Thursday, July 24, 2014

Cactus Fence & Diamond Code

Hey jammers! Akachip8967 here, last week my computer sadly broke and I couldn't post. I'm back, and posting for Snowyclaw today! Anywho, today's new item is located in Treetop Gardens.
Be sure to buy the new Cactus Fence for 300 Gems! In other news, have you ever wanted a Diamond code? According to Animal Jam's Official Insiders Guide if you enter 'TWELVE' when you log into Jamaa you'll earn 1 Diamond!
Now time for glitches, keremel has spotted a rather strange glitch at the Heatwave Party. Can you stop what's wrong in this image below?
 Lastly. I leave you with a Daily Explorer blog post. Is your art featured? Wow, great job Jammers! ^.^
Happy Jamming! 
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