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Hey jammers! Three Coral Corners den items returned, painted pots and a pottery table. They are being sold in Jam Mart Furniture.
I wonder why AJHQ is bringing these back all of the sudden... I hope they realize the balance they're affecting. Good news though, the Mystical Morning music of the Diamond Shop has arrived!
And looks like another mini store has just opened as well!
There's a whole outfit to purchase there! To bad I don't have enough gems for them all. ^.^ Isn't this a neat costume?
I hope they do something like this with the Spirit Armor set! Also, here is the complete list of BETA items you can find in the first adventure, Return of the Phantoms (one chest is 500 gems).

Hopefully this is helpful. Be careful of jammers using "new item" scamming, and resist the temptation to try it!
Happy jamming!
*Side Note*
I have a few art commissions I finished up today! A fox for Goofy8966...
And a wolf for Lukia26...
I hope you guys like the pieces! If you'd like to order a commission, click here for details. You can email or comment an order! :)

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!
awesome update
Congratulations fallenstari :)
DeleteI know rigth
Congrats ^.^! Nice name btw :D!
DeleteCongrats! Why is aj bringing so much betas back???!!!? Sometime founders and gazzels will come... And spikes in the diamond shop
Delete:O I better save diamonds for those spikes if they come! I LOVE how they look on animals. Spikes on lions look HUGE!
DeleteForgot my user (comment above this comment)
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteGood job fallenstari! Also I'm am super super excited about the Phoenixes! I'm going to collect every peice of the outfit! :)
DeleteWhy is everybody congratuating somebody when they post the first comment. Its not a big deal being first comment
It's just a little game everyone does.Just get used to it :D
DeleteSnowy you are an AMAZING drawer !!! It's so true. I can't spell somethings right so i figure you now what i mean.......
Deletethey tried to scam me too lol...
Scammers go nowhere in their life in Jamaa :P
DeleteYea! One of my old buddies wanted me to scam! They sent a jamagram and said "I am trying to scam so please play along" I was like "WHAT?!!!!!!!" You expect me, a good non scamming Jammer to scam with you?! And they were like, why won't you? I'll give u something if u do. Nononononononononononononononono!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteI unbuddied them and reported and blocked them ! Plz help by reporting them too! Their user: julian2isawesome
Wolflover12203 ( my user btw)
I hope one day AJHQ will stop the bad things happening in AJ :C! Like the scamming, adopting, bullying, etc! It would be nice if AJ used like one of their animals and played AJ to see if anything bad was going on... then they might be able to fix things :)! Sorry for the long comment btw X3! I reported and blocked julian2isawesome too =P!
DeleteBringing back rares is the only way to stop scamming or bullying (meaning like this: (I got good rares than you!), or getting rid of jam-a-gram gifting or trading. Giving people things can sometimes be a serious problem.
That means, by bringing back rares, AJHQ is trying to HELP us. Those rare crazy people out there, I just wanted to say this to them:
DeleteAJHQ is trying to help us by bringing back these rares. Don't be mad at them. I'm sorry if your hurt or etc. by rares coming back, well I'm sorry if you are hurt by it :P
I wonder when will people stop getting angry, upset, sad, and mad about betas and rares coming back! I don't like fighting about that betas should go away now or come back, just like me and my friend in real life would hate fighting about something! Fighting/arguing is just a waste of time :P!
DeleteBringing back rares is a bad idea.
Thank chihuahuas! :)
3rd comment!!!
ReplyDeleteCongrats ^.^!!!
So sorry jammers xDDD
DeleteCongrats!! ^.^
Sorry if this is spam (my "3rd comment" comment) I just never got so close to first! It's like 4o' clock where I am when I posted it!
ReplyDeleteIt's not a spam :)!
DeleteI agree, Chihuahuas. Although it would be nice if you could say like "awesome post!" or whatever xD. Just a suggestion! :D
Delete2nd comment! yay.
ReplyDeleteAnd i think AJHQ is really struggling to make me mad.... i told them not to bring back beta items and now they brought back my favourite bird feeder.... i have it.... and the crap they brought it back... I think they are struggling vigorously to ruin non-members and make only members able to even log on to animal jam!
and now oh.. phoenix costume... i think i should quit already
DeleteUm........ AJHQ is bringing back the betas because some jammers feel bad and are getting scammed and it IS a business.... The phantoms will be for non members too... ATLEAST it isn't like CP ( club penguin ) ALSO THIS IS COMMING FROM A NON MEMBER!! AJ IS NOT ABOUT RAREZ IT IS ABOUT FRIENDSHIP AND TRUST!!
DeleteNo they bring back betas because people asked for it , people cried and cried for the beta days and jamaa movement , now we all pay the price of returning betas and rares
DeleteYeah. I want rares coming back because they were Jamaasian, and they fit VERY well in Jamaa, I mean, why make them go on clearance? AJ is not so Jamaasian and the beta times were back then, no human items. We need those back because of this! Also scamming, they will be less scamming and AJ will finally no longer be that human that much.
I agree with Kukky! AJ was never about rares, good stuff, or being cool at all it's all about friendship, trust, fun, and no scamming! And no jammer should be upset if betas are coming back >.<! At least there's less scammers, and more jammers get to feel what it was like in the beta days! I'm sure not all the jammers in AJ were in the beta times!
Deleteilovecute chihuahuas agreed! :D People loved the beta times, some rare people didn't know what it was like to be in the beta times. It was peaceful, no scamming, no clans/adopting and no online dating. All of the items in the beta times were so...Jamaasian! Even the old beta den. I miss it sooooo much! :'( It should come back so non-members can have a 2nd den, the old beta one and for celebration of beta rares coming back, hopefully the gazelle horns will be next and the spikes. They look SO EPIC on most animals! :O
Thanks for understanding what I mean krazy :)!
DeleteNo problem!!
Dude, they are HELPING you. Animal Jam HQ is helping you so that it will reduce scamming and bullying. However, people have their own opinions.
DeleteScammers are getting worst and worst .. Look around
DeleteClub Penguin is nowhere near AJ. Guys, please don't compare my favorite games. .-.
Deleteumm sorry late commenting... you are third i am fourth XD
ReplyDeleteAnd guys b4 i leave, i need to tell you some funny things.. i think some ppl who play aj for more than 2 years are gone mad... not that mad...
ReplyDeletei saw a jammer running around and saying 'DID YOU SEE IT?!"
i asked him what. he said 'MY BALLS!"
i mean't he wanted to play... but he said he mean't the balls that is also called the testicle..
mind glitch?
if ya respond. say @predator28299 at every beginning =)
I have been playing AJ for two years and I haven't gone mad...Ummm....that is gross...
DeleteYes it is! It's kinda scary. O.O
I've been playing AJ for one year, hacked twice, scammed roughly about 50-60 times (I've been counting)
DeleteAww. I feel very bad. I only got scammed like 3 times. 2 of them was when that I didn't know what scamming was and 1 scam that I wanted to know if a Jammer was actually a scammer and not a Jammer. I sent a cream legend (I got from an unfair trade before I sent it) for a red long spike and I pretended to think that the scammer was a nice person, then she left. I wasn't sad cuz I didn't care about that legend. But my friend got sad after she was scammed by the same person so I was angry.
ReplyDeletei know.. but at least we must have a bit of self-esteem!
AND ajhq is trying to pull our self-esteem off!
lets say you meet someone who likes to deal with old items...
and you have a beta. but that beta has returned to stores.. the person does not like it
wut if he goes round jamaa saying
'hey jammers! don't trade with this jammer: -user-
he is a bad trader!'
good example?
and no exclaimation marks.. i don't show offense
-crosses arms-
you must have a sad life if you need rares/betas and more non member items on a computer game to have self-esteem thats sad.... get a life or stop playing if a computer game is doing that to you.. (sorry if this sounds mean)
DeleteHey fellow Jammers! I'm so amazed Beta's are coming back! I LOVE THE ADEVENTURES! I played it like 15 times! :D Lol I got like 8th comment or something.
ReplyDeleteWell I don't have much to say. . .
Happy Jamming & See you on AJ!
I loved doing the bunny adventure over and over and over again XD!
DeleteI kept on playing and my wolf made it to level 7! :O My derpy giraffe will be next!
Delete-krazygirl95, who deleted the derpy arctic wolf but made a derpy giraffe instead.
LUCKY :O! My fox is on level 6 but I want my Arctic Wolf to be on level 6 too!
DeleteYESSSSS!!! My wolf is finally level 8! Here's something I noticed after I leveled up; did you know that if you're level 8 you get an extra heart? That means you'll have 4 hearts instead of 3!
beleive me, i just emailed ajhq not to bring back gloves!!!!
ReplyDeleteYour just upset betas are coming back, aren't you? You should be happy that betas are coming back even if you hard worked for them! Lots of my friend were still happy when beta items were coming back and they had a TON of beta stuff! Like Mia, she's special as a friend to me!
DeleteYeah, but people were angry about legends and other monthly member gifts coming back. -Sighs in a frustrated way- Will anyone just feel like what it was like to be in the beta times? It was so peaceful without any bullying or anything inappropriate! Please just be happy! I've been in the beta times and I enjoyed it, until Crystal Sands turned into a water park without Sir Gilbert's rock and when the old beta den was gone. I wanted it back! It was huge and had huge space for non-members to decorate the rooms!
11th can't be bothered to log in XD
ReplyDeleteWell I don't care about betas coming back because AJ isn't about rares its about making friends and having fun!
*crosses arms*
I agree I don't care about betas at all, I just care about that AJ is fun ^.^!
DeleteYes, people should care more about the "coming soon" news (that should be Jamaasian) and not rares. Some people will not care about those anymore since there are quests and a new land coming that includes a new animal!
I agree! If you look at the past and not the future, you need to work on that.. but if you look to the future.. good!
Deleteyou you're right... but i said we must have at least some self-esteem
ReplyDeleteare you a 7 year old or what?!
I'm older then 7 but younger then 100 XD! Of course I'm not 99 LOL XD! I don't think I should tell how old I am here =P! Might be spreading Personal Info if I do
DeleteNo, I am not 7 and was only 7 for one year of my life. Sorry if this spam >.<
brb i playing pest control... it's so fun.. but i lose to the arachnids!!! XD
ReplyDeleteI like playing Falling Phantoms better, not to be mean X3
Deleteback... received 4,000 gems from the game
ReplyDeleteI have a ton of gems 50 of games 50 of adventures =)! I got most of my gems from playing the adventures a lot XD!
Deletehey can all the anonymous ppl stop saying all that? about health, about cars, ads etc etc..
ReplyDeletewe are kids! 7-13 years old! not adults! ugh! snowy please do delete all these!
I heard from someone that a 16 year old plays AJ too... oh well I'm not sure if that person was telling the truth or not =P!
DeleteI heard a 21 year old plays AJ and said she would give away all her rares when she quits (gets married) and then I was like " wow!!!!!!!" XD
DeleteThose are spam bots.
Deletei uploaded my blog plz check it out
I checked it out! GREAT BLOG! Please visit my blog :
DeleteWow so many epic blogs I know :D! (I know a lot of blogs that I visit that's about AJ :3)
DeleteOkay cloudclaws I checked it and commented on the phantom war 3 one, and the today's one :)! I'll visit your blog too Kukky soon :D!
DeleteYES!!!!!!!!!!! 17TH COMMENT! I also uploaded it on my blog PLZ CHECK IT OUT! :
Kukky12345AJ ( user )
Lol congrats XD!
ReplyDeletemy youtube channel
i had to get every item. i died. because it was awesome. i had to spend 7 gems. ARGHHHHH
wow.. u just commented
DeleteDon't you mean diamonds? XD
Snowy never did my commishen but I don't mind. My sister got a bowl thingy from the arctic wolf thing in the adventure. It's not in stores either I believe 0.o
ReplyDeleteI also love the phoniex armour :D sadly I don't have another. I spent them all on a raccoon pet yesterday :C
DeleteI love how they decorated the Phoenix Armor too ^.^! So adventurish :3! I don't have any diamonds to buy any of the Armor :(! Just 0 diamonds :'(! I REALLY WANT TO BUY THAT WHOLE ARMOR D:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteThey cool things I wanted to buy was the talons, the amulet and the tail armor. If someone has no diamonds, and that person never got diamonds from the daily spin. It will take 7 weeks to buy the whole armor so that person will buy the whole armor at the end of summer! GAHH!!!
You should be happy for who you are c:! Be yourself, not someone else
DeleteI want the Phoenix items! I wonder if they come in different colors!
ReplyDelete~ a very happy icecreampants
P.S I have 3 diamonds!:D
Aww lucky D:! I have 0 diamonds, something to darken up my day about :c
DeleteI also have 0 diamonds, too! Pray for Mira to get diamonds from the daily spin everyday!
Lol. They should have given us 5 gems D:
DeleteI only got 7 diamods im saving for an artic wolf
Am I the only person happy that Betas are coming back?
ReplyDelete~papad91278, the 4th news crew member, COLUMBUS AMERICAN GIRL STORE IS OPENING ON SATURDAY!
You're not the only one. :3
I'm happy too X3! Lol you must be really excited about it opening on Saturday XD! I'm going bye bye to read Fire And Ice a Warrior Cat book ^.^! Almost finished with it btw :D! What I mean by bye bye is that I'm going to sto pcommenting for now XD
Delete@ ilovecute Chihuahuas - I read Warriors, too! but I am on The New Prophecy Book 3: Dawn. sorry if i'm spamming. I just REALLY like Warriors!
~kiki51772 peace love spiders~
I have read ALL the books except for the 2 ebooks. I read the latest one which talks about before the clans kinda. Anyway my tops things in obsessed about: Warriors, cats (i love cause of warriors), and AJ. Btw what is spamming? Well if in doing it, sorry! :)
ReplyDeleteYAY!!!!!!!!! BETA DAYS COME BACK :DDD -angelpuppy1
ReplyDeleteBeta days aren't back just beta items. Bringing beta back is impossible anyway
DeleteI'm upset cause those are many Jammers hard earned betas!
The computer too! I traded someone 2 small betas 1 big one for one the day before it became out!!!!!!!
I have some hard earned betas too before and this same thing happened with me when top hats came back XD! It happened at a trading party. I traded my chocolate cake, rocking horse, and a few other hard earned things for a pink top hat and I didn't even know that they were out :O! I was a little sad but then after 1 day I was happy again XD
DeleteThe only reason Animal jam is bringing back old rares and beta is because they want others to see and realize that other players are very much younger than the super rare players and that there are all curious where the heck did they get that item so they thought, Wait lots of new players might not ever get these items why not bring them back maybe one more time so everyone can enjoy them ??? Animal jam is not about rares it's actually about young children learning about animals and how they can help them out.
ReplyDeleteRIGHT, reply if you agree.
I agree. -snowy1262
DeleteI agree but it's not about young children! It's about friendship and making friends!
DeleteTOTALLY AGREE!!!! But I also agree with ilovecute Chihuahuas, it can happen that a teen can play this. Teens can play (13 - 17), as long as they say appropriate words! :3 I'LL NEVER STOP PLAYING UNTIL I'M 17!!! >:{D (mustache evil face) Ok sorry that I'm being a little too creepy...
I agree but it's for ALL children.
DeleteYay! I love the phoenix armor even though I'm not the biggest fan of the diamond shop! That is just EPIC! I think I have enough :D
ReplyDeleteYeah! Plus, those items arent as all expensive!
DeleteBut it'll take long to complete the set (depends on the amount you have and how lucky you get diamonds in the daily spin)! D:
Yeah, lol
DeleteBelieve me everyone.. i want to be kicked at for saying animal jam hq is ruining our rareness...
ReplyDeletei strongly agree that aj isn't about rares... it's about friendship,equalness,fun and representing adults aren't always the same..
thing is... there is one thing i don't want coming back...
and DAT is the Non-member BETA Glove.
why is da user julian2isawesome?
ReplyDeletehe might be Julian2AJ..
he is a animal jam video maker...
he was suspended once for flash trading... so please becareful
Is anyone free to go onlinez now?
ReplyDeleteno need to scream.... i think you should just put a beta aside and keep it.... maybe the betas will go on clearance and never come back!
and yo yo i am in the server burke
ReplyDeleteNope julian2isawesome
I've heard of them flash trading.....
wolflover can you buddy me? i ate server burke and user is predator28299 in appondale
ReplyDeleteYeah, sure predator! I might be able to go on in a tiny bit.....btw Jammers, adventures get you TONS of gems playing! I had 14 gems when I started playing adventures and now I have (well I just bought a barn) 17,000+! Amazing huh?! Wowow! Lol! I'm so happy! Now I have (since I bought the barn :) ) 12,000+ :D I'm saving for a enchanted hollow now! :D I WANT A MUSHROOM HOUSE SO BAD!!!!! DX!
*at sorry
ReplyDeletesorry i am playing sky high
ReplyDeleteWhen you said "I don't have enough gems," did you mean diamonds?
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've always wanted a pottery wheel, more than any thing!!!! And now I can buy one!!!!!! WHOOP WHOOP!
Me too! However the sweet walls are very high on my list as well...
Delete@mia I have sweet walls! Come see them at my den and if it is a amazing offer I could consider trading! My username is icecreampants.
Deletewhy is your user snowy? i don't like impostors
ReplyDeleteguys pls report this jammer:
he said i acted like a girl and my face is bad
also he said lol
I mean, I agree with animal jam not being about rares, but lets face it. What wouldnyou do withoit rares? Just talk with friends? Play games?
ReplyDeleteWhy of course! Those are some of the main things you do in AJ!
Exactly! Rares are boring to me :|
DeleteCute art ^.^! Wow lots of people draw REALLY good :3!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great idea to bring betas back. I gotta start saving for a phoenix, too. They look SO cool! :P
ReplyDeletecan someone send me pheonix tail armour please ispent my diomands im really sad i want it so badly!!!!!!my username is zipper787
ReplyDelete:( im sad still ~zipper787
ReplyDeleteSNOWY!!!!! Did you see the cave on the side of the Adventure Base Camp? I can take a screenshot and send it to you if you want. It sounds pretty pawsome. I think it might be a future adventure!! :DDDD
ReplyDeleteYeah, I just noticed that like a day ago!
Also, in the bunny quest, there is a new bunny named Binky. I am pretty sure that she wasn't there yesterday...
ReplyDeleteGood eye sight, Mia! I actually saw that, too. I said: "Wasn't she here before?" and the arctic wolf who was playing with me said "I know right!" so I knew that it was a new character. She's in the front of the burrow if you didn't know (to anyone who's reading this).
Yep! :)
DeleteYeah... Binky joined the team. :O
DeleteRight! i saw that today! She was by the door of the borrow. :D
Diamond shop music! Love it! Too bad it costs diamonds though....Other music is only 100 gems :/
ReplyDeleteI wish I had enough to buy the Phoenix costume...
Ikr! I bought it anyway though. The music is in my den. I just loved it too much..Lol
DeleteSnowyclaw. You. Should. Get. A. DeviantART. ACCOUNT!!!
ReplyDeleteDo non-members get to go on the quest to defeat the phantoms, too? It looks a lot of fun!
ReplyDeleteYes, soon.
DeleteUh oh, this phoenix armor is going to be be big with the clans!
ReplyDeleteShould I buy the phoenix armor, phoenix tail, phoenix boots, or the mask?
ReplyDeleteI'M BACK EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI WAS BANNED FOR 2 WEEKS ON AJ AND I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOT!!!!!!
I AM BACK!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!
Somebody please tell me what happened in the last 2 weeks O_O
uh, why da heck were u banned?
DeleteWhy were you (exactly) suspended?
DeleteIt's not banned when you come back( e.g. 2 weeks)
after that period of time. It's called SUSPENDED.
Just fyi,
and no offense!
DeleteI didn't know that, :p sorry. Suspended and banned just sound the same to me O_ o
I don't really want to say why I was banned, I'm not very proud of it .-. But what's done is done and I can't fix what I did. So I move on :D
That phoenix armor... I must have it! >:O
ReplyDeleteHey guys remember the adventure video in snowy's last post? That music was really epic so I searched it up and discovered the artist Evening Star. His music is really epic! You must listen to it! Go to youtube right now!
I'm glad betas are coming back because some jammers weren't part of AJ when betas were released. And it's only fair. If any of you want a head feather enter my contest on Animal Jam Howler Mini blog. or my main blog -horseloveralm
ReplyDeleteI don't why people are upset about beta items coming back.There is a beta you can get every Christmas Day,a bow. At least it is nonmember item, and if anyone doesn't know how to get a bow, I just said how to.
ReplyDeleteIkr -horseloveralm
Deletethat's not a beta. and speaking of betas, I got a Cami's Frog!
~kiki5772 peace love spiders~
Really??!! That is my dream item! I trade a bijillion things for it!!! Please please please trade with me!!
ok buddy me and I will see what you have to trade for it!
~kiki51772 peace love spiders~
lol XD. Warriors do rock! I think bow and arrows are beta, i'm not positive though.... :{D visit my blog Animal Jam howler! -horseloveralm
ReplyDeleteNo they're not, they were a christmas gift. I don't know why people are calling items that are just out of stores "beta" when they weren't in beta times at all and are just rares.
ReplyDeleteCool I didn't notice that thanks! Go on my blog jammersbto enter a contest to win a head feather it is Orange and my blog is animal jam howler mini blog or my main one animal jam howler. -horseloveralm
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know why when I upload videos on my blog posts that when I view it on my iPod it doesn't show. Even in web version? Please help.
Have Fun, Be Safe, and Game On!
Probably because ur computer is slow or something. Let me check on my computer.... -horseloveralm
DeleteI'll check too.
I want the phoenix wings though I only have 1 diamond...... could someone nice give me a spare pair? You don't have to, just that I would have to wait 2 weeks and in 2 weeks I have a vacation...
Aww that sucks but when u come back from vacation u can still get ur diamonds. Anyway can u jammers tell people about my blog? It's animal jam howler! At I also have a mini blog on my mini blog I'm giving away a head feather so come check it out, tell ur friends, and comment!! -horseloveralm- thanks I know I posted this a lot.... XD
ReplyDeleteThen can you check out Animal Jam Splatter XD
Sure i will check it out even though I think I've come across it before.... -horseloveralm
DeleteHey Snowy! Can you add my blog to your "More Blogs" page?
ReplyDeleteThe URL is:
As you can see, I am Willaforce, or most people call me by my nickname, Willa.
P.S. I added your blog to my Blogs list!
U should post that comment on her more blogs page that's how I got animal jam howler on -horseloveralm
DeleteHi everyone!
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to let you know that I changed my username- again.
My new one is Vanillaz.
I decided to change it due to encounters where Jammers think I was male. :L
So yea! Thought I'd let you all know! :P
Lol people thought I was a dude on AJ because my animals were considered "boy" colors -horseloveralm
ReplyDeleteAm I the only one who's bored right now?
ReplyDeleteOmg! Someone wrote on my blog... Ur blog is better than animal jam spirit.... Wow how is that possible? Snowyclaw has a GREAT blog.
ReplyDeleteHello snowy, Could I order an art project? I just want a picture of my wolf. I could give you my peach fox hat for a pencil drawing. Thanks always,
ps. Now blueclaw, you aren't. :P
thanks for not being bored, lol XD
DeleteDo they have kangroo at wallmart yet? I HAS BEEN IN THE HOUSE FOR 6 DAYZ OHOHOISKEJJFGKKD i is go crazy now bai
DeleteI need more followers for my blog. Please visit Animal Jam howler and follow me! You don't have to but i would be super happy if u would! -horseloveralm- or blueclaw
ReplyDeletei changed my profile from blueclaw-horseloveralm because my nickname is blueclaw but my username is horseloveralm for AJ.
ReplyDeleteOMG!! You inow how I said that I wanted sweet walls earlier today? Well I got some! Like really jammers this is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Optimism can get you a lot :D
ReplyDeleteAlso, I want to give a HUGE thank you to byte code for the walls!!!¡!!!!!! BTW I didn't get them because they are rare I wanted them because I love them!!
Mia that same thing happened with me but I got the Cami's frog! I would have given you my sweet walls but I love them to much
You... Got... CAMI'S FROG!?!!??!
Not because it's beta, i want it because of the backstory.
Look it up if you haven't yet.
Anyway, PLEASE let me know if you get another Cami's Frog somehow.
By the way...
DeleteSomeone with all of the pheonix armor set asked me if I was a nice jammer, then he sent me PHEONIX WINGS!!!!!
I forgot his user, I'll go check.
Omg right now there are no betas! I'm poundpuppy04004 I am a big fan of your blogs and videos. Ok bye!
ReplyDeleteSnowy you are truly fantastic! Anyone mind visiting my blog?