Hey jammers! I have a bit of summer work at the moment (that's why there is a lack of videos and extra posts!). Today's item is the Diamond Crown, which is being sold in the clothing orb of Epic Wonders.
How come it isn't on 50% sale like the rest of the hats? Humm... Maybe it's not applied to new things. Speaking of new things...
It's almost time for the release of "Animal Jam: Official Insider's Guide" – just eleven more days! I'm going to order it to go through for any useful information. I'll be sure to let you know of any game changing lore, tips, or codes located within it's pages. Maybe I'll even do a video?
And I didn't notice this until a little while back, but it's a sad new(ish) feature of letter sending. Nonmembers already can't open the presents, why can't members send presents to them, in case they ever want to become members? I just think it's rather silly. What about you?
Happy jamming!

To post anonymously simply leave the email animaljamspirit@gmail.com instead of your own. Come and join the conversation!
ReplyDeleteOoh! I was first XD do people still do this?? XD :3
ReplyDelete*sigh* im going on vacation and wont be commenting for a few days> :( bye bye 030 x
ReplyDelete2nd or 3rd? I think 3rd all well. Congrats on first LilSmile
ReplyDelete*Gives cookies to LilSmile*
Fourth again..... Oh well! XD
ReplyDeletemmm 6th?
ReplyDeletedaisy0447 has a skully...... she generated it and I know what she used. Very dangerous
ReplyDeleteCongrats anyway, *gives cupcakes to everyone * btw bling bling jamaa
ReplyDeleteI think ur 5th.
Congrats X3
ReplyDeleteLol, 8th?
ReplyDeleteReal comment
ReplyDeletewhat!!!! That's so unfair the letter sending
I thought 6th, now my head hurts, :( *gives cookie * you get a cookie anyway :)
ReplyDeleteCongrats on first!!!! Gives huge chocolate ice cream cake covered in Hershey kisses and presents
ReplyDeleteIkr, :( im gonna be a non-member again soon.
ReplyDeleteAre you jammers going to buy the Official Insiders Guide to AJ? I've heard there are animal facts, strategies for games, and even Alpha Art! It's about 9 dollars for a paperback, is that a good value?
ReplyDeleteNah, I don't think I will.
ReplyDeleteIt's like 20 dollars for library binding.... *shiver*
ReplyDeletegtg byes
ReplyDeletethe crown looks um well idk what to call it maybe weird XD, nice book eh too bad i can't buy it. Also I've been missing the old commenting system too well chuu also miss some other old commenters too ("- o -)
Note: Can anyone visit thish blog>>>>>>Ajdreamsandshimmers.blogspot.com
Yeah, NM really should be able to recieve gifts! I ❤️ AJ but I have to say that this is another way of AJHQ's to get people to pay them money!
ReplyDeleteIt took me a while to figure out how to post on this new comment things, nice crown btw.
Snowyclaw, where do you get the AJ Guide?
ReplyDeleteI'll be getting the Insiders Guide :3 It is pretty sad that non-members are not allowed to receive gifts or write their own text in Jam-a-Grams. AJHQ should at least let non-members do this.
ReplyDeleteThey did it because of the fman122 issue. He isnt gonna be sending viruses no more. And no, he's not gonna get a membership. His ID is banned, His internet ID is banned. What if he gets a new connection. They'll find out, and he cant do it anyway, so back to the start. XD
ReplyDeletePolice would need to get involved with internet ID -.- Just sayin'
thank you RickyEmraldAJ i sent everything to my storage account frizzlethebrave yestarday opps bye guys happy sleep over to me! :)
Well fman is one nm, the minority of nm, the most accurate reason why is because "decoy scammers"
ReplyDeleteDecoy scammers are nm that are diffrent accounts that scam for the main account. since nms cant send anymore, decoys cant just send gifts to the main account
I understand why AJHQ doesn't allow nms to receive gifts, but it's still one of those small things that shouldn't be members only. Not even allowing members to send things to nms? That's taking things a little too far.... >:C
ReplyDeleteYikes. That ain't good
ReplyDeleteWhy, Disqus? I only uploaded one! ONE! D:
ReplyDeleteI want cake, too. We shouldn't EXCLUDE. (Joke. Not meant to be offensive)
ReplyDeleteI might buy it. I'm not too sure. But $9 is pretty good for a guidebook, those are usually pretty thick.
ReplyDeleteI'm just putting Lunas at the bottom of all my comments😊
And I thought Warriors were overpriced.
ReplyDeleteSorry I had to do this X3
ReplyDeleteCongerts on unsaid second!
ReplyDeleteAj needs money. Thats why a lot of things are member.
ReplyDeleteFman isn't real. He was a rumor that catched on. There is no real proof it is real. Bepper started it.
ReplyDeleteCongrats! 4th out of what will probably be over 400 comments is really good, actually. :3
ReplyDeleteIkr? :C
ReplyDeleteYer fifth, congrats!
ReplyDeleteA hack...?
ReplyDeleteYes, but certain things (such as this, and the chat history tab) aren't really necessary. That was my point :C
ReplyDeleteIm one of those small amount of people who doesn't complain that AJ makes things member or that AJ is so called "unfair." AJ needs the money... get over it :U
ReplyDeleteAmazon, once it comes out and most likely Barnes and Nobles and other bookstores.
ReplyDeleteI kind of agree with you. But like what I said down there, there's some small things that are unfair and don't really need to be members only. For example, the chat history tab.
ReplyDeletethey make lots of money..
ReplyDeleteEverything they have in the AJ Outfitters
store is expensive yet people still buy them
No.. it gives nonmembers more reasons to buy membership. Without all these stuff for members nobody would buy it so therefore no more AJ. No use in protesting against it because you can get suspended for doing it through email and it wont change.
ReplyDeleteWell they pay Smart Bomb and Nat Geo and theemployees and everything else it takes to make AJ better. So in the end they need more money. Don't call AJ a scam or greedy either. It's simply not true.
ReplyDeleteIf nms were allowed to open gifts and read the chat history, people would still buy membership. Those aren't one of the main things that drive people to get membership.
ReplyDeleteWell since most people used these things it annoyedthem and they bought membership. But complaining about new animals.and items being member is another thing.
ReplyDeleteThat Jam A Gram thing is just sad...
ReplyDeleteAnd there's monthly bills to pay. That takes over 10,000 dollars. And then there's groceries to have and essentials in life. Aj can't get all of this in one day.
ReplyDeleteIm like the onlyone NOT upset about it..
ReplyDeleteYes, the animals/items are one of the main things AJ membership offers. That part is annoying, but perfectly fair and most likely not changing any time soon.
ReplyDeleteI like the crown but it looks kinda weird when you really think about it. I want to order the Animal Jam Guide, but my mom will probably be like "NO!" Non members already cant keep gifts why cant they send them anymore? But now when I really think about it Animal Jam probably did that because of the hacker fman122 that would send you a gift and if you opened it he would hack all your items. I don't know though, he could have been fake.~snowy1262
ReplyDeleteNo I mean people complain about it, along with updates.. AJ spends 2 weeks animating everything drawing etc making sure everything runs smoothly and all that jazz. And when it's member everybody goes insane. It makes me sad. Why can't people just enjoy the game instead of complaining about it, because it justs wastes Animal Jam's time...
ReplyDeleteSomeone should make a Animal Jam creepy pasta about fman122. LOL
ReplyDeleteOMG LUNA! XD Sorry I'm a pegasister.
ReplyDeleteCheck out my blog: Jammerlegend.blogspot.ca
ReplyDeleteNice post snowy!
ReplyDeleteFman isnt real, he is just a rumor Bepper started.
ReplyDeleteFor almost everything, I agree with you on that. It's the small things that don't really require much work that annoy me. There aren't too many of those.
ReplyDeleteAnyone else here a brony or pegesister?
ReplyDeleteAj put hard work into everything they make. Can we enjoy it for once, instead of complaining?
ReplyDeleteI am, but I like season 3 better. I'm not a big fan of Twilight either...
ReplyDeleteI like MLP, except I'm a girl. And fman122 was real. Someone I knew got hacked by him.
ReplyDeleteForget pegasister- I'm a girl, I'm still a brony
ReplyDeleteHe even made a new account.
ReplyDeleteHe could like hack 3 people at once. O,O I saw him once.
ReplyDeleteNo he isn't, there is no real proof. My ex-friend's friend said that but she lied... :/
ReplyDeleteI saw him. BC Like two years ago.
ReplyDeleteWhy are there so many hackers and scammers nowadays?
ReplyDeleteThere is no hacket. Even if there was aj wouldn't let it happen.
ReplyDeleteThere are tons of posers. None, not ecen the "real" one are real.
ReplyDeleteYUS. There's only been, like, three things I've ever complained about, even when I was nm. Since a large amount of AJ's players are younger, I'm guessing that's why there's so much complaining.
ReplyDeleteThis is the last time I'm responding to you, only because this discussion is getting so LONG. No offense or anything intended.^^
Aj hackets hack into someone's account, not Aj's. Still depressing they exist.
ReplyDeleteI liked the old AJ better. No hackers or scammers or rares or even members.
ReplyDeleteSaying no offense doesn't make anything less offensive.. owo Just a reminder.
ReplyDeleteI used to complain a lot but I stopped after July 2013.
I know how the hacking works. I got hacked on my old account. It was sad.
ReplyDeleteNo offense, Twilight likers. But yeah. She's kinda a Mary Sue, in my opinion. :|
ReplyDeleteI like Aj now but the way to stop scamming is to put old rares in. Decreases the rarity and scammers and hackers are less common..
ReplyDeleteI'm leaving to play Animal Jam. I'll be a non member tomorrow. XD
ReplyDeleteShe acts like she's smarter than every one else.. :/ I would slap her xD... I love Pinky Pie because she is like me with my friends.. otherwise I am like Fluttershy.
ReplyDeletePixitgem Did you know AJHQ Donates to many different Charities, and pounds to help them? Also Keeping A Gaming Site Open And Paying Their Workers Cost Too! So I Hope You Understand Why It Cost A Lot!
ReplyDeleteJust Remember What I Said, That's Why They Keep Their Costs High!
I have quite a few songs I want to belt out, most of which are either pony or Japanese. X3
ReplyDeleteMine is basically After Ever After xD
ReplyDeleteYus! It's disgusting... D:
ReplyDeleteLol X3
ReplyDeleteI'm not upset about it... Like i said above AJ needs money
ReplyDeleteI like Pinkie a lot, too! Honestly though, sometimes I feel like the only person who despises Fluttershy D:
ReplyDeleteDiscord is the best mutant thing
ReplyDeleteSo many people would quit if a ton of betas came in, but honestly, it's the only thing to do that will remove scammers/hackers. D:
ReplyDeleteAlready over 100 comments? Yay :D
ReplyDeleteWell those people need to quit anyway (this is very offensive). The last thing we need are people who do nothing but trade and only care about pixels.
ReplyDeleteFluttershy is honestly just like me... I hate Rarity because of her whiny bratty act...
ReplyDeleteHave to agree with that.
ReplyDeleteFluffle Puff best fluffy thing.
I don't hate Rarity, but I don't like her much for the same reasons you don't. D:
ReplyDeleteI didn't notice that the crown wasn't on sale! Are the other Epic Wonders hats on sale?
ReplyDeleteChicken bacon alfredo pizza is the best pizza.
ReplyDeleteWell it's just unfair! Smart Bomb Interactive is already getting TONS of money, they don't need to be so unfair to nonmembers!
ReplyDeleteThey already have TONS of money from the current members. They don't need to do more bribing. I think The Forgotten Desert was enough to bring TONS more members.
ReplyDeleteSomething I drew... sorry it's so dark! Is it good?
ReplyDeleteNuggets in biscuits are best nuggets. (Sorry everyone.)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! :3
ReplyDeleteI think it is glitching up and you have to refresh again.
ReplyDeleteO,O The crown is HUGE, and it looks a bit humanish. Im also very excited for the new guide!! :OOOOOO I wonder if it will have super secret codes or unheard jamaasian lore? and i kinda hate that non members can't accept or even SEND gifts. Thats just umm, mean.
ReplyDeleteIKR. dogzxx doesn't seem to think so... now we're arguing about it... HALP ME!
ReplyDeleteAMAZING!!!! OwO
ReplyDeleteWell sometimes people play on other people's electronic devices.
ReplyDeleteWell nms can no longer fall for the gift scam..
ReplyDeleteThis is cool :3
ReplyDeleteStill most likely a lie. If you could play on a sibling or parent's device you aren't poor. If you play on another parent's device you would probably live with them.
ReplyDeleteAlso, think about bills.
Bills no matter whether what. :/ I don't believe in that kinda stuff.
Yeah, it's a silly rule that non members can't have gifts, I mean, why not?! Wanting to open my gifts was part of the reason I became a member! Also, apparently the reason non members can't send gifts (yes, this is also the case) is to prevent scamming 'cause AJHQ thinks that nms younger. Not true! I know some super gullible, young members, and some more wise nms!
ReplyDeleteI think they did that to the jam a grams because a lot of members are scamming nm members forget that they can't receive gifts . I don't know if that made sence
ReplyDeleteBut it would be better for them to just accept and send gifts.
ReplyDeleteAj needs money and they are preventing scamming..
ReplyDeleteBut what if its a friends birthday and they want to send them a gift, but then find out they can't and feel bad for having to trade their member friend the item..
ReplyDeleteWell aj needs money. We can't do anything about it.
ReplyDeleteGuess you're right :U
ReplyDeleteAlso if you protest ina way you can contact Aj your account can get suspended. They get loads of emails a day so they get tired of it.
ReplyDeleteNon members should be able to open and send gifts. Its just silly to ban them from doing that. All ajhq wants is to get money, by the non members buying membership so they can accept and revive gifts. Once again, I shall say, its a very mean and unkind to do that to the poor non members.
ReplyDeleteScamming can happen between members though. im a non member, and I used to send loads of cool gifts to my friends, but now I cant. :(
Animal.Jam is more fair than Club Penguin will ever be. There are tons of things you can do as a nm. But people are too busy complaining to notice.
ReplyDeleteIm going to repost my comment because moderation
ReplyDeleteAnimal Jam is more fairthan Cllub Pengion will ever be.there are tonz of things nms can do but people are too bussy complaining to notice.
most nonmembers, as Snow131313 mentioned before, aren't that gullible. animal jam could have kept it, cause one HUGE reason I wanted to become a member, (and I did become one for 3 months) was to receive a black and red bow I got from a friend.
Have you even thought of who AJ pays? They pay Smart Bomb, Nat Geo, employees, and donate to animals. It also costs for development. They take a long time to do a lot of stuff. Maybe you should enjoy AJ for once.
ReplyDeleteI know but it prevents nms from sending away their rares. Nms can do a lot ofthings but are just limited.
ReplyDeleteA fanart someone drew of me
ReplyDelete-60s Spiderman
Vinyl Scratch best pony :3
ReplyDeletecant stop posting ponies >:D
ReplyDeleteI like Vinyl Scratch, Lyra and Rainbow Dash idk lol just 3 awesome ponies.
I made an aj song of Do You Wanna Buid A Snowman
ReplyDelete*Yawn* I just woke up. Great post! I'm sooo excited for the new guide, and I think you should TOTALLY do a video on it ^-^
ReplyDeleteIn otherwords, I don't really like the new item for some reason.. Too.. Shiny... /).(\
Lastly though, I also think it's incredibly silly that we can't send gifts to nonmembers! Sure they can't open them, but what if they plan on later? .-.
*Yawn* I just woke up. Great post! I'm sooo excited for the new guide, and I think you should TOTALLY do a video on it ^-^
ReplyDeleteIn otherwords, I don't really like the new item for some reason.. Too.. Shiny... /).(\
Yeah. What if you were a nm and wanted to do a giveaway or something? NOOOOO you can't send it. I mean I think it kinda makes sence why nms can't open gifts but why not have them be able to send and receive them? ._.
ReplyDeleteHello! I have a new profile picture made by a very awesome someone called Kittypheonix!
ReplyDeleteGood luck on your vacation and have a WONDERFUL time! ^-^
ReplyDeleteo0o... *steals it*
ReplyDeleteLuna is AWESOME! >:D
ReplyDeleteHey dash, I've noticed you haven't been commenting much, why is that? D:
ReplyDeleteI absolutely loove princess luna ^-^
Hm… nine dollars… I guess. Oooh yay! I have EXACTLY nine dollars on hand! ^-^…… wait….. darn it where I live theres no barns and nobel bookstores or anything..
ReplyDeleteI hope it comes out at the library!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteLuna picks up bazooka and blows up high prices FOREVER!!!!!
Aww c:
ReplyDelete(Smashes screen trying to cuddle with it)
Yeah. Let's get off the subject so it doesn't get any worse XD
ReplyDeleteNow.. What shall we talk about...
Does Luna play animal jam?????
ReplyDelete#FlufflePuffFTW!!! *gasp*
ReplyDeleteI knew in 2010 I as a NM could still receive gifts. But now :P
ReplyDeleteArcticstar! I see you used the picture I drew as your profile pic! I'm honored! ^^"
ReplyDeleteWe don't have proof in videos, because nobody would plan being hit by fman. And if he did ruin their video by sending them a JAG, they most likely wouldn't post it on youtube. Other than that, some people claim to have been hit by him, but there are so many impostors out there who pretend to be him.
ReplyDeleteDude, AJHQ may have to pay people, but it's not fair that nonmembers cant even send or recieve gifts. Yeah they didn't pay, but NONMEMBERS COULD SEND GIFTS. It's kinda hard to enjoy something when you have to pay money just to send gifts, color items, etc when you have to PAY to do simple things. e.e Some sites have stuff for both nonmembers AND members without taking free things away. Take Neopets for example. It has membership, but it's a small membership. In fact, you don't even need it to do most things on the site. They have people to pay, but they still make things for everyone. What I'm saying is that AJHQ is going a little too far. All the new animals we got recently are diamond shop/ member only.
ReplyDeleteIt won't make them lose money if they give nonmembers an animal. I enjoy animal jam, but it's getting annoying that nonmembers aren't getting any new animals recently. Sure we get new items and clothes, but member items and clothes out number the nonmember ones. I honestly don't see how AJHQ has to pay people has anything to do with the original comment. It is unfair that AJHQ is taking free things away so we have to pay for them, whether they have to pay people or not.
My favorites are
ReplyDelete1. Zecora
2. Vinyl
3. Derpy Whooves
(4. RD)
I never said they were.
ReplyDeleteHeh.. I'm not that great
It's not like they waste it. They use it for natural things.
ReplyDeleteXD My parents wouldn't let me order books online.
–the Lost Traveller–
I know one Japanese song o3o
ReplyDeleteIDEAHHH! NM's should receive gifts on birthdays, but... they might not even receive one from others :(. Oh well, let AJHQ give a present. (Really an old idea, but not really seen.)
ReplyDeleteOkay, first of all, ANY GAME, out of it's beta stage, WILL require membership, whether you LIKE IT OR NOT. Aj is more of those popular games that can get boring without updates.
ReplyDeleteSecond of all, it really doesn't matter what you think about AJ being "unfair". You can't change ANYTHING. Go email AJ about it, be my guest. The only place you will see yourself is suspended.
Third of all, I was explaining why AJ needs so much money. :/
I have an idea for AJ, Sorry if this is way off topic.
ReplyDeleteI think AJ should add capsule machines, diamond for the very rare capsule machine, 1,000 gems for rare, 500 for common. You can win betas and rates from each one, common capsule machines have a 14% chance of getting a beta, dunno felt like saying that.
I think AJ should send some random old rare on anyone's bday. That everyone can open.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a huge brony, but I like the show.
ReplyDeleteFavorite good guys
1. RainbowDash
2. Princess Luna
3. Pinkie Pie
4. Twilight
5. Fluttershy
Favorite bad guys
1. Discord
2. ???
3. ???
4. ???
5. ???
I don't really believe people who go out in public and say things like they're poor or that they got scammed or hacked etc.. why would yiu say it in public, plus if you were poor you wouod be worrying about helping your family instead of beingon a virtual world. You wouldn't even have a computer.
ReplyDeleteExactly. :)
ReplyDeletePrincess Luna is THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteonly one thing… In the episode made for halloween.. O.O so Princess Luna was wondering at all the games and then she said… um… O.O It SOUNDED like she said "great h word" when she saw the spider throwing game.. sorry if its my ears but thats what it sounded like..
I'm also not very sympathetic to strangers. Some may call it mean but I call it protecting myself from being lied to and manipulated.
ReplyDeleteI ate it already
ReplyDeleteNot saying that a lot do this but when people say, "EVERYTHING SHOULD BE NM" its like they want aj to shut down..
ReplyDeleteI have known some people that have truly been scammed but were called scammers because they didn't think they were telling the truth :(
ReplyDeleteStill Dogzxx, you DO have a point, strangers that are lying really anger me, sometimes I get jam a grams from strangers telling me to send them stuff ''they were scammed''.
\(*^u^*)/ YESS!
ReplyDeleteNeopets is out of beta stage, and it doesnt have a large membership like AJ's yet, it's still fine. I'm not the only one who thinks this is unfair. Like I said, making free things cost money is unfair. What's the point of buying membership just to send gifts and change colors of items? AJHQ rarely answers emails I send, and usually responds with automatic messages. Yes, AJ needs money, but they don't need to take free things and make us have to pay membership just to get them. e.e
ReplyDeleteTrue, true.
ReplyDeleteScammed or not you shouldn't tell it to the whole world. Buttrading a new instores item is another thing. But I don't like it when people say report the person. Reporting doesn't work unless you catch heperson in action.z
ReplyDeleteIt doesnt have to be big or small.
ReplyDeleteAj gets tons of emailsa day. They dont have time.
If its so unfair quit. There's no point in complaiining about it while playing it.
RD is mah fav!!!! she's so awesome ^^
ReplyDeleteluna!!!!!! e3e
ReplyDeleteumm....... i just worndering this? In setting what is the doorbell for?? I trying to figure it out. Maybe u can tell me please. BUDDY ME ON ANIMAL JAM my name is prettypie345
ReplyDeleteYeah I agree too, I got membership cause being an nm was awesome, and if I was a member, it might of been even better and more fun (more bonuses e.g adventures) :) AJ totally needs the profit otherwise they wont be able to keep the game running :O
ReplyDeleteAre you kidding?! You are awesome! Just wondering, what's your user on AJ kittypheonix?
ReplyDeleteThere is a less pricey version of the insiders guide on the national geographic store but you have to wait tip the 22nd so if you want to spend less but wait I would recommend going there
ReplyDeleteWell, I think if AJ gave us one more NM animal, I'd never ask again. But, I would not ask, I'm fine.
ReplyDeleteAnyone like my new profile pic? I drew it yesterday :3
ReplyDeleteSHE'Z MAH FAV ^^ i cant belive some ppl hate her so much D: