Saturday, April 13, 2013

Hood with Feather

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Enter every day to increase chances of winning.
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Hey jammers! What an exciting item today, it's pretty creative, and in tune with nature. It is not, however in-human: everything in Jamaa is human! ^.^ Anyhoo, I present to you the Hood with Feather!
You can buy one of these items in the clothing orb of Epic Wonders. You know what? Those remind me of Robin Hood!
Haha, yay for Disney movies! On a more serious note, no jammers, there is no huge phantom war coming to Jamaa! At most these "Tooltips" will help with defeating phantoms on a small scale. The phantoms aren't really organized, they seem more of the haunting type, don't they? It's very unlikely AJHQ will bring any battle theme.

Attention all writers, attention all writers, we have breaking news!
Why looky here, a contest just in time for Earth Day!
Good luck with your News Crew articles! Should I do a video with tips on how to enter these News Crew assignments? Would that be helpful? Now, I think I'll leave you with something slightly random. Ever notice how tiny Arctic Wolves are when they play Sky High?
That's one big phantom! I'll try to fit in a little announcement about the Webby awards tomorrow, so be sure to check back for all the info. Hope to see you around Jam everyone, happy jamming!

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!
Here is some awesome art about waiting for AJ's adventure to begin.


  1. 1st comment!
    Wow, that hat is adorable, too bad its member....

    1. Too bad, of course, it is a really good Jamaasian item! I hope that the Zios mask will become NM someday...

    2. Yes, it's really too bad. I really think that the hat should be nonmember.
      The Zios mask should definitely become nonmember.

    3. Yep, Both should be nonmember... That would be cool.. :))

  2. That hat is soo Robin Hood !!!

    1. lol robin hood

    2. Robin hood!!!! At least it seems like Peck sewed it together from wool...

    3. Yes, maybe the alphas watched the movie! Lol! :p

    4. Lol, Now that you mention it, amy it DOES look like that lol ^.^

  3. I cracked up when I saw the random pic, you should make some Random Picture contest and everyone should make it themselves! It will be a cracking up laughter marathon contest! XD

    ~ XxBrightSpiritxX

    1. Really good contest idea! She may want to give us instructions on how to do it, though.

    2. Lol. It would be really random and weird! I like that kinda stuff =3

    3. Yes!!! That totally should be a contest! XD

  4. Replies
    1. I agree, this is going to be another favorite of mine, once I get on Animal Jam and buy it! :D

  5. I think i have the winning news crew article!!

  6. XDDDD I cracked up when I saw that Arctic Wolf pic XDDDDDDD


    1. Me too! Its sad that phantoms DO eat Jammers, though.

    2. Lol! I know ts not funny but it sounds kinda funny when you say it that way O.o

    3. Maybe AJHQ could hold a contest where a select few writers get their stories about their Jammer's life and how the phantoms took it away official! Snowy, you shed some new light on a controversial topic.

  7. Webby or webbly? Cause webby is like the video awards :)

    1. I think she meant weebly, the website creator.

    2. omg AMY JIAO!!!!!????????? i would love to meet you online i love your opions XD

    3. Um... *blushes* So... where can we meet then? I try to be fair to everyone, and I really try to make sure to spread the word about OPTIMISM!

    4. Yep! Thats what she told me. You gotta be Optimist!! lol

    5. I'm grateful for your support, WW! Optimism can solve a lot of daily problems, studies show, such as obesity. You just have to work hard and keep your eyes on the goal!

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    1. ME 2! BOO SPAM COMMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY STINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Guys, maybe making it more fun would be a better idea...?

    3. she should do the letter box thing to make sure no bots =.= it would be harder but better for NO BOTS!!!!!!!!

    4. Anonymous, she tried that but nobody really liked it, sorry. The spam bots aren't as much a problem as frequent commenters such as me, and it stalls conversation too much.

    5. It is a BIT annoying with those spams. But not as annoying as having to type in the Code

  9. ....i hate spam comments like that one above mine -.-

  10. 10th comment :D and I think that the hat with the feathers is kewl.

    1. Definitely! And if there are things like quests, it would be a nice hat to wear!

    2. Owe.. Its kind cool (as it resembles robin hood) But it dosent quite look the best..

    3. Yeah! Robbing the phantoms of their prisoners and riches! XD

  11. Please do a video on how to enter news crew contest!! It would help!


    1. It would really help, and I'm tired of the Spirit Mail videos anyway. -.-

  12. Replies
    1. Lpsblu, see what I think will happen a few comments below! I'm not only keeping everyone's hopes up, but I'm also using some logic, too. Why else would Animal Jam think the war will be so big that we need to hide? Why else would they call it an actual adventure instead of a small skirmish?

    2. Owe..yea.. Well.. I just hope there isnt one. for some reason I would prefer a small battle. But there must be some war coming because of all that stuff... I hope its not like.. really horrible like blood and getting killed and tht stuff...

    3. I think the most violent they will do is Falling Phantoms-type. Lose all HP= revive under Cosmo's care. Maybe most of it are small skirmishes, but at the end it escalates and you fight the king when the Alphas are all knocked out.

  13. I'm not sure I'm very fond of the new item, I'm not really a fan of Robin Hood. o.o I just noticed something. He must have a hood with a robin feather. No DURR, Athena! >.< XD I will be entering the News Crew thingy... maybe... I did notice that Arctic Wolves ARE quite tiny on Sky High. I thought they were suppose to be big with their head held high. That's how I've always viewed Arctic Wolves.
    What is Weebly?

    1. Never mind, I don't feel like entering... .3.

    2. Weebly is a way to make your website. You can purchase your own domain if you like. I have a weebly site for my blog.
      I have always viewed Snow Leopards as proud, good thing they're about as big as the tiger.

  14. my uncle have ipad big and computer apple so yeah, i can't download tunnel town cause my uncle don't have $ dollar,my uncle have singapore dollar money -AngelPuppy1-

    1. Don't worry you will get it soon

    2. I'm going to ask my friend Cindy soon if she could download the game Tunnel Town on her IPad, she has one and she also plays on Animal Jam. She would really fit in here, she is one year older than me.

    3. Hey, I have just been wondering... is tunnel town free, or does it cost money?

    4. i live in USA florida and tunnel town insint on my apple i pod 2 please help -smart06703

    5. As with most games, I think there is a free version and a paid version.

  15. i think im going to make video : animal jam walking dead trailer,do you like zombie terrible?me too lol XD.

    1. my username is Angelpuppy1 lol

    2. Why did you say your user?
      And great idea Anonymous

    3. 1puppyfun, my username is roxy30000. I have a friend named SkyAngelPuppy, are you that friend?
      Great idea, try not to scare the younger Animal Jam players! XD

  16. I like the hood. :O! WE COULD DO A ROBIN HOOD RP!!!!

    1. If you want to, of course, or hunters chase you, the wild animal, with bows and hats!

  17. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. What on Mira's wings happened? XDDDD

    2. no wars with phatoms :(

    3. Anonymous, I see why too! Snowy doesn't mean to disappoint us, but I'll be a ray of hope here and direct you to my hope comment down below. Go down a lot of comments and look at all of my comments. I'm sure that the war will be bigger than a minor skirmish but less than a brutal, all-out war.

  18. The Bow would look really good with the new hat.

  19. can someone help me.. o.o
    i log into animal jam, then i click a server, and after that all i see is the loading screen.
    i hear the sounds of like coral canyon music and stuff but like. all i see is the loading screen for HOURS Dx
    This has been going on for like a day. so.. help? Dx

    1. Keep reloading, and go into different servers each time, and make sure that the internet is fast enough.

  20. The picture is soooo funny!!! Hello arctic wolf, Care to join me for DiNNER? LOL ~Greekwolf/pupylili

    1. Just like a monster would say, lol!
      Speaking of monsters, I would have to disagree with Snowy on the phantom subject. I believe they are organized enough to pose a threat to Jamaa, even though so far they have only been a threat during Night Of The Phantoms. They have leaders, vissers, and generals, and have others who advise them. Their society is very loose, yes, however, and that is their weakness. If the phantoms posed a threat in the past, then I would say that they are still a danger considering how there are still many Jammers who don't know how to defeat them. Many Jamaasians' lives have been taken away by the phantoms, and a few would be Frost and Mythical. The war may not get too severe, but a small fight seems very un- Animal Jam-like at this point, after all this build-up.

    2. I know all that about the phantoms and stuff but c,mon their not actually REAL and I dont think AJ would create a huge war where animals lives are lost I mean It could even SCARE younger jammers, like my cousin, shes 4!!

    3. They aren't real, but if we could fight (Take that, phantom, for my trouble dealing with the sassy girl friendship circles!) to burn off our anger, that would really help. It would be better if the death part was just background on what's happening, but no animals die in the war and if you lose all of your HP you fall off the platform and wake up under Cosmo's care.

  21. It would be very helpful if you posted something about how to win the news crew articles since I enter every time there is a new one and I work really hard at it but I never seem to win... Maybe I'm supposed to make it more fun, or more organized, or idk :p

    1. Show us one of your articles, if you still have it, and as a good writer I'll give you some advice.

    2. Im rubbish at news crew article I enter ever 2 times its on (or something like that) I never win!

  22. Nice posting snowyclaw! yay today is my b-day :)
    lol random comment.

    1. Happy B-day! I would normally sing my extensive birthday song, but today isn't really my best day.

  23. I really like being optimistic, but I feel really sad right now.
    I also did a war picture, but it seems to be really ugly despite all the work I put into it. I tried to scan it in but the printer didn't work. Now, somebody else beat me to it, and even used some of my idea. Call me a sore loser, but I really, really wish that I had better talent. ='(

    1. It's okay Amy, I love to make art/paint/craft/whatever kind of art, but I don't really have a talent... Just look at my art blog, I don't really have a talent at all xD. I just enjoy doing it. You can do whatever your heart tells you to do, Amy. I hope you feel better <3

    2. Everyone in my school says I'm a good artist, but that is because I'm advanced for my level. All of the art on the Spirit Art blog is beyond my level. I'm REALLY, REALLY not trying to be like Count Desertstone, but this just made me crack.

    3. Its fine. Lots of people at my school think im good too. But Yea The spirit blog art is too good for me too... but i still enjoy doing art!

    4. I do doodles really good.. but I have trouble scanning them in. When I'm bored I draw the best.

  24. Yesterday me went to a Pinoy Party ^.^! We were their to celebrate a lot of my relatives birthdays, including one friend! We ate yummy food there!!! We also did dancing! They played lot's of songs, like moves like jagger, this girl is on fire, and more songs! I was a little deaf when it was finished, but finally I can hear well! Oh... I just realize this isn't about Animal jam... sorry :p.. I just wanted to share my happy time ^.^!

    1. Don't worry, I need some cheering up today! Update: My picture scanned in, but it looks ugly, and I can't find the document. How do I attach computer art to an email, anyway?

    2. @Amy
      If your using gmail, click the "Attach A File" button right under the subject line. Once you click it, you have to search through all of your files (unless you remember where you saved it) and then click ok. I'm pretty sure you knew that last part.... xD. Also, that depends if your using a microsoft or Apple computer. I wish I had an apple computer... Lol.

    3. I meant art such as CS Oekaki and DeviantArt, Mia, not that stuff, not trying to be rude or anything. =(

    4. my computer is a dell

    5. chu714, don't worry, it's the real oneApril 13, 2013 at 12:50 PM

      Speaking of girl on fire, my friend did a hand motion to my other friend and said: This, girl, is on FIRE!!!!!!! And pretended to be scared :P

  25. ~ilovecutechihuahuas~ forgot my name hehe

  26. Summer internship?! Nobody on this blog that I know of is even in high school!

    1. NVM, the spam bot got removed... Again...

    2. I'm going to high school next year. :3

    3. Oh, I didn't know! That's cool, TDE! I hope you get in a good college, when I'm in middle school!

  27. Not to be rude or anything, but snowy? How do you know we're not going to fight the phantoms? I mean, they would'nt give us all this armor for nothing, but I do agree the phantoms might haunt our dens.

    I love the random picture lol.But, at the end of my comment I think I will spiff up my name a little.


    1. Nice name!
      I agree, Anon, that is EXACTLY what I'm saying. Haunting our DENS is over the top, since I don't want to be minding my own business and all of a sudden some phantoms with health bars over their heads barge in, so normal Animal Jam should be an option.

    2. Yeah, that would get kinda annoying and what if we do fight the phantoms? who knows?

    3. Normal Animal Jam has to be an option, because most adventure games are just fighting, and that gets tiring after a while.

  28. I mean power puff3

  29. that idea would be the most helpful!

  30. I had a feeling there would be no phantom war, I knew there was not going to be any violent theme...I just had a gut feeling...BUT! I am 110% sure that there will be something Jamaasian going on very soon...

    1. Mia, it won't be too violent, simply defending Jamaa as the Alphas did, and Snowy didn't confirm everything, I'm not trying to be rude, but she isn't official confirmation. Assuming things just yet is a crime, as I like to say it. I also have a gut feeling that the adventure will start sooner than the war so that we can start our full training (first part was when we made an account to get us started).

    2. I know...But I just had a gut feeling that AJHQ wouldn't go ever in the war direction... But yes, I know what you mean. Like, Snowy isn't an AJHQ worker...No, you aren't being rude. :)
      I agree, I think (hope!!!) that the adventure will be Jamaasian. Although, I think it will. I hope we will travel with the Alphas to discover uncharted lands! I didn't like seeing Cosmos leaving without me! Lol

    3. It's not more of a war direction, more of a defense direction. Phantoms invade, we defend Jamaa, long battles, at the end Mira and the Jamaasians rip them apart to free the Alphas, phantoms go boom once more. Not too violent or hard to make.

  31. LOL! That random picture made me crack up :3

  32. But....

    -The tooltip wutever
    -Animal Jam HQ message sent to me,: What save place is their to hide from phantoms? Go their with your buddies!
    -The spirit armor thing is a phantom on top well I think.

    I could go on forever I have a lot more but I dun want 2 waste ur time :P

    cheetahs80603 :D

    1. Oh ya and phantom's coming out of egg's!

      cheetahs80603 :D


    2. There is also the Jam-A-Gram, the assortment of weapons, the border in the Return Of The Alphas video, all these new war-themed items, how Animal Jam seems to be getting more Jamaasian, the Alphas returning out of the blue, that little notepad in a post from a few months ago.

    3. You know, guys, all of these things could be for quests as well...

    4. Except for the end-of-video border, the phantoms hatching, and for the Jam-A-gram. I'm really blowing my fuse today, STOP DENYING!

    5. ya AJ needs to be more like club penguin with all their "acttcks" and that stuff it would make it more fun (however i don't like the way CP treats their NMS animal jam is way better about nm)

  33. Hey guys I just made a new blog! Please check it out:

    1. Its cool! Keep up the hard work and make more pages!

  34. I'm really sorry this is spam, but if anyone here is a Christian, will you please pray for me and my family? Things are really rough right now. Thank you if you do. Jamaa is like a place to escape. I have moved a lot, back and forth from near NY to near AL. I might just be moving again and going to another school again. My parents are always arguing about everything. Just please, if any one here prays, pray for me.

    1. Athena, we don't share the same beliefs, but I'll at least pray to Mira for your family, my family is also in the same situation! My mom and dad argue a lot, we have moved like 9 times already and we could be moving to Hong Kong now, and I am clinging on to hope and optimism to keep me in reality.

    2. Thank you. If you don't mind, I'll pray for you too, in my religion.

    3. I don't mind at all, as long as I get some support in this hard time. Animal Jam is the only place where I get away from real life.

    4. Me too, Amy. I don't really have a religion, I mean I celebrate Christmas but I don't believe in god...(PLEASE! No ong here take offence to this comment.)
      But yes, I will pray to Mira for you.

    5. I will. I hate when parents fight... I'm really sorry your in the place that you are, you never did anything wrong. If I go on any further, I'll end up talking about religious stuff, and that doesn't need to be on an Animal Jam blog. :)

    6. I feel sorry for you. And I said that on my blog too Jamaa is a place to escape. I dont really have much of a relegion. But as amy said I will pray for you to mira :)

    7. Oh yeah but I celebrate christmas ^.^

    8. I am a Christian, so I'll pray for you. :)

    9. Missingno, you know about the Pokemon Missingnumber, right?

    10. Thanks so much everyone! I'm a little happier now that I just found out from my mom we won't be moving back up! -happy sigh- Gulp. That doesn't mean my parents won't stop arguing. Maybe when my dad comes back down things will slowly start to get better. Ah, too much about my personal life. Thank you again! :)

    11. I am, and I will. I hope things work out Athena :)

  35. This post reminds me of my blog! For wonderful stories that get five stars and to discuss lore copy/paste:
    I'll warn you, it takes FOREVER to load.

    1. Me neither.. You might have slow broadband..

    2. Charter isn't smarter, then. =)

    3. Well, I wasn't extremely satisfied due to the amount of evilness you put in Cornelius and the crocs.

    4. Count, hold on a second.
      I noticed that Cornelius didn't get a lot of attention, so I'm working on a story where he looks for his lost past, as his childhood is fuzzy. Also, in that one it explains a lot that happened since the African Alphas became Alphas.

  36. Awesome new item! I wish it was non member....I need to become a member. But my mom is always my problem...Anyway, I hope quests are for all members of Jamaa. If they are for only members, I will be so upset :(. Maybe that will make me... A Sad Jammer D:?? Hehehehe. :3

    1. Me too, but it is VERY expensive o.o
      Me too, even though I am a member, I will feel bad for a majority of my buddies/other Jammers who are non members...
      Oh dear O.O

    2. That would be awful! Some websites that have missions/quests have only 2 for nonmembers and like 40 for members!! It wouldnt be fair :(

    3. I think that the main stories and side quests would be for all Jammers, but every month there are new members-only quests will better rewards called "seasonal quests". The post story is endless and is for all Jammers, too. Anybody say yay?

    4. I agree. I think things that, like Wackywolf was saying, only have like a few quests for nonmembers, are unfair. I'd hate to think of AJ becoming like that! D:

  37. How funny! I was thinking of Robin Hood too. I used to watch that movie all the time when I was younger. =P

  38. Snowy just reached 1,000 Subs on YouTube! =D Congrats to Snowyclaw.

    1. Yeah!! Congrats snowy!! No wonder she got 1,000 Subscribes already!! shes great!! :)

    2. Congrats Snowy! Now, if I could find a way to get my channel a bit more popular...

  39. Snowyclaw i think a news crew video would be a good idea!!!!

  40. Nice hat! When I first saw it, I was reminded of Robin Hood too! Good luck to everyone entering the News Crew assignment! I used to be obsessed with entering them until I suddenly got bored if it.

    1. Yeah, actually a news crew video WOULD be good!

    2. A news crew video AND operations to the news crew members would be good, like say every news crew article the current members get the article idea early and when it is available to everyone they use the articles the current members submitted as examples.

  41. I'm going to go draft my entry for the news crew article! :D

  42. WAAA IM SCARED IM ONLY 9 -smart06703

    1. ......
      Um... the phantoms won't kill us, you know that? And that it seems more like somebody is trolling?

    2. no of annoymosue

    3. o_o I'm 9, turning 10 in a few months, and i'm not scared.

    4. Either that is sarcasm, or that is sarcasm. Anyone else agree?

    5. im 10.. i just got back from playing a fanmade slender game =-=


    1. No need to gloat, WW, everyone has their typing speed. =)

    2. Oh, and I never said that went I commented fast, BTW. That can make people feel bad.

    3. LOL it's fine, she can gloat all she wants! X3 And YUS! Wait, same time! Look above! :P

    4. Owe lol and I was messing not exactly gloating, ok.

    5. Btw that was meh I'm using another conputer

    6. Okay, if you say so Lukia, but she aims to be a Spirit Jammer, and gloating can be a bit hurtful sometimes. Messing? I call that teasing.


    which comes on tomorrow night yay im so happy! :)

  45. I met Snowy last night, and she said "Hi Gharial!"

    1. That must have been a good experience! See, Count, Snowy likes every Jammer she meets because they are all special!

  46. I hate myself so badly. Someone scammed my nature waterfall.. :( I doubt she's gonna give it back... Please report her her user is erin260... Thanks guys... MEH PRECIOUS WATERFALL IS GOOOONE!!!! D: ~Greekwolf/pupylili

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Robin hood in real life:
    Once upon a time there was this wierdo in green clothes. He always used to carry around bows. He used to shoot Robins in his hood so he called himself robin hood. Then one day he met a girl that he liked. He followed her around and tried to attract her. He went to her and hunted a deer. He thought that he impressed the girl but the girl slapped him and took him to prison for killing a deer. The police didn't let him go from his prison because his clothes were out of date.

    THE END!

  49. Guys I'm having a bit of trouble trying to download the app.. I'm using an iPad but I can't find that App Where is it lol

  50. UHHH, Snowyclaw. I sent you proof of there being a battle and quest system being implemented. I hope you're only feigning ignorance.

    1. Everyone knows the clues by now, Snowy must either by denying or having her own reasons.


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw