we actually did this! ;o; And yes I'm here, I just haven't been commenting X3
ReplyDeleteYay! Your not dead :O
DeleteHey, same day that I came back! Two popular commentors!
DeleteWOOHOO! XD And yush I'm not!
DeleteYAY!!!! YOUR BACK! and im also back! lol
( ^.^)
ReplyDeleteThere were so many people saying spikes would come out today, but they didn't! :D
But they will probably come out eventually (like sooner rather than later)...
DeleteMia, agreed. I want one. They should do new colors, which would be win win win for everyone. Win for ppl with rares because theirs get rarer, win for others to get nice items, and win for AJHQ to not go to the trouble of other items.
DeleteI agree with Amy 100%
It took so much work to get the spike I have now :p
People say a lot of things.
DeleteLast time I checked the member benefits it said that only members can do the quests D:
ReplyDeleteOh that is horrible! D:
DeleteIts so horrible I'm sending an email to AJHQ right now!
DeleteMaybe it means that members get bonus quests?
DeleteHooray! Alpha's and phantoms!
I agree, DD!!
DeleteAgreed! ^.^
DeleteNot a fan of the beanie, btw...
ReplyDeleteI guess that's your opinion...
Deletelol that's what I was thinking. the jammanisian movement has a lot to do about this
ReplyDeletebtw im airheart1
DeleteMaybe, or maybe not. We can never really know.
DeleteHey there! Someone in my Myspace group shared
ReplyDeletethis site with us so I came to look it over.
I'm definitely loving the information. I'm book-marking and will be tweeting this to my followers!
Terrific blog and excellent design and style.
Here is my web site: Www.myautismteam.Com
*sticks a sticker on comment that says " Don't reply to me!"*
Deletelol i replied
DeleteWhat was the jammanisian movement?
ReplyDeleteread the post.
DeleteAmy Jiao can you meet me on animal jam in an hour please I just ended school
ReplyDeleteAnimal jam spirit contacted aj by email and mail about bringing back the alphas. If you are still confused, try the search posts button, or ask Snowyclaw.
ReplyDeleteo.o Beanies are awesome
ReplyDeleteOh, and also, I won't be on much this weekend because my church is having a festival during the whole weekend and my family helps out with it, soo.. yeah. It was scary though because on the news there was a bomb threat so we're gonna have extra security this year o.o But luckily the guy is in jail :D
Deleteokay whoever hacked my account and got it suspended EXTREMELY NOT COOL. i have a membership on it and lots of rares....
I LOVE the music video! Great job! You CANNOT make that with Windows movie maker! It is obvious it is iMovie. I can care less about items in the Diamond shop and quests, though. I just love decorating my dens and items! And getting pets and playing games! So ya if we get quests I will be exited but, it is a pixelated game so I don't think I will be jumping off the wall... Great post Snowyclaw!!!
ReplyDeleteSorry I have not been commenting lately. I had finals and whenever I wanted to comment I was on my tablet and for some reason it does not comment. I am back for this comment and lets hope more. In August when I get my Macbook, I am going to make so many music videos!!! Lets hope.. <3 you AJ!!!
P.S. Do you agree with me on the part when I talked about items? And sorry this was a long comment
YAAAAAYY!!!!! (^.^) This is the moment I've benn waiting for for YEARS!!! Thaaannk you sooo much AJHQ for bringing adventures to Jamaa! I <3 you AJHQ you guys are awesome!!
ReplyDelete(I hope for some crazy reason you guys are reading this! :D LOL)
BRB everyone! I gotta go run around the house like crazy now!!!!!!!!!!! :P
oops i meant *been! sorry i'm to hyper right now!! :D
for for? k sorry ppls you know i meant *for! i just wanted to tell you i'm really crazy when i'm excited. lol
Deleteand no i don't mean 4 years i haven't been playing aj that long!!!
now get lost! stop readin' dis!
hi guys i hope you have a happy summer im so happy that the alphas returned its like beta all over again
ReplyDeleteyes me too
Deletei found a glitch and that is if you put water music in a den then log off and come back go to the water den there will be no music -smart06703 P.S. my den if you want to see the glitch
ReplyDeleteFοr somе bіzarre reason I almost had a
ReplyDeletefemale moment аt а dog that ԁieԁ in futurama.
Now I gοt to fіnd a mаn film to mаke up for my mіѕtakе.
Check out mу ρage ... Small Personal Loans
I'm mad right now. Yesterday I subscribed to a jammer on YouTube because of a comment I saw on Julian2's new video.. TheBetaWolfAJ had a video about her blog and I said I'll read her blog and I shared a link to mine. She replied saying that it's a nice blog and that she changed his blog address. I went to his blog and he made a new post which he said was late. She used the exact same screenshots I used in my blog post. It took me almost an hour to actually find every new thing in Jamaa and another hour to blog about. I had time because there wasn't school for me yesterday. Look at the latest posts and tell me if it's the same. What do I do? Do I report it to Blogger? I am so peeved. I know a lot of people out there commit plagiarism.
She even had the nerve to copy what I said. The part about how it caught my eye? Ridiculous. It might sound harsh, but I guess plagiarists aren't that creative enough to come up with their own ideas. Pathetic. You know who you are. Shame on you >:U
BEANIES? Excuse me while I fangirl. Hazza loves beanies.
ReplyDelete~papad91278, the 4th news crew member, I'm sorry this makes no sense to most people.
I'm not really sure what these adventures will bring. Maybe, at the end of it, you'll meet the Alphas (like you'll be able to go to a secret location on the map where the Alphas have been.) I just hope that it's not awful or anything, like the Phantoms destroying all of Jamaa. -shudders- that would be horrible!
ReplyDeleteThe Wanderer
Thebetawolf is so rude. I offered her a trade and she declined so I said; "Okay, that was a good deal for you but whatever. Your loss." and she just said; "Nvm beach" and left. Then she started being super rude.
ReplyDeleteI love doing quests! I've played a lot of games with quests in them!
ReplyDeleteGuys if you have a blue glove - not spirit glove- please trade me i have a pink glove send me a jam-a-gram if deal or say so on this blog
ReplyDelete-takes deep breath- Ok. I'm good.
Translation: Yeah so many new updates adorable raccoons adventures yippee I'm so happy yeah!
DeleteOh :D i think it seems like my story but it isn't were bad jammers keep coming-ellanicole2003
ReplyDeleteHey, tigerstar26 here with GREAT NEWS! My buddy, Girl899 made a Great Wolf Lodge at her den! Heres what you need to do to plan your stay.
ReplyDelete1. Choose a suite. There are 3 suites at her Great Wolf Lodge. 2 are family-friendly. So if you have family coming, pick 1 of those!
Standard Suite- Sleeps 1 or 2 people. It includes-
1 bed
Full Bathroom
Family Suite
Sleeps 3 or 4 people. It includes-
Master bedroom with 1 bed and a TV
Full Bathroom
Kids bedroom with 1 bed, a sofa bed, and a TV
Seating area with table
Grizzly Bear Suite-
Sleeps 3 or 4 people. It includes-
Master bedroom with 1 bed and a TV
Full master bathroom
Kids bedroom with 2 beds and a TV
Half-bathroom for kids
Kitchen and dining area with table and fridge
2. If you can't gather your family together at one moment, reserve a suite for an upcoming date. Jam-a-gram Girl899 with what room you want, how many people are coming with you, and what day you plan on going. Be sure to tell your Animal Jam family what day it is!
3. Do you have a child 2 or under? You can always get a pillow from Girl899 to place in the suite. They can sleep in there. If its your only child, consider a Standard Suite. If this infant has 1 or more siblings, get a Family or Grizzly Bear Suite.
What are some amenities to the GWL in Jamaa? Here they are.
Beartrack Landing- The water park for the tots and young cubs. Splash around in the pools, get soaked by the waterfall, or grab a smoothie right in the waterpark! You can also rent beach towels and umbrellas.
Northern Lights Arcade- Kids and teens ages 9-18 can enjoy our arcade as well. It has 3 games (including Sky High and Best Dressed!).
Scoops Kids Spa- Its located beside the water park. Girls ages 5-13 will love it. We do manicures, pedicures, facials, and even MASSAGES involving ice cream. In our exclusive massages, get rubbed with chocolate or jelly beans! In our facials, your face will soon smell like any ice cream flavor of your choice!
Loose Moose Cottage- Our resort buffet. Stacked with loads of desserts! Yum! We offer children's menus for the cubs under 13.
Cub Club- Located on the top floor of GWL, it offers day care programs for kids ages 6 months- 6 years. We even handle babies and the 2 year olds!
Side note: there is only 2 rules at Great Wolf Lodge in Jamaa
1. Resort is free. But you MUST get a room to use the water park and other amenities.
2. Have fun!
Reply with your thoughts. And later, post your reviews! Located at Girl899's den (princess castle). Thanks everyone!
Right here is the rіght blog foг anybοdу who wοuld lіκе to understand thiѕ tоpіc.
ReplyDeleteYou knοw so much its аlmost hагԁ
to aгguе ωith you (not that I peгѕonаlly wоuld want to�HaHa).
Υou cеrtainly put a fresh spin on a subject that's been written about for a long time. Excellent stuff, just wonderful!
my blog :: legal highs salvia
Yeah, i think its illegal to tell 8 year olds to get high.
DeleteAwesome tigerstar26 i love the hotel please buddy me im smart06703
DeleteJust finished writing a new blog post. Check it out:
Sorry if this is spam.
What a great blog. I look forward to your postings.
ReplyDeleteMy weblog: Behind The Scenes
Well, at least the beanies are nonmember.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for the new adventure, it sounds exciting!
me either! id be actually disappointed to find that the quest is actually kind of dumb.. like the python quest i really hope we ACTUALLY really meet the alphas and this will be a real adventure!
ReplyDeleteThe beanie is SO ugly!
ReplyDeleteYou have made some decent points there. I checked on the
ReplyDeletenet for more info about the issue and found most
people will go along with your views on this website.
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