Hey jammers, sorry to post late, had some computer trouble. Today's returning rare item is the wooden, leafy Computer.
Seems like quite a few older items have been coming back lately, yikes. Oh, and here is a music video compilation of fun parts of the new adventures. Even if you've already finished the adventures, would you take a look? I spent quite a bit of editing time on this.
Would you like me to make a walk-through guide as well, or is this enough? And here are some posts from AJHQ.
And did you know there's a secret passage in the first adventure that you can get to with a Arctic Wolf? It holds a chest...
Which gives you a store furniture item as a prize.
Happy jamming!

ReplyDeleteCongrats ^.^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like your picture btw :D!
DeleteYa congrats
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete4th! Snowy what's that music it souds familiar? I love the song and video! -thun8902
ReplyDeleteCongrats :)! May too ^.^! It's a great guide :D! The song sounds so sad but still adventurey :3!
DeleteWow snowy love the vid. I just sate there looking blankly at the screen with my mouth half open lol.
ReplyDeleteAnyway 6th comment
Congrats =P!
DeleteThat looks fun! I want to save the cute little bunnies! Too bad I'm a nonmember... :)
ReplyDeleteIt's epicly fun ^o^! The cute tiny bunnies are so adorable :D! Especially at the end when you see the cute bunny named Snowball :3! She's SO cute! I bet if AJQH made it for non-members too all the non-members and you would enjoy the adventure :D!
DeleteI like snowball too, Chihuahuas. :3
DeleteI love these adventures! Don't worry nms you will get a chance to play! -horseloveralm
DeleteI ment 5th lol
Oh ya you were right X3! Congrats again XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteWant free membership? Enter the contest on:
I dunno if u can do that. Someone got in trouble doing it? Is I right?
DeleteI think that might be a scam..?
DeleteThe site is legit. No scam. All you have to do is upload your Animal Jam avatar and people vote! We will never ask you for anything personal. Check it out. It's fun! ^_^
DeleteI know its cool that you can go in the cave! Beta computers are so cute! ^.^
ReplyDeleteYeah, I don't care if they're back, as long as they're Jamaasian!
Ikr! @krazy
DeleteI'm glad someone agreed with something that is very important to the AJ culture. :3
DeleteI would have gotten first comment I looked at the blog at 11:48 but for some reason it doesn't let me comment on my iPod so now I'm one my sisters. I type what I want but then it doesn't post..... I wonder why it does that...
ReplyDeleteAnyway, it's kinda sad that betas are coming back I mean I know people that don't have them are most likely happy but I worked for mine so it's kinda a disappointment. Will there even be any betas left?
I'm happy that they're back, even when I worked hard to find rares, cuz I will at least get more than 1! ^.^ Most rares are Jamaasian which is a reason why I want the rares back, it also reduces scamming. There are lots of scammers and nobody wants to get scammed. To all the scammers out there, I got a question, what will you do if YOU were scammed? I'm positive you would feel the same way.
I wouldn't want more than one if I didn't work for it and if I was scammed I would work by trading to try to get the thing I got scammed replaced/back not just buy it in the stores and don't say "rares" because if they come back there not rares. I mean I know aj isn't all about rares and I know that I like making new friends but its also fun to work for rares and earn them that part of the fun for me! Also there will always be scamming she cause there will always be evil in the world
DeleteThat glitch happens on my nook as well.
Delete10th comment ^.^! ~ilovecutechihuahuas~
ReplyDeleteCongrats!!!! :D
DeleteEww that's gross anon >_<
ReplyDeleteI know right!
ReplyDeleteWOW Snowy that was really nice. I love love love the music you played and you always do such a beautiful job on all your blogs and postings.
ReplyDeleteActually.. at the same time there is more scamming. Because people have not checked Jam Mart furniture yet and then some scammers are like "oh yeah it's stil rare" and blah blah blah. Lol. Then people trade like betas for this item and etc...
DeleteWell, the people who got scammed by giving their beta computers today, they can get another one and the scammers will be angry. Tee-hee! >:{D (mustache evil face)
No it's the other way around Krazy. It goes like this:
DeleteScammer: Hey you!
Jammer: Yes?
Scammer: I'll trade you beta computer for worn blanket. Deal?
Jammer: Sure!
-does trade-
Scammer: HAHA you just got scammed!
Jammer: WHAT?!?
Scammer: Beta computers came out ya dumb-butt!
Scammer: Nope! >:D
Well, I was thinking of when scammed Jammers give scammers the beta computer, but you do got a point. When scammers tell that it's still rare before the scammed Jammers gave their rares for them but yeah.
It actually goes both ways...
DeleteI love that betas and rares are coming back. I'm not sure AJHQ brought them back just to stop scamming.... But it is a good thought. But if we get most of betas and rares back, will trading become more boring? I also love the beta testing. I love opening the artic wolf passage and getting into the treasure chest. I have some tips to get good items in there. Just check out my mini blog, ajhowlermini.blogspot.com for more. Be sure to comment if you have any questions. :) XD But i have a problem on the adventures. Yesterday I was on level 5 now im on level 1 again! Did this happen to anyone? Let me know here or on my blog. -horseloveralm
ReplyDeleteNo, never happened to me! Well, AJHQ put this message on the loading screen: "Avoid scammers, use the trade system!" so I'm positive they bring back the betas and rares because of this. But they're also "Jamaasian" and AJ is turning back to that since early 2011 (I think).
Do you mean beta? Beta was in the Summer of 2010.
DeleteIt's official.
ReplyDeleteALL betas are coming back.
I'm happy about that, like I said. They're Jamaasian, and that's what AJ actually means.
DeleteSorry, forgot my user. The comment above supposed to be me!
DeleteSame ^.^
That music sounds like Okami :P
30th comment! Go to my blog: animaljamfantom.blogspot.com
31st comment! And it's not fair that Arctic Wolves only get to open the cave... >.<
~kiki51772 peace love spiders~
sorry if i'm accusing any of you Arctic Wolves out there...
Delete~kiki51772 peace love spiders~
It's fine! :)
ReplyDeleteYou said it gets you a STORE furniture item from the cave. My friends got computers (yesterday), another friend got a bird house, and I got a rare HD TV. So not just store items.
I got the RIM from this past monday as well. So sometimes if you click decline a lot, it will give you slowly and slowly more rare items. But I don't care about rares. I just use the rares to get items that I actually want :P
DeleteI see you have made some nice additions to your blog. I have a blog too. It is if you hate life. Go to Ihatetheworld.net . For a free virus enter this code: 15678987643.
ReplyDeleteLOL! JK! Its just me ibp911! Pretenting to be a spam bot!
DeleteLOL XD
DeleteHi Snowy! It's me Chorus. What software do you use for making movies? I use Final Cut Pro. Your movie editing is really awesome, this comes from a fellow movie director/editor. Anyway, really good job with the movie AND the Jamaasian movement. (Sorry thats spelled wrong X3) Yay! We made a difference. AJ HQ isn't really bad, they just need a push in the right direction, like we all need some time or another. Gee wiz that's a long comment. Bai.
ReplyDeleteShe uses QUICKTIME. I asked her a while ago.
DeleteXD I got on AJ and did the adventure, But got mad Because my partners got all the corks. >.<
ReplyDeleteAww I hate when that happens :P
DeleteIkr! I try to only go by myself or with one of my closest buddies (only one!) lol ~horseloveralm
DeleteYesterday this person was having their beta computer on trade, and I was so happy, then I thought,
ReplyDeleteProbably coming out tomorrow.
How ironic!
Wow! Such good thinking! :)
DeletePawsome video Snowy!! It was helpful!
ReplyDelete- dooda123
What is the name of the music? I want to search it on Soundcloud so that I can add it to my blog!
ReplyDelete@crouchingwolf SORRY!!!!! It was me in your group I was kind of hyper..
ReplyDelete@Ava just asking, are you in nightclan or moonclan? I saw your profile picture. Random question o.o if anyone wants to check out my blog its ajhowler.blogspot.com the name is animal jam howler! Oh im giving away an unwanted head feather on my mini blog! Ajhowlermini.blogspot.com and i figured out why my level changed from 5 down to 1..... I changed my animal! Im on level 5 only on my artic wolf! I changed to my wolf and i was like how am i on level 1 again? XD *facepalm* should have known. Im also doing mailtime if anyone wants to send me any unwanted items. You dont need to though. -horseloveralm
ReplyDeleteIf u visit my blog be sure to comment and if u have any questions i would be happy to answer them!
Oooh next week on wednsday is my birthday! and i am throwing a party!! And...drum roll plz.....ALL OF U R INVITED! ^.^ oh snowyclaw can u come to my birthday party? Yay if u can! -hands all a invitation- it is at: my den host: me! And u! My user if u didnt kno: woofie202 and send a bday card and gift if u want! (Plz send a card if not gift if wanted) -is ninja and disapeers- oh and its at my den next week on the 26th of june on wednsday :)
ReplyDeleteI will come! It better be a good party XD -horseloveralm- also people check out my blog animal jam howler and comment! Spread my blog around if u can
DeleteIll try to come!
DeleteSnowyclaw, my friend was online and she said she saw you and heard you say a swear. Is that true?
I've always wanted a beta computer! :3
Goodnight jammers. Dinner time! ^.^
ReplyDeleteNight :{D -horseloveralm
DeleteHey Jammers, please follow me on Instagram..... My user is severusaj.
ReplyDeleteI need Instagram.... Lol ~horseloveralm
ReplyDeleteI got a Rare TV from the chest
ReplyDeleteI got a Rare TV from the chest
ReplyDeleteYay I love beta computers :3
ReplyDeleteThe problem is , so many people cried for beta days to come back , people don't understand with beta days comes beta items , and AJHQ is to stupid to change the " new items " up alittle , so rares stay rares and cry baby's get their own way : )
ReplyDeleteInstead rares go back in store beta/rare players quit , people that have only played four or five months get items others work years to get and save, then cry some more until they get their own way again
Nah, AJHQ said there would be new rares.
DeleteAj is offline again right?
ReplyDeleteMine is still coming DX
DeleteLucky... I wish I were a member. Members get all the cool stuff while non-members get nothing. :(
ReplyDeleteSnowy, want to do the adventure with me? I'm pretty fast at it, and I'm level 5...
ReplyDeleteAnyway, tell me if you want to! ^_^
im doing a cupcake hat giveaway
ReplyDeleteowe ya my user is wolfclananimal15
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