Hey jammers! No video today, I may do one or two a week, but suggestions and ideas are pawsome, you can leave them on my YouTube channel comments page, just click here.
Today's limited edition colored items are Rare Star Glasses, available to buy on the second page of Jam Mart Clothing!

As you may have seen in yesterday's post, there is a new code for 500 gems, AJHQ3000, celebrating the 3000 jammers who signed up to be on the Animal Jam Loop in Everloop.

Today's post on AJHQ is about March's Aquamarine Birthstone.
Now for today's Monday mystery. . . Far beyond the forest surrounding the Temple of Zios there lies a huge volcano. From it erupts huge bursts of molten lava, thick clouds of ash, and a contant bombardment of fiery, deadly phantoms.
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Submitted by Amy! |
What is the name of this volcano? How did it form? Why do the phantoms land close to the Zios' temple? If you'd like, try writing a story to answer these burning questions!
Happy jamming all!
I don't really like the color but it's for non members... yay! Will buy it if I have time
ReplyDeleteAnd.... btw why not 3000 gems instead of only 500???? AJ is giving less and less money. They gave 1000 each code before.... around 2011..
I know right? AJHQ isn't releasing alot of codes lately or not putting alot of gems when they release one. Probably they want to raise more money and so they want you to buy gems instead.
Deletei hate the rare mondays, they used to have good ones like fox hats and viking helmets and all those rares we wanted now they just throwing a item we can buy already into the store and changing the color its lame
DeleteIKR the items are SO stupid and lame
DeleteWell, think about RIM's like this.... In a couple of months, those items will be very rare. I consider stocking up on them ^_^
Delete@ Brittany Isn't that annoying?
The same items except recolored?
Stocking up on them is difficult because AJHQ keeps making things more expensive!
Let's all just NOT buy it.
Deleteikr it is annoying, i dont buy them anymore, the only ones i bought were fox and viking hats cuz they arent being creative, they need rares like worns, skullies, all that cool stuff
DeleteYayy! I just got a baby turtle and he is sooo cute! :O I called him Kirby! :D He has a really pretty shell! =3
Awww! Can I see him? =3
DeleteAHHHH!!! LUCKY YOU!! And btw I agree with Zelda... I want to see him!!
DeleteOnce I get a good picture he can be my profile pic! ^_^
Did that work? Is my profile pic Kirby? :D
Yay! It worked! Isn't he cute? :D
Zelda who do u wish to see who is HIM
DeleteShe wishes to see bunny's (and mine) new turtle, Kirby.
DeleteI wished to see Bunny's Turtle Kirby :D
What about a video on ... jammnasian history, a guide for new jammers, help for news crew articles, the meaning why we all like jamaa or on your blog to adverise to others.
ReplyDeleteSnowyclaw, I have been to the Paradise Party yesterday. You know the shop? Well, if you look closely you'll see a miniature mat, table...and something that looks like a paradise couch-it's the same as those green striped member couches but instead of green checkers, it's light blue with some kind of yellow half-sun-rays... Oh and Im going to start a blog, called The Dawn of Animal Jam. DAJ for short. It's going to be about mysteries of Jamaa-how it started, its secrets and most if all, about the gods( Shamans ) I thought you would be interested, if you want to write the blog with me...I can't cope alone >.< It's ok if you don't want to, just tell me please :)
ReplyDeleteMythCat2907 on AJ
First of. THE SHAMSNS ARE NOT GODS! they are just the animal guides for each animal spiecies! P.S. SHAMANS AND ALPHAS ARE THE EXACT SAME THING! The shamans were shanged to alphas because the word shaman is religious! So call them Alphas!
DeletePlease don't giver her/him a hard time. MythCat might still call them Shaman's because she/he is not used to calling them alphas. .-.
Why not do a "weekly challenge" on things like the volcano, asking for a story on what we think of that thing, and then make another video on that.
ReplyDeleteI know this might count as spam but can some people buddy me on AJ? I really need some good friends. =3
ReplyDeleteMost of my other friends are inactive or quit >.<
Aww man. I'll buddy you c:
DeleteI will buddy you! You seem a very nice person. =3
I'll add you. My user is avabug01 send me a letter if you want to be my buddy btw. My animal is normally gray with secret color blue moon.
Hey i posted about the new code and stuff yesterday check it out its woofie202animaljamblog.blogspot.com p.s i got on aj!
ReplyDelete9th comment!! (:
ReplyDeleteI LOVE vms915's weekly challenge idea. I do enjoy mysteries.
It was high time for a non-member rare. It's been forever since the knight hat!! Although, non-members (like myself) tend to get the ugly rares. *sigh*
Here's my story..
The Head Phantom paced in the forest, a sly grin on his face as he came to a conclusion. It was an all out war, and those happy-go-lucky animals with their legends were soon to perish by the hands of his phantoms. The sky would go dark when they won the war and Jamaa would be a wasteland. A glorious phantom-ruled wasteland! The only problem was, for the Head Phantom, that the forest loved the animals. It would shelter them so they could spring out of the shadows and attack unprepared phantoms. The phantoms had to base, no hideout, and they were ever losing in the forest.
A council was held as the Head Phantom offered his idea. "We should hide in Fire Mountain. It's walls will protect us, and it's lava will save us. We shall be invincible at the mercy of Fire Mountain." the other phantoms heartily agree. A strong young phantom noted. "Under the lava layer they cannot attack us, we will be safe. But where shall we target?" An small phantom, but known for his battle strategy piped up. "The cultural heart of the Jamaasians! Zios, once it is destroyed their fighting spirit shall be broken, and we will overtake them." All phantoms agreed.
Under the safety of the lava there is a dark labyrinth
where all phantoms are sheltered and plot as evil phantom warriors attack Zios in an siege that has lasted an eternity. But the animal warriors fight forever for their 'spirtual heart', Zios.
Oh gosh. That was longer then I meant for it to be. (:
The valcano started from an earthquake... Like most. But instead of lava under the Temple Of Zios there was PHANTOMS. The King of the phantoms bribed jammers to play their "game" (falling phantoms) with gems. First they started out with little phantoms... Because the King of the Phantoms didn't care about them. He tossed them at jammers, laughing away. But he stopped she he saw Liza standing right in front of him. She was furious at the King of the Phantoms, but even more furious at the jammers who played. She yelled for a bit,and then stopped. She sighed and looked at the jammers. " Get away from Jamaa!" She yelled at the phantoms.
ReplyDelete"Wait,Liza. We should be able to make this available for jammers,because you haven't claimed the land where that valcano is. We have. And if you don't let us... We will claim back our party." The King of the Phantoms warned. Their party wasn't the Spooky Party, it was much worse. Many jammers went to ther party, most got electrocuted by the phantoms. It was horrorible. Liza didn't want to take the risk so she said, " Alright, but I'm keeping a close eye on you." Since then, falling phantoms is a game for jammers to play.
PS Lovewold u can add me XD
I meant to say Lovewolf
ReplyDeleteThis mysterious volcano has been where it is now ever since Jamaa's birth. No one, not even Zios himself dared approach it for fear of the lava that flew out of it. It was far enough away from where the animals lived that they were in no danger. Now, when Mira cried and created the phantoms, she happened to be flying right over the volcano. The phantoms fell down into the lava pit. However, they could withstand the fiery flame. The phantoms named the volcano Phannonala. After they became situated, scouts discovered the land that was to be Phantom Land. Most of the phantoms moved there. However, some phantoms stayed.
ReplyDeleteOne day, these phantoms saw animals in the Temple of Zios, mourning the loss of the Sky Father. The phantoms, always thinking mischief, launched themselves out if the volcano, throwing themselves at the animals. And so the game Falling Phantoms was born. -tallstar107
That's a super cool story!!
DeleteYour storys the best...! Just saying... (:
DeleteHey hey any of you here plays piano?
No :/ but I do play the clarinet ^_^ Like Squidward xD
DeleteLong ago, the phantom king made a volcano near The Temple of Zios. The king named the volcano Phantomolia. He put all his strongest phantoms inside to erupt when Zios and Mira's festival came. That festival soon came, and it erupted. The phantoms destroyed the Zios Statue, put a giant elephant statue on top of temple of trivia, (which they would hope to break on top of it) and worst of all, destroyed the festival. The animals faught the phantoms and won, then sealed the volcano. To be safe, the put a giant rubber ducky on it so they couldn't break open. They fixed the festival, then had a great time! They played pin the tail on the phantom, had a stick fight, cracked open a pinata, and danced! But, the phantom king was still out of the volcano.
ReplyDeletePhantom King: "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"
-you can also send it to LoveAnimalsAndEarth, it is my other account-
From sir tiny tiger.
ReplyDeleteo.o awww man! I had a whole story here but i accidently got rid of it :( Well I'm not going to type all that stuff in all over again. P.S. The phantoms tend to do anything to AVIOD light. There is a dark spot in the volcano where the Alphas/shamans banned the phantoms to. The phantoms can't leave because all of light from the lava. but when the volcano arrupts it accidently shoots out the phantoms. The volcano's name is probually Mt P.O.P. (Prison of Phantoms) Anyway thats just by guess. I did have a long story but i accidently sort of deleted it :( anyway see you guys next week.
Awesome mini-story! :)
DeleteSir Tiny-Tiger
DeleteThanks Mia :D
Sir Tiny Tiger
DeleteHEY! I did not make that story in March 2013! I specifically remember I didn't right ANY stories in this year!.
(I'm 70 percent sure that me and that one girl had our rivalry in 2012!)Must be some type of update glitch.
I get spring break next week. Atlast a week off of school.
ReplyDeleteI still think aj is giving out to many glasses, I mean we have butterfly glasses, the star glasses, andnthe round glasses. Plus no one ever even really wheres glasses anyway.
P.S. can you guys buddy me on aj?
Lucky!! I get it in april because of easter.
DeleteGuys please check out my animal jam youtube videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVbtyUB3ofo
im also working on a new video!
DeleteA long time ago, an apocalypse hit the land of jamaa. The land starting breaking and tearing apart. That area where the volcano is right now, starting to grow. It grew and grew untill it became a giant volcano. The volcano would completely change jamaa and wipe out every single creature from jamaa. Luckily Mira the skymother had already had a vision that this would happen so she and the alphas evacuated jamaa before this apocalypse came. The volcano erupted so badly that nothing stayed the same. Those extra lands you can see in the map of jamaa, were once very busy places but were destroyed by the apocalypse. When the apocalypse was over all the animals returned to jamaa which was now very different. Now Jamaa township is always busy but at that time those places used to be busy. Anyway the phantoms decided to live in the volcano because they thought that if they combine their power with the volcano's power they could completely destroy jamaa.
ReplyDeleteThe phantoms named the volcano: Burning hell of phantoms.
DeleteBad word!!
DeleteI found a monkey in my living room..... i actually like the glasses at leastvits not the cowboy boots :/ story: i think the volcano formed just like it does on earth and they probably land close to zioz beacauseits maybe where the first one came from which went in the lake on the left and gave birth to many more i would name the valocano phantano ~ andrewj04~
ReplyDeleteActually i think it formed ( de volcano) when from the core lave was comng up for the first time and rocks started joining together or that or it went through a mountain
Delete- andrewj04-
DeleteA monkey in your living room? O__O
DeleteHey everyone! This may be a bit off topic, but could you all please vote in my blog about "what is your favorite ice cream flavor?". The poll is for my school project, thanks.
ReplyDeleteHere is the link btw:
The poll is at the right side of my blog.
I just voted :).
DeleteMine is other...Mint chip icecream O3O
Thanks for voting! I think I will change mint to mint chip.... That's what I exactly mean actually....
DeleteI can't change it... nevermind...
DeleteI voted too!
Delete(I chose other... because my favorite flavor is pomegranate!)
I'm not a big fan of the RIM...But for once, the colors aren't bad :)
ReplyDeleteYes, a non member rare!!!! I'm so so pumped to get it!
ReplyDeleteNonmember stuff is better than member.
DeleteTake the Nonmember scary bat wings, for example! They are much more poplar than the normal black wings you buy in the store!
I'm pumped to get the nonmember raccoon topiary!
Obviously the volcano appeared when the phantons falling game appeared there. My. Zios maybe?
ReplyDelete._. For some reason the new code won't work for me. And I tried like 5 times.
ReplyDelete*. _ .
ReplyDeleteOK here it goes.
ReplyDeleteOnce, long ago, in the ancient times, there was a battle. Phantoms were coming up to the skies. Mira was batting them down. One faithful day in the battle, though, a HUGE phantom covored himself in mud. Completley. So he shot up into the clouds. Mira batted him down quickly. He landed near the temple of Zios. He landed so hard and quick, he formed into a volcano. When other phantoms got batted down, they aimed to land in that volcano. For a few years billions of phantoms were falling into that volcano. Mira decided to name that volcano Mount Phantomanjaro. The phantoms were so happy, they decided their hiding and scheming places would be near that mountain. Phantoms stay near it because that mountain is a symbol of the bravery of that phantom. -thun8902
My idea
ReplyDeleteLong ago there was a GOOD phantom. He was the biggest and most powerful phantom of all, but he was the best. Mira loved him like a child. Then one day Mira gave him a choice. The choice he could make was to rule all of Jamaa as his own with his beloved Mira, or have a kingdom of his own. He decided to have a land he could call his own. His chose the fiery hot Mt. Phantos, a towering volcano. He soon became the father of all phantoms. But his children did not inherit their father's goodness. They tried to destroy the Jamaa citizens in every possible way. Their poor father grew old and sour, but he was still very strong. He stayed in that volcano because he could'nt face his mother after what his children had done. And every once and a while, when he gets mad at his children he cause the great volcano to explode. The phantoms have ceased to exist in Jamma, because they are afraid of their father's wrath.
The end
I'm actually writing a story about the current phantom king's daughter, midnight, who is a good phantom. I guess she's related to the phantom from your story X3
DeleteOne day, Mira and Zios were talking quietly about the phantoms. They had thought about imprisoning them somewhere. Zios suddenly had a great idea.
ReplyDelete"Mira, why don't we imprison the phantoms inside a volcano?" Zios asked. Mira nodded then paused, there were no volcanoes in Jamaa.
"There are none," Mira protested. "It would be impossible!" Zios pointed to a tall mountain a few miles away from his temple. They both ventured over to it.
"Look, a dip!" Zios exclaimed, he began digging at it, finding lava. "Help!" Mira began to dig with her talons, eventually, they dug deep enough. They lured the lead phantom into the volcano, making the others follow.
A few years later, Zios had died and Mira couldn't control the volcano. Now, the volcano erupts with phantoms and deadly lava.
Cool a nonmember rare even if i am a member its pretty cool lovebirdsloveme
ReplyDeleteZomg! When the game came out me and mai friend where talking 'bout your rpg we play.
ReplyDeleteOnce there was a evil phantom king, who had many phantom minions. He lived in a castle inside a volcano. (See where im gettin?) He and his phantom minions fled into the volcano, (This is from our rpg btw) Then 2 wolf friends where playing outside hide-and-seek (true story at your den snowy ^^) Then a phantom minion came and attacked them. Since then, they have been getting daily ambushes till they cold not play outside anymore. When they went to the green wolf's den too play, a whole bunch of phantoms where there (absolute TRUE story) and took them to the evil king's lair ^^
Then there was a WHOLE bunch of stuff (days time worth) to make a long story short, The wolves defeated the king (yay) and the castle fell, then the volcano became active due to the castle falling, and now explodes with the phantom minions ^^ (King escaped and is now taking form of a animal :O)
I think that the volcano is called Mt. Phantomous and that's where the phantoms came from. When all the jammers way back when were afraid and there was an unkown sorce where the phantoms came from. So, I believe that that is where the sorce of the phatoms came from. And the story behind Falling Phantoms: The Alphas sprang into action and killed most of the phantoms. Some stilled remained and more were being created from this 'unknown sorce'. And finally, the Alphas found the sorce where the phantoms were being made (Mt. Phantomus). There for, the Alphas began to start trying to get rid of the phantoms. Then, the Alphas chased them out by using fire. The phantoms caught on fire and quickly tried to evacuate the volcano. I believe that this is where the Alphas are right now and they will be returning soon from their duties (and maybe falling phantoms will disappear?).
~htxox1 (animal jam user name)
Hey Snowy,is it alright if I do Monday Mysteries on my blog? I'll give you credit for the idea.
ReplyDeletehas anyone else been kicked off AJ?!?! i was doing an RP and i went to jamma to get a doctor and then it wouldn't load so i logged out and tired again and it said AJ is offline HAS THIS HAPPENED TO ANYONE ELSE TODAY I NEED TO KNOW!!!!
ReplyDeletemonday, 3:10 PM, march 2013,
AJ is down for mantenence at 6:11p.m. it happend to everyone :(
ReplyDeletecan people buddy me to im woofie202 i feel like i have no friends i can trust!
I was just trying to redeem my AJ card, and it wouldn't accept the numbers!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThen it said it was offline for an update. It accepted my card after a few tries....then it went offline again. I WANT TO SEE MY NEW ARCTIC WOLF! Grrrr!
The volcano is named Mount Zios after Zios. It was first called Mount phantom for the phantoms who created it. It got its name when Zios was fighting the phantoms. He used his magical touch to turn them into stone. After many years they seek revenge. So they come out the volcano and try to hurt Zios however he has left the temple to live in the land of Jamma secretly.
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Feel free to surf to my web-site - Stephen Curry
Here's my story! Well, more of a thrown-together poem! :P
ReplyDeleteEvery Jammer knows how the legend goes... That Zios disappeared and left Mira in tears… which mixed with the dirt and created the hurt in the form of the Phantoms who sing their anthems about despair and dark… Be careful, hark as this tale is told, as its pages unfold do you wonder why there’s a volcano so high in the rainforest where the birds chorused? Gather round me now and you can listen how…
In the Temple of Zios, towering up high, spewing molten lava into the darkening sky… Layered by lava is a threatening tower. It sparks mystery shrouded with power… This is the place, though it is isn’t widely known, of the King Phantom… the place of his throne. He orders his faithful warriors to destroy the forested knoll, and once and for all vanquish Zios’ soul… For it is trapped inside the statue long forgotten, in the pit where Phantoms rise, their hearts are truly rotten. A sacred mountain for eons before, ‘till the King of the Phantoms created this lore… Just now awakened, the volcano, in starkness, spews out our enemies, the Phantoms, the darkness… They wish to destroy all that we cherish… And in the end, we will perish… But we will dodge the Phantom glimpse… And make a game to mock their attempts. They won’t give up their constant leaping from the Dark Mountain, but the Alphas are keeping us safe from them, their darkness, and hate…
And if legends are true, even though hopes are few… if we are only to wait, then from his stone state, Zios will return… and once more Jamaa will be restored…!
I love you Peanut!!!
DeleteThank you! (I'm the only one probably who knows who you are!) LOL! I love you too, Jelly!
DeleteThe Laboratory of Dr. Palaseus
ReplyDeleteOnce, long, long ago, after the Beta, but before the Phantoms attacked, they decided they needed a bese of operations in Jamaa.
"We must find a place that is perfect for us," announced the Phantom Lord. "someplace the perfect temperature and size, and the right place."
"I know!" said a small gangly Phantom. "We will call on Dr. Palaseus!"
"I suppose we must," said the Phantom Lord. "Find him now!"
* * * *
Dr. Palaseus was a lage and vicious snake. He had slivered into Jamaa at the end of Beta. He was mean, cruel, and very, very, smart. He had a laboratory under Mount Laboratorium.
When the Phantoms visited him, the doctor agreed immediately, for he loved to create chaos throughout Jamaa.
"Wait," said Dr. Palaseus. If you make in charge of all of the Jaamasians living when the war is over, I will do one more thing."
"And what is that?" asked the Phantom Lord, turning around.
"I will create a catapult to shoot you into Jamaa, and many more inventions besides," replied Dr. Palaseus.
"Very well." said the Phantom Lord.
Well, he created the catapult, but it didn't work very well; it only shot things into the Lost Temple of Zios. The war ended, but the Alphas couldn't find Doctor Palaseus, so eventually they figured he'd left Jamaa. They never thought to look in the volcano. But Doctor Palaseus was angry! He creates fake Phantoms, and shoots them into Jamaa, but it's just a game to Jaamasians.
The Wanderer
Hi jammers! I just started writing these Monday mysteries a few days ago. I usually stop when I either run out of time or get to the point where the story should end. Well, here I go!
ReplyDeleteWe all know that phantoms are tiny spider-like creatures, right? But where do they all live at? The answer is: Mt. Shadow, aka, Mt. Phantom. Well, Mt. Phantom was first created by the deadly King Phantom. He wanted a place where his little servants could live at. So, he started a colossal volcano rising above the mythical Lost Temple. It was spewing with flames and at first, it nearly destroyed the land of Jamaa. When his little followers arrived, the faced almost everything in their way. Years passed, Jamaa was left in ruins, and then the alphas came. They had a great battle, which the animals called " The Great War." And, the alphas won. But now, this mythical, dangerous mountain became the conflict of our well know game, Falling Phantoms! It had started when a few curious animals wandered away from their packs, flocks, colonies, etc. They strayed to near to the sacred volcano. When the phantoms discovered this, they warned the King Phantom and bursted out! Thunder struck the temple and the little animals didn't know what to do. Then, Mira's voice filtered through the clouds like a welcoming light. She said the animals should pretend that this was a game, that the games shall begin! Soon, this game was known by all animals. Now, this dangerous volcano was a perfect place for a game. They called it " Falling Phantoms." And just remember, if you start playing this game, it was created thousands of years ago. By curious animals.
~sheep90882 (this is my AJ username)
I think the volcano was formed when Jamaa was formed, and that it's name should be "Fireball." I think the phantoms land close to the temple because they set out to destroy Jamaa, and to destroy Zios. Snowyclaw, I'm the littelbunny24 person who gave you a gift. If you need a hand, I can lend you a paw! I'd love to be buddies with you, and to play together. I'm thinking of making a blog.... about me.... wist stuff about Jamaa too! If I get a fact wrong, please tell me. Jam on, Snowyclaw! :)
Sorry it wouldn't let me comment way up there but I played piano in 2nd grade and I play clarinet too!!!
:o I GOT A STORY TO THAT :D HERE IT IS XD! One day a very enchanted day Mira was just watering the plants in jamaa saying hi to each animal , but Zois was in the forbidden forest were the shams were making meetings but he wasn't the only one their. a old sham that was never known was jealous of Zois , well thats because it was his older brother who wasn't chosen to be ruler of animal jam. But his brother merlock really wanted to be ruler bad he has a bad soul for he wanted the animals to be SLAVES! So he thought of a plan , he made a volcano and named it merlock the ruler , but he also knew that Zois can beat that so he tought of something........PHANTOMS HE KNEW THAT ZOIS THOUGHT THEY WERE GONE BUT NO THEY WERE BACK! Ok well after a while Mira heard a loud sound , all the animals looked up their were smoke and phantoms coming to the village. Mira said ," ZOIS! " she blocked the volcano and blocked the evil from the phantoms , but now the phantoms didn't want to fall down but they just fell so Mira made magic by putting the phantoms on one side. So then it was safe to go to the forest now , and all the animals came with Mira to the forest.....Mira saw Zois but he fell with a big hit! Mira cried for she cannot get animals back to life so when the animals saw it , they were all sad even the shams saw it and also saw foot prints. So the shams told to Mira about the foot steps and followed it she found the person's place and got him , she took him by power and saw Merlock. Mira shook her head and said , "No no no no NO!" then Merlock said , " YES YES YES YES YES! " and then the shams said , " NO NO NO NO NO ! " but merlock said the same thing and then the animals saw it and said , " NO NO NO NO NO! " and so merlock said fine >:I so merlock disappeared and no one knew what happened and the volcano was forbidden and no one remembers how so now a animal found it and made it a game since now animals can come back to life. Well , what happened to merlock? Well someone found him with him on his brother he was nice but soon gone since he was ill. And Mira she still protected the valley but she's still in the sky unseen. The shams are still their helping. But the animals , THEIR OUR ANCESTORS :D well no one knew what else could had happen but the phantoms were only on Zois spot so no one can go near it because Zois's power might go to an evil power , and the volcano is now called falling phantoms the game. the END! - ellanicole2003
ReplyDeleteHi guys! I'm the same sheep90882 from earlier and I commented because I wanted to ask, how do you like my stories? If you like them, check out the one where I wrote The Story of Zios! If you like them, say great or good or anything that you want. If you absolutely DON'T like them, say needs improvement or " NI" ok guys, as snowyclaw would say, happy jamming!
ReplyDeleteMeh... I dislike the rare glasses color...
ReplyDeleteI wish they would bring back some older rares!
Is that selfish? I know then the rare people won't really be "rare" anymore, but every jammer would get a new chance to be rare...
Does anyone else think this?
Yeah, I agreed! I remembered the Rare Item Monday when it was first released. They sold Fox Hats, Viking Hats and non member glove (not the silver one in Epic Wonders).
Delete:T Hiya snowy, Found a glitch, When a players tag is loading, Theres name is tempAVT its really strange
ReplyDeleteI got that too!
(too lazy to log in)
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website, Keеp up thе fastidіοus job.
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Go away, Mister Spam. You're not fooling anyone.
DeleteZios sighed.
ReplyDeleteHe watched the twilight turn into a rosy sunset, and then the first stars appear. He stood alone in the Chamber of Knowledge, gazing out the oval window, watching the wonders of the universe pass by his life.
“What a beautiful sight...” he breathed.
“Not as beautiful as me?” teased a voice from behind him
Zios spun around to see his beloved Mira had arrived in his study. Her soft feathers tickled his face.
“Oh Mira, nothing could be more beautiful than you...” he breathed, meaning every word. Together they watched the stars, raised the sun and the moon for thousands of years. They protected Jamaa all dangers. But alas, after the fall of the sky father, Mira, heartbroken at her loss, released the phantoms into the land of Jamaa. She blamed everything on herself. Seeing Jamaa weakened, and craving revenge on the animals of Jamaa, the horrid and feared phantoms decided they needed a new base. A powerful one. They searched the land, far and wide, until they came across a volcano. The phantoms passed through the molten magma with ease, their sickly bodies absorbing the dark fluid. For phantoms devour lava. They devoured it and soon became a strong force of deadly enemies to the Jamaasians. Sick with waiting and watching the animals rejoice on the alphas' victory on them, the phantoms plotted an attack with their smallest warriors first. They swarmed from the volcano in a massive, black cloud, and tore through the forest like torpedoes. They hurled toward the ground, not caring if they would survive the bombing, their dark hearts sick with revenge. Mira had been unkept both mentally and in the waking world. Tireless, lonely nights and days had worn her without the support of her love: Zios. But she stood strong against the force of phantoms, and spread her wings, as if an attempt to shelter her Jamaasian children. She raised her feathered head to the sky and called,
”No one shall ever harm my children.”
The phantoms screeched their fury and hurled faster and faster through the forest. With her last strength, Mira closed her eyes and concentrated on the ☺falling phantoms. Her mind roared with the power she could not control without Zios. 'Don't give up Mira, that's not your true spirit, you can do it!' 'Zios? Zios, I can't do it! Not without you' But there was no reply. Mira didn't give up though, 'I have to do this for myself, for my children, for Zios!' She opened her eyes and a massive flow of energy surged through Mira- from talons to feather-tipped wings.
“You shall only be a game to my children, through laughter they will dodge you, not out of fear!”
Mira released the beam of energy into the darkening sky, lighting it up. The phantom warriors shrieked in fright, but after hurtling so fast through the air, they could not stop. Pure white light sucked all the phantoms through a tear in space. Mira fell to the ground in exhaustion. 'I did it, thank you Zios...' she thought as a wave of sleep crashed around her.
Thus, the phantoms were trapped in their own hatred and “game.” Mira had saved the Jamaasians from the terrible wrath of the falling phantoms. As Mira had promised, the phantoms were only trapped in a game where they could not harm Mira's children (☺Falling Phantoms). Mira never gave up hop after her victory, and has watched over the Jamaasians ever since.
I really hoped you liked it. :P Last story was really bad. Obviously I'm not winning because I've already entered 3 times! Well, I still hope that you enjoyed it jammers, even though nobody will read it and I definitely won't win! I read a couple, there are other really great ones! See you in Jamaa!
- WarriorCat666
P.S. Didn't bother to re-read it, so, most likely plenty of mistakes!
Wow... That was amazing!! I LOVE IT!
DeleteVERY good! That is EXCELLENT! Now, if you are to excuse me, I must do my homework... :P XD
DeleteSHUT UP YOU SPAMMER! No one listens to your hopeless and feeble attempts. :P
ReplyDeleteUgh. I hate spamming!
ReplyDeleteAt least the spammer has an account.
The phantoms plan began here. They were all gathered around the volcano, ready to do their magic. Then, one by one, the phantoms all hummed with excitement as electric currents shot through their bodies, then arced above their heads, penetrating the once dormant volcano. They shrieked with laughter as the volcano began to shake with violent strokes. Then, lava erupted out of the volcano and made its way down to the earth that was known as Jamaa. Seeing their job done, the phantoms rushed the volcano, climbing its dented and smoking sides with ease. Finally they made it to the top and stared with awe at the new and powerful force they had created. One by one the phantoms jumped into the molten sludge and set to work, exploring their new home. Time passed, and the volcano was kept active, due to the phantoms’ magic. The phantoms were proud and believed that no one could avoid them, for they would throw themselves at and Jammer who believed differently. Then, the game started. Jammers would take their place at the foot of the volcano and try to avoid the falling phantoms, for they were dangerous. Some jammers survived at this game, while others did not. This game was known as, “Falling Phantoms”. When the jammers won the game and stayed in the longest, the phantoms grew weaker. This had dampened their malicious spirits and brought them down. Only the king phantom stood his ground and remained mighty. To this day, the volcano is still in use by the phantoms, and is well known by the jammers.
ReplyDeleteThanks Snowy for letting us post! i love this blog and you inspire me!
by XxAlphaSpiritxX
Hey guys, I'm sorry, but I forgot the name of the volcano above. I will post ti here so you will know. Thanks XP Its name is the Phantom lair.
100th comment!!!!!
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