Hey jammers! Today's rare items are the crazy colored Rare Cozy Shoes, sold on the first page of Shiveer Shoppe.

AJHQ has also posted the winner to the News Crew article contest about Big Cats. Congratulations Sparkle Supersailor!
Now, for a mystery, also in Mt. Shiveer. Today might be less of a mystery, and more of an idea-storm! Here's the picture. . .
On an oaken table in Mt. Shiveer there sit many potions. Who created these strange concoctions? What ingredients do they contain? How did they make them? What are they for?

They were created by cosmo the koala
ReplyDeleteP.s Frest comment;-)
I'll get a set or two , just for trading
ReplyDeleteYay me too;-)
ReplyDeleteWho won last weeks??
ReplyDeleteFifth comment. Not trying to spam, I'm just really tired and sort of bored. Anyway, the shoes are cool, and I'll get them later. Back to school. Ugh. I have to get up at 6:30. >: p. That sucks.
in the cold mt.shiveers a koala was working. he was working on a potion to bring back Mira and destroy the phantoms. one day a harp seal came to his hut in need of warming. he told Cosmo that he hadn't any blubber and was as cold as a human without an anorak. so, Cosmo went to his fireplace and made the seal some hot cocoa. when he warmed up the seal told Cosmo that his name was Harper. then he asked what the strange potions in the corner where for. Cosmo told him, and Harper jumped up from his pillow and took the most useful one and leapt outside, for he saw the spirit of Mira only hours before fighting phantoms.he saw the fight very suddenly and stopped, careful not to be seen. he opened the potion and threw it at the fight, and the phantoms ran away from Mira. when Harper came back to Cosmo and said what he did, Cosmo made the harp seal the seal Alpha.
ReplyDeletethe end!
The rare is some ugly colours to me D:
ReplyDeleteI agree
DeleteWell they do look funky lol
DeleteKinda reminds me of wizard shoes or something with magic.
Member item again >:(
ReplyDeleteOooh mabye Cosmo came to the Hot Cocoa hut, but he didn't have money to pay for a drink, so he traded some herbs and some potions,And why is the rare item always member?!?
One day, Cosmo the Koala Shaman/Alpha went to see his animal friends in Mt Shiveer. They were supposed to be having a snowboarding competition down the icy slide. The animal with the fastest time would win. Cosmo knew his body wasn't what it used to be, and decided to just be the referee.
ReplyDeleteThe first animal set off down the slide on a carved wooden plank, twisting and turning round the bends. What the animal didn't know was that there was a rock just ahead, burried in the snow. The plank hit the rock and sent the animal flying into the snow.
Cosmo got up and ran to the animal. She was a small bunny, and had hurt her leg very badly in the fall. Cosmo thought hard at what he could do. Then he remembered! "I can easily make a potion to heal this poor rabbit." Cosmo ran to the Cocoa Hut, ingredients rattling in his pockets.
Cosmo mixed and mixed things like crystal cobwebs, Phantom juice, red and blue berries, and dried herbs. After a while, the mediceine was finally ready. Cosmo carried it to the mountain and knelt beside the rabbit. "Drink this. It will make you better" He smiled. The rabbit relunctently drank every drop, and was suddenly healed!
Ever since that day, cosmo has made many other potions in the Cocoa Hut, just in case they're ever needed again.
~Ruby43 on Animal Jam
Once in the land of jamaa long ago where there was peace and no hate between the animals lived the alphas But the only alpha that stuck out was edmund the giraffe. He spent all of his time alone in his study where he concocted potions and made useful potions for the other alphas.Edmund one day walked into the other alphas meeting (he was not there due to excessive studying)he set the potion on the table "I have made the perfect potion so we all shall be stronger!" his voice echoed around the room. " How do you know this works edmund.." liza questioned.
ReplyDelete" I want you to try it and then fight the phantoms" he said wringing his hoofs.
Liza wearily drank the potion grabbed a spear and went out to fight the phantoms. She later came back, "EDMUND" she shouted "It worked!"
Edmund smiled and went back to his study. He worked away until he found his new ingrediant perfect for his new potion. Bazil was the ingrediant Little did he know the alphas would fight over it. Edmund finished his potion with a pinch of clover for luck and went off. He walked into the alphas room and they swarmed over grabbing at the potion.
"No children!" He boomed
"We are not children." gilbert said
"You are acting of it now I am going to lock my potions away." He said turning and walking away.
Later to this day we find edmunds viles and bottle of liquids and herbs sitting there as to say "No alphas you shall never touch these viles even returning from our tiring journey."
And thats what i tihnk ^.^ ~umbee_shensei-kitsune~ ~tigertaco2011~ (there both me .-. i just like shensei-kitsune better)
Really great story! It was really fun to read :D
DeleteDoesn't anyone think that the rares for the past few weeks are winter MEMBERS only items? Don't you think it's getting annoying? Ugh members only item again. >:(
ReplyDeleteOh yea, do you think that the Alpha you danced with was a person from AJHQ?
Long ago when we were still safe from those pesky phantoms, Cosmo the Koala knew the phantoms were going to come. Cosmo mixed lots of potions to help get rid of them but couldn't mix the right one in time. Now, every Monday, Cosmo sits there, mixing potions to save Mira, knowing that she will come back.
Member Items... D: I got to go. Cya people
here I go again
ReplyDeleteback in the old days of jamaa.....
Cosmo raced to mt. shiveer because Mira had asked something very special of him. Mira knew that Cosmo was an expert on medicine and plants so she sent him to mt. shiveer to go make new medicines for all the animals there. Cosmo knew this was very important because a lot of jammer's lives depended on Cosmo. there in the hot cocoa hut he started. it grew late into the night and cosmo was no wheres near being done, so he got some rest. Later that night a phantom came. That phantom was one of the last good phantoms. he took some of the medicine and starting giving it to a baby wolf. That wolf was very sick and its mom had disappeared. The good phantom felt bad for taking most of cosmo's hard work so he sat down at Cosmo's work table and started making new ones. He finished them by dawn. He could make medicines as good as Cosmo but he couldn't make them before because he couldn't find the right things to make potions and medicines. Cosmo realized in the morning that they were done and left them there incase anyone else needed them. There they still stand.
-sparklesjourney send the prize to animalgirl033 if there is a prize
Fifteenth comment! And I'm not a fan of the snow shoes. I never liked them, but I hate the colors they put for rare monday. Wow....I'm never in the top 20 comments! :O
ReplyDeleteToday is my first day back to school D:
ReplyDeleteThose colors ar like spring on mars
ReplyDeleteso i just ran in to partyrockzebra on AJ and what some unknow reason she says she dont post on here ?
ReplyDeleteso why is an anonymous useing she name ?
for some unkonwin reason ***
DeleteWell, hpw do you now? Whats your user tell me so i can report you
DeleteVinter it's just anonymous doing what they do best .. Stating carp ..
DeleteFirst off, Im not the anonymous who yelled all that stuff. second, i don't think snowy dose that. third, anonymous is for those people who don't have those whatever accounts like me.
DeleteLastly, im reporting you Aj Jammer!!!!
i just wanna top hat! i just want scary bat wings and freedom wings! why am i so urare?!?! my dream was to be popular and have lots of rareS! i know AJ isn't about rares, but why are you keeping ur rares of it isn't about rares? please stop!
ReplyDeletePeople collect the rares as a hobby. Like for fun. It isn't the reason for playing, but people like to do it anyway.
DeletePeople are popular on there for being good nice friends. Not for their rares (at least I hope not, cause that would be shallow!).
I agree!
DeleteYa, I have a lot of rares because I love collecting them and looking cool.A lot of people only want to be friends with me cause of my rares and that is just shallow.I have a lot of good friends and a few of my buddies are only there because they want my stuff but I just don't really pay attention to them.I am a good friend to people who will be a good friend and hang out with me whenever,but mean people and people who just want rares I don't like being friends with.
Delete~funnyhahahaha The Funniest Jammer In Jamaa :P
AJ isn't about rares. Rares may get you popular, but with fake friends. Real friends come to you for who you are, not because of what your items are. >.<
DeleteUgh that's why some peopl want my pink fox hat in summer
Heres minez >:3-
ReplyDeleteNow, many people beleive that Cosmo created the potions... But truth is, Greely did. For Greely's mother was a healer, but, sadly she passed away when Greely was only a pup. Enraged, Greely tried to bring her back, using the potions. And what hapened? He did it, unfortunetly, by tampering with the laws of nature, his mother become a source of darkness. Evil. Greely's heart grew cold, making him afraid to care about anyone. He wanted to forget about what he had just done... THe guilt. The shame. The terror. He then, gave these potions to Cosmo. Cosmo made sure that nobody would ever think a thing about this power. For the phantoms could use this for great, great evil. Or, maybe, something else. He made sure to disguise them as something else, vases, anything. Cosmo knew that if someone tampered with these, the consiquences could be fatal. For this reason, Greely has been known to go lone wolf, even after Mira made him one of the Alphas. Alone. But heathe these words, Greely is one of the most important Alpha. For he knows the dangers of the phantoms, their weaknesses, their power. This is why phantoms have not yet terroized Jamma. But as the years pass, the protection is growing weaker... Jamma, in time, will need new heroes to arise and fight the dark.
Hope ya liked it :D
You kno wht they should do for RIM? NM member items
ReplyDeleteyes, i don't find it very fair that more RIM items are for members only. I think only about 25% RIM items are for non members and 75% are for members only. I'm thinking about contacting AJHQ and asking them if they could be more fair to nonmembers
DeleteI think you should. You meybie could send my ida
DeleteI felt like I should quit tho since why are they giving good stuff to members tho it is no dang fair!!!
DeleteIf they want more money just do a fundraiser on the inturnet or something DX
non members play for free members pay to get more ... Where is the problem ?
DeleteI think the potions on the oaken table are made by Mira, when she tried to bring Zios back. I think none worked though, so she stopped making potions.
ReplyDelete~Katzrock123 (^<.<^)/
Long ago Liza the shaman used the potions to tell the stories of Mira and Zios. Comzo had given the potions to Liza as a gift to tell the stories to the jammers of all of Jamaa so that everyone would learn the stories of how Jamaa was made from Mira and Zios. Liza was very thankful for the gift that Comzo had given her. Liza used the potions well but one day when she was using the potions that comzo had given her she saw a terrible vision that the phantoms would come back and ruin Jamaa! Liza knew she had to tell the other shamans so she ran to every shamans den to tell them to be ready to protect Jamaa from the phantoms. When the day came to fight off the phantoms liza and peck would help get the land animals out of Jamaa. Then Harper would go and help get the sea animals get out. While Comzo and Graham would help fight the phantoms with the magic potions. And lastly Greely would drive out the phantoms. When comzo and graham were throwing magic potions at the phantoms greely was using his secret weapon on the phantoms then a huge explodion happened and all the phantoms turned to dust! The day was saved by the shamans once again! Would the phantoms return? THE END HOPE YOU LIKED IT BY kittycat98048!
ReplyDeleteO.o Oh my sweet word, my user would be the same as your if there was no 8's in it O.O
Delete~kittycat904 whois VERY confused O.o
This has nothing to do with Aj, but I was just eating Scooby Doo fruit snacks and I was thinking... Is that how Shaggy, Scooby, Velma, Fred, Daphne, and the mystery machine really taste? Because if it is.. They're really fruity CX
ReplyDelete- saramo ( got signed out of blogger at the time)
lolol funny :D
DeleteOne day, when Peck was looking for art materials, she stumbled upon some poisonous cherries. she didn't know they were poisonous and ate them thinking they would go great on ice cream. The next day she became very ill and Cosmo looked for the cherries so he could find a cure. When he came back he held several potions. He gave one to Peck and she drank it and was healed. He kept a few others in a cold place just in case someone else got poisoned. So he thought Mount Shiveer was the perfect place and he was right.
I guess peck was need to learn a little bit about plants
Cosmos, the Herbologist Alpha studied potions and Herbs. One day he decided he needed to store them somewhere, so the cocoa hut was the place. 2 years later after the disappearance of the Alphas/Shamans, Jammers are still pondering how and mysteriously what is the full History behind it...
NebulaStar* (aka ArtistStan)
One day Cosmo and Graham went exploring in a new,icy cold, land.They were sent out to explore the new area by the other Shamans(Alphas).As the two explored the unknown,freezing terrain,they spotted a large purple and patchy tent.They were freezing by now and wanted to get somewhere warm,so they decided to investigate the strange tent.Then,all of the sudden,Graham fell into freezing cold water with a loud "CRACK" from the ice.He gasped and splashed around in the freezing water unable to get a firm grip on the ice.Cosmo panicked,then thought,my staff!I can use my staff to get him out,then with great effort Cosmo tugged and wanked until the freezing Graham was out of the water.Graham shuddered from the cold and mumbled with teeth chattering,"Th...thanks Cosmo,y..you saved m..m..me-ACHOO!"Cosmo had no time to wait to save his friend from getting sick so he looked at Graham and said very fast,"My dear friend,Graham!We MUST get you to that tent right away and get out of this freezing snow!"Graham nodded and said,"Y..yes, alri-ACHOO!"Cosmo and Graham then made there way towards the large purple tent as fast as they could.
ReplyDelete~Part 2 The Mysterious Purple Tent~
As Cosmo and Graham enter the tent,Graham collapses on the floor.Heat floods back into Cosmo's freezing body as he looks around to take in the tent.It was huge with a great big fireplace,hot cocoa machine,and a huge rack of warm winter clothes.Cosmo gasps as he sees a huge wolf figure sitting by the flames,the wolf looks at them and sighs,"Oh dear,what has happened to your monkey friend young koala?"Cosmo considers the huge wolf for a second,he sounded nice with his soft,booming voice but he was not entirely sure if he can trust him.The wolf sighs again and says,"I am Greely,I have lived here with my pack until the cold froze them in a large cave,I managed to escape the falling ice and boulders." Cosmo then whispers back in reply,"I am Cosmo and this is my friend,Graham,h..he fell in the ice."Greely nodds and turns to the clothes rack,takes of a few large coats,then sets them down by the fire.Cosmo looks at him and says,"What are those for Greely?" Greely smiles and replies,"Ah,it is for your friend,Graham.He will lay by the fire to warm up." Cosmo nods and helps Greely bring Graham over by the fire.Greely motions for Cosmo to sit by the fire with his friend then goes and makes a cup of hot cocoa for Cosmo.After Greely hands him the cocoa and turns to a oak table at the side of the tent.Cosmo watches Greely quietly sipping his cocoa. Greely then starts looking through his potions and finds one labeled "Cold/Sickness Heal". Greely takes it from the table,opens it and pours some in a small cup.Graham wakes up slowely as Greely makes his way to the fire.Graham is startled by the sight of Greely,but when he looks over at Cosmo he relaxes a little. Greely hands Graham the potion and says sharply,"I am Greely,now you must drink this Graham." Graham nods,takes the potion and slowely drinks it all.After about and hour or so the Shamans(Alphas) convince Greely to go back to Jamaa with them to see the others.After that,Greely was made a Shaman(Alpha) for helping out the two on their journey in the newly named land of Mount Shiveer.
P.S Hope you guys enjoyed and sorry it's so long!
~funnyhahahaha the funniest jammer in Jamaa :P
Also please take the time to read my story,it took a little over an hour to right,and yet again,I hope you enjoy it! :D
Delete~funnyhahahaha the funniest jammer in jamaa
it was cosmo and i think they do weird things to you if you stand on your head
ReplyDelete-Snaper6010/SwiftWing the sleepiest dragon in jamaa
I really am not a fan at rare label items. Reply if you agree. I think rare labels are stumping newer jammers, making them think betas are necklaces and rare lables are founder hats. IM ANNOYED BY THIS
DeleteYou have so lost me with the necklace and founder hat thing . . .
DeleteAs for the rare labels, I find them quite handy myself. It's a lazy way to quickly prove that you have a limited edition color item and you can never buy it anywhere again, therefore it becomes worth a lot if it's older than 3 months or so and you still have one. Maybe that's just me.
No it's not just you, Manzylion. I find them quite handy as well. :)
DeleteSo, im alone on this... I may as well as give away all my real betas to my sis and spam my trade list with rare lables, no? You should RESPECT OTHER OPINIONS,
Delete-a recently bullied Sonicx1032
I think that the bottles full of what looks like potions and fireflies and herbs might be for the hot cocoa, or the tea or milk... or whatever you get from that machine in the corner. The bottles might also be in storage from the chamber of knowledge...
Is your username by amy chance after the GOTY 2011 at American Girl, Kanani? Because I love American Girl!
DeleteYeah. My username is after the doll. I love ag dolls too. Have you seen the new doll, Saige, yet?
Kannani123 is right, on the first floor of the chamber of knoledge you will find the exact same bottles. I also find alarming, is the baskets if spears! Ever notice those? I think its a war fort for war against the phantoms. Bottles for healing and the spears would be used to fight with.
ReplyDelete- IvySnow -
Here is my story:
ReplyDeleteOne day Cosmos the Herboligist was mixing herds in a couple of viles. Then he heard a strange noise outside. Could it be...? Cosmos thought. He dashed out of the Chamber of Knolage, and ran to the lake nearby. Cosmos could see Liza across the lake fighting off something. But the purple light that was coming from the creature was blinding Cosmos' view, butt he cpuld tell that the creature meant harm. Cosmos dashed back inro the Chamber of Knolage and scrambled around looking for something to help Liza. Then Cosmos thoight of the herbs amd the.viles he had been using earlier. But he didn't have time to think. He had to move fast. Cosmos has a strong feeling that the creature fighting against Liza was a phantom. Cosmos quickly opened he potions book and looked for a potion to get the phantom to leave, and forever. He flipped through the book franticly, just trying to find the right potion. And he finally did. He mixed all the ingridients together, and poured them quickly but carefully into the vile. Cosmos also picked up some spears that had been lying around for a while, ever sinse Sir Gilbert had come back from his last battle with the Phantoms. Cosmos clinched tightly on the vile of potions and to the spears. As soon as Cosmos reached thelake, he could see the creature more clearly now. It was a Phantom. There was also a problem with the plan Cosmos had...he had not thought about the lake. He could not swim with spears and important potions with him. He only had one idea.Cosmos climbed up the rocky green cave that went straight over the lake, and then landed exactly where he had planned to. And then handed the vile and spears to Liza. Cosmos also took a spear and aimed at the phantom. Later after Cosmos got back to the Chamber of Knoage, he packed up his viles and herbs and potion books. And then he walked to Mt. Shiveer and went into the hot coca hut. The phantoms would never find his supplies here. After getting everything settled on the table, he went back to making porions. And to this day, Jammers can still see the viles and herds on the table.
I hope you like my story!! Sorry if there are a couple of ypos, I wrote this all on a mook. :)
*typos and *nook
I constantly spent my half an hour to read this weblog's content all the time along with a mug of coffee.
ReplyDeletemy blog post: What is piles
Here is my page ... What is piles
Hey everyone it's me Sir Tiny-Tiger!
ReplyDeleteOkay this weeks mystery.
First, some bottles are filled with herbs, others are filled with medicines. These are for sick mountain climbers.
Also the bottles must have been made by a glass maker.
The medicines must have been made by kosmo the Koala Alpha (Who by a matter of factly, likes to work with plants and herbs)
Haha, I solved this mystery last year with some of my friends, thanks Snowy for helping rebooting the old noggin!
Sir Tiny-Tiger's the name and solving the mysteries of jamaa is the game! Until next week!
P.S. I made non of this up, it's all hard facts.
A little confusing..
DeleteWhat 0.0
Whatever it is though, it's good I guess. And I'm NOT A LITTLE KID.