Hey jammers! Today's rare-colored items are the Rare Antlers. You can buy a pair on the third page of Jam Mart Clothing!

Today's daily item is the Snowflake rug, one from last year!

Now for our Mystery Monday! On the table in Sarepia's Flag Shop there lies a thick Log, quill and some ink. . .

What lies within the Log book? What famous jammers have placed their mark in that volume? What are their stories? Whose feather is that, and how did it get there? Not to mention, how do you hold a feather without thumbs? I'm looking forward to hearing your fantastic stories, I wish I had time to write one!

New artwork is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!
1st comment!
ReplyDeleteOK heres my story:
DeleteThe log book belonged to the panda shaman, Liza. She loves to explore all the worlds of jamaa, discovering new lands all the time. Since she's such a big fan of exploring and traveling, she keeps a log book of all the lands she has explored in jamaa for example: Mt shiver, Appondale ,Sarepia forest and many more. She likes to keep track of all the wonderful worlds of jamaa because when she returns from her travels she could tell the fascinating story of how she discovered the world of jamaa. She decided to put flags of the real world in the flag shop so jammers could see where the shamans originated from. Liza original place, since she was a panda, is china. She put different flags of countries in the flag shop because who knows? Maybe even some of the shamans come from the strangest places! And to capture the spirit of jamaa, she put in come other flags like the flag of jamaa, designed by a fellow jammer, the peace flag , the pirate flag and the phantom's flag.
Since Liza carried the log book where ever she travelled, the other shamans hardly had a chance to write their stories in the log book. But whenever she returned from her travels , she rested in jamaa township for about a few days ,which gave the other shamans a chance to write in the log book. Some of stories written by the other shamans MAY include: Greelys magic tricks, Sir gilberts home , Pecks latest creation of art, Grahams most helpful invention, Harpers secrets of being courageous or even Cosmo's best herbal medicine! Well you never know.......
Hope you enjoyed the story, jammers please COMMENT comment comment comment!!!!!! Snowyclaw please add me in AJ!!
This is my AJ username. Add me!
please comment on my story jammer comment comment comment comment!!!!!!
DeleteThe animals might have used their mouths or just used their other four fingers to write using the feather pen. Liza probably used her other four fingers
Delete-CUTEGIRL2001. add me jammers!
The feather pen was taken along with the log book which went wherever Liza traveled. Liza had found that feather in the place where Mira had disappeared and she used it to honor the stories of the alphas
Delete-CUTEGIRL2001 add me add me add me!
Wow! That was a great story. Much more creative than any I could make!
DeleteAwesome Story! Keep up the great work!
DeleteGreat story! Although you left a bit of spam as the aftermath.
DeleteThanks a lot guys! :)
Delete-CUTEGIRL2001 add me in AJ
BTW it;s Mount Shiveer, not Shiver. :)
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSnowyclaw does not have enough buddy slots.
DeleteYou should get to know snowy more and maybe snowyclaw will buddy you!
hey i know u lokithorrrr! u sent me that letter in animal jam!
Deleteand btw snowy claw agreed to be off list buddys
DeleteCool, Snowy is very compassionate and nice. That is very expected with Snowy's magnificent behavior.
yea thats so true
DeleteI really wish they didn't re-use old Jamaaliday gifts :/ even though I do like the Snowflake Rug.
ReplyDeleteOh well.
Antlers look cool ^.^
yea me too. its kinda deja vu
DeleteI still have my snowflake rug from last year. -is disappointed-
Yea but, bow and arrows were last years gift too....
DeleteNow I have two snowflake rugs *sarcasm* yyyyaaaayyy.
DeleteI was hoping for other gifts too, but I be they want to let other jammers get some cool, stuff. (I guess)
DeleteYay! I got 6th! I am not sure what I think of the antlers. The rug is nice.
ReplyDeleteit's very interesting really! in world Aldan i'm at the flag store already examining it! seems like it's ancient. Maybe most likely they wrote about the history of jamaa in it. or maybe about the shamans.
ReplyDeleteAdd me!
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteADD ME,
Snowyclaw has a full buddy list full of close friends already, she won't be able to add you, sorry.
DeleteAlot of jammers read this blog everyday, they want to buddy snowyclaw too.
Let snowy claw get to know you or maybe you could be off list buddys with her like me
DeleteHere's my story~
ReplyDeleteOne day, while he was in his cave cleaning, Greely stumbled upon a secret entrance. Out of curiosity, he looked inside. After crawling through a bit, he came against a wall. It was dark, but he felt something on it. Above him, he heard footsteps. Just in case someone was visiting him, he quickly scrambled out, and hid the tunnel. Just as Greely predicted, Peck knocked on his door to see if he wanted to go hunting. He agreed, but he didn't do that good, because that tunnel was bothering him.
Once he got home he climbed back into the tunnel (after grabbing his jar of fireflies for light). He went to the point he had left at earlier. It appeared to be a puzzle. Greely memorized the puzzle and wrote it on a piece of papyrus. He took it to Garaham, the intelligent Monkey shaman, to see if he could solve it. Garaham easily solved it, and asked Greely where he found it. Greely said he made it up. Then, he quickly left before Gharam could say anything more.
Greely raced into the tunnel and solved the puzzle. The wall disappeared, and he entered a large room. It was completely empty, except for a small podium with a dusty old book on it. He walked over and picked up the book. When he did, the ceiling started crumbling, and Greely sprinted out and once he got out, the tunnel closed behind him. He sat down in his cave, and then he saw all the shamans. Peck said that she knew there was something suspicious going on. Greely said, quite nervously, he found this book. The other shamans just let it be, assuming Greely had gone mad.
Later Greely went to the flag shop and put the book on the table. He also put a quill pen there with some ink. He left a sign saying, Jammer Log~Anyone can write and entry! He left, for he heard some Jammers coming in to the grand opening of the all-new flag shop the shamans prepared.
About a month later the book was filled, so Greely took down the sign. He left the book there for other Jammers to read, and he left the quill and ink absentmindedly. Many Jammers continued to read it, over and over, until one day a group of scammers and hackers walked in. They thought it would be fun to glue the beloved book shut, always and forever, which is why we cannot read it today. Every night, when no one is there, Greely goes in and tries to open the book. Maybe one day, he will succeed...
A story by: Tayandnat
That's an awesome story! I really enjoyed it! :)
DeleteThe Blue Feather
It was another cold and chilling winter in Jamma. And little Seth was walking around in the cold forest floor of Seripia with his mentor, Greely. Greely was happier then ever, even though recently Zios was killed by Gilbert so the animals of Jamma were to be safe and sound. The wolf shaman was even happier to the fact he had adopted a young male wolf as his apprentice to help him with his research of the phantoms. At first the pup was annoying, he would always ask stupid questions that Greely would answer in an annoyed tone. Seth seemed depressed however, his black fur fitting his mood but his light green eyes always shining when he sees Greely. Greely and Seth were getting closer to each other and soon the wolf shaman decided to train his step son with magic. In order for Seth to memories the spells and notes, Greely made him a thick magical brown book that would never run out of pages no matter how many pages you write. Seth was soon fascinated by the dark arts and even though his parents were killed because the animals still hated wolves he felt that at least one animal cared for a creature like him. One thing little Seth wanted the most out of everything was though...was to become a powerful shaman. He would always ask his step father, "Greely, am I ready to become a shaman now?" Greely would always say the same answer. "No my son. You are too young to handle the dark arts just yet." "You have said that three years ago! When will I ever become a strong shaman like yourself?!" "Seth, my boy, becoming a shaman is great responsibility and therefore great consequences. You need loyalty, patience..." "You have told me that over a million times! Father, when will you ever trust in my skills?! It's not like Gilbert followed those rules! He killed Zios and treats everyone terribly! I'll never be enough...am I right?! I'm just another stupid mortal you're just having experiences on!" Seth shouted in rage at the older wolf and ran up to the small tree house in Seripia. Greely just wished the young wolf would understand him.
Many years passed and Seth grown up into a teenager. He looked handsome and his knowledge of the dark arts was growing rapidly. The next day was going to be the Jammalidays but yet the young wolf was busy jotting down notes into his thick brown leather book. The once new book was now worn out and getting dirty and more and more notes were being written down on the thick book. Seth soon heard a knocking sound from the wooden door and he whispered, "Open." The door magically opened and outside stood a quite shocked light yellow female wolf with the most beautiful eyes. Seth glanced at the wolf for a second who was known as Mary but continued to write down notes about his studies with a thick ink pen by using his jaws. Mary was blushing madly in front of the handsome wolf and tried her best to hide a small purple box behind her fluffy tail, "Hello Seth...I uh...got you...something!" Seth didn't stop nor cared for the girl that was next to him. Mary continued, "Well...I was wondering if...you could open it. It's for you! I...I was walking in Mount Shiver and I found it on top of a frozen pond. The ice break and I almost drowned...but since it was for you I think it was worth dieing for." Seth ignored the girl and continued with his studies. Mary was tearing up...even though how much she tried the silent mysterious boy never seemed interested in her. "I'll be leaving now...Seth?" Seth finally stopped and looked up. Mary almost froze at the beautiful sight of his eyes. "What?" Seth snapped coldly. Mary hesitated, "I...I..." Seth raised an eyebrow, "You what? Hurry up, I don't have time for you." "I...I love you!" Seth's green eyes widen and the wooden pen in his jaws snapped in half, the black ink getting into his mouth and all over the book! Mary stepped back in surprise as she noticed Seth was getting pretty angry, "You what?! Mary, in your life...haven't you noticed that I didn't care what happened to you?! I don't love you! And I don't have room in my heart to love a girl! It'll only get into my studies and ruin everything that I've planned and dreamed!" "I...I understand...!" "No, you don't! Get out of my sight! And take your stupid gift with you!!!" Seth used his dark magic and threw Mary and the purple gift box out the door, slamming it at the same time. Little did Seth cared and knew Mary was terribly heart broken and cried all night after this.
DeleteSeth finally had enough and soon enough decided to kill Greely in order to take his place. He had grown tired on only being known to be Greely's apprentice and believed it was his time to rise and be respected. Greely was shocked and didn't wanted to fight his step son and was beginning to lose the fight. Each and every blow Seth sent to his step father, his father took it and didn't fight back. "Seth! What is the meaning of this?!" "I'm ready to become a shaman! And if you're not going to let me become a shaman...then I'll just have to MAKE it happen!" Before the wolf could kill Greely, a powerful paw clawed him off from the shaman. Seth gasped in shock when he noticed it was Gilbert! "I should have known you were trouble! I should have killed you the moment I've seen you!" Seth and Gilbert fought over several hours and Seth was losing...of course nobody was able to defeat the god of loyalty and war. Greely was weak and couldn't even speak as he helplessly watched his step son getting beaten up by the tiger shaman. "It's time for a filthy brat like you to join the phantoms!" The tiger spat at the wolf and raised up his giant paw, ready to strike. To both of their surprise however, a familiar yellow fur flashed between them, taking the death blow. Seth's green eyes widen in shock when he noticed the one who took the death blow was...Mary! Mary was breathing for air desperately on the icy cold floor, while there was a deep claw mark at her neck. Gilbert said nothing as he ran off with Greely, leaving the two wolves to die in the cold forest. Seth was weak after the fight but dragged his limp body over to Mary hopelessly. "Mary..." He whispered quietly as he rested his head on top of her back. "Seth...I'm...I'm sorry." "Sorry for what?" Seth asked curiously. "That...I...I cared for you." Seth shake his head and tried to heal the female wold with his powers but the cuts were too deep! Mary was losing too much blood and Seth felt small tears running down from his green eyes. A wolf that he treated terribly...had just saved his life. "Mary...don't leave me! I'm sorry! I was a jerk to you! I should have accepted your feelings...I never thought you truly did feel that way! I swear! I never knew that a wolf like you would fall for a monster like me!" "Sh...I'm happy Seth...I proven myself to you...just before I die..." "Shut your nonsense! You're going to live! Please! I'm begging you! Hang on!" Mary smiled gently and slowly her eyes closed...leaving Seth in terror. Seth screamed in terror and he shouted and cursed to the sky. "I'm going with you, Mary! I'm coming with you!" He shouted and placed without warning slammed his head on purpose by a hard rock not too far away. Only a few seconds before he died, he took a small peak in the small present box...and to his happiness found a blue feather quill. It was known to bring good luck...and that it belonged to Mira. He never knew Mary would love him that much to get such a rare feather.
DeleteFew hours past and Greely found his dead step son next to the female wolf. He said nothing but to remember his step son he placed the thick brown book and blue feather on his study desk where Seth used to write down his notes. Time passed and the small tree house turned into a flag shop. But animals say, if you just stay quiet for a long time you will catch the crying and cursing from Seth the wolf...who was long forgotten till now.
The End
DeleteWow! Nice story! Very long, with many details. I like it! :D
DeleteHmm.. not sure what I think about the snowflake rug coming back. I hope there are more new gifts!
ReplyDeleteI agree.
DeleteLike the rare, like the gift, like the
ReplyDeleteMystery Monday . Thanks snowy claw for
The awesome blog
Ok heres my story:
ReplyDeleteGraham was studying one day and he saw mira. He asked if she wanted some tea. They had tea and laughed then mira had to go. She flew off when her a feather came off. Graham saw it as a "pencil". He dipped it in ink and wrote on a big book on the inside cover. For liza. It said. It was Liza's b-day that very next day. He gave the feather and book to her as a present knowing she was born with 3 fingers and 1 thumb. He knew she could use it because she had "hands". Liza wrote LOG on the book and explored the lands collecting flags as suvenoirs. But one day Zios was in jamaa wondering what liza was doing. He peered over her shoulders and said "shouldn't you be making jamaasians?". Liza bit her lip and replied "im making gifts for them" silly as it sounds zios bought it. The next day zios whas captured by phantoms. He never returned. Liza was very upset, so she made a flag for jamaa. It was orange with green line around it and a black pawprint on it. Her pawprint. Mira also died that day she was heartbroken. Cosmo made a statue of her. Harper was in crystal sands when liza camd by. He said "did you get all the flags?" "No I need 6 more." Liza continued her journey. She first went to China, then austaralia, ecador, canada, and the U.S.A.
Liza returned with the flags handing them out to the animals who once lived there. She put up a shop in sarepia. Then left. She made jamaasians from that day on.
!be sure to visit my blog!
The first meeting of the alphas had begun... and it was a train wreck. All were shouting at the same time, some of the larger alphas were ganging up on the smaller (but no less powerful) ones, and someone had knocked over the table which held their feast! One alpha was fed up of all this.
ReplyDelete" SILENCE!" Graham's command echoed through the chamber of knowledge, and indeed everyone fell silent.
"This is not how a meeting should take place!" Graham continued, "we need regulation, organization, and a leader! Firstly, if you will lead these animals, would you please stand?"
To no ones suprise, Liza stood; it was quickly (and unanimously) voted that she would preside all the alphas meetings.
"Graham is correct in saying we need organization," Liza stated.
" And we must keep record of these meetings," he added.
all at once, Liza, Graham, and Peck all stated, "We should keep a log!" This was also voted in.
Peck passed up her new sketch pad; Liza added a leather covering; Marco passed forward one of his feathers to be used as a quill; the octopus alpha, who is unknown to us, passed forward some of his magical ink. (Only thet at the meeting would be able to read the writings from this ink.) And Graham, as the only alpha with thumbs, wrote the minutes of all their meetings, and kept it in the forest he lived in
I am still going to trde my Camis doll, if you want it leave your user name and what you would trade for it tjat would be great
Well, the log is Liza's. It is her personal log and it's written in code. From what may seem like a harmless note or two, it's Liza writing something top secret. Graham and the other Shamans didn't agree to let her keep it in the open, but she did it anyway. This isn't a normal book, if someone can decode the encryption... They'll know all of Jamaa/Shaman's secrets! (And then what'll happen to Snowy with her Mysteries?)
I have all the animals yay and im dissopointed im losing rares here! And what about thejamaaliday party you forgot to put tht
ReplyDeleteUser. Andrewj04
DeleteBtw my user is andrewj04
ReplyDeleteI hope bow and arrows come back i amdressed up like a gothic girl even though im a boy so i want a black bow!!!!!!!!! XD - andrewj04-
ReplyDeleteOh and i want cami doll ill trade you a blue egg for it my user is andrewj04 just like up there <> :l
ReplyDeleteI know how they use the pen,
ReplyDeletethey magically pick it up, just like ponies from MLP:FiM!
lol just thought i should say that
Haha, I watch that show sometimes in the morning when I wake up!
Me to i'm making fluttershy with my horse when i get my membership back i have the first mlp:fim ad in my head lol first one for 2013 XD rainbow dash and fluttershy rartiy and applejack to making friends is what ponies do lol
I love today's RM! I'm still a little disapointed that the Snowflake Rug came back because I already have one. . . . .But I cant wait to read stories! :D
ReplyDeleteHi snowy, don't you find it odd that there are non member snow leopards? Maybe you should look into it cause its a MEMBERSHIP card and somehow non members got a hold of them. Im animalgirl576 on AJ X3
ReplyDeleteI'll try to find out, I think I might get one today, but I am not for sure.
DeleteMy parents own a store and we have a log like the one on AJ to keep track of our sales. The log is probably used to write down what flags they sold and what the price was and what the total income from the sales are. Thats what we do at our store anyhow.
ReplyDeleteOk, here's my story :3
ReplyDeleteLisa, the panda shawman, always travels alot and she thought it would be nice to keep a log so that way she could see what she learned out the land again if she had to refresh her membory.
Like pandas in the real world, they have thumbs to hold and grasp things like Bamboo to eat for their lunch.
Lisa, having thumbs, can write all her things about a certain land in her log. The other shawmans who have thumbs, might have wrote their remodies or other things in the log also.
This is how the log got there. They also used oil or paint for the ink to write on things like rocks or the sheets of leaves they've cut into thin layers and dried out to form almost paper-like mirterials.
I do say though, that paper-like stuff in the log sure looks like paper to me, and that only means a human could have got it and put it into the log. Also, the log seems to be made out of leather or strong card-bored with leather covering sure looks man made; not unless the shawmans have some human features like the knoledge of making tools or things like paper.
And that's it! My comment for your monday mystery
hmmm cool antlers
ReplyDeleteoh guess what! im in my school spelling bee AND geography bee! ~buzzzzzz~ X3 i'm bored so i shall type random stuff that come to my mind
i smell like icing
oh no my sister just got home :(
nuuuuuu i have homework
i had a cookie today :3
lol funny randome. Congrats on the spelling bee and geography bee!
DeleteWould anyone trade me a spiked collar (doesn't matter the color except pink)? I would trade a, green lava glove and red spiked wristband. If you will, please reply with your username. NOTICE: You don't have to trade me if you don't want to, but I would really appreciate it.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Mldriver
Anyone have an extra bow and arrow for trade?
ReplyDeleteI actually didn't want the Snowflake Rug to come back.
ReplyDeleteMe too.
Deletewell i think that...ahem..(Storytime X3)
ReplyDeleteOne day, Mira was flying over Jammaa, making sure everything was fine. It had been fairly windy, so she was checking everyone was safe. One of her feathers happened to fall out. It slowly tumbled the air finally landing beside Liza, while she was on her daily walk. Liz picked up the feather. She was carrying a large book. She wasnt sure what to do with it. Just then she saw one jammer being scammed by someone.
"Hey!" She called,"Yes,you!"
A dark grey wolf dressed in many rares containing: A blue fox hat, a black worn, a turquoise heart locket, and a blue legendary glove, scampered away from a light-brown bunny. The bunny's outfit contained one rare: a fox hat.
"Oh my." Said the bunny, bowing down to Liza. "My name is Rosy."
"I was sure going to loose my fox hat, but i couldnt say no. He threatened to break into my home and steal EVERYTHING!" Exclaimed Rosy.
"I see." said Liza.
Liza then decided to make a log, of the jammers that were good, and the ones that were bad. She still does today so Be a Jammer Not a Scammer.
-bunnel (ps thts my 1st story so ik its not very good!)
There are green starred,turqouise, dancing, elephants that wear clothes like glasses, and you wonder about how they grab a feather?! -JungleJammer101
ReplyDeleteANYONE PLEASE PLEASE...I'm looking for the scary horn .. It was a item at the spooky party it's a unicorn horn black / brown called scary horn
ReplyDeleteLet me know if anyone has one for trade
~ footclane
PS must be scary horn not just a unicorn horn
Headdress.Wont come back.Aj promised thankgksgiving.its already December.Ive made a a destions.Ima coming back to AJ for a little bit longer.Not long.Until my membership goes out.Buddy me or send a mail.
anyone interested in trading or giving me a free nm sword please let me know im not being greedy but i would love it if someone could, i cant seem to win anything good on sky high
I'm boooorrrrrreeeeeddd
ReplyDeleteThe Xfacter
i think that grahmm used to work at the flag shop and wrote down coustemers names and that we cant even open it without
ReplyDeleteI think the log book documents the places where the Phantoms are, and the unmapped places in Jamaa, plus where the Alphas are.
ReplyDeleteOK here's my story.
ReplyDeleteOne time. Mira was flying over Jamaa, and she got attacked by phantoms. They buffeted her with stormy winds, and she fell spiraling toward the ground, in a whirl of pain. She landed at the Temple of Zios (renamed Lost Temple of Zios) and crashed into her husband's statue, breaking it into a thousand pieces.
When she awoke, she looked over at the statue and groaned in dismay. Her last memory of her husband, gone, She fell into a deep sleep.
When the Alphas found her, they could not save, they could only put a small amount of her spirit in each area of Jamaa. (Sarepia Forest etc.) The biggest amount of her mind was put into the statue in Jamaa township.
-The Phantom (NOT a username.)
ReplyDeleteok this is my story made from my adventure.
ReplyDeleteThere was a little arctic wolf pup called sparkle and she was up for adoption she as be left alone by her mother "i'm an orphan now"she said sadly as she looked at the the animals got adopted.
then an arctic wolf walked up to sparkle and said "can i adopt you"?
But when she can reply another pup yes so sparkle was all alone,so she went in to the forest. months later.Sparkle's white fur turned in to a light brown and she put on some brown mud and dried on her fur,she made a bow and arrow,and anklelets made out of leafs and painted it blue and white and a golden magical heart locket, to sometimes help her to get some food when the bad strom comes.One morning when Sparkle was hunting she found some thing different she found some stairs on the tree,so she climed up the stairs then she found some planks and found a two huts one had a sign that said movies and the other one had flags on it and it said flag shop then a lighting bolt came out of nowhere and then sparkle ran out down the stairs jumped from the first stair to the ground and then she found a head feather and she had no idea what it was "what is this thing with this feather,ok i'll just wear this thing,and find some food and then go in an adventure."But she did not find anything in the forest "where is all the food there was tones of food yesterday and i did't eat all the food"so Sparkle got ready to hunt she got her bow and walked out of the forest............
Sparkle found an afican syle then she found a wolf "Who are you a small mud ball?"the wolf said "I'm looking for food and i'm an arctic wolf pup and my name is Sparkle"Sparkle said.Oh ok i'll leave you alone.Sparkle found a wart hog so she hind behind a big rock......to be continued
: ] :l :L :D XD :U /\/\/\/\\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\\\\\///\/ lol lol lolololololololololololololol
DeleteOk this is my story,
ReplyDeleteOnce a upon a time there was a mother arctic wolf called:Duchess.And there was a farther called:Awesome.
One day,Duchess had pups!Then Awesome told everyone the great news,so good news that all most every animal came to the den.There was wolves,bunnies,foxes,pandas,koalas,monkies,other arctic wolves,kangaroos and more.
"Wow Duchess there so many animals like.....like.........."said Awesome."like what?"Duchess asked
to be contied
by goldie10123y6
Here's my story:
ReplyDeleteIt was that time of year! December had just begun, and every good jammer knew that those who were polite and kind were able to sign the big log at the end of the year. Nobody knew exactly who the log belonged to, but some believe that it belongs to Peck; as the inside is covered in doodles. Every Alpha chooses their top jammers, and they are announced in the Jamaa Journal. Then, they get to sign their name in the log for all to see in the years to come.