Hey jammers! A big rare has returned this year everyone, the Pilgrim Hat. Be sure to pick one up at Jam Mart Clothing.

I'm sorry rare collectors, it seems all items are returning, wether we want them to or not. Even though collecting is fun, Jamaa truly isn't about rarity, it's about forming friendships and meeting jammers from all over the world.
To be honest I'm really sad about losing so many rare items, but I have true friends on Animal Jam, and I will remain here.
Some fun new Alpha coloring activities!
I must say, Sir Gilbert looks adorable in that pose. Anywho, happy jamming everyone, hope to see you around Jamaa!

pillys rock
ReplyDeletefrom, maggie1520
Yay!!! I wanted a few of theses, .. Sorry to princesselove. . She was the only one I knew with these hats
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Delete3rd comment!! Yay!! The rare comes back!!
ReplyDeleteHey Snowyclaw!! I have a beautiful autotext for чöüR name, hope Ψ♉υ like it!!!
That's cool! :)
Deletehow do u do that?? lol i am not very good with computers.
plz plz plz plz plz plz plz come to my blog its AJ dragon blog its epic. ~skyways
ReplyDeleteTo I went , looked, posted, then that dumb little enter code thing came on ... So sorry no comment
DeleteHmmmmm I hate auto correct on iPhones .. That was ment to say .. So I went..
DeleteMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!! I'm so flabbergasted; they came back! YES! YES! YES! YAHOOOO! Only problem: now tons of people are probs gonna quit :/ D: Well, that's their own problem I guess. The guy who hacked me said he was "this close to quitting", but when he'd found out my birthday, hacked me etc he decided to stay... :/
My friend quit AJ only because its so boring! All AJ is about are clans, dates, etc! I know AJ Spirit brought shamans back, but what about the spirit? After all Snowy, you names this blog "AJ Spirit" because you wanted to reflect the Spirit all across the world to Jammers like me!
DeleteIm so happy there back too :D :D And yeah i hate that some jammers would actually quit a wonderful game, just for PIXEL ITEMS DX Its sick! Yes, if someone quit and its because they don't like the game anymore or other various reasons, then thats different. But if only you quit for rares, is horrible and i hate it!
I wanna say this. I TOLD YOU SO, ISABELLA >:U
ReplyDelete(Isabella is a person who deleted me because I said pilgrims would come out, and wouldn't trade for hers.)
Wow, I thought Pilgrim Hats were Non-member, but that was in beta o3o
I think...
DeleteHmm i don't really know if they were non member or not. They were in beta yes, but i thought they were always member :L I shall figure it out!
DeleteIn my opinion, they RUINED Peck!!! I liked her a lot...
ReplyDeletesame. i loved her but now she reminds me of..Dora....she looks all big and bulky, she no longer looks like a rebel who likes to have fun either. I WANT MY PECK BAACKKKK :"(
I agree! Soon Peck will be all like "Sarepia Forest, Jamaa Park, Mt. Shiveer Hill!"
DeletePeace, AJ, and Crocodillians
15TH COMMENT YES! I looooooove the new rares because i tell these people who want rares at these times of the year to stock up :)
ReplyDeletepapad91278 the 4th news crew member
Oh my gosh that's the stupidest hacker ever! I've been scammed before but not hacked. If I ever get hacked I will sue them and hack my items back!
Not a good idea.
DeleteAs I said , I welcome anyone to try and hack me..
DeleteIn order to hack an AJ account you need to get there email, and I have a nice little surprise waiting if anyone cares to try and hack me ;)
When I quit, it's not cause all my rares came out, it's cause I'm most likely getting another game. I will visit, but not very often.
ReplyDeleteWhen I saw Sir Gilbert I said...
He looks like a baby tiger!
I agree with everything Snowy said in this post :). And I'm happy about the pilgrim hat returning! I have always liked the pilgrim hat, but they've always been rare for me, so I never got one. :)
ReplyDeleteOMG PILGRIM HAT IS BACK!!!!! :D I've always wanted one!
ReplyDelete~ dml99dog♥
I been on aj from day one and it seems only 40% of jammers are nice the other 60% could care less about you, Its sad to know that animal jam doesn't have as much kind people as webkinz, That's why i might just stay on webkinz, I have good rares and tons of true friends on webkinz, But on aj i have none cause everyone rather be rich then make friends :|
ReplyDeleteGilbert looks like a playful kitten XD not very regal, but adorable!
ReplyDeleteI don't like the way they changed Greely's eyes though, the original ones had much more history behind them
That's sad. I have a true friend on AJ. Her name is princessfunshine. She's really nice, and i used to play webkinz. i didn't like it very much but its okay/
ReplyDeleteAt least spike collars and spike wristbands won't come back! (because I have both the spike is purple the wristband is yellow)
ReplyDeleteLOL, I have my spike colors BACKWARDS! My collar is yellow and my wristband is purple. XD!
DeletePeace, AJ, and Crocodillians
I'm recruiting new clones of me! You can be Anonymousbunny, Anonymoustiger I don't care. Or you could be Anonymouswolf like me! Hahaha!
I am trading my Camis Doll, Anybody want it?
ReplyDeleteHow rare is a camis doll?
awww lucky what do you want for it???
What do ya have? i would kinda like a colored worn or a spike, for the spike i would add a Fox hat, The cami's frog, and a small clothing rare
Deletehello, i'm looking for someone who will accept my offer of pink striped top hat, black long spike, and freedom wings for their founders. i traded my founders for those not long ago and i really want a founders back again, because my friend gave me that founder. will anyone please trade me one? reply if you will, and please tell me your username so i can find you and trade you D:
ReplyDelete~desperate jammer O^O
my user name is anakin1190 and i have a founders. you can offer for mine if u want
Deletewell at least some awesome rares are coming back right?
ReplyDelete~ dml99dog♥
I know AJ isn't about rares, and I have lots of good friends on AJ, but it's so much fun to try and collect all the rares. It's like a quest--it makes it really fun. I became nonmember recently and it's a little less fun, but me and my friends are always hanging out. It would be really cool if they came out with really neat quests--then I think many people would stop scamming as much. Maybe rares would become less important to some people. If they made them good enough.
ReplyDeleteWell--Maybe it's just me--but I love the thrill of the chase.
check it out! What do you guys think?
I'm glad Pilgrim Hats are back. It's a nice little item that lots of jammers love to put on their bunnies. Not many people had them, so no one seems to mind that much. Personally, I hope that if all of the big rares come back, AJ will at least keep the small rares so everyone can still have fun trading. Then hopefully, trading will become only a mini-game compared to the big, real game standing right infront of everyone.
the fluffy tiger with a shiny camera badge.
Yay I'm happy the pilgrim hats came back out! No not because they used to be "rare" just because i was always fascinated and always wanted one! I hate that some jammers are going to quit now just because they came out. Thats ridiculous and it shows how much little respect they have for the game and the meaning of animal jam. Anyways i personally am happy its back! Now everyone can get one and look like a pilgrim :D!
Hey Snowy! I though you should know. You might want to refresh your "ask snowy" page. No one can comment on it because its so full. Thought you may like to know!
ReplyDelete-TheSafari07 :)
Awww!! I need more rares for my collection /).(\
ugh great -.- pilgrim hats were a gigantic rare! AJ is really changing their mind to greedy and selfish people. Great i spend stupid money for membership X.X
ReplyDeleteI bought all the pilgrims ^-^
ReplyDeleteok so snowy i need to email aj headquarters someone called me stupid on aj and a bad word i wrote there username down and i need u to help me email them can u?
ReplyDeletemy user name is ron5678 please buddy me so we can talk on aj about this and i really wanna be buddies with u to!1 :D ur the best
There E-mail is
lol sir gilbert is soooooo cute! i lo-l-lo-looooove him! -laughs like a syco path- MENQBFRWEUBFWE8BF!
ReplyDelete- lovelion123
I'm sad :'(. Trying to hold back my tears :(.
ReplyDeleteWhen I tried to make a Google account it said I wasn't old enough :(. And when I used 1995 as a year it STILL said I wasn't old enough. And when I ask my mom about what year to put in she said "Well your not old enough I can say that for sure."
Use 1987, I ALWAYS use it.
Deletei use 1945 lol
DeleteThe year 1995 should have worked : /
ReplyDeleteYay i just got a blogger account :D
ReplyDeleteMy mum won't allow me :(
Deletewhats it called? mines AJ dragon blog
ReplyDeleteand anyone wanna be an author of my blog? gimmy ur email and we can write posts together! sadly, i don't have any authors yet.
oh yeah my email is dragonblogiscool@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteMy blog is animal jam kick. or known as blogspot.darkchilda.co.nz Also I'll be an author if you want :3 my email's itsmee@hotmail.co.nz
ReplyDeleteHey I wish that headdresses are back too!