Thursday, October 13, 2011

New Around Jamaa

Hi there again jammers! Here are just a few fun things that came along with the most recent update. Most of all it's the items, but guess what?! There's even more to come! Check out this Jamaa Journal page for details.
Cool huh? AJ HQ finally added the spooky phantom den music as well, enjoy the creepy fun atmosphere!
And if you haven't noticed you're now able to play games with non-buddies. So much more fun this way!
Plus there are now journey books! You can access yours in your tool menu at the top of your screen.
This is a completed Crystal Reef page, after you complete each one you get a rare prize!
 Plus there is a new animal coming to Jamaa! Excited? Definitely a water animal, can you guess what it is?
 Super Sort is now double gems, yippee!! It's one of my favorite gem earning games. ^.^
 Plus there are candy bowls spread throughout Jamaa, they give you everything from Candy Apples to Phantom Sticks! How many can you find?
 The Jamaa Central gallery has been updated, with lots of pictures including one from out Peck party!
 There is also a new calender, it may give some clues on future updates and new things around.
Like the calender background? You can find a similar one on the banners page in the Archive mini blog. What else is new in Animal Jam? See you in Jamaa!


  1. Im in the jamaa cenrtal!!!! try and find me!!

  2. i think the next animal is a turtle


  3. Hiya Snowyclaw! Great post, and plenty informational! I'm most sure that the next animal to come is a turtle.

  4. I can't find the eel, jellyfish, or the manatee in Bahari Bay


  6. They should SERIOUSLY have underwater dens. That would be awesome. and yeah i think teh next animal will be a turtle.

  7. omg i saw you in jamma township and i was gonna try and friend you but than you dissapeared

  8. Yababoolababba! ( I don't know why I am even doing this )
    > . <


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw