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Hey jammers! Today's new returning item is the Scuba Tank, available in the undersea clothing shop Bahari Bargains!
And have you ever seen this glitch around 1am AJS time?
If only I had that many gems. ^.^ According to many Australian jammers, the best way to get a kangaroo membership card is to pay a visit to EB Games. That's where most people purchased them!
That's about it for today everyone, hope to see you in Jamaa!
P.S. - Contest
Looks like you read the post till the end! I'm working on a music video right now, and it has some instrumental parts. If you like, send a picture or video of your buddies and you dancing in jamaasian places (i.e. Mira's Fire), it might appear in the AJMV! No speaking in the pic/vid, or it won't work. Submit yours to:

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!
A pawsome music video from Lorelei!
If you'd like to submit a music video,
add my channel to your list of featured,
and email!
First comment! :D Weird glitch, btw.
DeleteThx! It's my first time getting first comment!
P.S. - I WANT KANGAROOS SO BAAAD!! (random sentence)
Congrats krazy ^.^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteERMAHGERD I DON' WANNA WAIT ANY LONGER XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteCongrats! And im srsly looking for austrailia plane tickets im this tempted... XD
DeleteLol XD!
Deleteikr.. Lol xD
Congratulations krazygirl95
DeleteThx guys, and congrats to you, Ronen for getting 2nd comment, 1 minute late from my comment.
Er... guys its an animal. You can buy it online, can't you? Oh, and it will eventually become available in the Diamond Shop, yes?
DeleteWhas the big deal?
IT'S ALMOST A BIGGER DEAL THEN BACON!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT THE KANGAROO SO BADLY AND IT'S NOT YET HERE IN AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S THE BIG DEAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~ilovecutechihuahuas~
DeleteUmm...It's on ebay for $51 and $102. I don't have that much money. I'm just a kid! Meep. >.<
congrats! ^.^
ReplyDeleteLol, we commented at the same time! Awesome!
You actually technically got second because she posted her comment at 6:14 and you posted yours at 6:15. But it doesn't matter! Congratulations! :)
DeleteYeah I'll just say congrats! :3
Yup :D! Congrats Ronen :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteTime zones....
DeleteNice job at first comment! I can never do it ^^ ~Awesomeanimal19
DeleteI was saying in AJS time. In my time, it was 5:15. Lol :P
lol tie! congrats Ronen!
DeleteThat is a very odd glitch...
ReplyDeleteI agree, I have never seen it before.
DeleteI seen it before c:! Iv'e seem that glitch on other jammers blog's :D! It's crazy too me X3!
DeleteYep, it never happened to me. But yeah....nuthin to say left...
Ella is ur profile pic a guinea pig? :3 i luv guinea pigs
DeleteI <3 guinea pigs too :D! There so cute and fwuffeh ^^!
DeleteI once pet a guinea pig. His name was Caramel, my used-to-be-teacher's guinea pig! :3 I let him bite my finger, it pinched a little (WARNING: This happened a very long time ago!!)
It is. If only I could keep them. My goal is to save up 10,000,000 gems but with all these new items and the Summer Carnival it's just so complicated.
DeleteDID anyone else notice how Snowy had like, 99,999,999 gems and she needed a lot less?
DeleteGems: 99,999,999.
Oops, this costs 10,000.
You have 10,000. I'm sorry no I don't i have 99,999,999.
You need 10,000. No I don't I have a lot more than that and you just said I already have that money.
Anyone else see this?
that glitch keeps happening to me >.< after it appears you can't close it so you have to log in all over again! >:(
Delete4th comment
ReplyDeleteCongrats :D!
DeleteCongratulations :D
DeleteI always get that glitch and I don't know how to get out of it!!
Refreshing is the only way.
DeleteThank you, Kinyonga! :)
DeleteReloading/refreshing/trying again do what ya gotta do to fix it c:! I never got into the glitch before but it looks kind of annoying O.O
DeleteAll you have to do is refresh, although you might get logged out.
ReplyDeleteYep, that glitch happens every time ;)
I don't see what animals would do with a scuba tank though... o.o
Kinyonga! I watch your videos o:
DeleteI was one of the people that asked for a worn since mine was hacked.. :'c
Oooh! Maybe so that other animals (ex. Raccoon) can go underwater? That would be epic :D
DeleteEm... helloooo
! Maybe it could be fur the future if crocodiles get to go underwater :D! It would be so awesome and funny X3! Btw crocodiles can really go underwater :P!
DeleteReal crocodiles go underwater, but not in an ocean which is kinda weird. O.O
Crocodiles remind me of this scary movie me, my mom, and my brother have watched before O.O! I hope I don't ever get eaten by a crocodile D:!
DeleteYea the point of this item is confusing. AJHQ really needs to brush up on their noggin.
DeleteThat is a really weird glitch. If only I could have that glitch it would be awesome!
ReplyDelete~zzz72012~ ♡♡♡♡♥♥♥♥♥
Yeah, but you won't be able to buy anything which is kinda annoying
My wish would to be to have it once. :D
DeleteI kinda agree with krazy... I don't really want to ask anybody this but I kind of feel ashamed... my mom thought I'm commenting too much since I made it past 300 should I stop commenting? Can anyone answer my question ^.^? Thanks :)!
DeleteHmm...idk. If you feel like doing something else or you're bored, you can stop commenting if you'd like! ^.^
But I love commenting! Sorry fur another question but do guys think I commented to much that I should stop and quit? Because I love commenting on here :(!
DeleteYou can comment more if you'd like, it will be fun cuz we will miss you commenting in this blog if you stop commenting.
This is 3 times I got that glitch.. '-'
Oh my. o.o
DeleteWas da glitch annoying fur you?
Delete6th comment yay!! Lol :3
ReplyDeleteCOngrats! :D
DeleteCoNgRaTs c:! I love your picture ^.^!!! SO CUTE :3!
DeleteCongratulations :D
DeleteWow so epic! Eb games is in my town!
ReplyDeleteMaybe I could get a kangaroo!
-Sparkykat38 on my iPod
Lucky! >:C
Delete-krazygirl95, who wants a raccoon so bad.
Sorry not a raccoon I meant a kangaroo! Those 2 animals are almost the same way you say it. :/
If your in Australia you can. :)
DeleteToday in the Daily Spin I got 3 Diamonds ^.^! And I had 5 now since I saved 2 and I bought the raccoon :D! Now I can get one only fur gems, YAY :3!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm also going to be saving up fur a blue and black tail armor :)! Btw has any noticed the color on the raccoon's face when you get them? They don't have that much fun colors... (not to be mean to those who have raccoon pets) and sorry fur such a long comment X3!
DeleteO.O I have 2 diamonds now! I might get 3 more diamonds in the spin like you!
I hope you do :D! Then whatcha gonna buy after that in the Diamond Shop ^.^? Btw my brother bought 1000 gems with one of his diamonds before, is that a good thing or a bad thing because you can earn gems? ~ilovecutechihuahuas~
DeleteOnce I got three from the daily spin, it's not very often that's you do though...
14th comment.. xD
DeleteCongrats Emily X3!
Delete15th comment! :D
ReplyDeleteCongrats Congratchulations Congratulations XD
Delete16th comment ^.^
ReplyDeleteand, i've once see that glitch
Congrats :)
DeleteCongrats c:!
Deletethx :)
DeleteYer welcome :)! ~ilovecutechihuahuas~
DeleteIs anyone else having the annyoing URL thing pop up when you try to get on AJ, or is it just me?
ReplyDeleteI don't... That's strange. Maybe contact AJHQ about it?
DeleteNever did....
I don't really know whatcha talking about, but... I never did because I don't know about URL and nothing popped up when I get on AJ.............
DeleteJust restart your computer
DeleteIf you mean the Please Reload Your Page one, yes...
DeleteWhen I log on it gives me that stupid pop-up thing! Lol
18th Comment -.-'
ReplyDeleteCongrats lol :P
DeleteCongrats! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
DeleteI know the kangaroo guy's user from the previous post, but I'm not gonna say it. He applied for my AJ phantom club. LOL.
ReplyDelete~ipod1m XD
You mean Anubis? Lol, I know his full user, too, but I won't tell anyone. It's a secret! C:<
Lot's of people know his user :p
DeleteNooo! I want to search him/her :P :( :P :(
DeleteYeah but we have to leave his user alone. You can ask someone in AJ in their den alone about Anubis's full user.
I want to know his user too and search him up :(! How did you guys figure it out D:?
DeleteFrom a Jammer in AJ.
He just changed color on my pic.
ReplyDeleteHow do we see them? I go onto and searh up animal jam and nothing comes up :\
ReplyDeleteAre you in the Australian EBGames site or not? It probably might only work for Australia and Zew Zealand for now.
I did look too! On the Australian site! I'll check New Zealand....idk if I will ever find one online..... : /
Just search EBgames Australia and click the first thing that pops up. Then search Animal Jam Kangaroo or something. Then you'll find it :)
ReplyDeleteI'm mad now.
-papad91278, the 4th news crew member, only today is left.....
Wait why are you mad if it left and now it's back. I'm confused. If I were on AJ I would have the question face on lol :O
DeleteNo, Im mad because I had something that LEFT!
Delete~papad91278, the 4th news crew member, mine is peach and ugly
OHHH! Sorry! I misunderstood what you said :L
Deleteits okay!
Delete~papad91278, the 4th news crew member, karaoke the bunny says hi
DeleteI think that video is the best.
I love the music video :D!
Delete25th cmment :)
ReplyDeletei cant get the membership in EB games :( pleASE help
Me either, I live in America.. :(
DeleteI live in Canada. :'(
Congrats X3! I'm in America too D':!
DeleteI live in America (AK, to be exact) but even when/if they bring the membership to America I probably won't be able to get it because
DeleteA) My parents won't let me, and
B) They don't really sell the memberships up here. :(
The Wanderer
DeleteWhy is everybody lolling? XDD
Delete-krazygirl95, I just laughed like u guyz...
XD X3 DX XDD XC X) X( xd Xd xD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Delete(chuckles under breath)
I wish AJ made more clothes! I'm kinda bored with the land clothes now........
I'm bored with the "human" items coming to AJ. But if Jamaasian items or rares, then I would be glad to buy them! Don't argue about me cuz I want rares coming back! I just love the way they look on some animals (random sentence)! :3
I agree >.< @krazy (can I call you that? :D)
DeleteWell I agree with your first sentence xD
DeleteYes, you can call me that if ya want. C:
I agree too krazy! Don't we have human clothes and things in real life? So why have some in AJ :P? There should be more animaly clothes :3!
Deletekrazy, agreed.
DeleteMaybe not always, as they add variety, but I think it would be cool to add a Jamaasian spin to them.
That is one cool glitch!
ReplyDeleteOH NO! I don't think I can play AJ D:
ReplyDeleteIt's because, each time I try to log in, it just says "404 not found' D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D:
It happened to me just one time, then I tried again and it worked! :D
It did happened to me and I closed the tab. Then, I opened it again. Yay, it worked! Other players experienced that too....
DeleteIt didn't happen to me... weird O.O
Delete@Severus and krazy
DeleteI've tried both of those and sadly they didn't w9rk. But thank you for the aadvice. :)
Keep trying, Mia, do everything you can!
DeleteWell, this one time our computer had really bad internet for some reason. (Like it was going really slow, and I couldn't get to any sites.) I just shut down my computer, then tuned it back on. Maybe this'll help, but I don't know. I have a Mac, so if you have something different it might not work.
DeleteJust an idea.
The Wanderer
its happened to me too D:
Deleteeverytime i log in its said server not found :(
ReplyDeleteLUCKY!!!!!!!!!! Wait... Did you pay like $51 for it though???
DeleteLucky you..
DeleteYou're lucky, skyways. At least you aren't really frustrated anymore!
Aww your very lucky :(!
DeleteLucky! I hope it wasn't too expensive, the one I want is $36 dollars. *sighs* I guess I'll wait until the last minute to bid the highest...
DeleteAll color of today's new item.... my blog:
ReplyDeleteBack from vacation!
Welcome back =P!
DeleteThanks for the "welcome back".
DeleteWelcome back, Severus, don't forget to check my blog for news on the last saga I plan to be doing!
Delete83 COMMENT YAY! usually i get like 186th but once i got 15th and anyway that glitch Does happen to me at 1am EXACTLY !
ReplyDeleteCongrats XD! Huh O.O? Right now my time is 11:05... strange!
DeleteTime zones, ILC.
KP, its Snowy's night posting. =P
Happy Father's Day fur everyone's dad ^.^!!!!!!!!!! Hope all your dad's enjoy this day :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhy am I so close to playing my DS now XD? LOL!
DeleteBtw everyone is invited to my birthday on July 2, in the morning :D! It'll be tons of fun ^.^! Come if you have time! It's in my den btw :)! You can come when I'm there! First we open the presents, second we sing da birthday song, third I blow the candle on da cake, fourth we dance fifth we have fun :D! It's all set up ^.^! (Sorry if this was a spam...) btw I invited Snowyclaw in Jam A Gram... does anyone think she'll be able to come? Thanks c:!
DeleteOne last thing it's going to be in my WaterPark den =P!
DeleteI'll sing the Birthday Party that I made yesterday to you when I get there! :D I'll try and think of a gift...
@ilovecute chihuahuas
DeleteMy present for you will be so AWESOME chu will be like chu my bff foreva lol here's a hint it starts with a W ends with a N ;3 -lill916
I'm going to give her 4 items in diff colors: 3 words, starts with M, next word A and then the last word starts with W. They will be in diff colors. :3 I'll see if I can find another perfect gift.
P.S.- Most of them are on my storage account, if you see the user wolfman99 on your Jam-a-gram with the gifts, then it's me! :3
I'll send you a rare blanket, but if I had a spare cake or birthday hat I would send that to you. Snowy probably can't attend, but I possibly can.
DeleteAww thanks ya'll :3! But your not supposed to tell me your gifts XD! It's supposed to be a surprise :D! And you send me gifts when it's time to open the presents in my den, not right now :P! It's okay Amy c:! I have a party hat and cake already ^.^! I think it's going to be so laggy in my den by then X3! Which is kinda bad because eevrything will be in slow motion O.O ~ilovecutechihuahuas~
DeleteGuyz, I found another Snowyclaw copier named Herobrine30. He/she looks like Snowyclaw (Old Frozenspirit) but with the different brown tail armor.
That isn't a Snowyclaw copier, its just a fan. It isn't really much of a problem unless they make their name Old Frozenspirit along with that or copy her username.
DeleteOh, my bad. O.O
If the kangaroo gift card is 15.95, wouldn't it be a different price in Australia?
ReplyDeleteYes, it would. In fact, on Ebay its around $90.
DeleteJust updated my blog :D
BTW I am in FRANCE!!! :) :)
I'll go check it out!
DeleteGood stories, but for ideas and a collection of EVEN MORE, go to:
Who likes pie say I c:(
ReplyDeleteEh, I don't like it that much.
DeleteIf you like spinach, say U !
MEH XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Especially pumpkin pie c:! IT TASTES SO YUMMY ^.^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And bacon does too :D! ~ilovecutechihuahuas~
DeleteI had that glitch before :O
ReplyDeleteThank you Snowy for posting mah art on the Spirit Art blog XD
I'm sure she would say "You're welcome!"
Deletethe new monday mystery should be why do kangaroos turn invisible when they dance?
ReplyDeleteMany peeps would get the same answer. It's a glitch. The kangaroos are very glitchy for now.
Eh, I think the best mystery is "What will the new land be?" for now.
DeleteThe new land might have to do with Australia!
DeleteThen why would Cosmo go there? 0.o
DeleteCosmo is a koala.
DeleteKoalas come form Austrailia.
I'm not being mean here but how come Snowy hasn't been really posting Monday Mysteries D:? (I'm not complaining!) I don't wanna play AJ right now because... did the raining stop? I'm a get on... ~ilovecutechihuahuas~
Delete144th comment! ^_^
DeleteCongrats :)! I'm not signing in, I think my dad's gonna notice XD! ~ilovecutechihuahuas~
DeleteLOL Nice
Deletehi guys
ReplyDeleteIf any of you remember me I'm agentrohail! Owner of the blog I recently made a new blog. Pleas check it out
ReplyDeleteI saw that glitch.
Personally, I think it's a Wallaby, because it's smaller than an arctic wolf, yet bigger than a bunny.. If It were a kangaroo, It would have been smaller than a giraffe, and bigger than the arctic wolf... And also, the Gift Cards can be found in New Zealand. .-.
ReplyDeleteI didn't get a chance to comment yesterday, so here's what I bet that new land will be like. Maybe Uluru (maybe you've heard of it as Ayer's Rock) in the distance, with plenty of dingos and a eucalyptus forest?
A place with lot's of rivers, kind of like a river valley?
I don't know. I'm probably way, WAY off on both of these guesses.
The Wanderer
This is an awesome blog! Really wish SnowyClaw would collab with me. If we combined blogs, we would have the most epic site on the interwebz! :D
ReplyDeleteWould someone be willing enough to check out my blog? I updated it with the new item and the a guide for the kangaroos.
I want the kangaroo so much. Are they on amazon?
ReplyDeleteBASSHUNTER IS SOOOOOOO AWESOME!!!!!! Some great songs of theirs are
ReplyDeleteAll I Ever Wanted (GREAT! MUST HEAR!) and
Now You're Gone
I think I found the same kangaroo as the one in the previous post. I am friends with it. I don't think I will tell anyone. I will tell the first person to jam a gram me at knives5110
ReplyDeleteJulian2 is so stupid... He is saying the people with the kangaroos is beta testers he only knows about one too... On his channel he is telling everyone that there beta testers and there is no gift card yet.... -.- what I way to start rumors Julian .-.
ReplyDeleteItem costs 10,000,000 gems? One pricey item! Even I don't have that many gems! :P
ReplyDeleteArticle writing is also a fun, if you know afterward you can write if not it is complex to write.
ReplyDeleteHere is my webpage ... upper right back pressure []