Hey jammers! Though HES seems busy recently so I thought I'd make a post. Today's brand new item is the Circular Chair!
You can buy one of these colorful seats at the Jam Mart Furniture! Also at Jam Mart Furniture are the departing pet sized cabin!
I gotta say; though I don't often use little pet features I have to admit this item is pretty darn cute. Buy one before it leaves stores! Meanwhile, I have this little dilemma: Rujelly made me two beautiful pieces for my YouTube channel artwork and I can't decide...
Dark or light? Doe or buck? How can I choose? What do I do?!
Heeeeeeelp meeeeeee. Click here for my channel!
From AJHQ we have the RIM post about the Rare Nautilus! I know many of you guys don't really like the "recolor" thing though. I wonder if there are any other possibilities for the RIM weekly event.
No trivia today, I'm toooo tired. Lo siento!
And don't forget to let me know about the channel art!!
Happy jamming!

To post anonymously simply leave the email animaljamspirit@gmail.com instead of your own. Come and join the conversation!
ReplyDeletewow! first time being first! WOOHOO!
ReplyDeleteok real comment! I have NO idea which one you should pick Snowyclaw! Their both SO good! Maybe ya should change it every now and then!
ReplyDeleteSecond! :P
ReplyDeleteReal comment
ReplyDeleteI like the dark one it's so majestic :3
And those chairs look exactly like the ones I have in my room :'D
Congratzzzz :3 -throws cake and cookies at ur face- :U
ReplyDeleteThe light one looks best!
ReplyDelete10th comment :3
ReplyDeleteBoth of those are really beautiful! I guess you can use both depending on the season 'cause the dark one is kinda wintery.
I like the dark one cause it has more detail and kinda reminds me of Deer park :3
ReplyDeleteDark.. It's so pretty and reminds me of the deer that roam by my house :D
ReplyDeletedark cuz i love dark colors o3o
ReplyDeletei already know what im getting for christmas >3<
ReplyDeleteanyone else here @-@
ReplyDeleteI am, and im going on vacation today :D
ReplyDeletecool but i cant do nothing cause its still storming... im so depressing.. :'C
ReplyDeleteI have to wait till 8:30 for my flight, its 1:18 lol
ReplyDeletei have to catch a flight thursday im going to disney land o3o
ReplyDeleteWhere's that again?
ReplyDeleteOh, right
ReplyDeleteAdd me on AJ?
Ok, username?
ReplyDeleteTwinklepop1234 :)
ReplyDeleteOk, thanks.
ReplyDeleteLol. It's like were having a meeting
ReplyDeletei'll have to add you later aj is lagging badly >.<
ReplyDeleteWe are just spamming with comments, lol.
ReplyDeletehmm.... i live there lol! I'm not telling u specificcly... I mean, there are thousands of kids there >.<
ReplyDeleteI can add you, what your user?
ReplyDeleteNot interrupting, lol.
ReplyDeleteI can't decide! I'm sorry, I like both of the channel arts! ;A;
ReplyDeleteI choose dark..... it is more detailed! I usually like light colors more... but the light one has only white and some bland colors!
ReplyDeleteoh sorry... wait... you did too!
ReplyDeleteNo, were just spamming with questions, lol.
ReplyDeleteYou can interrupt tho.
Congratulations, Crafty!
ReplyDeleteI agree, they're both amazing! However, I think I favor the dark one ever so slightly :p
ReplyDeleteI prefer the dark one, it looks more mysterious and interesting!
ReplyDeleteeats cookies and cake in one giant bite before they land on meh face lol
ReplyDeleteanyone here?
ReplyDeletehello :D
ReplyDeleteit's 5:00AM
ReplyDeleteso................... wanna talk about AJ?
ReplyDeleteI like the light one!
ReplyDeletewait why did u say back the same time as this person in AJ
ReplyDeletelazt nite
ReplyDeletei ordurd a pizzua
n it wuz KULD!!
so i gav it 2 a scammer
n he ayt it
n he dyed :(((
Thanks for taking the time to read my signature. My signature loves you.
i like the dark it looks awesome XD
ReplyDeletecongratz ^-^
ReplyDeletegood idea :D change it every month or something
ReplyDeletewell done Xd
ReplyDeleteyeah ur right! ^-^ i love the light one too
ReplyDeleteyup! :D i like da light one... !
ReplyDeletewhat are u getting? 030
ReplyDeleteyummm ^-^
ReplyDeletea beats pill headphone set and a mlp plushie, i found them in my moms closet ^-^ she isn't done shopping but thats whats in there so far ^-^
ReplyDeleteany one here? (sorry for constintly asking)
ReplyDeleteanyone here?
ReplyDeleteeh whatever.... lol :3
ReplyDeletei'm here and i'm bored
ReplyDeleteThanks! :D
ReplyDeleteI like the light one, it's pretty.
ReplyDeleteDat chair looks fantabulous o-o
ReplyDelete:o gIve meh some
ReplyDeleteThe circular chair is ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL, but it looks extremely humanoid.
ReplyDeleteThe dark one.
ReplyDeleteAWESOME ^-^
ReplyDeletenu my nutela o3o *holds jar*
ReplyDeleteI'm here ODO
ReplyDeleteI want some channel art. D: I don't have good channel art
Hmm.. I find it hard to choose between the light and the dark one.. they're both so pretty :3
ReplyDeleteAnd omg so I watched the APMAs last night, and I was so happy that lots of the people I voted for got to win an award! *intense fangirling*
:OOOO i recorded it
ReplyDeleteI would pit the dark, but for Snowyclaw I would go for light.
ReplyDeleteNice :3 so do you want me to tell you some of the winners or do you wanna watch it for yourself? lol
ReplyDeletei'll watch it for myself, but thank you for offering ^-^
ReplyDeleteI wish Shadow (Jayfeather for you guys) was on.
ReplyDeletegee when said anyone else here this person raged he said: leave your depression with you, don't annoy and bug us with your depression emo depressed *censored word* my reaction: -_-
ReplyDeleteanonymous bellow when i said any one else here? @-@ its awaiting moderated it might not be there but when i looked at my replies there it was
ReplyDeleteAlso in my opinion depressed people CAN be annoying when they just won't stop talking about how bad their life is and instead of having fun, and ruining everybody else's fun, come on, I used to be depressed and had lots of mood swings but I had fun with my friends too!
ReplyDelete-_- im not depressed im just saying is anyone else on here and people raged about it and say bad words so all i was doing is seeing if anyone else was chatting gosh it was a simple question its just people want to start fights .-.
ReplyDeletehow about u just shush your face anonymous and what wimp your to scared to comment your disqus i think i know your user @NOLIFE #shush
ReplyDelete92 comments o3o
ReplyDeleteI was just stating my opinion...
ReplyDeleteAnyways, on a site I quit for person reasons, on the forums, sometimes, if somebody didn't give them attention, they would scream about how there were gonna commit and how much we ruined their life. :/ I mean seriously, go ahead commit people! I'm sure flippin attention will help!
ikr some people these days
ReplyDeletePeople are too dramatic. Yes I used to be depressed and I did have mood swings and I still do have mood swings but I have a little bit of control in it.
ReplyDeleteSmh. It's never right to make fun of anyone with depression. I had depression back in 7th grade. The school I went to was very small, so there were only 2 7th grade classrooms. I had four best friends, but they were all in the other class. And the only time we mixed classes was for math class. Only one of my friends were in that class. But otherwise, I was so alone in every class. I was always the person without a partner whenever it came to doing projects where we could pick our own partner. I've never felt so alone before. So really the only time I could be with my friends was in the morning before school started, or lunch and recess. And the fact that my 4 friends always got in fights with each other didn't help either. It really saddened me to see that no one in my class even noticed how lonely I was. I had thoughts about self harm. I just wanted to hurt myself so badly. But luckily, things got better for me within the third quarter of school. Some girls in my class started to hang out with me. I started feeling better, yet sometimes I still felt left out when I was around them. But overall, 7th grade was the worst school year I've had. My 8th grade year was SO much better. But now I'll be entering high school in August and I only know 3 people going there. And I probably won't be in all of their classes. So I hope I can find some good friends. And I hope my depression doesn't come back. But whenever I am feeling down, I listen to my rock music and it makes me feel much better. I really wish I'd listened to that kind of music back in 7th grade, for I probably wouldn't have been so depressed.
ReplyDeleteSorry for the long paragraph, but basically the lesson that it teaches is that you should make sure everyone feels included.
Let it go, let it go, can't hold it back anymore, let it go, let it go, turn away and slam the door. Here I stand, and here I stay, let it go, let it go, the cold ever bothered me anyway.
ReplyDeletetry saying that to anonymous .3.
ReplyDeleteI would, but idk which anonymous it is :(
ReplyDeleteDark doe! It looks SOOO cool!
ReplyDeleteits the one at the bottom thats is saying awaiting moderation when i said anyone else here @-@
ReplyDeleteOk well let me know when you watch it. I guess on tomorrow's post you can leave a comment about it and I'll respond. Or if you wanna say something about it today, that's cool too XD
ReplyDeleteAnyone else here?
ReplyDeleteI am o3o
ReplyDeleteThe Dark stag is better in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteim bored .-.
ReplyDeleteI just got a new book from my author friend, and she made me a character! I'm just being random by posting it on here, I don't know why I am~
ReplyDeleteWell, good morning or good whatever-time-it-is...
ReplyDeleteAnyone notice with the 'light' picture, Jamaa is spelled 'Jamma'? Or is it just the script?
ReplyDeletelolz so I said something and ajhq reported me and it said this conversation isn't inappropriate lolz weird huh
ReplyDeleteDo I know you from somewhere, or are you another faker?
ReplyDeletethat is what happens to me I am in different classes than my 2 friends and they always get into fights I feel ur pain girl
ReplyDeleteIn the beta, AJHQ used to spell it Jamma. It's currently Jamaa now, though. It drives me crazy, because I prefer Jamaa.
Not Jamma.
(ja-MAH) = Jamaa
(jam-MA) = Jamma
I like the night stag, it looks more... hmm, what's the right word..... enthralling? magical? mysterious? But the light stag is cool too, it has a more 'snowyclaw' side to it. It's so hard to decide!
ReplyDeletep.s. I'm so excited for AJHQ to announce to won the clothing item contest! I drew a dress and entered it (I'm a girl, just in case you didn't know :P). Who else participated?
I like Jamaa more.
ReplyDeleteMake up your mind AJ!
Yeah, I like the dark one to, not only does it have a mysterious feel to it, it spells Jamaa correctly...
ReplyDeleteIkr. Jamaa sounds more foreign and magic. Jamma sounds, as one would expect, like jam.
ReplyDeleteI hate it when people make typos when they can easily fix it, but I can't because Disqus glitches. :/
ReplyDeleteI like the one on the right. But they are both beautiful :)
ReplyDeleteWhen you say Jamma think of the word gamma, but say the 'j' sound instead of the 'g' sound.
ReplyDeleteWho likes the Total Drama series?
ReplyDeletelolz, yes. XD
ReplyDeleteMe kind of
ReplyDeleteIf I put 2 letters inbetween a period I can't backspace it half the time.
ReplyDeleteSometimes it backspaces my words.
Sometimes it doubles them.
Oh, that's why. :P. Seriously AJHQ? You are messing up some great artwork here!
The 5th season and the 3rd one are verryy juicy and hilarious XD Not reality tv show juicy, like... uh idk anymore.
ReplyDeleteim bored do any of u play aj cause not a lot of spirit blog ppl do
ReplyDeleteSo evil.
What are we even saying dogz
ReplyDeletei do O-O
ReplyDeletesnowy why do you have to make us decide ?? D: they're both epic in my opinion but i gotta say the first one with the doe is pretty C: lol this is unusual for me because most of the time i pick the darker pictures, but anyway, they're both cool.
ReplyDeleteGuys, I have news!
ReplyDeleteTomorrow, (aka my 11th bday) I MIGHT get back my computer!
ReplyDeletenice :D and happy birthday :3
ReplyDeleteI do...
ReplyDeletewuts ur user mine is lolly2014
ReplyDeleteDid you get the gift I sent, though?
Disquis glitches for me too. D:
ReplyDeleteits wolf41816..... O-O herp derp.
ReplyDeleteI liked the dark one.
ReplyDeleteI haven't been on. I'm not allowed to go onto my moms work computer.
ReplyDeletelol i dunno why i keep using O-O i shall now do O3O
ReplyDeletelolz XD
ReplyDeleteme to ^-^
ReplyDeleteHappy one-day-early Birthday! At least you have a computer to yourself, I have to use my dad's.
ReplyDeleteAww. i hope you get that computer then.
ReplyDeleteDoes someone wanna talk about gossip or something I'm just soooooooooooooooo bored :L
ReplyDeleteAlso snowy both pics are awesome, why not try mixing them both together if it goes well
ReplyDeleteOMG finally getting a phone ! I've been trying to get one ever since so! Woo! Now when Ajs app comes I can download it on the phone and not this big giant old ipod
ReplyDeleteWow. Lots of birthdays this month. Anyway, HAAAAPPPPYYY BBBIIIRRTHDDAAYYYY!!!!!!!!!! I have leftover cake from my birthday if you want some! -hands super chocolate cake-
ReplyDeleteO.o is it weird if your friend randomly asks you out but you only knew them for like a day and you guys just became friends because he/she were new and you were just being nice and then boom friends and then yeah they ask you out like that! Is that just desperate? Need to know.
ReplyDeleteI agree with animal abuse thing but not fur, the furs are too good of quality for them to be tortured.
ReplyDelete:O Cool! I'm probably going to get one today.... thinking a 4s or MotoX...
ReplyDeleteomg i love it!
ReplyDeletemeh :3
ReplyDeletewhats the authors name? ^-^
ReplyDeletelolz XD
ReplyDeleteyesh ^-^
ReplyDeleteI really like the black one but I have learned from experience to go with the lighter one that doesn't stand out that much. Nice Rujelly!
ReplyDeleteIt's sad to know people are abusing wonderful innocent animals for stuff but we also need meat but it's also sad, this is why I hate and like chicken, and yet I just found there useing a bunny to make make up? wait was that right o.o I hate make up my friend uses them and I said your too young for make up you ant wrinkles?! And she said why do I wanna be beautiful!? And I said fine if your gonna be like that, that's fine with me.. Ps when you said beautiful person coming move! That's just rude ya know. :L she's the most sassiest person I know
ReplyDeletethe fantastic me
ReplyDeleteAwesome hopefully my mom would thing of how much idk room I can fit in there , plus I've been trying to get one ever since 4th grade!
ReplyDeletePeta lies..
ReplyDeleteI didn't quite follow what most of that said... but I agree that testing on animals for makeup and other beauty products is stupid but you have to accept that one or two animals sacrifice their lives to save millions more on things like vaccines and things that people didn't think were harmful and were dying from anyway.
ReplyDeleteSorry but Peta is a liar. :/
ReplyDeleteLol they shut down a Sea World float @ the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade because it was "supporting animal abuse"
ReplyDeleteLol I've needed one because my mom has been dropping me off @ the barn and its ok if my friends happen to be there at the same time but Puck and I cant keep ourselves occupied for 5 hours!
ReplyDelete:/ Peta is all like,.END ANIMAL ABUSEEEEE
ReplyDeleteThen they let it happen anyways..,oeo
All they do is piss people off
ReplyDeleteAnimals are not abused, their deaths are quick and nearly every part of the animal is used. If we did not eat them some other animal would. There are ACTUAL animal abuse stories to be aware of. Using animals for food is NOT abuse. It's a basic food chain and we are only consuming what we were designed to eat. Also the HUGE fact that Peta are liars.
ReplyDeleteYeah, did you guys see the story of a cat used for testing? They attached a bunch of things to its head, so sad.
ReplyDeleteIt soon died.
ReplyDeleteKey word SOON
ReplyDeleteYes, Peta always stretches the truth. Like seriously if animals are in such good quality how did the animals suffer?
ReplyDeleteExactly! And I sent you a buddy request :)
ReplyDeleteI heard peta kills animals "So they dont suffer"
On which acount?
ReplyDeleteDogs152552 is my main.
Well that's what most people do... like whenever a horse gets old or they cant move without pain it gets put down... and that is a lot better than having to see it suffer.
ReplyDeleteUgh, i hate the words "Put down", its bad in everyway.
ReplyDeletePeta stretches the truth a lot. Animals don't usually suffer for coats. Neither for meat.
ReplyDeleteIts sort of like those people that yell at you for wasting paper and "killing trees..." Well if I don't use it who will!?!?
ReplyDeleteWell, my aunt's dog had to be put down.
ReplyDeleteBecause it wouldn't eat or drink.
You have a choice.
Allowing it to suffer or taking the pain away?
ReplyDeleteUs humans need some type of meat, we are omnivores, but i heard we were originally meant to eat bugs, berries, and treenuts.
ReplyDeleteAnd how are we supposed to write stuf? ;-; I write big! Not my fault!
ReplyDelete"Never gonna give you up, never gonna PUT YOU DOWN"
ReplyDeleteNope. See these sharp teeth in our mouth that stab you a lot? Canines... used for shredding meat.... you don't evolve certain kinds of teeth because meat tastes good you get them because they are necessary for survival.
ReplyDeleteWell meat has protien we need to grow.
ReplyDeleteIt's not even much of a healthier lifestyle being a vegan or a vegetarian.
Well, most sicknesses pets get are gained from living with humans.
ReplyDeleteoops nevermind ill send that
ReplyDeleteI still want to try roasted crickets!
ReplyDeletereally? cant find you
ReplyDeleteNot actually. Putting an animal down is better than allowing it to suffer. It is not wrong in so many ways. It's only wrong if you do it for your pleasure when it's not suffering.
ReplyDeleteI like ur profile picture, its the Doctor!