Hey jammers! My suspension is lifted (after three days) and apparently I had a gem earning issue (I think it was because I recycled some silver blocks my friend gave me as a gift).
Anyway, today's new item is a Large Planter, a member item in Treetop Gardens, the plant shop in Sarepia Forest.

This is the neat animated, plant-popping-up one that everyone likes. ^.^ Also, don't forget your Daily Explorer article, it's due tomorrow, so get it done ASAP and turn it in to AJJC!
And finally, thank you to all the jammers who sent me a Rare Sailor Hat, and all my readers, you guys are the best. I hope my blogging can make up for all the kindness you've shown me.
Happy jamming.
First Comment! XD Cool blog snowyclaw! And SUPER WEIRD about the gem earning thing... :/ I don't think the Large Planter was actually that expensive in Coral Corner... :(
P.S Check out my blog: http://kinyongasanimaljamtimes.blogspot.fr/
And my sister StarryGem is having a contest! http://www.starrygemsanimaljamspark.blogspot.fr/2012/09/contest-end-and-story-contest.html
Please enter!!!!
Awesome!!!yet crappy.. I'm torn on the return of plants... This one I try to get maybe a month ago, offed a firepit ( out door type not fireplace ) .. And Norway they would trade it .. Now it here : / and no longer rare .. Btw I sent you 3 of Monday's rare ;)
ReplyDelete~ footclane
I want a firepit so bad! O.O
I traded a porch swing for mine..
DeleteI traded a porch swing for mine..
DeleteI got 4. for free :3
Deleteyay 2nd comment the pots cool and snow make frends with me :D
ReplyDeletei mean coolio10234
ReplyDeleteYAY!!! Your back!! :D
ReplyDeleteHappy Day To New York!
ReplyDeleteWorld Trade Center was destroyed in 11th of September, 2001!
I want the owner of this blog write a article of this day!
-I will not tell my name :p
It's not really happy... it's quite sad. Think about it, about 3,000 people died, which is very sad, even some firefighters couldn't make it :(
DeleteWhat happened in Ney York??/Please tell me since I live in NY :'(
Its when the twin towers got rammed with an airplane...
Delete:,( so sad my mon told me what happened she saw it sad sad sad
DeleteLets see, if you want to know how it happened here's how: (My mom told me this four years ago, I may have forgotten details)
DeleteStupid terrorists decided to kill the president and dent the population of America. Well I think they crashed into the World Trade Center or something. Then the twin towers. Then the pentagon. Then, suddenly, there was a plane headed straight for the whitehouse! Then, this one dude, decided to plan a backfire for the terrorists. He gathered up his three friends, or something like that, and they gathered up the other people. He told them what they were going to do. It was practically suicide. The man and his friends hijacked the plane from the terrorists (killing them) and took control. You have to go to a special flight school to know how to land a plane. None of them knew. The pilots were killed, right? The man left one of his friends in charge. (yes, I'm telling the true story, no matter how religious) He told the passengers," I have two sons at home. I won't ever see them again." here he picks up his phone," but I'm sure you have friends and family, and you know you'll never see them again. So..." He calls his wife," if you were going to die today, where will you go?" Everyone replies: heaven. The man waits for the phone to pick up," how?" Several murmurs of: because I'm a good person. His wife picks up and he puts it on speaker," Wrong. You have to believe in Jesus Christ." He tells them, on speaker, of how to get saved. (pardon this part, if your not a religious fan... scroll down a little) They arrive in Pennsylvania. Several people get saved, really, really, really saved. Others throw pearls to swine. (to be continued)
woezers pac10 ur sure 1 good story teller
DeleteIt isn't a HAPPY day in New York. It's more like a miserable day in New York. I don't live there but I know who ever was alive back then and saw that are probably crying today in memoery.
Thanks... I try to make it as morbid as I can. (kidding) -sighs- me and my mom watched a documentary of a guy, hating his very LIFE, (fireman, the guy was) because his squad died and he lived.
Wow he is a good man
DeleteI watched a documentary at school... a couple of bad words but it was cool anyway! its about these two brothers, they were making a documentary about rookie firefighters, then 9/11 HAPPENED... and there was SO MUCH SMOKE! and, pac10, u did a good job, but here are some more details:
Deleteosama bin laden was the leader of a terrorist group of muslims called al quadea or something like that. anyway, THEY took flying lessons in AMERICA. we basically helped them create 9/11. and they did it purposely on the date 9/11, so its like 911- the number you call for emergencies. so, once they were prepared, they went for it. one plane crashed into the twin towers in the world trade center in new york, one in the pentagon, idk where it is. another crashed into a field, which, like pac10 said, was gonna crash into the white house but got a little off course cuz of the passengers, not wanting to crash into the white house- a superimpotant place. (the prez lives there! duh! :p) so it landed in a field. but the MOST well known thing about 9/11 is when the twin towers crashed. people were so surprised! the first time, they were like, "oh, it's sad, but nothing. just an accident." the second time they were like, "oh. no. they. didn't. THE TWIN TOWERS JUST CRASHED... and it was a direct hit! ON PURPOSE!"
so if u guys want to know anything else... idl, ask your parents or jam a gram me or something. bye!;D
my new logo for aj above
Today is September 11, 2012, the 11th anniversary of when the World Trade Center crashed. I think we should be thankful that we weren't there in that accident, but we should feel sorrow for the people who were in the accident, and didn't survive. Never forget this day, but we must move on with our lives.
ReplyDeleteWhy did the World Trade Center Crash?
DeletePlane crashed into it
DeleteYeah....I wish I could of gone to it before it crashed but since I'm ten I was born a year after so that's not possible. :3
I'm 9 but I was born a year after the "accident" too.
Bin Laden was that abhorrent person. He's in a bad place now, thank God.
DeleteOMGGGGG!!!!!!! LARGE PLANTERS!!!!!! :DDDD I only have 1 right now, in the past, I had 4. Now, I can re-live that time!! :) Thank you AJ HQ!!! C:
ReplyDeleteI never had one so this is good for me too!
Ya ...
DeleteY.aaa.a.a.y!!! Also, today is 11 years after the twin towers were crashed down... :c i is sad
ReplyDeleteBtw Snowy can u help? With the NCA? PLZ!?
DeleteTwin towers crashed down eleven years ago? I though it was sooner. That's pretty sad...
9/11... *sniff, cry*
DeleteThe date was 9/11/2001 sad times
DeleteWhat?? A GEM EARNING ISSUE?? I dont get that. U CAN GET ALOT OF GEMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whats the problem with that. =.= *Smashes pumpkin on random person* JUST DOIN MAH KIT JOB!
ReplyDelete-Wolfgang20733 (Dawnkit)
ReplyDeleteWill somebody pwease give me a Mossball?*Dark beady eyes glow* PWEASE??????????
*Throws moss ball at Dawnkit* There you go! :p Are weren't you Dawnmoon?
First commet!
yay. but look at that price, WOW, i loved that plant. i wonder what it used to cost, like 100 gems used to be alot *sniff* in the old jamaa.
ReplyDeleteSee you jamming in Jamaa.
It was definitely less then 700 gems when they were first sold. :l
Ya i used to buy them at the coral corner...
DeleteEver science that pop out plant went to Betts I've always wanted one. But I was a non men at the time and I did not have enough gems.
ReplyDeleteI love your blog snowy, why can't mine be as good ad yours :( my blog is theanimaljamlightning.blogspot.com
ReplyDeletebut I barely get any views nor followers :(
It took a while for my blog to get popular but you just have to keep working at it!
Then let's all go to your blog right now! :D
DeleteThanks AJ Duicer, but you see my blog has been going on for like a year already :(
DeleteThat's pretty cool! I've been wanting these. :) I'll get a few...
I only have 9,000 gems so I really need to earn some gems before I buy anything!
9000 gems ducier thats a hell of a lot (excuse my language) but seriously oh wait i have a friend who is super duper brainiac and she goes on my aj sum times to earn me gems lol im so lazy!!! :D ok back to the point that a lotta gems and i find 2000 a lot!!
DeleteI love the new item :D! I had one when they were out a long time ago, But I recycled it D: . I didin't know what a Rare was back then...XD. Since then, I've wanted one. And now there back!!! Yay! :D
ReplyDeleteI've been wanting them too...
DeleteMy friend recycled a worn blanket (not purple) because she disliked it and didn't know it was rare. :p It was kinda funny... :P
Snow... i really have no idea why they did it... i feel so sorry since it happened...and am happy for you to now be back to bad for me...with my Google...it's taking me ages getting back on.... D: at least i THINK i will today since i seem to be stuck on something keeping me logged out... today guys well at least i think I WILL BE BACK :)
ReplyDeleteI like your name Kerriecat no longer having probs with Google/Blogger MUCH
Deletelol thanks however i only put it with the info but i need to get back to my bloggers so i can blog and keep up commenting and that kind of stuff really...
Deletei am really trying not to (sound) rude but there is no need to be a hater and shout it out like you swearing and that and also you are however NOT Goldy... i am not doing hard on you but you NEED to forget being a bully,ish hater and if you don't like her blog just please don't comment...
ReplyDelete@ The person who hates Snowyclaw
Hey what's with all the cussing, you know what ? Why don't you just shut your mouth and zip it and leave this blog if you hate it. Like for example, you don't like eating rotten food do you? No, so what's the point of eating it over and over again if you hate it and it's not good for you? Same thing with Snowyclaw's blog. If you don't like it, just scram! Ok fine, if you hate snowyclaw that much then make your own ****** blog and let's compare how many views you big hater! I somehow think that you're also that hater in ________'s blog! So what's the point at going to this blog all day?! Just get out, get rid of the cuss, get your computer banned from this website (if it's possible :P) and just leave Snowyclaw alone! What did she/he (or "it") do to make you have this ****** behaviour?! I don't think Goldfishypuppy would even do that! And also, YOU JUST LOVE BEING FAMOUS, being the world's most AJ blogger hater. That's what you want eh? To get attention and cuss out blah blah blah blah. Well guess what?! Why don't you make your own blog and see how many terrible cussing comments there are!?
Hey Snow, BAD NEWS you got a new hater on AJ/old but never known of them there users IHATESNOWYCLAW or with spaces i hate snowyclaw his animal has the same animal name as you but it has the crossed eyes like you was dead or something i am thinking i may tell AJHQ to banned them or change there name to iLOVEsnowyclaw12345 in my bet they better change it...
ReplyDeleteya wat little dragon said u mftstbb of a blog hater (scuse my language) so nyeh sticks tounge out at person who hates snows blog :P ):$ *growls
ReplyDeleteI feel like im left out... =( *Wails*
Hey guys! Check out my new Nature Time blog! the link is naturetimerules.blogspot.com! On it, you can learn about animals! I post 3 posts every day, and please tell your friends! I want this blog to be really popular! It doesn't have any facts yet because it is new, but tomorrow the facts begin!
ReplyDeleteHey jammers! Glitch report!!!!
ReplyDeleteOkay, so... search up the username potatoes.
Then search up the username Potatoes.
Then the username POtatoes.
Then the username POTatoes.
Then the username POTAtoes.
Then POTAToes.
Then POTATOes.
THEN search up POTATOEs.
And then POTATOES.
ALL usernames! With different capitalization every time!
THEN search the username space in the same way. then hi. And apperntly the gray tigers usernames are VERY glitchy!
Dos you notice 9/11 is like the number for fue police department. 911. o.o. so sad. :(
ReplyDeleteThats so sad. Maybe Nosama (osama) did that on purpose. They did a 9/11 memorial service at my school today. Everyone was tearing up, abd it wad jusy hotrible. Sorry for my bad soelking' but mt eyrs are teating yp. *cries*
ReplyDelete(Btw Amir said, U sort of copied my blog.. >BC :( )
=( I dont like it when ppl copy My blog.... :'(
ReplyDeletecool :D . who here likes potatoes speaking of wich i had sum 2night but of course not all my potatoe and gravy cos ive lost my appetite becos of my sinus infection wah me likes potatoe!! :( *sniffs from sinus infection*
ReplyDeleteoh...i see weve moved on from potatoes..........i must have forgot to read all the replys lol im so silly! and dawn kit im sure that other dude didnt copy ur blog u probsly just came up with same idea :) :) :D
ReplyDeleteps oh yaaah..does any1 know wat to do to put a pic on ur name thing cos i wanna know how cos it wont work with the Name/URL thing and i have gmail google account so wen i put down google account it just says google account
dear snowyclaw,
ReplyDeleteI am very dissapointed. This item was in the old Plant shop in Coral Canyons and I bought it then. Then it became rare so I kept it. Now it's back in stores. I really don't like when this happens. I think that this should be one of the Jamaasinnian Movement's next goals. Thanks for taking your time to reade this!
Oh my gosh!! I'm angry!! Reasons :
ReplyDelete1. That hater..
2. I got bottom and top braces
3. They put glue on my top braces to keep me from biting my bottom braces..
4. They pulled out 3 of my teeth DX
5. Basically, my mouth hurts..
On the bright side, I got sushi, got out of school early, and can be on until 5PM ~AG (Animalgirl58943)
Wow! I got everything you did except I have 4 teeth pulled out so I know how you feel >.< Also, I heard there was a imposter of Goldfishypuppy on one of Snowyclaw's post comments. :|
DeleteFinally someone knows how it feels! Luckily, my mouth feels a little bit better C:
Delete~AG (Animalgirl58943)
I have something to add to your list. It's 9/11 :(
DeleteOh yeah :( 9/11 :( ~AG
DeleteI have never actually pulled my teeth out.. I have had 11 of my teeth pulled. Ya, I know exactly how you feel ag.
Delete9/11... I'm sorry for those people who died... And risked their lives for other people... :'( - Ilovesonic 000000
DeleteThose people that day were my heros. Though lots of peoole died that day, those Firefighters risked their lives anyways to try and save those people. I hope to grow up to be as brave as them and use my life to a good cause, like them.
DeleteI know how you feel. The glue tastes horrible and they put glue in my teeth so my top teeth can't touch the bottom ones. =(
DeleteHow did you get pictures if your account has been suspended? And it's only been one day, not three... In my suspicion, you are a spy for AJHQ. o.0
ReplyDeleteI agree! How did you get the pics?
Delete-Sparkle CoolMoon
Yes!!! How!!!
DeleteStorage accounts...
Clever... Never thought about that... Lol XD And I was just kidding about the spy thing XD lol.
Deleteanyone know what a viking hat is worth?? plz someone reply!!!! ~2cute101~
ReplyDeleteI sort of wish the betas weren't coming back. It was much more fun when you could trade for them. Treetop Gardens won't last probably, anyways! I wish Coral Corners would come back...
P.S. @2cute101:
I am not sure what a viking hat is worth, but I'll look it up! :D
Dear snowyclaw,
ReplyDeleteI was on the Spirit Blog Club and I went on the Chat. People were saying very bad words and I got off chat as soon as I could. I really don't like bad words and I wanted to tell you so you could stop them.
I'm happy that the large planter is back cause I've wanted one for a while! :D Also, your welcome for the rare sailor hat, snowy! :3
hello guys just want to say so glad the planter is back and also Snowyclaw welcome back and you have the epicest blog ever and i hope you keep blogging as long as i am a jammer
ReplyDeleteHappy jamming!
i finally got a blogger account so happy!XD
-.- here goes my rarest item animal jam -.-
Wow nice blog snowyclaw anyways :THIS IS THE CORAL CORNER@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(TREETOP GARDEN)well i hope you dont mind if i tell a story i made up about peck ;)
ReplyDeleteok title: PECKS RECENT LIFE
ReplyDeleteSTORY:a short time ago peck got lost and all of a sudden.... she fell in a trap it was not set for her and she dug and dug deep down out of the pit she dug up to grownd and she sighed fastly FINALLY OUT OF THAT!and she popped out of the hole she found an old abbandoned hut and sne decided to live there she loved art and she did art there later onn jammers found her home and visited her some really mean jammer pulled her ear she hated it so she went upstairs and locked the door forever .... she climbed out the window and used it as a door she also locked it
but she hopped down again to dig when no 1 was looking she dug and popped out at the bunnys only party she often loves to come out when we hop on the drum it makes music that she adores very rarely she comes out to say hi to the bunnys hoppin on the drum and the story goes onn.....
Hi Snow! Sorry I haven't posted in like forever but I was wondering when the next Spirit Contest is gonna be?
ReplyDelete~slipperyseal45 And yes I'm Anonymous because I can't remember my google account thing!
Bringing back rares is horrible in my opinion. I have worked hard for these items and then all my rares go to waste! Its unfair and you think back at all the rares you could have in your den.
P.S. I have SO many rare member items. Send me a jam a gram if you want any! I only except non member rares though.
Yes, I agree. It's horrible! All my beta plants are worth nothing now because AJ keeps on offering them in stores. It's not fair!! We have worked so much to have rares and they will become worthless soon??!! Please AJ do not bring back rares!
DeleteHey guys. If anyone still cares about AJFB(animal jam fan blog) plz comment at my last post (10 days ago) here is the link http://animaljamfanblog.blogspot.com/2012/09/the-monkey-throne.html?m=1 and please explore it my max comments are 16 -.-
ReplyDeleteYeah! i got that planter its like theyre bring back coral corners! next they should make more firepits.. ^.^
ReplyDeleteNo no ... Leave rares rare : /
DeleteWhy did Animal Jam make the beta plants available in stores? It's not fair!! Those are rares.. All my beta plants now are worth nothing. They should keep rares as they are. Don't make them available in stores. If that keeps on happening, bringing back rares, all my cousins and I will quit AJ.. They should have just created new plants. I traded too much of my stuff just to get them before especially the large planter and now they are in stores??!!
ReplyDeletePlease Animal Jam remove the beta plants in stores!! Just create new plants, not our beta plants especially the large planter!! It's TOO UNFAIR!!!!
ReplyDeleteIs there a problem with rares coming back to Jamaa?The item values are going down alot, but hey, at least that the scammers get a blow to the face
DeleteNope theywere 250 gems
ReplyDeleteFinally the planter is back!
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