Hey jammers! Cutegirl2001 here, to tell you today is the creepy and cool Rare Phantom Balloon
Even though the baby blue and white colours aren't the most spooky in all of Jamaa, it's still cool for the rare!
Hmm no Daily Explorer updates yet, but over in Glitchville, we have stuff disappearing.. take this fox toy for example...
Ahhh who is going to protect my den from the phantoms on Night of the Phantoms?? *cowers in a corner*
And #throwback^ to when I was a member, and my fox hat disappeared off my head, in my profile. Is there something up with fox items?
CURsE you number glitch, I though we said goodbye to you a long time ago! >.<Thanks for sending this in Bunneh!
Monday Mystery time... *insert Spooky Bones music here*
Did you ever wonder how we became invisible? I mean C'MoN we're basically becoming live-animal-ghosts, it can't just be the utter spookiness of Night of the Jammers! Basically, what's so special about the fog at animal jam Haunted Forest parties? Till then, adios mis amigos and jam on! ^_^
P.S. If you have a collection of plushies don't forget to sent a screenshot of it to animaljamspirit@gmail.com
P.P.S. Have you got a cool glitch, or a pawsome Monday Mystery idea? Sharing is, after all caring, so share your ideas with me, at spiritjammer@gmail.com, and who knows, if your idea is phantasmic I'll feature it on the blog, with credit given to you!