Click here for the full Jamaa Journal!
Hey jammers! The Freedom Update is here. ^.^
The new items are located at the brand new Freedom Party!
It is a party very much like the one last year, but still exciting!
It isn't a huge party, but it's a great spot to hang with friends!

Looks like new items will come this year! In the Summer Carnival the much missed Freedom Plushies have made a come back.
More will be coming to stores shortly! I'm going to be on vacation soon, so my posting may become irregular. If you happen to see new items around Jamaa (they are placed in stores at 1am AJS time) be sure to send me a picture of the item! Thanks everyone. :)
Lots of news about the new adventures, and beta reminders.
And it looks like hummingbird memberships are going out of store!
And of course there are a few posts from AJHQ!
What a fun little update! What do you think of the Freedom Party?
Happy jamming!
Happy jamming!

ReplyDeleteyou got 1st congrats!
DeleteIt is.
DeleteCongrats ^.^! It's an EPIC update XD! And lookie there, a freedom glove X3!
DeleteOH NO XD O.O!!!! One day of membership left and I'm so happy because were going to renew it on Friday XD!!!
DeleteCongrats :3 omg kangaroos around the globe NEXT WEEK
DeletePlease visit my blog!
@lpsblu aj
DeleteOMG OMG!! I HOPE SO!! I WANT EXTRA DIAMONDS IN THE CARD, TOO!!! Sorry for caps, I'm just excited.
First! Eh, mk.
ReplyDeleteOr not. That's what I get for trying.
DeleteCongratulations anyways Woof :)
DeleteThanks, Ronen! You're so nice and reasonable.
DeleteOh thanks. I try my best to be nice to any jammer :)
DeleteCongrats :3! You made a REALLY big accomplishment since yours was one minute after Tgirl :)!
DeleteRonen, your not the nicest. You were bullying my friend, thebetawolf. Cuz she had no pictures to save anywhere. You really must suck and have anger issues over stupid pictures.
Hay Ronen isn't mean at all! Your just saying that so you could make everyone think that Ronen is mean GRR! Flyinpony, your the one who's not being nice, and your the one who acts mean!
DeleteTrue Chihuahuas, but if you took that to him nicely, we might be able to reason with him. And congrts!
DeleteRonen never did anything! I know him, and he would never do that or anything like it! I don't just want to stand here while I watch my friends get bullied. Ronen didn't didn't do anything like that. He wouldn't. Please try to be nicer to him next time.
He did so shut up. I'm not the mean one, he is. Wtvr fk u then.
DeleteYou can't tell me what to do :3! And why did you swear >.<? Ooh think you got it just by swearing I'm going to find out your username soon :3
DeleteYour username is Flyinpony135
hweres my username! - XD
Delete@Flyingpony AJ, I never bullied thebetawolf. She plagiarized pictures from my blog and made a post about it. The Pet Raccoons one. I asked her why she did it and she denied. I didn't get mad, I just typed up a long argument on what happened and how she was being a plagiarist. There was never any bullying involved as I did not verbally, physically, indirectly, or cyber bully her. I just wrote an argument on her blog and she kept deleting the comment but I had it copied. As you may notice when you right click on my blog, it will say "Function Disabled" as I have disabled right clicking and copying images.
DeletePlus after this incident she stopped plagiarizing and used her own pics. I am nice to her but I was just stating my opinion. Plus, I don't have anger issues.
That is all
P.S. Nobody said I was the nicest Flyingpony. Woof just said I was nice. There's nobody on Earth who is the nicest and there will never me. Everybody makes mistakes and that's that.
ReplyDeleteThird actually but congratulations :)
DeleteCongrats :D!!!!!
DeleteCongratulations! ^.^
DeleteFourth actually but congratulations :)
DeleteHow did i forget? SOmetimes I am so stupid :P
DeleteOh everybody makes mistakes ^_^
DeleteCongrats and your not stupid =P! It was just a mistake just like Ronen said... Yep nobody's perfect XD
DeleteI like the update. Although I'm getting a hummingbird pack anyways. Oh and Snowyclaw, you made a mistake on the last post. It's a Freedom Panda Hat. There was never any koala hat. The hat looked very much like a panda, though, because of the ears, eyes, and nose.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE THIS UPDATE XD!!!!!!!!!
DeleteDid you notice the change of music in the Adventure Base Camp :O?
It made me laugh my head off at the sound of it XD
It did? I'm going to check! Hehe.. I bet it's funny.. >=3
DeleteLOL! THE BEGINNING, THE BACKGROUND, AND THE ENDING!! LOL LOL LOL!!! But I liked the old one better, it was more peaceful..
DeleteThey just added a little bit of... maybe Bongo drums into the background? Idk, but I have to admit, it does sound a bit funny LOL
DeleteOh... They changed other parts of the music, too, nvm...
DeleteI love the new song for the Adventure Base Camp, but it looks more....medievalish in some way...reminds me of the Skylander Giants theme! X3
It is a cool update, and it isn't even *the* big update. That's gonna be next week. And they will probably take away the beta prizes... but on the bright side, maybe new adventures! ^_^
DeleteFourth woot woot
ReplyDeleteFifth actually but congratulations Poppila AJ :)
DeleteCongrats C:!
DeleteI'm traveling on Wednesday and my father refuses to tell me when I will return (ughh). I might stay long and might not come back until July or August. My summers are always boring :( My father never sees what I want. I don't wanna go back to school.
ReplyDeleteIm kinda upset...
ReplyDeleteMy reaction to hummingbird pet packs leaving:
Man, My bday is July 9th. I am going to ask my mom and dad to get a hummingbird back for my birthday before its too late...
Anyway, Thanks for all the nice gifts! I am close to reaching my goal of 40, sorry i'm nagging. Anyway, I would really aprecciate it! <3
Once i upload the mailtime, I will tell everyone the link.
BTW I am making cuztomized profile pictures like mine and Amy Jiao's for free. Just e-mail me a AJ photo booth picture, and I will edit away! My email is
I can use any picture too! If you dont have email, just comment you want one And I will make it! If you dont have a blogger account, we will meet on aj and i will screenshot your animal.
Hope you enjoy my services! :P
Jam On Kind Jammers!
~ibp911, who feels sorry for such a long comment =3(
I'm kind of confused. Why are you upset? Seems like nice events to me. And you're comment isn't long. I make mine longer :P
DeleteIm upset cuz hummingbirds are leaving, and I dont know if i can get one before the do. Notice I said KINDA upset. Not meaning to be mean.
DeleteWell maybe AJ is planning something soon
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteMy mom and dad won't buy me anything online :(
DeleteI agree... Although I will have to buy them myself... Darn! I need a humming bird... :P
DeleteAJHQ is annoying. They took away all the plushies in the Summer Carnival and I was collecting. AJHQ is having a lot of problems lately. Just recently my friend's (skyethewolfgirl) artwork got plagiarised and was posted in Jammer Central. This was the second time too. The first time her painting of Julian2 was seen on the Daily Explorer. In the second picture of Mira, she actually put the copyright but the person erased it out and write Mira's name downwards. She was crying and really upset. She tood AJHQ and they listened (finally!) and they said as soon as they get everything sorted out that she will be awarded two art plaques. It's AJHQ's fault really. They should know better and actually use people's usernames to give credit. Usernames are not supposed to be personal anyways, so it's supposed to be ok to use them to identify the owner. AJHQ is turning into a bad company. And they hardly listen to their players >:(
ReplyDeleteYes, i think we should get sniwyclaw to promote people to sign a petition for the things we want improved in animal jam.
Delete@Hayluc, I agree, there are way too many problems to start just one movement. Maybe a movement called Jamaa For The Better, and we try to make Jamaa a happier, safer place. Snowyclaw could promote people, but anyone can really. Just one person can start a big difference.
DeleteI am making a movement on my blog (today) called A Happy Community (AHC) Read more on my blog I just haven't posted it yet :( Anyway, that's a great idea.
DeleteI always paint something in the Art place, send it to AJHQ and nothing happens DX!!!!!!!!! So I kinda agree XD
DeleteI just paint in the Art Studio to relax myself xD. I kind of agree, but cut AJHQ some slack, they have so many issues that they... well, we cant fix everything in Jamaa... I don't know where I am going with this...
DeleteYea but this has been an ongoing process and it's not fair. They're expected to fix the problem the first time.
DeleteAnybody on right now???
ReplyDeleteat 9 imgoing on. and im on my xbox =)
DeleteI'm on in Animal Jam :P
DeleteI am. :D
DeleteWow hummingbirds are leaving?? I AM really glad i bought one a while back! :) I bought a humming bird today on animal jam for my wolf! :D
ReplyDeleteThat's cool. I hope I can buy a Hummingbird Membership Pack before I travel this Sunday.
DeleteI hace nine monthes if membership! Nooooooooo! Mom wont let me get more! -cries hard- nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
It's okay Wolflover :)! At least you'll have epic stuff when your a non-member :3! Btw your very lucky since you have 9 month membership :O I don't have it XD
O.O ?
DeleteI know Sophia Grace. Where's Rosie?
DeleteLOL XD! I searched up SOPHIA GRACE and there was also a name Rosie XD!
That is exactly what I was thinking right now. LOL
Yay! 9 more gifts until i reach my goal of 40 gifts! THIS IS GONNA BE EPIC!!!
ReplyDeleteI hope you reach your goal :)
DeleteMe too ^.^! Hope ya reach it :D! Then you'll get an achievement X3! Not bragginng but I got 146 achievements trying to get to a higher one but it's hard DX
DeleteGood morning! :3
ReplyDeleteI thought the update would be a new land already! >.<
Someone came up and asked me if I could buy them a Phoenix Armor piece. I had only 1 diamond, and I was trying to save up. I thought about it, and finally decided I should because it would make them feel happy. I asked if they would give me anything in return, and they said yes. I bought the head armor and put it on my trade. I was trying to get the whole armor set, too, and when I saw it on me, I decided against it XD. Anyway, they sent me a trade, my Phoenix Head Armor for... a white Lei. .-. I wanted to be nice, but maybe I shouldn't be so generous... :\ IDK... Was it the right thing to do?
. : hannahandmemy : .
It's nice but it wasn't necessary. You should be disciplined into saving for yourself. Plus, you should've asked her if she had an equal item in exchange.
DeleteNo, I don't think so. If they really wanted that, they should've saved up their diamonds and earned it themselves.
DeleteI thought it will be the new land and the kangaroos being worldwide, too. And it is a good idea to say "No thx, but thx for asking anyway" than saying "Sure" and they'll give you something.......a little bit unfair. They should save up diamonds like I'm doing right now. I got a question: Is it possible that you can get extra diamonds in the hummingbird card? Just curious, I might get the hummingbird today but my father is not so sure.
@krazygirl95 I checked the description and no, you cannot earn diamonds from it. Only if you buy a card animal.
DeleteIt was friendly of you to be nice ^.^! But a jammer buying a phoenix thingy for a lei? You should say no to that no offense...
Delete@Ronen Jamaa
DeleteOh..I checked, too. But I was thinking if it was possible that a person can get diamonds without it saying in the description. I might be wrong, but the cards were released before the Diamond Shop and the new currency were released so maybe I thought that AJHQ might've not updated to type about the diamonds. I might be wrong, but some peeps said that you get some diamonds in a card. Like I said, I might be wrong...
I bought a hummingbird card not long ago, and I got a hummingbird pet, 2 den items and I think gems.
DeleteThe adventuresarestill.freakinb member...... animal jam is about to get ALOT of complaints from me I waited more then a whole freaking week animal jam needsto tjink of the families who there parents dont let them buy member of vip ot builders club cards like really aj? They will not live the rest of this summer if they do this >:(
ReplyDeleteSorry for grammer this is from my phone
DeleteOh I'm sorry to hear that. But please be patient as AJHQ is still working on it.
DeleteYou'll have to be patient, the adventures will be for all very soon. They're just testing the adventures now.
DeleteI agree be patient :3! Don't complain or it'll get worse complaining you whole day .-.
DeleteAdventures will be for ALL jammers once the testing is done. But for now, I think you have to understand that Animal Jam has memberships for a purpose: money. Now, that may sound selfish, but it's really not. They need money to pay their workers and buy new software. And the purpose of a membership is to get more stuff. I think they treat nonmembers just fine. Because nonmembers are supposed to get limited stuff. But I'm ok with that, because even though I'm a nonmember, I still understand that members are supposed to get more. People are saying that Animal Jam is becoming Club Penguin. I highly doubt that, because Animal Jam is nothing near Club Penguin. Club Penguin hardly gives nonmembers anything. Animal Jam actually gives A LOT to nonmembers.
DeleteDoes anyone else dislike seeing the red line at the bottom of some invalid words? It's a distraction to me and I just right click and add it to the dictionary.
ReplyDeleteI don't like it at all, because on iPods and mobile devices it spellchecks automatically which can get very annoying. Once I typed so on purpose and it changed it into do!
Delete@Hayluc, well on your iPod whenever a word is about to pop-up just click the little "x" button next to it and it won't automatically correct itself.
DeleteI'm on my ipad mini and its so annoying it spell checks al its everything. Sometimes it's helpful so I don't have to capitolize my I's and put 's. But sometimes it's really annoying like when I was typing ipad it keeps changing into IPAD because I did that once -.- Whatever.
DeleteYup it's really annoying I wish there was no red line DX! If you spell DX there's a red line :P
DeleteSnowy, I would like to be an author of your blog. I can post while you're on vacation.
ReplyDeleteI would too but I'm going on vacation also. Maybe I'll volunteer during the school year. Hey, that rhymes!
DeleteXD I don't know what an author does on here O.O Can someone tell me why :3?
DeleteI think snowy's having author try-outs this summer.
DeleteThe freedom party is cool ! However I think AJ should get cracking on those new ideas coughcoughnewadventuresnewlandskangaroostravelinganimlscomingbackcoughcough excuse me, that was a long cough. Lol
ReplyDeleteAJHQ is down in the dumps lately. I wish they actually had new ideas. The only new ideas are the Phoenix Armor and Kangaroos, and both have got pretty boring. Plus, a new animal is supposed to come out anyway, so it's not like the kangaroo is really new. I once asked AJHQ to add a library in the Chamber Of Knowledge because the books were too easy for my taste and they said it was a "cute idea". AJHQ should really listen to their players. The game would improve a lot better if they did.
DeleteI'm pretty sure those people who reply to your emails are robots -.- Have you ever seen those bank commercials where they say Its time to bank human again? This is exactly what WE'RE dealing with. We can't even talk to a human!
Delete@AinslieHackett, I believe you're right. Some of them are humans, but the rest are robots because I sometimes get the default email. Kids or not, we're all making a change. These adults need to clean out their ears and listen up!
DeleteGuys I know why they haven't been doing the big updates... A bunch of people quit and they were probably important.
DeleteLet me guess why they're quitting.....rares coming back. C'mon guys! Stop thinking about rares and enjoy huge updates! Like kangaroos or the new land or new adventures, chat with friends! Did you, rare peeps out there, play this game only to collect rares then quit when some of your favorite rares came back? You can't blame AJ becuz of that! There's still other things to do than trading! I hate trading btw.
P.S.- I don't think that's the reason why they did small updates. It's probably becuz it's Freedom Day (not in the same day, pretty early) and the big updates could be for peeps who decided to quit but those huge updates will make AJ a little bit more fun (mostly for peeps who quit of boredom).
(sarcastic mode)
DeleteWaah waah I'm quitting. I'm not rare anymorez. ='( I'm gonna go into my room and sulk about how terrible AJ is. Then I'm gonna let my account and all it's items waste away and not send ppl any of my unwanted unused things, because if I can't enjoy AJ anymore, then no one should. They all need to realize how pointless the game is like I do. *waaahhhh*
(end sarcasm) :P
Just to be sure, is it okay if I use the screenshots of the Jamaa Journal in my blog whenever you post them? Or nobody can use them? I give credit.
ReplyDeleteI hope they aren't pulling another Jamagram Typing like thing with the adventures.... Cause it's been months and months and they still haven't finished "testing", are they really testing anymore, or did they decide "Hey, 'nother privilege for the members, should help us get money." ?
ReplyDeleteI'm bored, AJ doesn't have much new stuff, Maplestory is offline and I can't do Transformice bootcamp well on my laptop. .-.
When they mean testing they just mean it's for members. But they should rewrite that. It's amazing how you have to pay to write messages and show how you feel.
DeleteIt's annoying, when a member sends me a Jamagram asking if they could trade ______ for _______, and I have to sort of scream out the answer in the middle of a relatively quiet map, and everyone thinks I'm pawsitively insane, except for the purrson I'm addressing.
Delete~InfiniteSoul, trying to do cat puns again
Look guys, I feel very sorry for non members and everything.... but really can you blame AJHQ? I mean they do all they can to make things nice for non members. They have to give members some privileges or they wouldn't have any members and they wouldn't be making any money. Members are wasting their money if they don't get anything in return. And about the whole robot thing, AJHQ can't accept every call and make every request come true. Look, I do agree that AJHQ could listen and care about the Jammers a but more, but u guys don't need to pick out every little thing and accuse them of it.
I need a humming bird my membership expires soon so I hope my mom can get one for me.
Me too. Hopefully my father will say yes.
DeleteGah, I need a credit card. >:U I'd like one of those cute hummingbirds. But there is a slim chance they may appear in diamond shops way later on. I'm not sure though.
DeleteI'd buy a pet bee for my bird right away if I had one. xD
@Manxylion, I don't have a credit card either. What you can do though is just buy a prepaid card like a Visa one, put money on it, activate it, and use it online. That's what I always plan to do until I get a credit card when older.
Deletehas anyone noticed that in adventure base camp by the bridge you can see planks of wood and a hammer? it looks like the next adventure will be across the bridge!~dynomite975
ReplyDeleteThere are a lot of dead ends at eh Adventure Base Camp, including the one you mentioned. AJHQ said that new adventures could come without a moment's notice so keep your eyes peeled.
DeleteI agree with ya, Ronen. I saw 2 broken bridges and a cave below the camp. We should check those areas often. Who knows? AJHQ might not announce if there are new adventures. Although, the adventures that just came out are starting to get boring, no offense.
I meant 3 broken bridges. My bad! >.<
I saw in the adventures, if u go to the bridge and then to the Zois redeeminf spot right before the bridge, walk as far back as u can behind the bridge snd reedeeming spot, and there is a blocked cave! There are big peuces of rock blocking it! Maybe its an entrance to the adventures to come? Or...more treasure? Phantom hideout? Ooohhh i hope we find out soon!!
(I have 1 more buddy request. So if u want to be my buddy hurry! ;D ) also sometimes i can make spaces! ;)
I'm logging on now! :D
I think i figured out what the tooptip means! maybe AJHQ is considering some of our clothing as tools, and it is giving us tips about them! Like attack and fierceness. This is just an idea, but i think it kinda makes sense!
(Feel free to buddy me on AJ! :P)
It does make sense to me actually. And I don't think the tooltip is a glitch. I think AJHQ is just giving every jammer a sneak peek.
DeleteYeah! I wonder what the tooltip will play into later? Maybe the adventures?!?! :D
The whole time since tail armors were named "tooltip", the tooltip thing isn't really a glitch after all!
Maybe we will use the "tooltips" to build a bridge
DeleteSorry if that sounds stupid.
~ avabug01
OH! That makes sense!! :D
DeletePlease look at my blog people
It's also "The Animal Jam Potato" on Snowyclaw's "More Blogs" list.
Ugh. Not the update I was hoping for AJHQ! Who else wants new items? Cause I certainty do.
ReplyDeleteOops after re-reading I maay have sounded a little harsh. I like the glove and that new stuff but, I was hoping for the land update. NOT this.
DeleteMe too.
DeleteMe three! Maybe next update? I hope so!
Also I forgot one thing, it's too early for Freedom Day! I don't really celebrate the colors of blue, white and red cuz I'm a Canadian and not an American, so I thought that it'll be the new land and also kangaroos going worldwide (might be only for members but later for non-members). They did the update of Freedom Day on July 3rd last year and it was 1 day early for the actual Independence day (for you Americans in the South from my country).
Be patient. Animal jam actually gives new items way more often than other online games I have played. Anyway this isn't even the big update. The big updates happen every 2 weeks. This is the in-between mini update. :)
DeleteThey are working really hard on the adventures and each world they are in. A lot of people really have no idea how much work goes into a virtual world game. Considering how complex it is, they are doing pretty well! (sorry for double post)
DeleteI agree, Manxy. AJHQ has a lot to do and a lot of glitches to fix, so cut them a little slack, jammers. :)
DeleteSnowy, have you gotten the music video I sent to your email? Sometimes it doesn't work so just wondering :p
ReplyDeleteThat might be the problem but S-Claw's busy too. Maybe she will upload your video in a lter post Artemis.
DeleteI think she has. It might just be because she gets like 10000 emails a day or something like that xD. Because each time someone comments, she gets an email. ^.^
DeleteThat's cool!
ReplyDeleteIt is, no?
DeleteIf it was the release of lands or kangaroos, I would think it would be more cool but yeah, it isn't too bad, although I don't celebrate 4th of July but I celebrate 1st of July (Canada).
Yea XD
DeleteOmg! Tht bunny is so adorable!!!
Hey Lexie :3 I like the raccoon. It's eyes are amazing.
DeleteI agree, Lexie. xD
DeleteI'm trying to make a post on my blog but when I start the post it won't let me type even though I click the left clicker thingy on my computer. The only way for me to post is to hold the left clicker thingy on my computer. And it's really difficult and slow typing with one finger. Can somebody help?
ReplyDeleteCould you please be more specific? I might be able to help you :)
DeleteHmm... Maybe click the post box several times? Or possibly ask a family member to hold down the Left key on your mouse? I hope this helped, sorry if it didn't!
DeleteGlove :)
DeletePlease don't spam Aj Jammer. You could have just spaced out all these comments by pressing enter or return. No need for this. It just gives S-Claw more work when each comment is emailed to her.
DeleteHey, why are you spamming Foot? :p
DeleteRonen did you know people that leave comment after comment after comment , just to get top comments on the page is a form of spam too ? : ) just something to think about
Delete@AjJammer, Oh I know, but it isn't spam. If you read my comments, I actually have useful and long replies and I answer people's questions. Plus I make my own. It isn't really spam if you're helping someone :)
DeleteGuys please don't argue. I go through that enough in real life, my parents argue a LOT. anyhow, please guys. Truce maybe?? :)
DeleteI was watching my friend in the Adventures Training grounds, and guess who we saw? ZIOS! He's in the part where you catch the phantoms in the plants.
Oh and btw, Happy early bday snowy! I hope turning ?? (Just a guess lol) is fun!
Lol actually, the Zios things you see are "checkpoints". I died in a location and I teleported under a Zios checkpoint. But yeah, I didn't know that AJHQ will add such Jamaasian checkpoints!
Enter your reply...
DeleteLol! I copied what it says when u go to comment! Lolololololololol! X3
Pandazlol! U suck! Scammer! Report her!!!!
DeleteThat's cool, and Anonymous above me, please don't tell people to report others. AJHQ would think of it as abusing and it's not fair for the person because the people you're telling did not see the event (very likely). Just block and report the scammer. AJHQ will do their job soon.
DeleteWow....that was kinda visious Anon...
Right! I agree! And also ppl might just be mad at them because they wouldnt trade an item! A lotof the time bullys do that! :(
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the updates on aj it helps me so much I always go on right before I get on aj and I got buy the new item when I get on i also love the music videos you put on I always watch them I just wanted to say thanks sp much for all your help -taytayzilla ps.congrats on getting first place!!!
ReplyDeleteS-Claw is gonna be proud when she reads this :)
Deletei agree! Snowyclaw is the best and i do the same, i go on her blog before animal jam to make sure i dont miss anything!
Delete"S-Claw" makes me think of santa clause. xD lol
DeleteYea I call her S-Claw most of the time. Santa Paw is a boring name but Santa Claw, we;re getting somewhere.
Deleteme too LOL
*so -sorry bout that ;)
ReplyDeleteSo sorry about what?
DeleteYes S-Claw uploaded a new video!
ReplyDelete12 minutes till the freedom party begins. :D I'll finally be able to see whether or not if that random aldan person was lying about freedom wings returning. >:P
ReplyDeleteYep, they were lying.
DeleteSnowy when you go on vacation download Puffin App
ReplyDeleteIt is a flash player for the iPad And iPod
You can work on it from there!!!
Go to my website @
I use Puffin all the time. I'm just gonna save money, buy an Apple store gift card and just buy the app. You have to email people to refer them now. It's ridiculous. Plus I have only 68 or 62 days left.
DeleteI have the Puffin App on my grandma's ipad and iphone. At my house, we don't have any apple devices, but I really want an ipad mini lol.
DeleteMia I have a iPad mini!
That looks like a freedom glove in the newspaper section about freedom items. I want that glove o.o
ReplyDeleteIt could be the first of its species XD
DeleteMe too lol. I think it would look nice on a monkey.
DeleteI want that glove! Lol I got freedom wings from sky high a few days ago, just in time for Freedom Day! XD
ReplyDeleteThat's epic shadowstar! I never get anything awesome from Sky High. All I want is my red worn that got scammed in March :P
DeletePawsome! Just in time ;)
DeleteI got a pirate sword from sky high! I traded it for tail armor two rare bows and a fox hat! Then three days after the trade... FOX HATS CAME BACK! I traded one rare bow and the tail armor already and both of those trades were way before tail armor came back!
DeleteWow 0.0 A day and a half and I'm already third place on the Top Commenters List.
ReplyDeleteYea 48 already today , please stop flooding and Spamming the page :)
DeleteI wasn't flooding the page. I'm a natural helper. I can't stand someone not knowing about anything or don't know how to do anything, I reply with reasonable answers, and I'm just helping people. Think of all those people who wouldn't know much. Plus it's kind of fair to me because I never commented much on a lot of posts. Today makes a big difference. But I see you're point :)
Deleteit does make my page lag... but i guess it could have been said in a nicer way...
DeleteMe too! Lol