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Hey jammers! Today's new freedom item is the Freedom Astronaut Helmet, being sold in the Freedom Party clothing shop!
What do you think? I wonder what other items will be freedomized! AJHQ has also posted on the Daily Explorer.
Sorry for the super late post, yet again. >.< Wifi is spotty where I'm staying for vacation, and this is the first time it has been up long enough to post! How are you guys doing in Jamaa's summer?

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!
first comment!
ReplyDeleteYAY ^.^!!!!!! I FINALLY GET FIRST COMMENT YIPPEEE YAY YAY THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteThink I found a mystery :)? You know the Graham loading screen, above his hands are phantoms and a reindeer XD! But why a reindeer? It looks like the phantoms are chasing it... poor reindeer X3
DeleteCongrats! Please come visit my blog!
Thanks ^.^ MEOW!
DeleteCongrats! :DDDDDDDDDD
DeleteThanks Mia :)!
DeleteThanks horselover :3
DeleteMew :3 Congrats. *Throws confetti in da air.*
DeleteThanks to everyone who said congrats to me X3! My last thank you since it's hard saying thanks to everyone who says congrats XD
DeleteYou're welcome :D
DeleteI think you have somethign there. There is also a deer carved into the desert rock in the Canyons Pathway. :)
Congratulations ILCC :)
DeleteOooh this mystery is getting more fun and epic :3! Maybe there's some sort of attachment here :O! Like Graham has something to do with reindeer's ^.^! I'll be thinking about it :D...
ReplyDeleteWe tied :3
DeleteMew :3 That happens to meh sometimes. Its not like I get first comment. XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
DeleteHow come barely anyone does puppy/doggy sounds XD? You say meep, and meow, how about woof? WOOF QUACK MOO OINK ROAR HOO HOO XD! Btw sorry if this is a spam.. I'm just noticing and sorry for this long comment <-------
Delete*makes giraffe noise* XDDD
Deletewow you guys tied and congrats!
DeleteCongratulations lpsblu aj :)
DeleteLOL XD! *Makes a butterfly noise XD*
Delete2nd! Yay!
ReplyDeleteCongrats =(^.^)=
DeleteThanks! =(^.^)=
DeleteWe all tied O.O! ibp, lpsblue (and me XD) CONGRATS FUR GETTING FIRST COMMENT !!!!!!!!!!!!! And your welcome XD
Delete*throws more confetti in da air more than last time*
DeleteLol. Bunny:
Delete(\ /)
Oh whoops sorry it looks off...
Delete(\ /)
Oh okay it still looks weird. Oh well. Sorry about this pretty much spam.. :|
DeleteCongratulations ibp911 :)
DeleteIt's hard making a bunny on here with the ears, like making it look just perfect DX! But a cat is easy :D =(^.^)=
DeleteBtw Mia your not spamming :)! This is kinda what spamming is:
1.The Spambot
2. comments saying only one word or letter in them like in a sentence
3.JC (XD)
4. Yay4ever
Yep, there they are XD!
Dangit XD congrats
ReplyDeleteIt's okay! I'm sure you'll get it next time. :)
DeleteGr8. Now my other comment is 3rd and this is 4th.
ReplyDeleteYour comment right now is 3rd because we all got first comment (you, me, lpsblu)! Lpsblu's comment above yours is 2nd comment so your third :3
DeleteI hope no spam bot gets first comment. XD
DeleteHopefully none will :D! But if they do... there's no way I'm saying congrats XD! It's not going to be a first comment if the spam bot gets first comment anyway :I! Cause it's gonna be First SPAM comment.. and maybe Snowyclaw will delete the spam bots comment :3!
DeleteYeah, I guess we should ignore it when it comes.
DeleteIm really sad and confused..... Im REALLY sad because I dont know who to root for, and i know if i pick any side, there will be haters agianst me. AND I DONT LIKE HATERS! WAAAAH! My entire life i have tried to be a nice person, and i dont want to offend anyone! I dont know who is right nowadays! I just dont! Now I am in a sad and lonely world. :(
ReplyDelete~The miserable ibp911
Why are you miserable? What sides? Your a great person!
DeleteAbout the whole Snowyflaw thing. Read this post. You will understand.
DeleteIt's okay ibp :)! Cheer up, it's a brighter day today btw ^.^! Don't be sad and your never lonely cause we're always here X3
DeleteIt's just... 50-50...
DeleteWho says you have to pick a side right now anyway? Just don't believe either side until there is proof.
DeleteAnd always use the traditional no-nonsense trade system. None of that "best trade wins my entire outfit" cr**. Don't be an easy scam victim, and you'll be just fine.
(Sorry for language but that trend is spreading like a disease and it's really ticking me off.)
Hmmm. Feel better. I know how you feel though.
DeleteWhat I am going to do is pretend I NEVER EVER read that article. It is HORRIBLE that bad things are being passed around about Snowy. All I know is that none of those things are true... With snowy, at least.
DeleteI don't know which side to pick either. Both seem so believable.
DeleteOh golly, I read the post. I am one of those people who don't really know what to believe, until I see proof. But I'm sure snowy will make a post to clear things up, just how she made a post to clear things up with that Gingerpawz situation a while back (if any of you remember that).
DeleteI don't know what to decide either... I searched in Snowyflaw and it was a real person :O! But I think we should believe Snowyclaws story fur the best :)! Btw just came back from the swimming and birthday party ^.^! IT WAS SO FUN! That I wanted to stay there. fur HOURS O.O! (That means I really enjoyed it XD)
DeleteI'm not picking any side either btw cool! I'm going swimming soon since its my friends birthday party ^.^ also read the comments here... *Warning only read the snowy ones because the other ones are b-a-d bad :I
DeleteGood thing I'm on my iPad mini an di can't click the link even though I want to. Oh and I'm commenting again yay! Hopefully you guys can tell me from the imposter.
ReplyDeleteNothing can happen unless someone does something, something changes, that's when it leads to something happened ^.^! I don't really know if that makes sense XD...
DeleteThanks Ilcc. -snifflez-
Delete*Pats ibp's back* you a little happy :)? Btw your welcome :D!
DeleteIm knda happy cuz even if all of this is happening, i have pawsome buddies who will always be more kind and caring and comfort me, and will always be there for me. :*) -happy tear-/-sentimental tear-
DeleteAww! Thats so sweet :')! <---- Tears of joy XD
DeleteIt'll be okay. =)
DeleteBut what happened? You'll feel very much recovered soon.
DeleteIt will be okay. I promise everything will unfold sooner or later. Maybe just do what I did, forget about the whole post.
Delete15th Comment!
Lots of ties today. Congratulations :)
Delete15th comment!
ReplyDeleteYou both got a tie :3! I think both of you are 7th comment... oh well ^.^!
DeleteI'm flyinponyAJ, which is Zatox.
DeleteI have a kangaroo ^_^
YAY kangaroos are soon coming ^.^! You sweared yesterday flyinpony we won't accept you an innocent person! Well at least I won't
DeleteI know lots of people who have a kangaroo. :D
DeleteMe too :D @skyways
DeleteI had a bad dream that I got banned for no reason! It was more bad than you think. ;( it was kinda sad please don't laugh
ReplyDeleteNo offense but I had an EPIC dream last night :)! I dreamed that I was a Warrior Cat... I was in Thunderclan and did lots of battles :3! We won't laugh at all Anonymous! Why should anyone laugh if they have a bad dreams
DeleteDreams always make feelings more intense. O.O they are weird like that.
DeleteI never have bad dreams... My dreams are crazy.. I have know clue why we dream! XD
DeleteOnce I had a dream that I was in the first Percy Jackson book and I was helping Percy, Annabeth and Grover on their quest. LOL
DeleteMy mom has the weirdest dreams. One time she told me that she dreamt (or dreamed, whatever the past tense of "dream" is lol) she was walking through a forest, and there was a clearing in the forest. And in that clearing there was a carousel. The carousel was operating at the moment, and when it spun all the way around, the Wicked Witch of the West (from the Wizard of Oz) was riding one of the horses and smiled very creepily (is that a word?) at my mom! And the whole dream was in black and white o.o
DeleteThat dream that your mom had is kind a creepy o.o... GREAT XD! Now I'm thinking if I'll have the same dream... I hope I don't D:! Btw Iv'e seen Wizard of Oz before :D! It's amazing ^.^! JUST amazing :)
DeletePretty awesome summer!
ReplyDeleteI'm having an EPIC Summer XD! Today is my brothers friends Birthday ^.^! It's at Glen Pool :)! Can't wait to swimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm XD (Like a little fishy XD)
DeleteIts pretty cold in Ireland right now, but it snowed. Yes it snows. Yesterday it was sunny. Anyways, Im happy for summer altogether!
DeleteI like swimming-- It's a nice Summer activity.
DeleteYesterday i went on a Military base and went swimming in the pool soldiers train in! :) it was so much fun! Btw whos been on a base?
Btw the outdoor pool closer to me is only oen for 2 monthes!!!!! UGH!!
It snowed o.O!? Weird..... it's Summer here which I think you already know XP! @Mia I love swimming too :D! I can't live without swimming O.O
DeleteDon't worry :)
ReplyDeleteFreedom for the Astronauts XD!!! I don't really like the freedom Astronaut helmet... no offense :P At least these are new items that AJHQ are selling ^.^
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone have a white legendary glove to trade for my purpleish on please :)?
ReplyDeleteThanks C:!
my goodness same thing in asking for I'm trying to make a twin bunny version of my sister but I need a white legend and a pink non rare bow XD
ReplyDeleteI hope you and me get a white legendary glove soon XD
DeleteWait, there's a white legendary glove?
DeleteThe white legend is more commonly known as the silver legend.
DeleteYou know, the white legendary glove in the Diamond Shop :)? Maybe gives you more clue by what I mean XP
DeleteGloves will be freedomized and I hope they be stated too
ReplyDeleteYup it looks like there is gonna be freedom gloves. Exiting!
DeleteI LOVE the Freedom Gloves color :D! I wonder when they're coming out? They should tomorrow... or sometime :)!
DeleteI've got a feeling that they'll be nonmember too! :D
DeleteI agree. Because all the traditional gloves/ones with different colors (not legends or dragon gloves or lava gloves or mummy gloves) have been NM. Sorry this is a very poorly written comment on my behalf. xD
Yea :D! It's sure going to be nonmember ^.^! Because think about what Mia just said XD
DeleteYAYYYYY I'M UNSUSPENDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMe 2! :D yay!
DeleteWait... How get suspended? Both of you?!?! O.0
DeleteI never got suspended, so yippee X3? Suspended is not fun at all =P
DeleteMe too, I have never got suspended, and I hope I never do :)
DeleteI've been suspended like, 26 times. Not for a long time till 3 days ago though.
DeleteI used to scam so I got suspended for that, then it was bad words because...yeah. That was 2 years ago. Now the only reason I get banned is for accidentally saying something that's banned. Like; "Oh come on, let me pass" and it warns you because of people trying to say password. So yeah. It suspended me kinda unfairly, but whatevz. I'm back in the game!
Wow Zoraz. O_O lol
DeleteI got suspended once for 24 hours. For saying something that sounded similar to a swear word. :P
I guess some bored tattletail reported me.
AJHQ have a habit of suspending you for no reason.
DeleteNo offense but Zoraz :O!? YOU SCAMMED!? Well, at least that was in the past, not right now :)! Enjoy what the good things are in our present and future, never think about the bad things in the past that happened O.O! Sorry if that didn't help at all XD
DeleteThe new freedom helmet is so unique!
ReplyDeleteIt is! I love the colors, don't you?
DeleteThere is a new freedom helmet...?
DeleteDon't be sad. I don't mean this to sound cold or uncaring (because I do care when people are sad) but you aren't helping anybody by being miserable. So you might as well not worry. You will be able to think clearer and be a more positive influence for those who need one if you are strong yourself. <3
The freedom helmet is okay. Don't think I'll be buying one. I'm saving closet space for those handsome gloves I keep seeing pictures of in the news. . . .
ReplyDeleteI hope they are nm. Non member items make better trades later on.
You mean, Astronaut helmet.
DeleteI kind of like saying Freedom Helmet better cause it takes me a long time to spell astronaut like type it XD! It's just a short cut of calling it :I!
DeleteFreedom Astronaut Helmet. Whatever. xDD
DeleteSome people like to correct other ppl for no reason. -_-
DeleteYup. But you can get confused with the mech helmet.
DeleteGuess so. xP
DeleteI got confused xD
Don't like this item. XD
ReplyDelete0.O My profile pic is scary...
DeleteSkyways!? I didn't notice you XD... I saw your profile pic first so that's why X3! So you know Minecraft? My friends play it... (REAL life friends)
DeleteYup, I play minecraft.
DeleteP.S. Woof. XDDDD
Someone finally said it :O! YAY!!!!! Now here's mine XD:
DeleteP.S ARF ARF!
I play Minecraft too! :DDDD
DeleteI don't like minecraft... Except I do like the baby cows in Minecraft LOL. @Skyways I agree. I am not a very big fan of this item...
DeleteWhat is minecraft....?
I agree with Manxy ^.^! Worrying or being miserable won't change something, so be happy and show a smile :D!
ReplyDeletePlease enter my first giveaway
I entered it ^.^! To the future jammers who win Severus AJ's giveaway XD: CONGRATS :D!!!!!!!!! Btw your voice sounds awesome :O!
DeleteI entered too! Im doing a giveaway currently, you can look up AJ skyways youtube, and my vids will pop up! I can't do a link because im on mobile.
DeleteI'm not aloud to use my youtube account that my blogger account came with :( I'm not aloud to comment, like or any of that stuff. Just watch the videos :(
DeleteI Subscribed to your channel lol. I am AGInParadise, btw. If your wondering who in Jamaa that was LOL. I don't want to enter because I already have two wells and two rare cupcake hats! Although I do love cupcakes... Lol. I want to make it fair to the winner because if I won I would have no reason for it.
DeletePlease don't be sad. :(
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know what the maximum number of jam-a-grams possible is? Like when it gets so full you can't receive any more until you delete some?
ReplyDeleteI've never hit that wall yet and I am curious....
I have had over 200 old ones sitting there and I was still able to get jam-a-grams. :O
I think you can have unlimited, but a limit of the ones you receive.
DeleteI agree with skyways :) The reached your limit thing happened to my old account XD Because I was sending all my stuff to my REAL account (ilovecutechihuahuas) and suddenly it said I reached my limit on rainbowdangerdoo and this is what I said XD: AHHHHHHHHHH WHAT REALLY!? NO I DID NOT WORK WORK WORK! LOL XD! Crazy me :P
DeleteIf you log out an log in, you will get to send more!
DeleteOh yeah I know you can reach a limit with a certain person after 25 in one login. I was talking about how many you can receive and let sit in your INbox without deleting... Like can somebody have too much mail to get any more? :P
DeleteWell, I have gotten maximum mail, it deletes your oldest one, which was a letter from AJHQ .-. so I delete my jam-a-grams regularly >.<
DeleteDo you know what the limit is? Because I just happen to LOVE MY OLD JAG'S. :|
That's good to know, thanks!
DeleteBut I second Mia's question. What was that number? x3
Is anyone commenting?
ReplyDeleteSummer's fun in the sun, snowy! Like the birthday gift i sent you? Also, im going to have a wolf sidekix order to me in like, 7-10 business days. Should i give it to plagueddog? I think she deserves the code.
Yes i commented right here, right now! :)
I think you should too :)
DeleteI have my sidekix on my schoolbag :) school is out for me though XD
DeleteI have a wolf sidekix, and I ordered a fox one with the humming bird last night .3.
DeleteI have these cube shelves in my bedroom and one of the cubes is my Sidekix's "den". Lol.
DeleteI have the tiger, penguin, fox, and wolf. Oh Mia that den idea is great! Im gonna do it! :D i have extra old magazines i can get rid of. :)
I don't have any sidekix. It seems too sad to try and make someone give theirs up by offering nice trades. Even if they are fair trades and the person says yes, it still seems sad to take someone elses special plushie they got with the one by mail. I know that sounds silly. xD lol
DeleteSorry I didn't get to comment everyone! I went on an extremely long and boring shopping trip that took up the whole morning.
DeleteLOL! The only shopping I like is for my stuff, like AJ stuff american girl stuff, etc...
Deletehey your are awesome how u enter for the contest
ReplyDeleteWhere are you Amy Jaio? I actually like reading your comments. Its not the same without the two spirit jammers ;)
ReplyDeleteI agree.
DeleteI think it would be a nice idea if Jamaa had its own "Freedom Day." For example, like if the jammers were under rule by the phantoms and gained their freedom by beating them in a war. So then it wouldn't be unfair to international jammers, since freedom season right now is based off USA's July 4th. So instead of having red, white, and blue items, the colors of the Jamaa flag (sold in the flag shop) could be the colors of the items. Lol I realize that sounds kinda confusing, but do ya get what I mean?
ReplyDeleteI do too! Great idea! It's like when Herbert took over club penguin on operation blackout! Except there were no freedom parties.. :(
DeleteJust take a deep breath and smile :)
ReplyDelete... Im stunned right now ... I just heard snowy scams... No matter what rumours get spread. I will always, and forever, be on your side, snowy.
ReplyDeleteIt could be a cyber bully trying to spoil Snowy's reputation by fabricating an elaborate tale about something that never happened, and posting as an anonymous on here pretending to be other people backing up their lies.
DeleteI am more leaning on the side that Snowy is innocent. These claims just came out of nowhere, and suddenly this one person is saying all these things.
The only way I'll believe it is if somebody has video evidence of miss snowyclaw herself scamming somebody. And like I said in a different post, it doesn't make sense she would do that. She already gets plenty of fan mail. She has too much at stake to risk throwing it all away over some stupid items.
I say it's fake.
Plus, she seems WAY too intelligent.
DeleteGood night jammers. I know you will be like "GOOD NIGHT?!?!???" But yeah im in Ireland, so yeah. Its the middle of the night. •_•
ReplyDeleteIf a person is shocked by it being night for somebody else, then they are new to the internet. xD
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteRonen please don't spam , adding a sad face to a posting as no meaning , there for is spam :) thanks
DeleteI might quit blogging. I just hate when this happens.
ReplyDeleteFlyingponyAJ is plagiarizing pictures from my blog on his blog. Just check his blog and check my blog post about the freedom update. He even used the same font. Someone's a little jealous of my blog and I know how he copied my pictures....
know what's really funny ronen, it looks like you copied right from snowys blog , so maybe you shouldn't be so quick to open your mouth
DeleteI don't copy from Snowyclaw's blog :'( I use my own screenshots and I only use pictures from other blogs when I need them. I give credit to everone. If you want proof go to my news archive page. Everything is so bad right now. People accusing me and copying from my blog, maybe I should just delete my blog and just not share my knowledge with anyone :'( Even Amy knows I don't copy.
Deleteyup at aj jammer
DeleteJust saying , look at your freedom kitten and snowys put the picture side by side , .. If you didn't copy it maybe the other guy/girl didn't copy your , because your and snowys looks like the same photo to me even the little end of the member lock on the right side ,
DeleteActually I took that screenshot myself. As you can see in the Freedom Kitties, on the right picture, you see the 5,000 tickets price tag. It's red, so that means I don't have enough tickets to buy it. On Snowyclaw's screenshot it's green, so that means she has enough for it. Just to point that out. I try and notice the little things.
DeletePoint proved , still my point was there are a million blogs are , people take others photos all the time , it's nice to give credet , if you use a photo , but it don't always happen, in the end it just a photo , no reason to start drama , and say your quitting ;)
DeleteActually I wasn't starting drama, this has happened to me numerous times and I'm not the type of person just to ignore a problem, and it's not just a photo if I'm in it, right? It's not just a photo if nobody else has it on their blog (most likely). People just sit back knowing that this type of stuff happens and nothing is done about it. Do you know how serious plagiarism is? Blogger has policies against this and they penalize blogs with the same content and photos! I've been through this before, trust me. Plagiriazm to me is no joke, and it's not just that that wants to make me quit, it's the people. People cursing at me on my blog, accusing me of being a hacker, starting rumors about me, being rude to me, it's all too much so before you actually accuse me of starting drama, get to know me first, huh? Just saying :)
Delete: | err were kids not lawyers
DeleteYou might be kid but I'm a pre-teen and I know a lot for my age. You might not think plagiarism is a problem, but just wait a few year and you might know better, if you're a kid.
Delete:| I'm most likely older then you , I just don't care , or maybe I look at the whole picture , if peopke are doing plagiarism to " your picture " where did you get it from : | .. When it come right down to it , your doing the same thing to AJHQ .. Just my two cents
DeleteI agree with Ronen. Fellow bloggers should take their own screenshots (or screenshots VOLUNTARILY mailed to them by helpers), or AT THE VERY LEAST give credit to the person who originally took the photo.
DeleteIt isn't polite, nice, or honorable to steal somebody elses work. Just like how it isn't right to copy somebody elses homework answers.
I just try and be nice to everyone, even the rude, mean people. Now there's drama about me! Should I just quit blogging?
ReplyDeleteIdk. If you aren't enjoying your time blogging, yes. Or maybe you can do what I did to my blog, you don't have to post every day. Just post the fun little things around Jamaa such as party tours, updates, new animals etc. Just an idea! :)
DeleteYea but I want people to stay updated too while still having a fun time.
Deleteisn't that what animal jam spirit is for ronen????????????????????????
DeleteAnon, please try to keep cool in your feelings. I know, you might not want to, but Ronen might be offended by your comment... :P
DeleteBut other people can have blogs too so why can't I. You guys just rely on one person that other people can't be creative and let others have a chance. Animal Jam Spirit is good, and no offense to Snowyclaw, but my blog actually posts new features, like new videos in Jamaa, programming, and more. And technically that's what the "Daily Explorer" is for.
DeleteDude you ever see snowy side blogs ? She covers items and info , from beta day till now , she blog isn't one page ? Open the side taps and look around , this blog is huge, and this not all bout the " new " , all updates " new and old are posted on the side tabs .. Or mini blogs
DeleteYea but like you said: People have millions of blogs and who knows if other blogs have that. And just so you know, AJHQ has archives if actually ask them. Plus, Snowyclaw has been blogging for 2 years now. Anybody would have all of those.
DeleteVisit the Animal Jam Sky Blog!
I have been reading it for weeks. It's one of my favorites :)
DeleteIs anyone commenting right now??? :|
ReplyDeleteI am (if your still there)
ReplyDeleteI just discovered minecraft and its BEAST!!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteyou know what? ignore what i said she just said sorry :D!
ReplyDeleteNew reader here, but not a new player.I would like to talk about the theories of Jammapocolypse.The 1st theory i shall adress is the big meltdown=mt.shiveer melting. All the jammer activities on mt shiveer and everywhere could have a consequence through shaking up the ice(with our feet) and warming it (our phoenix armor) we could be hit with THE BIG MELTDOWN
ReplyDeleteThe 2nd theory is VAMPIRE PHANTOM TEAM UP: We all see the dark red and black "vampires" hanging out all over AJ. they seem to favor Temple of Zios to play in, what if these vamps decided to continue their bid for domination by teaming up with the phantoms!!!! Enslaving and blood-drinking JAMMERS
ReplyDeleteQuick view of other theories 3.Phantom Takeover 4.corrupt jammers 5.Hackers:Everyone Quits 6. A natural death:adapted and eventually abandoned
ReplyDeleteyou know what? ignore what i said she just said sorry :D!
ReplyDeleteSnowy you need to do a post about this "item generator." It is fake. It asks for your password so they cam hack you. I sent all my items to my friend and changed passwords. People have got really good items taken. You have a popular blog so you should send out the word. Please!!