Hey jammers! Well, it looks like we succeeded in our quest. The Jamaasian Movement last summer brought the Alphas back to Jamaa, and returned Animal Jam to its founding jamtastic spirit.
Your adventure here in Jamaa, is about to begin...
Today's new item is a returning beta Bird Feeder.
You can purchase one at Jam Mart Furniture! Now to the adventures... Can you believe it? I'm sorry nonemembers, but I'm sure beta testing won't be too long, and you soon will adventure too!
Be sure to watch this amazingly made video of the alphas...
You can start in that previously locked door in the Temple of Zios. Remember when I was guessing about that?
You can also get there through your party list!
There you can find the Adventure Base Camp.
It's likely there will be a shop there at some point!
Plenty of room to expand here, many adventures to come.

Looks like there are three items you can get on this quest!

I think AJHQ just needed a smalled test batch for the adventures, otherwise the game might become too stressed.
Remember how it went offline for quite a while (that's why I'm posting so late jammers, sorry!). And it looks like we were spot on in our thoughts on the new animal, the kangaroo!
And it seems the new land is very likely something to do with kangaroos... Looks like we're on the right track. ^.^ And here is this updates calendar, lots of fun things this month!
And here's your little guide to Jamaa.
I'll have a video with some details on the adventures, so be sure to check by my YouTube channel later today.
Happy jamming everyone!

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!
ReplyDeleteI still have yet to try the adventure.. but it is really interesting so far...
Congratulations RainbowCharizard and the adventure is interesting.
Delete*Spolier alert*
You get beta items at the end of the adventure.
You serious?!?
DeleteWell more or less they aren't like from beta times or anything. I think it just means its from when adventures were beta.
DeleteSnowy is missing a item too! Its the non-planted bush the really pretty pink one!
DeleteI wonder when nm's get to try.I really want to try it cause im a nm!! >.<
Deleteim sure nonmembers will get to try soon! ^.^
DeleteYep. Well at the end of the bunny adventure, which is very pawsome! ^.^
I rly want the shop and the other adventures to start soon! >.<
DeleteI just wanna try the whole thingie cause im without internet for a few days...
DeleteBTW... if u get beta items at the end, and if everybody gets them (which will probably happen) then those items aren't beta anymore cause now they're out an everyone has em...
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Smart06703/Guide Cp :)
Deletecongrats! ^.^
I got a beta computer in the cave. Sigh. I guess they really are bringing back everything.
ReplyDeleteCave? What cave? I played the adventure and there wasn't a cave. But lucky you :)
DeleteOops, meant to post this right here:
DeleteThere's a passageway that only Arctic Wolves can open. You go deep into it and there's a cave with a single treasure chest in it.
Beta computer?! Heck, I only got a flat couch! Lol
DeleteI've only been getting things you can buy in my den From the cave! Oh noooo! There was this girl I traded for a computer......gosh it was the only beta she had too! I traded a blue glove, beta jammer anthem music, and trapped phantoms!!!! You little cheater! Argh!!!
Delete4TH :D XD
ReplyDeleteCongratulations pugz781 :)
Deletecongrats :)
DeleteI think there's a glitch.. When you go to rescue the bunnies in the cage, there's that one group of three phantoms guarding a key. After I lead the last phantom towards the plant, it is captured, but afterwards, there's a phantom still there? I tried going near it, it didn't move. I tried moving to where it exactly was, and I never lost any health.
-Tinytophats strikes again hurdurrr
Strange... I guess that's what beta testing is for.
DeleteThat happened to me also
DeleteBlueclaw, I can't comment on ur blog for the computer cause I'm anonymous! I really want it cause mine was scammed! The one I was just talking about around somewhere on this blog! Do something plz!!!
I got the same glitch!
DeleteThere's a passageway that only Arctic Wolves can open. You got deep into it and there's a cave with a single treasure chest in it.
ReplyDeleteReally? That's so cool. I wish I had an Arctic Wolf right about now.
DeleteIf you click "leave" after u open the chest, and re-click it you get 10 courage. Keep doing that and eventually you will level up!
You don't need to leave the cave you just close the chest the open it again sadly I only got items that I could buy
DeleteI only got items I could buy! Uh oh... I traded and arctic for a computer! Oh no!!! I traded three betas for it! Music that's beta, dyed Nm glove, and trapped phantoms! Ohhhhhhhhrrrrrgggggggggggaaaaaaahhhh! She was a little scampster!
6. Something is better than nothing!
ReplyDeleteWhats in da chest?
DeleteCongratulations Sly :) And you are right, something is better than nothing :)
Delete@��skyways�� Usually gems can be found in the chests. You can also earn beta items.
DeleteYou missed the fourth gift from the quest, a beta flower patch.
She did. May I have permission to use this on my blog?
DeleteYes you did miss the flower patch
DeleteYes you may use the picture :3
DeleteHey Snowy! I love your awesome blog! Anyway, I unlocked my animal jam blog now, animaljamsignaturebywillaforce.blogspot.com Can you add it to your blog list? Thanks ever so much!
Some bugs:
ReplyDeleteThe bunny with the first cork wouldn't drop the cork.
The bunny in the burrow wouldn't drop the key
A single phantom was attacked by two different plants.
Two phantoms were stuck together and wouldn't be killed by any plant at all.
The first two are game-breaking as it makes moving on impossible. Having more phantoms than plants makes it very difficult since they're basically immortal now.
Deletefah! it worked fine for me! =3
DeleteRoxy, I played like 5 times. The first time I played it was perfect. Anyway, AJHQ needs reports like these so they can fix 'em. That's what beta testing is for.
DeleteI need to email them about this.
The Adventure reminds me of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon...
ReplyDeleteYou level up and everything XD
I love pokemon mystery dungeon! :D I got the gates to infinity yesterdau!
DeleteI wish I could try the adventures. :C
Me too! It is so fun! I have beat it twice - snowfall1122
Deleteam GLAD and SAD :3
ReplyDeletehappy: new up dates YAY and i know what the aphas sound like :D
whatever, about the betas! lets just me happy! =D
DeleteD: u really want bepper and julain2 sad or mad at ANAIMAL JAM!
DeleteMy beta computer came back :( I am sad
Deletewhere D:
DeleteJulian2 is not actually sad! He knows its in beta testing for members only!
Deleteam GLAD and SAD :3
ReplyDeletehappy: new up dates YAY and i know what the aphas sound like :D
Yay! But I have to go adventuring after school :c And I'm one step closer to be unrare. Oh well my bat wings and whristband will go far o3o
ReplyDeleteeveryone remember AJ isn't ALL about rares..
DeleteI never said that but eh. I don't really mind about it.
DeleteI hope they don't bring back small tables I have 2 or wood floors I have 1 or beta tiaras or anything like that I'm lovydovy23
ReplyDeleteI HOPE THEY DO!
DeleteIt's awesome this adventure is awesome! I can't seem to get betas from the cave though, my friend got a beta bird house, and I've gotten a soccer goal, a four square court, and a croquet set. Maybe it's just betas for some people. Please reply to this comment people and tell me what you got!
ReplyDeleteThe music sounds so flippin' pawesome in headphones!
I got 2 beta computers, laptop, tablet, 2 rare HD televisions, and more I forgot. XD at first I got really bad stuff, but if u don't like what u get, click leave then come back again and so until u get good items! Everytime u do it u also get 10 points! I'm happy betas are coming back and I love testing this game. -horseloveralm-
ReplyDeleteBugs: it takes a while to grab keys, water cans, and corks
ReplyDelete2. Sometimes u can trap a phantom then they just stay there but the plant is closed without the phantom inside it. 3. Sometimes if u leave the adventure base and go back in it says your back at level one. 4. Sometimes phantoms go through long grass and get you when you are hiding. 5. I get a phantom trapped then it shows I lost a heart. 6. Phantoms get stuck together and i can't trap them. 7. I'm not sure if its my computer or not but sometimes it's slow then the whole screen gets screwed up and I die. 8. My buddy and I wait until the area is empty then click the thing to start and my buddy isn't there.
ReplyDeleteDo you think that this was a little update like the Diamond update?!?!
ReplyDeleteClues for being a little update:
>Didn't update the Jammer Central Drawings
>It was only about Adventures
>On Tuesday, not Thursday
Clues for being a full update:
>Long Jamaa Journal
>Updated Calendar
What do you think? Was it a full update or a minor one?
Ugh... the thing is, I'm seriously doubting the shortness of the beta testing period. They said that members will TEST writing in jam-a-grams, and that was over a year ago.
ReplyDeleteI agree. I don't really like animal jam anymore.
DeleteIKR! betas are coming back! well i guess maybe animal jam trying see how mad we all can get?
Deletewell if AJ becomes like CP AJHQ will be reciving alot of angry emails
DeleteI will not close my acount but I will quit animal jam tomorrow.... I'm a nm and I can never get membership so my parents won't let me so what's the point really?? Idk if u guys may be sad or not, but I'll miss jammers like Ronen Gamer, Mia, Ilovecutechihauhaus, and Cloudclaws.... I am going to comment on the blog, and/or if something Big happens to nms, or if I just miss my friends too much and want to come back.So bye everyone,
DeleteI'll comment later today.. Goodbye Animal jam.
And Way to go AJHQ. (Sarcasm)
Your Friend,
DeleteReally happy about the update!
ReplyDeleteYes, it really seems that the betas are coming
Well smile!In a while they'll become beta again or atleast rare^^
I'm nonmember and I have missed out on the old Halloween...so I was in the township looking people with thise strange BETA labeled spooky stuff and I was qute sad, couse yea they look awesome...and then I found that they are from the adventures..hmm beta..
Well congrats to everyone! Now we are at animaljams second BETA tester
theres also a flower field
ReplyDeleteWrite your own JAG has been on beta for too long... I doubt this will ever be available for everyone :/
ReplyDeletei got a flower bush
I made a fan alpha. She is a archive wolf named Stella Luna reply if you want the full description of her
ReplyDeleteWow I spelled archive not arctic
ReplyDeletei'm giving away a beta computer! find out more on my blog Animal Jam Mini Blog -horseloveralm-
ReplyDeleteThere is a bush too just to let you know also one of them is 500 gems
ReplyDeleteSo ppl who played in the beginning and collected betas and rares technically wasted there time... aj is getting lame i am mad my betas r not worth much now
ReplyDeleteYou guys are WAY out of hand i was in when it was old days {beta days} and also aj is about having friends not famous and rares :D ~hiimshane~ hi snowy
ReplyDeleteMember, member, member - how perfectly marvellous!
ReplyDeleteI don't think.
ReplyDeleteI feel sorry for non members. But the adventures are pawesome ocean00954
ReplyDeleteHey Mia776 and Ilovecutechihuhuas, U can do music vid scenes without me, cuz I am traveling in Paris, and I loading AJ right now, -sighs- ITS TAKIN' HOUUUURS!!!!-
ReplyDelete~ibp911, who is too lazy to log into google.
BTW ilovecutechihuahuas, is the Anon account same jammer as the blogger/google account???
Hi braders and sister it's afternoon here :D
ReplyDeletethe adventures must be tested for virus actually.... so don't lose your cool everyone!!!
any ways were the picture links funny???
Ronen jamaa can pleease tell me how were the adventures like??? pl yu my bff ;)
ReplyDeletekinyonga, i think you should stop swearing... when snowy's not posting early, i check your blog... whenever members get cool things, you get mad.... why? that becuz you want to be like them.. but hey no offense...
ReplyDeleteand you shud change your blog music...
pop pop pop poop popop popp opop? poppoppopp! poppoppoppo? poppopppoppop! LOLZ
omg i have 9,023 gems O.o
ReplyDeleteI have 33,762. I had a dream last night that I only had 850. 0_0
Delete~papad91278, the 4th news crew member, 33,762 may be altered...
PS: One Direction was in my state!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
Lucky! I usually spend all my gems on stuff I feel I need but I don't.
Hey, the other day 1D was in my state!
Deletedon't say it cloudclaws.. my predator28299 account has 46,771 gems
ReplyDeletebad news.... the beta computer had just returned to the shop... i scolded ajhq for letting the betas return... they are spoiling our rareness...
but hey, aj is not about rareness or fame.....
it's about friends and fun and adventures!
yo the door in temple of zios leading to the adventures are really attractive XD
ReplyDeletesorry guys i'll be online on aj who wanna chat wiff me say i
ReplyDeleteyo no worrys the betas will go on clearance(or i will force ajhq to make it do so) and our rareness will be restored, not maximised.
ReplyDeleteHi... sorry if someone has already mentioned this, but the Beta Flower Bush is also a prize. And also, I read on the AJ help website about adventures, and it said we were greeted by Mira! Maybe in the future? :D
ReplyDelete. : hannahandmemy : .
and the 500 gems too!
Deletekangaroo peeps are scarlotta happyseal5555 eternalclaw anubis peppermint101
ReplyDelete-whispers- betaseal and misstess
Delete@ blueclaws I can't comment on your blog cause I am anonmous! Can u change it? Or can I comment on here? Plz do cause my computer was scammed! The one I was talking about up there ^.^
DeleteAnyway plz do something!!
This is a random comment.. HELLO!
ReplyDeleteHELLO! :D
ReplyDeletewhat... betas are back.... come on. UGGHHHHHH AJ TAKES A DAY TO LOAD
ReplyDeleteD: D:<
I wanna go to dat beta thingy party tho. :3
four items...
ReplyDeletethere are actually five things, five chests. chest #1: carrots. chest #2: flower barrel chest #3: 500 gems. (ooh i leik dat one :3) chest #4: well chest #5 flower bush
I have all five things. Speaking of the 500 gems, all those gems I earned from re-playing the phantom and bunny quest, i have about 3,000 gems ^_^
Cosmo and the koalas went to Australia! :D I think the new land will be the Australian Outback :3
ReplyDelete~The Frying Pan~
Today's new item is the returning beta Computer. Guys, it's still a beta CAUSE it came in beta/testing times! That doesnt mean it looses it's rarity.
ReplyDeleteIt does loose the rarity! ONCE IT COMES OUT IT IS NO LONGER RARE! Anyone can buy it! So therefore it looses the rarity! It's not beta anymore!
Delete^ Exactly, Anon.
DeleteThat awkward moment where the video finishes and one of your suggestions is Everything About You.
Lln. That's part of the chorus.
P.S I wasn't bragging. I just wanted to show you how happy I am.
=D I went to Florida two years in a row. It's great!
DeleteI'm going to Texas. :3
Snowyclaw why do you ALWAYS post late now :(
ReplyDeleteI am searching for other good blogs now! I found some:
Animal Jam Times
Animal Jam Sky Blog
Animal Jam Roar
Check these out! Snowyclaw, your blog will always be number 1 but when you post late it gets annoying!! Sorry!!
She has a life, just like every one of us.
DeleteShe has things to do, and she needs her sleep.
I get that and I know. All I am saying is that I wish she didn't post late every day! It is becoming a habit.. I feel bad for Snowyclaw.
ReplyDeleteI always thought ' since there alphas what about like zetas faiz gammas omega
ReplyDeleteYay! im happy! Next week on 26th is wednsday. That is good cuz...... THAT MY BDAY! :D and wut i allways wanted is a pair of freedom wings! And a worn :3 (non rare) and the reason i have not been on aj is becuz....well i dont wanna talk about it :I i be on next week on wednssay tho! ^.^ hap-pay adventures! Hap-pay hap-pay hap-pay!
ReplyDeletehey firepaw0096 here i cant find the corks on the second adventure i played 4 like an hour trying 2 find it o_o
ReplyDeleteThe bird feeder is not beta. It was never beta. XD
ReplyDeletehi boom