Friday, June 7, 2013

Beanies and Adventures

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Hey jammers! Sorry for the past two days of frantic posting. As you might have seen in my last post, I've been missing out on sleep. Don't worry, it's not because of the blog, it's because of homework!

Today's new item is a Beanie, sold on the first page of the Summer Carnival clothing prize booth. What do you think?

Not super animal-ish, but it's a cool design! What do you think of the pet raccoons? They seem to be a mix of an adorable teddy bear and a high-energy kitten. ^.^ I got one to match my Snow Leopard!
 When they play they chase after an apple! In the Pets Only Party these are the exclusive hats you can dress them in.
Looks like you could wear matching Beanies now, hehe. Now, the page I left out yesterday! Why? Because I wanted a post just for discussing what in the world this must mean for Jamaa!
So, my first thought is, WE DID IT! Good job everyone, and great job AJHQ! The Jamaasian Movement was a success, and we've seen Jamaa change since then. It really seems Animal Jam has revisited its old goals (when they first started, they said there would be quests).

What do you think of the Alphas coming back? What do you think of these upcoming adventures? What are those phantoms up to?

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!

An super creative music video from ibp911!
If you'd like to submit a music video, email!