Hey jammers! This week's "rare" Monday item is the Rare Arctic Coat. Grab one to prepare for the coming of Jamaa's winter!

AJHQ got a little confused I guess, they posted the wrong item!
Also, I forgot to mention with the Thursday update, Fruit Slinger is on double gems! Thanks for telling me lokithorrrrr.

No Monday mystery this week, I don't have the time. >.<
Happy jamming!
First comment! XD
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting the rare snowy I was looking for it
I never was a 1st comment >.<
Delete2nd reply of 1st comment :)
DeleteI was 1st comment because I was staying in front of the computer until Snowy started posting!
DeleteJust for a note, I didn't wake up at 3.23 AM
My time zone is different
When I typed my comment it was 2.30 PM in my place
is artic hood Worth a green headdress?
DeleteHey Snow weird i guess reminds me of a other time with something can't remember what..
ReplyDeletep.s guys got good news I AM COMING BACK TODAY :)
Whats ur blog?
DeleteI mean wuts the name of your blog???
Deletewant to visit it and sorry for commenting this much replies D: i will see if theres any new commebts ...
DeleteWebsite madness won't work right now but remember coming back today so :)
DeleteOk i will check it soon! :)
DeleteYa i think that hood is next...
ReplyDeleteStory is comming soon i promise -.- ;)
ReplyDeleteOk ere it is:
DeleteWhile the shamans spended two years in jamaa, they wanted to celebrate as the first birthday the spended there, but the phantom got more evil and they wanted to destroy their party. But soon sir gilbert finds out for their plan and he wanted to inform all the shamans about the attack, but on his way home he fell in the trap phantoms puted for him. At rhe time sir gilbert was trapped, other shamans were setting the party stuff. Some time after that something weird happened... While cosmo made the food he heard some noise, it was comming from the forest. He saw phantoms who kept sir gilbert in a cage. Cosmo informed the other shamans about that. They decided to fight back and rescue sir gilbert... So their plan was like this: 1.they got everything ready for the party, they waited the phantoms to come. 2. They setted a few traps around the party ground. But greely had his own plan... He made a 3x bigger cake then last year, and he filled with confetti. But this time he didnt use magic, he used his brain :) . So he made. A contraption inside a cake, he tied a rope to a match and than the match flamed the confetti and the confetti blown the cake away. So he wasnt sure about his plan... But anyway he risked. As the other shamans prepared the traps greely got the cake to its place. They awaited the phantoms,they acted. Natural... They partyed and danced all the time... Then the phantoms camed , and a few fell in the traps abd a few attacked. When all the phantoms attacked greely activated his contraption! And all the phantoms desapered! But a bad thing is... They were out of cakes... But greely couldnt make a thing witout using at least a thick of magic! So he put led the repare potion in the cake. And the cake bounced to the top one floor at the time ! And again everyone was happy and they continued partying!
If you liked this story reply with some ideas for a new one!
Sorry for bad spelling...
DeleteYay winter
ReplyDeleteYay fall and YAY WINTER !!! I love winter
DeleteFall's meh favorite. The harvest... the wind... the... the... I just love it. Also... Anything below 75 degrees makes me cold. So... just imagine 45 degrees in the afternoon. (sometimes if we're lucky) You know what's funnier- 103 degrees doesn't waver me.
Delete-pac10 the "Weird" One (derp?)
Meep! Weird... I guess the hood will be next monday or something. Why winter though? Halloween would be more appropriate even though it is a while away, winter is even further! And 6th comment! XD
Agree.:D and 1st reply on the 6th comment !
DeleteMaybe... because things are on sale in the summer/fall when the clothing is "on sale" because it's "winter-ish" So... Dunno? Maybe Halloween will be veddy cold? And zen we zhall all dress up az Snowmen! (bad Russian accent? -yeah! it was Russian!)
Delete-pac10 2nd reply to 6th comment (derp)
Lol dude just lol
DeleteAnd is a derp a random word to say?
DeletePretty much. I like saying it when I... "embarrass" myself. Russian accent: FAIL. (so: derp) ...
Oh ok
Deletehey guys it me coolio10234 i havs gud news!!!
ReplyDeletei A MEMBER AGAIN WOOHOO!!! and cool rare but shouldt der be a halloween pumpkin or sumtin cos it is autumn rite??
anyhow im off scool again not cos of cold but u see i fell off a pony before and my tail bone wuz in bad condition and it has been ever since (wich wuz 1 entire year) so im going to doc 2day and ya i always go on dis blog on nmy fone but anyhhow more gud news i did 4mile walk yesterday for the irish guidedogs my bro might need guide dog
ps that i 4got 2 put in.... the walk was very hard
ReplyDeleteHello Jammers! I've been hearing some rumors that there is going to be a winter carnival :| . Kinda weird if there is gonna be like that maybe the games will be skiing and hockey, which would be cool!
ReplyDeleteAlso reminder: Day of the Phantoms update will be most likely this late September! :D
ReplyDeleteI think the same too ;)
Deleteokay, Snowyclaw, here is a funny glitch. you go to the b day party and you walk around in the cake, and then you go to a diferent land, you will be outlined in black and your color will be darker, to get rid of it just change animals and change back to the one you had on. thanks! Anaisb3a2s5
ReplyDeleteWow, i get all my hopes up for nothing. Does AJ really care about non members? Cuz like 90% of rare monday items are for members, and only 10% is for non members, which isnt really fair. Ugh, why should i even care about rare monday if it always turns out to be a member item? i bet the arctic hood is going to be for members only too >:[
ReplyDeleteIt will be dude it will >.< why WHY why and a new land comming soon¡!¡ heres another clue: it will have loads of stuff :D
DeleteI hate how nonmembers are treated. I'm one myself and we never get anything!
Im a nm too >.<
DeleteBut i have a mem pic cuz i like it the best!
DeletePerryFilip please buddy me.
Ugh. Another member RIM.
ReplyDeleteYa it got boring BORING I SAY why AJHQ WHY PLEASE AT LEAST ONE RIM FOR NM PLEASE lol sorry i got little loud heh heh...
ReplyDeleteUr back i see... :| lol nice u were the first commenter dude the first one¡¡¡!!! Now ducier is nice job ducier XD
DeletePlz visit my blog im back, but im posting on my phone so the pics r mixed up !XD
ReplyDeleteThis is what a... "slow" person would do today:
ReplyDeleteHmm.. I shall go duh daily exploer an' see what's rare today. I won't go to the more reliable snowyclaw. -types in the url, then sees the new post- A rare hood? I shall get it. -logs onto AJ and goes to the store- Hmm... guh-fooey it's member! (after a few seconds of careful looking) Why aren't there duh "rare" sign? -shrug- ohs well...
-pac10 who always check's this blog FIRST
Ya a slow person wil do that >.< but its goot that we have snowy to keep us updated, right?
DeleteTotally. I just have to add insult to injury to AJHQ ^^.
I was just reading your "Allies and Enemies" thing on your Clan blog and... the Moonclan sounds a lot like my old Clan... (but I wasn't Runningstream I was Dawnstar) Here the reasons: We had strong warriors... (deputy was the best by far, no offense leaders) Depleting population wouldn't even cover it... we only had about... ten/eleven coming-onto-AJ-to-do-Clan-business warriors... So... Oh. Yeah we had Zios... Anyways I'm very loyal to BlazeClan don't worry.
-pac10 (real comment this time, not a joke)
Ya I always look at this blog before I get on the bus in the morning. Then when I get home from school I go on Animal jam.
Wait???! there is a new member item????!!! WOO HOO IM A MEMBER AN I KNOW IT
DeleteU know it ?
DeleteMaybe she/he reads da daily explorer before snowy's? (look up top if you wanna know why I said dat) -shrug-
Guys again slow commenting activity... Come on comment ;)
ReplyDeleteI ♥ todays RM! :D
ReplyDeleteLucky DX
DeleteBye gotta study ... -.-
ReplyDeleteI didn't go on AJ in a month, but I read your blog every day. This blog really helps me, thank ya!
ReplyDeleteYou should join this game Chicken Smoothie. My user is Miss.Murder on there. You could add me once you joined :)
It's actually a little more fun than AJ!
I gots a spider there named Steve. (I was looking for a fun MC name) It's all right... I guess. I am a "guest" persay. (persay- fun huh?)
Yea, Snowyclaw's blog is even better than Lovelost's blog...No offense, Lovelost. It's too bad she quit. She said she quit for 'personal reasons'. This game isn't for personal reasons, this is for relaxation and fun.
ReplyDeleteugh!! i need more rares! and they won't sell MEGA rares!
Yea, that's stupid. They sell mini rares, that people view as junk. It's not like anyone would trade that stuff in the future. lparents
DeletePs: it is called RARE item monday
Probably, when you logged in, not many people were playing.
Deletethey fixed it you know
ReplyDeleteWe was attacked today. Zios. With my best friend attacking... forgot her name. (Almarstemer, I think) If koala's reading this... If you're reading this... just know you embarrassed me, you insulted me, you hurt me, you made fun of my Clan, you angered me, and lastly, you made me think of a decision I was before hating. I don't care if you were acting. I really don't care. You know how much time I spend... doing stuff on AJ?! Half of it is checking for you if you're on! (shut up anyone that's about to make a mean comment, I'm not in the mood) So... I might be overreacting. Just know you really hurt me and my Clan. BTW, no one (to eghuds) was really hurt.
I like this rare but sadly it's for members only :C And wow AJHQ got it confused O.O More than likely that will be next weeks rare ^.^ I'm hoping I will be one of the 'Top Commenters' I'm not gonna spam though C; And I noticed EnchantedHatGirl/FallenStari is back and so is KerrieCat! Yay! Now all we need is Madison Frank/ signaturewolf10 XD YAY!!! ~AG
ReplyDeleteAgreeded julysweet!!!She does act like we're little kids!!!!Add me julysweet!!!Your buddy lit is full ad I saw you on AJ!:P
ReplyDelete-peace sign awesome Gorky girl!!!:P(not AJ user)
hi snowyclaw please peply to this commet,
ReplyDeleteso snowyclaw i was wondering if i could let u have my blog aslso i own it and maybe goldfishy puppy i wondered if i cout copy your post (i will give u credit and the blog title dose have your name in it)its ok if u dont like it and ill delete your name off my title but please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!please say ok its fine with me. that wold be great if u do bye happy jamming u all!~
I really don't think it's a good idea to copy Snowyclaw's posts. Why not make your own? :)
DeleteMy bff does the same thing lol i dont do i just use yhe pics :)
DeleteNext one is probably the Rare Arctic hood. This is a good one, 'cause it's actually RARE!!
DeleteThis item is pretty nifty. I wonder what else Animal Jam has in store for Rare Item Mondays.... Hmm.
ReplyDeleteAlso, Fruit Slinger is a nice game to play to earn gems (reminds me of Angry Birds). Does anyone play Fruit Slinger? I'm honestly not really a big fan of it (or Angry Birds).
guys can't remember if i told you but now im back :) i thank you all for the support it really keeps me up :)
ReplyDeleteLol aj did mess up on that!!!!
ReplyDeletewhat is an artic coat worth a beta one