Sunday, October 12, 2014

Spooky Table + Evil Jack-O'-Lantern

Hey jammers! More spooktacular items have arrived. The Spooky Table is now available in Outback Imports (located in Kimbara Outback)! In Treetop Gardens (located in Sarepia Forest) we have a new  Jack-O'-Lantern! Have fun shopping!
While Night of the Phantoms items arrive on land, we have a new Night of the Phantoms ocean item! The Skeleton Mask is now available in Bahari Bargains (located in Jamaa's oceans)! Get all spooked with these new items!!!
There's a brand new Diamond challenge on the Daily Explorer! If you love diamond challenges, be sure to click here to find out how you could win 1 Diamond! If you have suggestions for the Daily Explorer, this Diamond challenge topic is perfect for you!
A stunning piece of artwork from AJHQ! Do you like these
Diamond challenges? I think they're pretty pawsome!
Been to the Spooky Party yet? There's a bunch of spooky items for you to purchase! Inside the Spooky Party you can grab a pet bat, & become a ghost! Muuuahh, spooky! There's other spooky items at the Haunted Forest Party too. Eeeek!
Kindness always defeats the phantoms! Remember that kindness is important in Jamaa. Be fair & be kind while exploring the land's of Jamaa, all the time!
Aww! Another cute piece of art work from AJHQ.
Remember to be a nice Jammer too, follow the AJ rules!
Spotlight Sunday:
This week's Spotlight Sunday is all about giraffes!!! Did you know that a giraffe's habitat is usually found in grasslands or open woodland? A giraffe's neck is 1-5 - 1.8 metres long. Giraffes only need to drink once every few days, most of their water comes from all the plants they eat! Giraffes are the tallest mammals on earth!

Have you seen this pawsome video? Watch AJHQ adopt their very own giraffe below. AJHQ named the giraffe Kipenzi, what a wonderful name!
Have a great day & Happy Jamming!