Hey jammers! There's a neat new item in the clothing orb of Epic Wonders today, the Firefly Necklace! (\^.^/)

Do you think it glows? Next item of buisiness, the code discovery has been reactivated by AJHQ, if you haven't used it before you can get 1000 gems when you sign to Animal Jam.

Also, after the update on Thursday, there was a little mix up. For a little while the Pillow Room turned back into the Medical Center. I wasn't able to see it, but Sheaa sent me a cool picture!
Wacky right? Also on the topic of glitches, earlier today free chat was down for a little while! No one could see the free chat others said. Shortly after I sent a letter to AJHQ they fixed it.

One more glitch? Alright! hlyndzy sent in some strange pictures, I guess the Falling Phantoms game is invading Jamaa!

How crazy! Finally, AJHQ posted a new article about the Summer Carnival coming to an end (too soon if you ask me).
That's about all for today, cake news tomorrow. Happy jamming!
Yaay! First comment. Sweet post. I was able to see the Medical Center. It almost scared me out of my fur!
ReplyDeleteThank you snowy for posting my glitch!!!!! :D
Ever since they took out the medical center, I've seen people saying," if you are a doctor, go to my den," etc.
DeleteAnd once i saw this glitch, it's been fuller than ever! Hmmm,
DeleteI wish the medical center would come back. :(
Ok, crookers, it's nice to say stuff like, 'you scared me out of my fur!' on AJ, but still....It's kind of babyish when you say it, if you think about it. Well, it's nice to say it, to play...but, stiLL!!!
DeleteI say "you scared the daylights out if me!" =D
I know I loved the Medi Center. One of my favorite hangouts.
DeleteI just said that, I don't know why. (First time I have ever said it.) I said it for fun, but it really did scare me!
Hmmm another item I think I'll pass on getting
ReplyDeleteI like it but im a nm...
Delete@PerryFilip (my AJ user name)
DeleteI thought you were member. And I don't think I'll get it either but it's an interesting idea.
Oh and Snowy I saw someone wearing the item the fireflies move just a little bit.
the firefly necklace is similar to the underwater lantern necklace
DeleteYa nice item idea but i wil pass it... And
Delete@ducier i was a mem for 4months and i have dozens or rrares the mem and nonmem ones...
Same! I couldn't do anything and yesterday the Medical Center was a pillow room? And today my bunny was all pale green and my Seal was black with a red outline ? Also my den got completely empty and I could equip 4 rare blue lei's at the same time with a green lei XD it was cool :P but the rest were completely annoying! One more thing... PETS ONLY PARTY WAS IN MY DEN =/
ReplyDeleteAfter seeing it I had to get it, it's not that bad , the flys move around when you move :)
DeleteRight when I saw the necklace I was in love with it cause it reminds me of the time my brother got a firefly up his nose! :3
ReplyDeleteHaha that's funny :D
DeleteYa it is lol
DeleteLOL LOL LOL!!!!
Deleteawesome Snow even know kinda weird... know what will of been a cool but annoying glitch? if you was in a room you can talk but phantoms came in the room randomly and every time someone got hit it did the flame or noise when your hit and go down but then for some reason go back up LOL
ReplyDeletebtw whys coming back in TWO DAYS i am hoping it shell be so anyway...
Yay! Never even got seventh comment before... well, what do you mean by cake news? Also, I think I sent you a Greely statue from the cake party, i'll check.
ReplyDeleteOh and we should all gather stuff from summer carnival :{
I barely got any items from there.
Good thing! Jamaa needs a medical center, and they needed it WAY more than the pillow room. Where are all the hurt jammers going to go?
Darn it! Just realized it was turned back into the pillow room. Why? What about the sick jammers :(
DeleteI'm only quitting aj because it's gotten boring and 4 my dog yay they gave her medication and she can stay Alive
ReplyDelete~ blossom90791
That's so great! I'm so happy for you =] hope you dog is feeling better soon!!!
I hope your dog's gon' be okay. :) I'd really, really, really like to quit AJ if it wasn't for one thing. Two buddies. Koala, Assume. Can't darned live without them :P.
Ya i know right, and for u yay 4 your dog ! :D
DeleteYay, I hope your dog lives for many more happy years!
That's amazing I feel happy for you -hugs-
Those glitches are cool! Can't wait to find them in Jamaa!
ReplyDeleteI just posted the AJ Birthday Party Glitch on the Animal Jam Fiery.
i think AJ should have a beta party where u can buy betas for 1 day
ReplyDeleteHappy jamming!
Then people wouldn't go completly CRAZY for them! And thats a good thing because then no more "TRADE ME A BETA (put item here!)"
Superscott I saw you yesterday! You said it was an honor to meet me! CB CB CB
Yea. AJ should allow it, since, some people will doing anything to get rares! (Such as, hack, scam,)
DeleteThat pillow room glitch mix up happend to me! first i thought the med center was back but AJ didnt write about it and 2nd when i came back from school it was the freakin pilla room! Also a couple day befor that my chat kept repeating what it said.like if i said hi
ReplyDeleteand then i said .... it would say hi 2 seconds later! Wacky this year for me.
I tried discovery, didn't work. prob already used it, but it said they couldn't find a promotion for the code...
ReplyDeleteAnd, a wacky glitch happened. I typed in my thing, said it then dissapeared. Then, i said something else, and the old one came back and my new one and the old one dissapeared at the same time!
THAT HAPPENS TO ME!!!! Sometimes, when i type in something else, it shows my new thing i typed in, then it flashes with the old thing i typed it. it was annoying!
DeleteOh my word! Soo many glitches! I like the new item, it's definitely got its wild side. YEsterday was one of the best days I've ever had. Got to play some AJ, Did art class with a friend, found 5 diamonds and 3 emeralds in minecraft (server so my family was with me), made an enchanting table, enchanted everything I own, (need one more block of obsidian to go to the nether) And... I could daresay (daresay- am I Queen Elizabeth or something?!) say that the time on AJ I had was the best. (unless you count three months ago or six months ago)
ReplyDeleteAnywho -pac10
Awesome dude
DeleteIove the new item
ReplyDeleteRelax dude relax O.O why so happy lol XD
ReplyDeleteI wasnt able to see it because my account was locked, but my friend luvy23 did a test and turned the pillow room into the medical center. HQ didnt let her keep it that way! i think i know why! you know how the medical center didn't serve any purpose (no games, no shops and stuff)? well that was beta, and this is now! And you know how the pillow room also serves no purpose? I THINK THE PILLOW ROOM IS NEXT!! SAVE THE PILLOW ROOM! SAVE THE PILLOW ROOM! SAVE THE PILLOW ROOM!!!!!!!!
This is Nikin1 reporting from Animal Jam live!
P.S. join my club and you might become a jammer celebrity like i want to!
You said join your club, but you didn't post any username! I wouldn't care if the pillow room was beta. The pillow room doesn't have much worth!
DeleteOMG! I missed the Medical Center? Nooo! I loved that place. But yeah, the chat was wacked out yesterday! Total craziness.
P.S - What if Animal Jam returned to beta for a few hours as a major glitch, just like the Pillow Room..... 0.0 And the Falling Phantoms one happens all the time to me. 0.0
Wow I'm glad it happened to someone else too.
I never had free chat anyway, so nothing happened to me. (Something went wrong, not telling).
:l When is AJHQ gonna post the contest winner for the Golden Lion Tamarins... It seems like I've been waiting FOREVER!!! DX (PLEASE IF ANY OF YOU GUYS KNOW WHEN THEY MIGHT ANNOUNCE IT PLEASE REPLY! <:D pwease)
ReplyDelete-sniffles- I wish they could post it sooner.
DeleteI was online with four buddies and they could all see me but they couldn't see me talk! O.o
ReplyDeleteI think I was there...
I wish they brought back the medical center, i saw the glitch too. In my opinion, i think it's better than the pillow room, because in the pillow room all that goes on there is people pretending to be little kids or babies and lay down on the pillows waiting to get adopted. Honestly, i think adopting is SUPER WEIRD on animal jam because you're practically being owned by someone you don't even know! i like the medical center better though because i think its fun to play doctor. plus, you can do more things in there than in the pillow room.
ReplyDeleteYour right! Adoption is just so dumb for Jamaa! I mean, why would you want to be owned and carried around by a complete stranger? That's just plain weird. I agree with the Medical Center too. I loved being a doctor and healing people 24/7! It was so fun, then they put in a unneeded arcade. Why not go around to the different areas and learn the land and range, before you play? The arcade is all about not learning, which is what Animal Jam is about. I hope AJHQ soon realizes how much we don't like the pillow room.
DeleteI loved the Medical Center too! And who wants to go walking around with a complete stranger acting cute? I only do adoption if I am realllllllllyyyyy bored. And you never know that the "adopters" are really mean. I got adopted once (Hated it) and the owner pushed me down the stairs (imaginary) and kicked me (still imaginary) and bit me (imaginary) and called me a weird bug (Not Imaginary). Too bad I never got a chance to be a doctor. All the times I went into the Medical Center no one was there, so I left. Gosh, now I wish there is still a Medical Center. If you think about it, the pillow room was suppose to be a fun place just to play games with other jammers, and they changed it to adoption!
I hate being adopted. Once I tried it, and it was super boring!All I did was eat imaginary things, and act like a toddler. The medical center is way better, if you ask me. I mean, there was more point in it. Well, sorry fellow adopters, but it's boring. Some people turn out to be scammers, and....it's awkward. It just ends down to unbudding them without them realizing it.
DeleteI so agree! Some imaginary parents craning their heads over your character. Anyways, what's the point of having other "parents". You have good parents enough, right? And, anyway, you don't get to be a doctor everyday. You don't go to a doctors office, everyday either. Being adopted in real life, is really sad. Why make a game out of it?
DeleteP.S. going to a doctors office when you are badly sick, too, is really sad, but there is chances that you'll get better. When you're adopted, it means you'll never see your parents ever again. Rare circumstances you will.
DeleteI know exactly how it is to go to a doctor like every week. Trust me, it's not fun -.- (ya, i have a bunch of medical problems but anyways...)
DeleteParents don't "own" you tho! They take care of you. "owning" is like slavery :(
weird glitch! hey guys, sorry i haven't been commenting much...animal jam and the blog is blocked from my cpu, im using my friend's cpu. =p
ReplyDeleteaww that sucks... missed u rainye! hope aj gets unblocked from ur computer soon.
DeleteOMG D:< i've been waiting for AJ's Daily Explorer to post the new contest winner... how long does it take?
ReplyDeleteI don't know, but it better come soon!
Can you put my blog on your Blog List? I just need a few views. Thanks!
( Though i have doubts it will be achieved)
I'll visit your blog... I love reading blogs
ReplyDeleteWell thanks! I appreciate it!
It's awesome Springclaw!
Thank you so much! i try my best! And thanks again for being a member on my blog! it means a lot!
DeleteAnytime! :)
:D its actually really awesome
ReplyDeleteWOW i was there at the time of the falling phantoms! Its was sooo weird but very interesting.
ReplyDeleteI went to the jamaa township at the mira statue... no bunnies here
ReplyDelete@Second Anonymous
ReplyDeleteCalivertheDragoness must have been there at a different time.
Ok can someone please answer me this time? When is AJHQ gonna post the winner of the News Crew Assignment? Is it today, tomorrow, a week? How long? How long did it take for the past News Crew Assignments?
ReplyDeleteI think they announce the Golden Lion Tamarin News Crew Assignment is ending on Wednesday, September 12, 2012. But it's the fifteenth! Maybe they are sorting through the entries...
ReplyDeletePOOFITY POOF POOF! Canz chu guyz check out my blog? <B3. It's called Natgeonature.blogspot.ca
ReplyDeletePwease check it out! (Pwease comment too. ^-^)
ReplyDeleteYes! WE WANT THE MEDICAL CENTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, the firefly necklace is so cool! ^.^ I'll have 2 get one. About the chat glitch yesterday, I was wondering about that. My friend wasn't responding to me and I couldn't see wut she was saying. O.O I'm glad it's fixed. :P I need more tickets. I'm trying to get one of everything from the carnival! :D Snowyclaw, I'm pretty good with gems and tickets. If you want anything from the carnival, I could get it for you! :3 Just let meh know if ya want anything! ^.^
>:L I've been waiting for years it seems like for them to announce the winner of the news crew assignment
DeleteThe Pillow room being the Medical Center could have been the The New INSANITY Glitch!
ReplyDeleteI know the insane parallel glitch. :)
I wish I were there at the Medical Center... i was there for the chat glitch though. ^-^
I was there for the chat glitch, too.
Wow, on this blog, I had this weird glitch. When I was scrolling down on the comments, there was these weird spaces, and .... now that i think about it, that's probably a commenter that's just taking up some space. lparents
DeleteThat means: Hey Snowy!
ReplyDeleteI love your blog =P
ReplyDeleteLike this ( sorry to take space) But the space comment before was weird
Uhhh idc
ReplyDeleteIt is not cursing
btw i luv ur blog
But its annoying on pc/ non pc devices!
DeleteSTOP THIS! -pp7942
ReplyDeleteWut the hairballz?
It took me 5 mins to get to here im on my phone...
DeleteIkr perry! Stop spammer!
DeleteCan someone email animal jam HQ to bring Medical center back?
ReplyDelete~Thanks ~Anoymous
i will. i really liked that place.
Deletethe chat thing happened to me last night -.- SO IRRITATING
ReplyDeleteSnowyclaw-If you read this, then people above are being really annoying, and fighting above me ^.^ (not you two comments above though) thanks snowy, please delete the annoying and confusing comments.
ReplyDeleteOMG I hated the wacky chat glitch! It was SO annoying! :I
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone here know when AJHQ will announce who won the Golden Lion Tamarin - News Crew Assignment? I'm just curious, because a lot of my friends are entering, and I am trying to cheer them on, so I'm wondering when it will be announced. btw, PLEASE REPLY... pwease <:D (Even if you don't know for sure when it will be announced, just guess please, based on the earlier News Crew Assignments. Once again, please just guess - like a week, three days, today, tomorrow?)
ReplyDeletethank you to anyone who guesses!
~NyanKittehXD on aj
I hope they announce it soon. :L
DeleteI think a week or two?
ReplyDelete-.- ur fightin'
Stop doing that, it's rude and annoying.
Stop. Its not cool. Just stop.
Stop. It.
DeleteWho evers doing that please stop! Its really annoying! >BC
ReplyDeleteDon't cuss on AJS! It ain't nice and could get you banned. It's rude and annoying to other Spirit Jammers, and Snowyclaw herself.
ReplyDeleteWolfgang-That wasn't exactly nice to say.
ReplyDeletePerson who is spamming with long and unneeded comments-Your not doing anything good either. Stop spamming!
DX Im bad. Sowwy. \).(/ SORRY EVERYONE FOR CURSING!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's ok! :)
Snowy for some reason the code doesnt work anymore
ReplyDelete~(o3o~) i dont know why i've tired it like 5 times and it wont work :L
you can only use it once
DeleteChill out. Once people start to notice it, the person who is cussing will cuss more. Just let the AJHQ make consequences for the cusser, if they cuss on AJ! "Stupid" isn't a cuss word. It isn't polite, either, but it isn't a "bad" word, like other words.
I've had this time when a random jammer wanted sometin from me(I wanted something from him?)and anyways so I said wht for this????and she said somting I jut forgot,and she accepted it and she asked me after we trade this want to trade more?So I was like yea why not? So we trded it.and she would trade ANYTHING!So I thought she was apart of AJHQ!!!!!so anyways,she remains my best friend today!:D
P.s.i won't tell u her user becuz I don't wan ther to be crowwed.
Snow! If u type an invalid code it now says "we cannot find a promotion for this code" instead of "this code has already been used or doesent work" (!)
if u readthis will you post it? :P
ReplyDelete2 days ago i couldn't even see anyone chatting sorry no screenshot available
ReplyDeleteI tried on the earmuffs on my snow leopard. Full black. Funny.
-aisling01 (nm)
-XxmythicalsealxX (nm)
ReplyDeletesometimes I get a glitch where the whole floor is black...lol