Monday, February 3, 2014

Rare Gardening Maze

Hey jammers! Todays quaint new rare is the Rare Gardening Hat!
Well this rare was unexpected ^_^ There's nothing wrong with it, but I have to admit it, I was expecting the rare to have something to do with the Friendship Festival. Hehe anyway, the colors are pretty pastel, and soft, you can dress up for spring, when it comes around! If you want to, pick one up at Jam Mart Clothing, on the 3rd page.

On a different note; Wohoo!!! We've reached FOUR MILLION views!!! Thanks to all of you who are such AMAZING members of the Animal Jam Spirit community/family! You guys rock!
Haha here's the Daily Explorer update
Awww the animal look so cute in their fuzzy warm winter outfits!

Looking through the shops, I came upon the Pet Den Item Shop, which AJHQ seems to have abandoned, since snakes came out.
It just seems a little sad, that's all :(

Also, just a random thing but, I found out the font Animal Jam uses! It's called 'Tiki Island,' and here's a screenshot of the resemblance;


Next animal jam math ^.^ Angry fish + giant plushies = Glitch confusion! 
Even my horse looks a little bewildered why a fish is in it's place of dwelling ;) 

Would this count as an alpha sighting? Hehe I'm not sure, but it's sure cool to see Peck, at the Bunny's Only Party! What do you think?

Lastly, Monday Mysteriesssss…. 
At Mount Shiveer there is a suspicious site. Now, in your mind, if you remove the gift bag and the rock, and it looks like the entrance to a cave. Where could it lead to? New lands? What might be behind those barriers? Why? I'd look forward to reading your stories!
