Hey jammers! Today's new item is another glowing alpha at the Epic Wonders furniture globe. The Crystal Peck Statue!

I'm happy to see Peck, she's a fun alpha, quirky and creative. ^.^ On a random note, here's a funny glitch that happens when giraffes wear Eyeball Hats (you should never let a giraffe wear an eyeball).
![]() |
Send in by chu714! |
Speaking of giraffes, here is an article on them, elephants, and rhinos. I wonder where these animals are traveling...
I'm so curious whether or not these travels and adventures coming up have to do with the Elf Tail Armor states.

I've also heard rumors of Tunnel Town coming to the US in a bit, and that if AJHQ gets enough requests they might make the app available for Android users. Click here to learn more! Anywho, that's it for today jammers. I was too tired for videos yesterday, maybe today. Happy jamming!

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!
1st comment!
Tunnel Town is cool you should try it! It is addicting!
I would love to try it! But unfounturnly I don't live in Canda and making it avabile in US is no help either...
DeleteSame. Maybe I can take a trip to the US to play it and then come right back! Eh..probably not.
DeleteActually if you don't live in the US I think you MIGHT be able to change your iPods app store location to the US but idk. And if you did that I believe you could get tunnel town. ( I wouldnt bank on it though XD)
DeleteCongrats! And I'm glad that you're getting the chance to enjoy Tunnel Town. I know how unfair AJHQ has been to international jammers.
DeleteI would love to try It but I dont live in the US or Canada... :( I live In Ireland :(
DeleteYour lucky. But U.S.A will get it soon, and we shouldn't be so greedy because we will still get to have it, and we already have membership cards.
DeletePink, exactly.
DeleteYou need a Canadian phone to get it, guys.
Woah... my computer is making beeping noises... (Almost said phone, lol.)
Congrats on first comment!
2nd comment! And yay Peck!
ReplyDeleteNo... Wolfy, you say it like this......
Oops! Ignore that question mark at the end. X3
Ok o3o
Yes... Just like that.. >:D
I can do better >:D
-bows- I am done.
DeleteLol! Bunnyrockerzrock, you're like giving Wolfypoof a lesson on how to cheer for peck!
DeleteEh Bunneh can teach me stuff in a nice way. She's my sister so... Yea X3 it's like Rainbow Dash teaching Fluttershy to cheer! "Yay."
DeleteLol Peck is my fab alpha. Greely is second and Liza is third I love how peck is so arty <3
DeleteA lesson on how to cheer for peck.. Lol
DeleteWait, Bunny's your sister? Like in real life, or on AJ?
DeleteWait... she's your SISTER?
Deletedun dun dun... What a plot twist! XD!
WW, lol!!! x a million
Tallstar, either way, that was a HUGE plot twist.
3rd comment yay!!!!!!!!!
DeleteO.o congrats*
DeleteCongrats, congrats, gracia!
DeleteWW, that was...random...
ERMERGERD!!!! It's Peck!!! :o I love Peck she's my fave alpha.. <3 and I love that statue.... I buy it as soon as I get on AJ..... :O
ReplyDeleteAlso, does anyone here play Neopets? If not you should try it out! It's a fun game. ^.^
Lol, she's my favorite too!! I think I've played Neopets maybe once or twice before.
DeleteYessss I play Neopets! Neofriends! :D
DeleteGreely's my favorite, but Peck's my second favorite! I'm going to do what you were teaching Wolfypoof:
Lol I played neo pets before.. and to tell you the truth.. I dint lie it much..
DeletePeck is my fav greely second and Liza third
DeleteWait, I wasn't paying attention... What's neopets?
We're like opposites! Greely is my favorite and Peck's my second. My third is Cosmo though...
DeleteMY GUINEA PIGS A FOOT LONG :D *Falls through floor*
Delete1ps, calm down! 0.0!
Delete*Grabs 1ps from two layers down in the earth*
WW, doesn't necessarily make you opposites unless your favorites are her least favorites, and her favorites are your least favorites!
I hope it comes to the uk. But anywho i dont my family doesnt have an apple device. DX
ReplyDeleteWell, we could get it for BOTH THE UK, US AND ANDROID!
DeleteI keep thinking you are Goofy for some reason, Viking. (Not the Disney character, the old Spirit Jammer!)
DeleteOkay spirit Jammers I need help
ReplyDeleteSo I have this friend , we been friends few weeks get long great , so she comes up and asks if she can trust me ? I laughed it off and said sure , next thing I know she's doing trust trades , so I never took the trades , after 2,3 days of this were playing round doing trust trades , and her friend joins in .. I started off small even tho, my friend said she's cool and I could trust her .. Did a few trust trades everything was fine , so then my friend up it trades next thing I know we're doing wings, worns, swords .. No problems at all .. So then my friend had to go the the washroom , as she's leaves she tells me to do my 3 worns ,, next thing I know her friend takes the trade and is gone .. I told my friend , who had this other player right at her home at the time , she Replys they had a fight and her friend is leaving , after she said she called and all that, then traded me one worn, I told her I want the other two .. After hours of trying , I told her it was to bad it happen, as I'm a member I could get her coloured item, rares all that stuff members get , outta nowhere her friend come on and gives back my 3 worns :S
Question is do I keep her worn that I traded ? Or give it back even tho I'm sure she was both players and scammed me .. Remember in the end I got mine back
Wow, that could be like a book or something. Very suspenseful. :D
DeleteHmm, about the worn thing, I would only give it back if she asks you to. Otherwise, you got an extra worn! Oh, you may want to consider not being her buddy anymore. She doesn't seem like a good friend. ^.^
@Rockytop that was my plan I feel I should trade hers back , but then she is the one that did the trade to me... And her friend was at her real life home when I was scammed , and it was her that told me to do the 3 worn trade .. I feel she was behine the scam the whole time
DeleteMy other friends say I should keep it as I traded for it , and to also teach her a lesion .. I just feel bad because she was a great friend
I'm no spirt jammer so ignore me if you like, but really it's up to you and what you think is best. Do you think she might want it back? Not a food answer but that's all I got.
Delete*good 0.0
DeleteYum, food. X3
Are you SURE it's not a food answer? *this comment has been nommed*
DeleteIt seems like she's giving you the extra worn because she feels bad and might be trying to become friends again. It almost sounds like your friend had this whole thing planned out, and then started feeling guilty. If she says she's sorry, keep the extra worn, because that would make her feel good, and also, if you sent it back, it might make her sad. It would seem like you were rejecting her offer of friendship. If she's not being nice to you, just give her back to worn. Of course, you don't have to follow my advice. Just listen to your heart, it always knows what's best. Hope this helped!
DeleteIm not a spirit jammers, but thats what Im aiming for! I think you should give back the worn, Even though they scammed you. It would be the right thing to do. And you got yours back. But Of course If she wants you to have the worn You should keep it because as tallstar said she might be trying to gain your friendship again If she wants you to have it and you want to be friends keep it. if not send it. But really do whatever you want. just trying to help :)
DeleteHey, the Spirit Jammer is finally in!
DeleteAj Jammer, I think that you should look deeper into this before doing anything else, because one wrong step and you're squished. Keep the worn, if you need to, however, unless you get a good reason to trade it back. Don't get coaxed into a trust trade again, delete that buddy!
4th comment!
ReplyDeleteSO glad they finally made a Peck Statue! Peck is my favorite alpha! So, hmm, this leaves Cosmo and Liza.
DeleteNM, it wasn't the fourth, more like the 6th. :(
Delete6th isn't so bad! Not far away from the top at all! :)
Well congrats anyways! On your 4th or 6th comment! Lol
DeleteYes, I think peck Is the favourite alpha of many. I like her the best too
DeleteThanks! Peck does seem to be the most popular alpha. Maybe because she seems more upbeat than the other alphas.
DeleteHm. Greely is my second fav
DeleteI think Greely is the most faved because he is so mysterious... and handsome to some... (Not me, of course)
DeleteMy favorite alpha would have to be LaSalle, she is an oddball in the group. Second would be spunky Amelia. Third would be Lisa, she doesn't let others get in her way. Fourth would be Greely, he is very close to Frost. Fifth would be Harper, she is valued by many.
That leaves Cosmo and Liza, unless they do the MINOR alpha statues...
I agree with Amy, Greely is probably a favorite for many jammers along with Peck.
DeleteI love the Peck statue it's so cool! :D Also does anyone wanna meet me on animal jam now?
ReplyDeletePS I'm going to a horse farm today :D
And what in the world is a trust trade? I've never heard of it before.
DeleteI think it's when jammers trade but trade rares and say they won't accept. I think so at least...
DeleteActually I believe it's when you trade a rare for something blah and then the other person trades you a rare for something of yours that's blah. But im just guessing I have no idea XD
DeleteIt's a type of scam. Example:
DeleteJammer 1: I DENY ALL TRADES; TRY ME!
Jammer 2: *Trades gold brick for Jammer 1's blanket*
Jammer 1: *Accepts*
Jammer 2: I thought you denied!
Jammer 1: No, I just scam! Haha!
I am really starting to sound like a robot, like; Siri or Monita or something...?
DeleteWell, Siri is more of a phone, and Monita is a floating screen thingy... Anyway... it's a scam. Don't buy it.
DeleteYes, that's exactly what a trust trade is!
I think there might be different versions of a trust trade. I thought it would be kinda like this:
DeleteJammer #1. Trade your worn for my mat! I promise I'll trade it back. Come on, you can trust me!
Jammer #2. Ok! *trades worn* Can I have it back now?
Jammer #1. Hehe, I scammed you! You shouldn't have trusted me!
Yeah..sorta the same thing.
@ rocky yes that is the one kind! @Izzy That is another kind! so there are two trust-trades
DeleteAnd a horse farm? I love horses!
DeleteHorse farm?? No fair! I love horses too. :D
DeleteEven more, WW, even more types! Scammers are crafty! I've been to a llama farm, they DO live in Minnesota. I hope we get a llama animal, they're so wooly!
DeleteWow... I hate trust trades AND EVERY OTHER TYPE OF SCAM...
28th comment! XD That's pretty interesting news.
ReplyDeleteHeheh good job on 28th comment!
DeleteThat was quick! Thanks, although 28 is a little bit large number. (Excuse my grammar)
DeleteI think you're only 28th with the replies. If you just counted the actual comments, you would be 9th, so that's good :D
DeleteNinth? Cooooool. :P
Delete:D Cool lol. Closest I have gotten is like.. 34th comment lol
DeleteOwe nd congrats
DeleteCool! The closest I've got was Number One. Keep aiming for the peak! Congrats on 9th comment, BTW!
DeleteWouldn't it be cool if you could play as a phantom for a day on Halloween? ( I forget what they call Halloween on animal jam) You could like scare people with your phantomness ):D
ReplyDeleteThat's a neat idea! Called the Night of Phantoms, by the way. Then I can stop using phantom hats with phantom masks. Why not make a suggestion to AJHQ?
DeleteWhy not indeed I'll do so as soon as I get out of bed! XD
DeleteI've been waiting for a new world in Jamaa. 2 YEARS OF IT. D:
DeleteMe too! They should make air lands where you can become birds and insects and bats and stuff. That's be EPIC!
DeleteAwww yeah, I've thought of that for a while now! I'd like to BE an owl; I sent in owl art, so they come out with PETS!? AJHQ, I am dissapoint
DeleteIkr we don't want pets we want actual animals we can play as -_-
DeleteThey're pointless. They follow you, and you dress them up, and put them in your den. They're another item! They get in the way too. Don't waste your gems. -.-
DeleteIndeed, I'd love to an owl and a dragon!
DeleteThat's so cool! It would be awesome if we could be phantoms on Night of the Phantoms. Or what if one of the animals avatars were phantoms for the whole year?
DeleteYeah! You could be a phantom and maybe AJHQ could make costumes for us! Examples: ghosts angels zombies. That woulld be cool
DeleteOh and its called night of the phantoms!
DeleteTallstar, agreed.
DeleteI would say pets AREN'T a waste of gems, they're actually fun to make stories about and name, but the PETA would be mad we're forced to treat them like items.
WW, that would be cool, but it would leave the majority of Jammers out. =).
I think it would be cool if we got a sky land, but there aren't a lot of animals Jammer-sized in the skies. We would be limited to:
Vampire Bats?
I think that it wouldn't be very likely we actually GET phantom sprites, though, a pet would be MUCH cooler.
My family members always say that I am wasting my time here at net, except I know
ReplyDeleteI am getting knowledge every day by reading such nice articles or reviews.
Also visit my web page dragon on dragonvale
Yeah... shut up.
DeleteAnonymous: First spam comment! Also visit my web page: inappropriate topic that kids shouldn't be reading or virus link
DeleteSpambot you are wasting your time by spamming! I guess your family members were right. XD
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteOhhh that was horrible, forget that joke. :P
DeleteDragon vale is an IOS game but not sure about the link of their "blog".
DeleteYup, spammers must not have very interesting lives. No offense, spam bot. ^.^
Hayluc lol I couldnt have even thought of that!
DeleteLol spam-bot your live must be boring anyways! all you do is spam everything. Spam spam spam! Dragon on dragon vale! spam spam spam! Anyways say whatever you want about spam-bot he wont ever read this again.
DeleteSpam bot... you sound like a real fan. Bravo, bravo on this milestone!
DeleteDragons? C= We should have dragons in Jamaa!
DeleteYay!!! More shaman statues! Although peck looks too much like Dora, her personality was made even cooler when they made the Shamans-Alphas change.
ReplyDeleteI have a question... why does Peck look emo at times? XD
DeleteHeheh Dora I can just imagine... Peck/Dora: Hey jammers! Where's the new land?
DeleteJammer: over there, Peck.
Peck/Dora: Wheres the new land?
Jammer: I just told you it's over there!
Where's the new land?
OVE- You know what, I don't have time for this. -jammer grumbles while walks away.-
Where's the new land?
Look, it's my job. It's not my fault I'm programmed like this. Blame AJHQ.
I guess it's all in her hair but idk why she looks emo XD
DeleteI can picture that new trading card.
XD -Dora Peck goes over to ask Mira a q- Where's the new l- -Mira puts foot on mouth to shut her up- XD
DeleteActually I have some pretty old animal jam trading cards with the shamans on them :D
DeleteLol and dora? That dora the explorer thing for kids? Lol! I used to love that show when I was like 5..
DeleteEmo? I dont think she looks emo
Delete@ Hayluc Wait, AJ trading cards?? were they invented?? I didnt even know they exsisted.
DeleteEmo isn't just about the looks. I don't know a lot about 'emo' neither am I one, but someone isn't 'emo' just for having hair that covers one eye. >.< I think emo is more of a type of personality...
DeleteIf so, Anon, maybe they were referring to the personality. Peck DOES have an odd personality.
DeleteWW, there WERE trading cards in one of the NG kids magazines, back when the Alphas were Shamans. They are outdated now, but some people still have them.
Lol! Dora! Did amy of you see Julian2's most recent Sky High video where he got a backpack and told his brother Quinn, 'He Quinn! I can do Dora roll playing!'
DeleteOops! I sid I would come back, and I didnt Ok!Im REALLY BACK NOW!
ReplyDeleteYay! Finally! Aim for the stars, WW, because I'm behind you all the way!
DeleteIt seems snowyclaw already used that post and posted it again.
ReplyDeleteWhy do you say that? There's never been a post about a Peck Statue anyway. ^.^ I'm pretty sure that this post is brand new.
DeleteYerpy derpy!
DeleteI think Liz means the Traveling Animals post on the Daily Explorer. And, now that you mention it Liz, I think I have seen that post for a couple days now.
DeleteMaybe, Tallstar, maybe...
DeleteYerpy Derpy, WW? Really? 0.0!
Snowy is super busy, she probably fell asleep and reposted.
Yerpy Derpy? I'm laughing pretty hard after that!
DeleteI wonder when AJHQ will come out with more plants for the garden item. Probably once AJHQ finishes making crystal statues. I like those items because they are nonmember making everyone able to buy them. Oh and by the way I am a member and my username is ocean06110.
ReplyDeleteYes, I like the garden Items too. I hope they make more! ^.^
DeleteI agree wih both of you. I think it's nice that AJHQ seems to be incorparating skills and hobbies into Animal Jam(ex. Gardening, games, music).
DeleteTallstar, they do like user feedback, so they must have viewed this blog and got the idea! AJHQ did recommend this blog, after all.
DeleteWW, I like them too! I have a small garden outside my castle. Only one plant so far.
I love crystal statues! Much more pretty than the regular stone statues!
Hey, doesn't it feel like the Alphas are trapped inside the statues, and we need to free them?
Amy, I think you have something going there. Maybe that'll be the plot of the quest? The statues did appear randomly, right in the middle of the birthstones theme...
DeleteBesides, look at their GLOWING EYES THAT RADIATE POWER. They also seem to have some sort of frozen solid theme to them, we can still see some of their colors despite it being crystal.
DeleteI love plants and nature. I agree with Tallstar, and I think Amy's idea is really neat! :D
DeleteI know it was a post or two ago, but the Sir Gilbert crystal statue kind of looks like the chinese statues of a lion like animal that has a ball or cub under its paw!
Its a ball, Anon. Yes, it DOES look like it, maybe he is a Siberian Tiger...?
DeleteYou can see the actual statue in Amy's den. ^.^ Her username is roxy30000. I think?
DeleteThe Elephants girraffes and rihnos are leaving, or moving, because they are in search of water and
ReplyDeleteplants, that's the only nature-real reason.I seriously doubt is has anything to do with fighting.
DeleteIt actually does, Ivysnow, because they're leaving for NO APPARENT REASON right after Cosmo left!
I kind of doubt WE will fight. Maybe to alphas, and animals who have never been bought will fight.
DeleteI JUST woke up and there are already over 100 comments? Gosh, you guys are such morning people!
ReplyDeleteI like the Peck statue!
I do wonder why AJ sent 4 different animal species to go exploring... Whatever they find must be AWESOME!
I got to meet Mia776 on AJ yesterday! It was really nice meeting you Mia and I hope we can talk some more in the future! :D
I hope the animals find something great too! Maybe they'll all find a new land together!
DeleteOh, and I jsut thought of something. What if they find an island? And to get there, you can go on a boat? That would be so cool!
DeleteI was freinds with Mia once! Er.. But for some reason she un-friended me. Mia if your reading can you please frined me agaian?
DeleteTallstar, that would be so cool!
DeleteWW, please put it all in one comment.
WW again, she did that to me too, I think its just a glitch. I talk to her sometimes, thats about it. We buddied each other again after that. Same with MasterGharial.
oh, Right and uh.. what yu mean all in one comment?
DeleteYour two comments could easily be put into one, WW. That's what I meant.
DeleteIt helps not spam the page. Like Amy and I did yesterday. lol...
DeleteSnowy I don't think it has anything to do with quests... my friend saw hackers that wanted to make AJ violent, like a P.V.P. game! AND IT'S NOT AWESOME BECAUSE WHAT ELSE DO YOU THIK THEY'LL DO, TAKE AWAY RARES, NOT ALLOWING BUDDIES, ALLOWING SCAMMING, WHO KNOWS!?!?!?!?
ReplyDelete:O Who are the hackers? What are their usernames???
DeletePink, I'm sorry, but I think you are overreacting. There are other subtle clues around Jamaa, including the new spirit armor pieces, the Alphas coming back, the Jamaasian video, phantoms hatching from eggs, animals traveling for no apparent reason. If they really exist, they must be REALLY slow.
DeleteBesides, its a RUMOR. A stinking RUMOR. No offense, but stop attracting attention you don't deserve, pink.
hey amy guess what? the last time some one didn't trust me or beileve me they got scammed by frogzy -.-
Deleteand tallstar i don't know their users
Deleteand aj is supposed to be a non violent game! maybe the tooltip was the only thing they did that they showed
Delete.. Pink your acting a little..
DeleteWW, exactly.
DeletePink, really, I have nothing against you, but seriously, there are LITTLE KIDS ON THIS BLOG, FOR GOODNESS SAKE! Send Snowy this info if it really needs some hype! Or discussion!
I don't even try trading people anymore, Pink, I don't get scammed. My password is okay. That threat doesn't scare me.
Pink just stop. Just because you got it from a friend doesn't mean it's true! You are overreacting! Animal Jam isn't going to end! If you didn't know, people work their and is not going to let that happened! Besides if we don't believe you we aren't going to get scammed. We're smart just incase you didn't know Pink =.=
DeleteYup. If you don't fall for scams, you won't be scammed.
DeleteThe eyeball hat was so heavy for the giraffe's head that it fell through the floor. XD
ReplyDeleteARS, that's funny! Great way to explain a glitch!
DeleteLol! XD An eyeball with a metal core!
DeleteLOL XD
DeleteLol! And thanks for following my blog ARS!
DeleteLOL! Must be VERY heavy! x3
DeleteI can't play on AJ because it says my wire plug-in was blocked :( so I can only play another website or just blog .-.
ReplyDeleteWell, I have the thing just for you! Come to my phantom war roleplay on my blog, submit your submission! Its Jamaa, but darker!
thanks amy jiao! ^-^
DeleteIf you have any sort of tablet, iPhone, or iPod, etc; you can buy this app called Puffin. You can play AJ on it.
DeleteCM, I never knew that!
DeleteYou're welcome, Pink!
Oh yes, I have puffin. The only problem is that you can't click things, like stores and stuff. And you need to customize buttons to make basically arrow keys.
DeleteDoes anyone have the rim from yesterday that they will trade me? I wasn't on yesterday
Anon, yesterday was SATURDAY. Today is SUNDAY. Do you mean the winter blanket? Sure, it isn't really special, but I need your username and a clothing item you'll offer me. I'm trying to be safe with my trade.
DeleteLexie, today's Sunday! xD Anyways, her username is Lexie1234. ^.^
DeleteUgh, I need to pay more attention! DX
DeleteOur comment duel is going well for me, CM, keep commenting because its too easy for me!
ReplyDeleteSorry, I just woke up! >.< But you're on!
DeleteYou're on!
DeleteOkay.. I need somebody to talk to...
ReplyDeleteWanna chat on AJ? My user is tallstar107. Come to my den if you want.
DeleteWe're already having fun!
DeleteAmy.... xD
DeleteWe were, at least, on the server Amur.
DeleteOh Yay ^.^! I love peck, shes my favorite shaman! But it's so sad that rhinos. giraffes, and elephants are leaving in a few weeks :(! ~ilovecutechihuahuas~
ReplyDeleteIt is... I wish they could stay.
DeleteAnyways, I like the Peck statue too. It shows AJHQ is getting into the Jamaasian Spirit! :D
Well, I just made my den more Jamaasian!
I know. Isn't one animal enough? D:
DeleteI'll go visit it when I get on, Amy! :D
DeleteOkay, CM!
DeleteTallstar, what are you talking about?
Oh, I mean one animal leaving Jamaa, isn't one animal enough?
DeleteI've been on half quitted status, but I'm looking forward for some exciting updates. As for the statues, I love them, but it's really not fair nonmembers don't get a share of some of them. I was supposed to get a membership a while back, but my parents declined... I'll probably go off half quit if something new comes out, for now, I'm gathering cheese on transformice while Reaper plays.
I really hope Animal Jam does something amazing, like introduce quests soon. All I've seen around Jamaa is people doing really disgusting things, like some people have complained, mating. Most Infinite's and my friends have quit of boredom and nothing to do...
DeleteMaybe you could quit until summer, when things ought to be more exciting? More Jammers playing, the Summer Carnival, etc;.
As do I...
INRS, come on Animal Jam and go to Mount Shiveer on the server AmuR! We're by the campfire having fun!
Delete@ Infinite
DeleteYes, nonmembers should be able to buy at least half of the statues.
I want a quest too. Something to keep people at attention.
I'll go, Amy! I totally agree with all of you. It's unfair to non-members, especially those who have never been members before.
DeleteAmy, are you offline? Offline AJ, I mean.
ReplyDeleteWhy are the animals migrating??? Any ideas...