Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Spirit Snaps: @pr!L F00L$

Happy April Fools Jammers! I h0p3 y0u w3r3 @bL3 t0 m@k3 0ut th3 t!tL3 h3h3h3. Anyways heres a little snap fitting the theme!
AJHQ decided to pull a little prank on us all as well!

Anyways what are your devious pranks you all have planned? I put fake soap in the shower... sorry Dad! I'm also gonna put some fake spiders in my friends locker.... she should have never told me her combination... but don't forget the old rule, it has to be before noon or it doesn't count! Anyhow I think this is all for this post, sorry it was so short I have been pulling an all night'r studying for a test so I don't have much in me sorry!

Thanks for reading!


  1. Tribal Bunnies AJ JamaaApril 1, 2015 at 2:19 PM


  2. Tribal Bunnies AJ JamaaApril 1, 2015 at 2:35 PM

    Erm, still no one else commented...

  3. 2nd! Haha, I might pull a prank later today XD

  4. By the way, why did you put the spirit snaps thing?


  6. Tribal Bunnies AJ JamaaApril 1, 2015 at 3:19 PM

    Oh god.

  7. Why do people who don't pay complain about them not getting rights?
    I'm not saying Nonmembers suck or are less than members, they aren't bad people
    I paid money for Animal Jam. NM didn't.
    Why would ANY company give away everything for free.

  8. I know but they think the need to be the center of attention. But they need to be treated fairly.

  9. if you mean by other jammers then yes, if you mean by AJHQ then no.

  10. xD I don't have any good prank ideas...

  11. I just wonder...
    Why can't anyone just be happy for what they have for once?...

  12. thats what said, Count your blessings

  13. NutterButtersTigerclawApril 1, 2015 at 6:39 PM

    My brother just made me "Chocolate milk" Out of molt vinegar and milk. He said it was chocolate, but I smelled it before taking a sip and was like, OH HECK NO.

  14. 8th!!! I didn't see da banner. AJ changed the new april fool party!!! Go Aj its great!! And ha ha to your bro's prank NutterButters!!

  15. I stole my friends lanyard/ name tag. Mwa ha ha

  16. my friend rickrolled me, she sent me a link to what she said was a new video for someone we both watch on youtube, i typed in the link... and i got rick rolled

  17. I have over 36 stuffed animals on my bed. Today I told my mom I hated stuffed animals. APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Quick Random Insert:

    It now feels as if Animal Jam is a competition. A competition where you have to get spikes and den betas to be cool. A world where people will lie, hack, and scam. Video games usually give me relief and take me to another world, but now Animal Jam's jumped straight back into real life: a giant battle to be rich and mean something.

  19. Yes! I so agree!!

  20. I mean, I DEFINITELY don't want to quit, but it seems harsh now.

  21. u know the april fools banner? well i got mine march 31! oh and another thing im a play wild beta tester and so i got an email for a code for 5 diamonds! im a nm with 16 diamonds now! i hope the new animal is nm, maybe nm diamond! if not aj is getting really boring for nms

  22. i really do have over 36 stuffed animals on my bed!

  23. some of those are a little mean and at my school i would get in trouble o3o

  24. i used to be a member for a long time after my member ship expired, my dad said no more membership until ur 18 and u can buy your own.
    i was like when im 18 i wont be playing Aj, hopefully XD no. anyways so im like, well at least he didnt take the hole game from me :P

  25. Tribal Bunnies AJ JamaaApril 2, 2015 at 6:12 AM

    SAME! I got mine at night though, I logged in normal in the morning, then got back on later and the April Fools Banner popped up.

  26. Why before noon?! Me and my bud don't get that. Both our pranks were played AFTER noon mostly because I was still in bed. ^-^

  27. But they're just giving away more pretty pixels. It's not like it matters....?

  28. it does, it's expensive to run a company.
    AJ is no different from Nintendo.
    Both have pretty pixels you have to pay for.

  29. Don't worry it was all in good fun. No one was really upset with these pranks.

  30. Gahh. Must you contradict with everything ANYONE SAYS?!

  31. LaughinghappypandaApril 4, 2015 at 12:39 PM

    I want a April fools day banner

  32. LaughinghappypandaApril 4, 2015 at 12:41 PM

    I did my trick to my teacher

  33. Heheh the ol' drawing-pin on the chair?


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw