Hey jammers! Today's new item is Bamboo, sold in the Treetop Gardens shop of the magical and mystical Sarepia Forest.

Meanwhile, AJHQ has posted an article on safety.
Also, good news! Past winners of the News Crew have (hopefully) received their plaques from headquarters. Interestingly enough my email exchange with them brought some other news.

The title of this post may have gotten you a bit excited, and I hope this IS exciting. As AJHQ has told us in a past Jamaa Journal, shamans/alphas are returning to Jamaa. However, in a recent email they revealed something else.
Quests?! My goodness, AJHQ must have really listened to us during the Jamaasian Movement, they truly took our hopes for Jamaa to heart! There isn't much to do now but wait, but we certainly can speculate. ^.^ Look at this Daily Explorer picture.
Goldy posted about this post a while back, but I had an idea. . . What if that new gadget is for quests? The AJ mods could be test running it at this very moment, how exciting is that?! Oddly enough, soon after we mentioned the note-tack gadget on the blog it disappeared from the post. Strange. . .
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Who is jennifer? o.o |
I don't know about you, but these developments got me really excited for future updates. I guess we'll just have to wait and see!

NOOOOO!!!!! The last of the plants is no longer rare
ReplyDeleteDon't worry! There's still the Venus Flytrap!
DeleteYay! I hope it doesn't come out tomorrow .-. .
Deleteyah im gona make a forest in my den its gona have everything
DeleteAlmost all of my plants are no longer rare!! Aarrgghh!!
DeleteThere is also a couple more cacti that are not in stores too.
oh my goodness!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteQUESTS? this is way more than i expected!!!!!!!
I know! I'm so HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't wait for the quests!
DeleteI hope they are not like the quests in other games, those are stupid.
i hope they are more exiting and adventurous!
I just can't wait for quests!
Maybe they will come Spring 2013!!!!!!!!!
That mail is so interesting snowy. But tell me how did you get to be a News Crew Member? I got a plaque: Artistic Plaque for my artwork. And about the bamboo palm tree...I already got it!
ReplyDeleteI'm waking up this early because I have to drive 2 hours to get to the airport to fly to my vacation destination. The bad news is, we have to wake up my brother, and he isn't a morning person. Wish me luck. XD
ReplyDeleteP.S BAMBOO
Luckeh you get to go on vacation, and Happy vacation, AND Good luck! XD
DeleteYou should see the waves! They were HUGE! But, it was at night, so we were only allowed to go up to our knees. O.O Now I'm laying in my bed which is a pull-up one from a couch. Hehe. And, I tasted salt water and it tastes DISGUSTING. It was so salty, I kept on spitting into the ocean. :|
DeleteI think quest will be available in the next update!...
ReplyDeleteI can't wait! Cool, I want to meet the Shamans... except Liza.
I agree... I mostly wanna meet Greely... I'm not a big fan of Liza either.I already met her.
How? o.O. Or did you just meet her spirit when you register for AJ?
DeleteWhats wrong with Liza? :V
DeleteI really do want to meet Liza again.
DeleteWoah!!!! Awesome!!! You made me speechless! Great blogging today!!!
ReplyDeleteTHIS IS EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!! AJ Is really becoming better everyday! thanks snowy for the news!
ReplyDeleteHappy Jamming!
THIS IS EPIC!!!!!!!!!!! But I have a bamboo plant and now it's not rare. :,(
Epic! But I agree with hlyndzy... I had 2 bamboo plants and it's not rare now, but I was dying to get more than 2 though~! I have a fat cactus that I guess might be rare. Also, I hope that the plant that was sold in the Museum @ Appondale is back because I have 2... Only
ReplyDeleteI agree. I had a rare one, and now it's not rare :P.
Deletecould someone please read my comment on the ask snowy page? it's the very long one and its near the bottom. its not really animal jam related, but i really need help.
ReplyDelete10th commet!Please go back to tear last post and then PLEASE look at the last commet!!PLEASE!!IM REALLY DISAPOINTED none replayed to meh.....
Jennifer is probably a National Geographic worker or an Animal Jam worker. Guess what I saw in Jamaa Township on top of a building? HALLOWEEN lights!!!! It's coming!!! Next Update!!! Day of the phantoms is COMING!!!
(P.S I may get really excited because this is my first "day of the phantoms" on aj)
Oh, and my tickets for the carnival still show. I wonder if I can save my 5,267 tickets for next year.
ReplyDeleteWhatsthat :D
Maybe the quests will have PRIZES? I hope so :D
ReplyDeleteEven without, they'll be fun!
ReplyDelete"Who's jennifer?"
This was like, my favorite post. I don't know why. But the part when it said "Who's Jennifer o.o" OMG LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
ReplyDelete~LaughingPancake234 ^-^
Same. I love mysteries! Jennifer is probably part of the AJHQ. Remember, in Crystal Sands in teh movie theater, there's that lady!! In the other movie theaters there are...O.0... other AJHQ members!!! JENNIFER IS PART OF THE AJHQ!!!
ReplyDeleteI was wondering why the Alpha/Shamans have not come back yet, but now I don't care how long we have to wait!!!!!
I bet in the Jamaa Journal when they said something about the shamans/alphas coming back from their travels, they didn't mean new lands! THEY PROBABLY MEANT QUESTS!!! I'M SOOOO EXCITED!!!!
-Zebrafish who has been on AJ for two years :D
Hwi Breezecloud! Its me Dawnkit! *Mews* And chu are sooo RIGHT! I hope dere quests!
~maryp7 with the awesome den and shots her ideas to the sky from time to time
Omg this reminds me of beta! And yes, I was a beta tester. I BEEN ON AJ FOR 2 AND A HALF YEARS X3 0.0 quests=EPICZ
Man, my wolf is an old lady O.o
DeleteI played in beta too :3 Good times....
I started right after beta ^.^ -Zebrafish
DeleteWait!!!! I've been in the Animal Jam for...OVER TWO YEARS!!!
Got to renew my membership before it expires!
I played beta for two and a half years. I don't get why people are so... wanting to see beta. Look at the name- "be-ta". It's just a test, sure there were rares.
Delete-pac10 ...
I was in beta too. Da best part was getting free membership after testing
DeleteI was also in Beta. To be real honest with you, Jammers, AJ is much better now, than it was in Beta
YAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYAY!!!!!! Okay I'm sooo exicited for that upadte to come! :D
ReplyDeleteWait, I have an idea! What if you get to the end of the quest, and you get to meet a Shaman? :D!!!!
ReplyDeleteThat's an awesome idea!!
Please visit this link for my blog party!
Oh my FREAKING gosh!!! Quests?! Wow, for once I'm thankful to AJHQ!!! Thank you Janice and Jennifer!!! Thank you for listening to us. My mom says I need "discernment" on the computer- so I'm sorry if I do something to wreck my future career. As a Beta veteran, sort of, and as a jamaasian, I feel like Jamaa is returning to its former glory. What will the quests be like? ... WAAAIIITT. ... I quit. I'll just "sneak on" then.
ReplyDelete-pac10 (who's freaking OUT right now)
THANK YOU SNOWY!!! <-- not sure why I did that xD
Funny quotes from a youtuber (s):
Delete"Meh momma always says I'm duh special one."
"You turkey!"
"I'm antvenom and I bid you all farewell."
"Did that ocelot just poop?!" (don't ask, it was sprinting)
-pac10 who wants to become a real youtuber someday
Pac, chill... xD
Yay! xD
I'm a member now but there isn't much to say this morning except that I get pancakes! =D
I... won't? chill. This is big. Your welcome.
Thank you Janice and Jennifer! Whoever they are.
DeleteWe wanted the Jamaasian Movement! Yes!! I hope the AJHQ doesn't post anymore glasses in Jam Mart Clothing.
DeleteI had pancakes this morning, too! :D
Please visit this link for my blog party!
I had waffle fries. I then had cereal.
Yay, this is awesome! I have always wanted quests, and I hope they're not something mini, like, 'Show a jammer around!'" What if you get mini rares, or gems as rewards?
What I'm hoping for, yes I'm commenting a lot, is... Hmm. I don't know. Something non-mem, a sort of a RPG, has good prizes, maybe? Shamans involved, and so on.
Delete-pac10 ... sorry for commenting a lot? I don't care though
Oh great! Now my bamboo is un-rare I'm pretty upset about that. >:[ *sigh* At least it seems we have something exciting coming up, the quests! :3
Wow quests? I knew they were gonna do quests! Sounds exciting!
ReplyDeleteWow! This is getting me so excited!
iv been on aj ever sence it started.
ReplyDeleteman do i miss those days :3
I noticed that "Jennifer" thing too ^.^ I really didn't think it was anything XD But now I guess it is O.O
quests quests yay!
- lovelion123
Quests would be so AWESOME!!
ReplyDeleteToo bad they brought back all the coral canyons plants. =\
I'm very much appreciative that quests are now going to be apart of Jamaa. It seems the 'Jamaasian Movement' really did work. Can't wait for the Alphas to return with bran-spanking new quests for every Jammer to accomplish (like achievements) to make Jamaa a better, phantom-free place to be (like it was before the phantoms even arrived). I'll definitely be looking forward to it, will you?
ReplyDeleteAlso, I'm glad the Bamboo came back, now everyone can have it (since it's non-member). It seems Animal Jam are slowly brining back rares (everything without the "rare" tag on it). I think that's a good thing to do, because that way, every Jammer will have it and no one will feel bad in a way.
Well, this was a nice (and thorough post) snowyclaw. Keep up the great work, Jamaa is looking better already from what you (and Jammers) have been doing to bring back our leaders (the Alphas).
Yea, I got my plaque, on display in most of my dens :D
ReplyDeletepapad91278's the glitch queen and news crew member
Please visit this link for my blog party!
XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I saw you in Jamaa today!! XD Now were buddies :3 FISH TACOS YUM O3O
Lol. Oh yeah I saw you like 10 minutes ago!! Enjoy your tacos. :)
When I read the word quests it reminded me a bit of those 'field ops' on Club Penguin. I wonder if it will be like that. I used to play on CP... then I got bored of it :/ But I'm really looking forward to this new feature! :D
ReplyDeleteNOOOOOOOOOOOOO! How COULD they? My poor poor Bamboo Shoots! First my Palm Tree Shoots, then THIS?!?
ReplyDeleteA very mad,
dear snowy claw i hope you reading this and i think im speaking for all us pandas out there this is about cyber bullying i was a panda and i went too a zoo i couldn't find the panda cage so i went to the cage where all the jammers were me: hi everyone a random lion: -eats fat panda- me: thats rude in two ways first of all jammers dont eats other jammers its just wrong. and second you shouldn't judge jammers by how they look . wolf: i feel bad for that fat panda. me:you should respect me im an animal too im a real person behind the screen and i have feelings too in real life im crying. lion:no your not fat panda.
ReplyDeleteYa I hate da animal racism in AJ. I decided to make my main animal a seal since I'm sick of all the wolves...
Delete-Zebrafish who supports you =D
That was just a little bit offensive. Wolves are my favorite animal, and I'm going to be one if they are popular or not.
P.S. I really like pandas and I hope that never happens again. What they said about your panda was really mean. >:O
I'm sorry, I didn't mean the actual wolf itself, just on AJ. People go as far as you can't join certain groups unless you are a wolf. Wolves are my absoulute favorite animal in the world (armidillos follow it, along with narwhals ^.^) I am sorry that I offended you D:
My friends asked animal jam if they could have quests I can't believe this is actually going to happen. My friends are going to be so happy!
ReplyDeleteJennifer is one of the editors for the AJ blog, obviously. Guides have extra features and little gifts that normal players don't get.
ReplyDeleteThe notepad's function, however, remains a mystery. They probably write down notes like feedback or glitches to fix, reminders, etc.
That's just a guess though.
a very original idea, I have very different ideas for black bamboo
ReplyDeleteI've been waiting FOREVER for quests D:
ReplyDeletePeace, AJ, and Crocodillians