Click here to enter the Party Hat and Rare Bow Giveaway!
Click here if you can't comment on Youtube.
Hey jammers! Hoping to return to le normal schedule next week, lo siento. ^.^' Anywho, in today's new item news, we have the cozy returning Clover Earmuffs in Jam Mart Clothing!
Next up, a phantom number confusion from Olivia!
Hey jammers! Hoping to return to le normal schedule next week, lo siento. ^.^' Anywho, in today's new item news, we have the cozy returning Clover Earmuffs in Jam Mart Clothing!
Next up, a phantom number confusion from Olivia!
Hmm, why would someone who received second place receive 0 gems? Did they disconnect last moment? Is it a bot of some sort? Cool name though! In other news, I'm thinking of having comment prizes.

On the first of each month I'll be sending out little prizes like Rare Bow and Arrows, Pirate Swords, and such, to a jammer who has been commenting and helping out a lot around AJS. This month's winner is the lovely ShadowCharizard, for everything they do as a Spirit Jammer around the blog! Congrats, I hope you like your prize. :) If you'd like to win a prize, become a part of the conversation in the comments!
And here we have the pawsome face of de o-so-famous Brady Barr! Click here to stop by the Daily Explorer to see this brand new Q&A video. Hope to see you in Jamaa, happy jamming!
P.S. Do you have every type of tiger plushie? If you do, send a picture of them in a cool arrangement to to become part of the grand plushie compilation!
That was me just being lazy with my signature X3
I like the earmuffs, just poor me has to LOG INTO MY BACKUP to take stuff away JUST..SO.. I CAN BUY A PAIR OF FLIPPING EARMUFFS!!!
Anyone else hate this? !!!
-looks at score- THAT IS LAK SOO CHEATING!! jk but they most likely disconnected at the last minute, like you said snowy ^.^
Sorry snowy, i only have a rare white tiger plushie ;p
~kiki51772 peace <3 spiders~
Congrats! *Throws Muffins*
DeleteCongrats Kiki! :D
Deletewow congrats kiki, sorry I had to take a break from this website because of my schedule being so busy but I am back now.
Delete@ kiki: Congrats on 1st!! :D
DeleteYAY!!!!I'm so glad for shadowcharizard :D. Oh and if u read this buddy me i'm stoneystarxx i rlly like making new buddies ;D.
DeleteI think i know why cause i saw this glitch before: there was a penguin that was glitching cause they kept getting hit and nothing happened so they received 0 gems. li66144
Deletewow charizard! congratz! i think that this idea would really get people to comment lots! (not that you don't have TOONNSSSS) I have an idea snowy, you could choose a nice comment if you have time every day and them make a comment of the day! them people wont just comment: 1st!! and thats all... just an idea but i hope you find this comment in the TONS of other comments that you have!
Congrats in being first! *sends random jam a gram off congrats to you*
Delete@ Olivia:
DeleteCongrats for sending in that Falling Phantoms glitch!! It's weird. How does 2nd place get zero gems? That's odd. :)
does anyone know why there is kangaroo,cheetah,snow leopard,eagle, and lion plushies in the claw but as of now u can only get eagles
Deleteplease visit my blog o3o
thanks if you visited!
Congrats kiki, and I agree with that storage problem. At least it limits my endless spending. I won't be buying those earmuffs thanks to a full inventory. XD
DeleteWow this list goes far down and I only wanted to say good job :D
DeleteLol, I also wanted to say good job :P
DeleteAnywho, good job Kiki :)
*Gives kitten* ^.^
wow how can shadowcharizard have like: 283 comments and everyone else onyl comment numbers in the 30's to 60's... O.O XD
DeleteCool profile pic. It's a cute lil' AJ bunny! =^.^=
Congrats on first, Kiki!
Delete@Shadow and @Kiki:
Ugh, I also hate having limited inventory! I can never buy items I like because my inventory is always full! D:
When are the other plushies coming? (wants a cheetah plushie)
ReplyDelete~kiki51772 peace <3 spiders~
As soon As AJHQ feels like putting them on
I REALLY hope they come out soon, I think they would be awesome!
DeleteMe too. I don't know how long I spent trying to get them. I did get some eagles though!
DeleteI expect them already available in the claw machine, but hard to win. I want kangaroo and lion plushies.
I really don't know! I emailed AJHQ why they put those plushies on display but you can't win them. They said keep trying, I did everyday after, still, no new plushies but the eagle.
DeleteHas anyone gotten any of them yet? I'm starting to doubt they're in the claw...
DeleteI bet they would be really cute >.<
DeleteIdk i hope they come :D. - stoneystarxx<,< :D
DeleteYeah, I haven't seen one. Are they really there...? o-o
Deletethey came this month and my favorites are black and white and red and blue colored cheetahs so if you get one plz send it to me and 2 other new plushies are the arctic wolf and snow leopard so hope this helped!!!!!
ReplyDelete-ahem- -glares- Whoops, not that., xD
Can you please refresh the page on Ask Snowy? There's over 400 comments and making one will take FOUR DAYS! ;c
That's waay too long for me ;c
So can you? :D
~kiki51772 peace <3 spiders~
I'm sure she will eventually. XD
Deletelol eventually..... (shoots wishful at the ask snowy tab and
Deletesad music begins to play...)
Lol, 400 comments is quite a lot! :O
DeleteAwesome post Snowy, I really love your style of posting ^.^ I have made a blog not that long ago, feel free to check it out anytime!
ReplyDeleteI agree, I love the posts :D
DeleteI agree to so snowy i was thinking of interviewing u for a vid tell me what u think so me and my friend,msjwiliams can put it on u tube. -stoneystarxx C:
DeleteI love this blog as well! It's so interesting and helpful!
DeletePS-Good luck with your new blog! You're off to a good start! :)
So what we talking about?
DeleteThe Awesome Waffle: Twinklepop1234
Second commenter! I love those earmuffs. To bad I'm non member. Also Snowy, thats a great idea! I love this blog by the way! Happy Jamming everyone!
ReplyDeleteur 5th sorry :c
Delete~kiki51772 peace <3 spiders~
but still congrats :DDDD
Delete~kiki51772 peace <3 spiders~
Eh, I wouldn't wear those earmuffs, they're too... crazy. XD
DeleteAnd congrats on your comment. c:
Congrats on your comment! :)
DeleteHappy jamming to you as well! ^.^
Ok, i was in Jamaa, and i see this Arctic Wolf say "iceclan at my den im icecream star" and i thought "hun, are you having a bit of a BRAIN PROBLEM?!" this kids PROVES that people make fake clans ALL THE TIME.. remember when we didnt have to worry about that? WELL WE DO NOW. :T
~kiki51772 peace <3 spiders~
I used to think that. It's true that people have been making fake clans. But we just shouldn't stop them from making fake ones. If you don't want to join, then don't.
Delete- silverxmoon
Icecreamstar!? OMG XD Is it a ice dessert clan or something? Honestly (no offense if you do this or anything) if you're going to make a Clan like Warriors, at least give it (and Clan leader's name) a natural name- Icecreamstar isn't really found in nature, right? If you do this, you really don't know what a Clan is. :I
DeletePS: I know I'm talking a lot about Warriors- it's one of my favorite book series! (I'm now on the Omen of the Stars series ) :3
DeleteI don't think it's such a big deal. Not every clan is based off the books. Clans are real things in nature, and Animal Jam allows you to use your imagination. And I don't think it's a fake clan if the player is announcing it.
I agree with Ronen Jamaa! I love Warriors and think it's awesome when there are new clans because it brings out creativity!
Oh. Now when I read over my previous comment, I think that you might think I'm against random "fake" Clans. I AM FOR BEING CREATIVE AND HAVING AN IMANGINATION! I thought from the comments before mine that someone made Icecreamstar as one of the versions of Warriors Clans- not as a clan for being imaginative. Just clearing things up. ^.^
Deletei love clans but it annoys me when i go to to a "clan" den and its not really clanish.... like, computer jam session music the person hosting it has a designer skirt and a dj headset and its just blah. the epic clan dens are in my opinion some of the BEST dens ever! they are just so naturey!!! plus i LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE (on and, on and on..) the warriors series! another clan thing that bugs me is when you pretend to eat someone who were saying something like: (is wild rabbit) and you "catch" them and "eat" them they just BLOW UP. they go like: OMG WHY DID YOU DO THAT YOU ARE SO MEAN I'M REPORTING YOU AND TELLING EVERYONE THAT YOU ARE A BULLY!!!!!! ANIMAL JAM IS FOR LITTLE KIDS!!!! i am like: you said that you are a bunny that is prey. and they keep blowing up until you go. that really bugs me. just my opinion..
oh and another thing that bugs me is when this sort of thing happens: (real story) the day after eagles came out i got one and i was in sarepia forest and some people were pretending to be eagles with the hats and some mech wings. them some mean eagles came and started saying things like: you guys are not eagles! i tried to get them to stop by saying something like: they are just pretending, geez you don't need to be mean. but they keep bullying them. it made me so sad when they said: come here if you are an eagle (they sat on the sarepia slide) when the other animals could not go there one said: see you are not an eagle! i hate stuck up members who are mean to people who are less fortunate.
sorry if i offended anyone but.... yeah sorry that's my opinion....
OMG Icecreamstar that sounds delicious. o3o
Deleteiceeeecreeeeam :D
(Sorry got an ice cream obsession here. xD)
ice cream star... lol
Icecream = made of milk.
Milk = (Let's just say Soy or Almond milk)
Soy/Almonds = Grows on trees
PLUS: I haz an icecream treeee! ^.^
Okay, I was just kidding. XD Don't take it personally. O_o
with ur reasoning computer are natural: plastic oil i think metal: ground
Deletesorry i'm not a computer expert o3o
@ Pink200330:
~cutepups522 *no idea why typed almost everything in all caps*
Honestly Kiki, I don't mind Jammers being creative and making up their own new clans! :3
DeleteBut I do miss the Clans of old, like Madjaster's Thunderclan! D: Now there's no longer any clan dens that have a lot of jammers in them all the time
Ok @jzale314 i agree with your members who think they are better than the rest of the jammers are very bad and i want to say that im a member kinda and i am so hurt by what they did so if you ever see them again tell them bear2736 is very very mad it puts a mark on us members by other members bullying nomembers and plz tell them that if i catch them ill report them and tell on them to EVERYBODY in jamaa and ill tell AJHQ that they where bullying nonmembers because they where basiclly using their imagination. So plz if you see them tell them im comeing and im mad to.
Hello im lildil! XD
ReplyDeleteI think a lot of fake clans have come up and it ruining warrior cats a bit. However AJ is a place of fun we should just let them have fun. I dont see how its a problem for animal jam we should let their minds run free.
7th! (I think!)
DeleteI agree with lildil on the fake clan thing as some jammers may not like reading, but just want to join in with everyone. That's my opinion though.
hey jammers! check out this SUPER funny glitch i found in my den: here is the url:
Deletetrust me its really random!
Hmm, well I am not too much of a fan of clans in general on aj. Y'know there's always that one person that's like 'rips off head nn' for NO REASON at all >->
DeleteSo yeah that's why I don't play in clans anymore, ahah.
But I don't have a problem with the clans being fake or not, I actually think they're kinda kewl :D
O-O "rips off head, nn" that's CRUEL. Why would anyone in any clan rip off someone's head( unless its prey, then it's a bit reasonable)? Those must be savage Clanners then.
DeleteAnd, Congrats ShadowCharizard on winning the Comment Prize! - or whatever Snowy called it. ~throws confetti .3.~
I totally agree! Creativity is a good thing! :D
DeleteI have ever single bunny plushie including the big one, and the epic
ReplyDeleteOoh thats so cool! Lol I have a pet bunny myself and they are soooo cute!
DeleteBunnies r soo awesomesauce just sayin if anyone wants to buddy me i'm stoneystarxx oh and me and my friend r starting to make aj vids like julian2 and u snowy so if u have any ideas plz tell me.
Deletei love bunnies! <3
Whoa, awesome! Quite a collection there. XD
DeleteWow, that's impressive. I wish I was as committed to being a collector as you!
DeleteI think the falling phantoms thing was probably a bot because of its name. I mean, Bouncing Bravebrave? It sounds a lot like a bot name to me!
ReplyDeleteTrue, I doubt it was a person who put that name.. unless maybe they were trying to make a Major Majormajor type of name (it's quite a popular name actually...) and they were looking for the third 'brave' but they could not find it so they were just too lazy to change it annnd so that's how they ended up with that name. XD
Deletelol you can do: major major major, happy happy... and ...spirit spirit
Hmm, who knows? Quite an odd glitch! o-o
DeleteI think that everyone gonna be too nice in this blog from now on... But that's still nice idea snowy!
ReplyDeleteThere's no such thing as too nice... well maybe there is, but... people should still be nice XD
DeleteI think it's great that we're all nice to one another. I love how the AJS is such a close-knit community (:
DeleteI checked and bouncing brave brave is a real name. They must of just disconnected at the last minute.
It is a possible name, but it sounds so odd, so I doubt a human player would want that name unless they were either really lazy or really weird. XD
DeleteI agree, Shadow!
DeleteGreat post Snowy! I love de earmuffs. They are gigantic on koalas and monkeys, or at least they look funny. And the only tiger plushie I have Is pink, along with all my other plushies.
They do look funny... and you have more tiger plushies than me! XD
Whoa cyrillic style letters look weird on here o3o
Deletei love jamaaladay earmuffs on koalas. the other earmuffs look.. odd on them XD
0.0 Yes.. Yes they do.. It looks like it says hnhero, what is HNHERO?? BTW, how'd you change the type of text or whatever?
It's pronounced "neechevo" it means nothing in Russian. c:
DeleteYes, awesome post! I haven't worn the earmuffs yet, but I might have some from last year? Not quite sure...
Deletegreat post snowy i love all your posts and ill be a spirit jammer forever :D
ReplyDeleteMe too! Hooray for Snowy! :D
DeleteI think those earmuffs would look very nice on foxes. I'll get one as soon as i log in! I like checking this blog to see if there's anything new in stores before i log in. It's very helpful! Thanks Snowy :D
ReplyDeleteSame here!!! *high paws* ^.^
DeleteI'm gonna check to see if I have one when I log in-and also I need to get a panda before they hibernate! :O
Deletethat would be awesome, the eagles are really cute though too.
ReplyDeletethat is what I do too lol, yeah, the earmuffs would look pretty cool on foxes
ReplyDeleteHello ^.^ How is everyone doing?
ReplyDeleteHi! I'm good lol. How are you? ^-^
Delete~papad91278, the 4th news crew member. (Ducks are cool.)
Yeah, who doesn't <3 Ducks! :V Quack!
Delete*this sounds random XD*
i think koalas look HORRIBLE in clover earmuffs and heart earmuffs. but they look cute in jamaaladay earmuffs <3
DeleteSo I'm doing great :DD
- rascalcat
Yup, PI Day! In school we ate pie. XD
Delete-Cat38876 (P.S. if any of you DON'T know what PI Day is, it's Albert Einstein's b-day! Surely you've heard of Einstein..)
And by PI, I don't mean pie. ( Pi is pronounced "pie" not "pee" BTW XD) I mean pi in math.
Delete3.14159 number number number :3
@ ShadowCharizard:
DeleteOh yes, I did say "Ducks!" But Papad (comment before mine) started the duck thing by saying that "Ducks are cool."
:V *duckface* lol
Just Jamming! How are you? XD
ReplyDeleteIt seems like a good idea, but then you'd have some people who may have never helped in the past help out now, just for prizes. I prefer to help on the Ask Snowyclaw page, but it's so big and makes the page load infinitely and lag. I also like you're hosting email subscriptions. I do that too.
Do not worry about that Ronen, I'm sure Snowy sees how you help on the Ask Snowy Page, and she did say that you would get prizes for helping around the AJS, and that page IS part of the AJS :D
DeleteAs for those peeps that help just for prizes, help is still help, it is still appreciated by good ol' Snow, I'm sure.
Indeed, Shadow. More commenters is always a good thing, because commenters/viewers are what keep this amazing blog up and running! :D
DeleteRandom Fact of The Day: It's Pi Day! ( O / 3.14----------> ) :P And it's Einstein's birthday! ^-^
ReplyDeleteYea. My favorite type of pi is apple. But the mathematical term is nice. I kin of like math now.
DeleteI never realized Pi Day was 3.14. That is hilarious beyond many levels.
Delete~papad91278, the 4th news crew member. (So..)
I like dutch apple pie and pumpkin pie lol. I eat pie on Pi Day. O3O And, my crazy math teacher was even crazier today! He was like a pi gangsta wearing a Viking Hat like the ones on AJ. 0-0 And last year, in 7th grade, I celebrated Pi Day for every single class. We ate lots of pie that day and had to memorize lots of pi digits. Basically, my teachers are weird on Pi Day! O.o XD
Deletei love pumpkin pie and french silk pie. i also love apple cake (its real, its YUMMY)
(do i need to sign my name? whatever :P)
My (slightly crazy) teacher tortured us by giving us cookies, but we had to find the radius, diameter, etc. But we got to eat them in the end.
DeleteThat ain't torture. That's motivation right there. :'D
lucky!! wish my teacher did that lol XD
My teacher made us measure the circumference and diameter of the pie before eating the pie. D:
DeleteCool! I didn't know that!
DeleteNever heard of Pi Day till today. I think i must have some kind of plushie collection though.. I have so many that they are making a black hole... Oh yeah who's had Chocolate Pudding pie? (sorry for the complete of topicness)
ReplyDeleteToday is Pi Day because it's March 14th (3/14) and pi is 3.14_________> (Pi is a # that never ends so that's why there's a space and arrow) it's also circumference divided by diameter. ^.^ Lol btw I don't really like math at all, but Pi Day is fun! c: You'll learn more about pi in math class sometime. Oh yeah, a few agos -on Pi Day- I had a Chocolate Pudding Pie-so good. :P :3
Delete~few years ago
DeleteAbout Plushie Blackhole:
DeleteThat must of been a LOT of plushies to create a black hole xD
if you put 3 or more plushies on top of each other then when you walk by they change colors! you can see that if im on my all non member den. i have a blog. :3
Deletehere is a link:
thanks if you visited!
Wow I'm surprised you haven't heard of pi day 0-0
DeleteI mean all tha math teachers go crazy rambling about pie, I mean pi... lol
Oh don't ask me why, but you reminded me of something I did on Pi Day last year. My not-as-crazy-7th grade math teacher read my class a weird story about the origins of finding pi. I remember it had dragons, a plate, and possibly a Princess. :3 However in 6th grade, Pi Day was normal for me (just discussed pi/ate pies) when I started celebrating Pi Day. Weirder every year....
DeleteIf Pi day means eating pie, I'm all for it! :D
Deleteim new to comenting
ReplyDeleteWell, hello there. c:
DeleteWelcome! ^.^
DeleteHappy Birthday Einstein ! Also, I hope AJ brings out a new adventure !! That'll be fun :) !! Whoever got second must be really mad that they didn't get any gems... UH OH !! lol
AJ will bring out a new adventure, they said so in their newspaper! :D
DeleteI do hope it's something that eagles can do, too. :'c
Love those earmuff!
ReplyDeleteIt's pi day and Einstein's birthday...
Check out my blog at
Is it a coincidence...? o3o
DeleteAnyway, it's a lucky b-day XD
I really like the earmuffs.
ReplyDeleteI am everett19912
for anyone who is wondering im Olivia:3 and my user is Aaoazja2001 if anyone is wondering:P
ReplyDeleteCongrats on getting your glitch featured :D
DeleteWell Snowyclaw can you please put guests back on chatwing?
hi snowyclaw i have a story for you come to my den if u want to hear it im princess2641
ReplyDeletecan someone explain to me how to hide stuff u dont want showing in your videos (i use bandicam)
ReplyDeleteHappy Pi Day!
ReplyDeleteAnd Happy Birthday to Einstein!
Aaaand to my best friend also XD.
Today in math class we had to bring in something round (I brought in a candle lid) and measure the diameter and circumference of the object in centimeters. The diameter fit around the circumference exactly 3.14 times ^.^ Haha sorry I'm making this too educational. Anyway, this kid in my math class brought in donuts. Then my science teacher gave us Scotcheroos or whatever she called them (its like a rice crispie treat with chocolate and stuff). And then my friend passed out brownies for her birthday. And then this 7th grader gave me an apple pastry on the bus (and yes, I ate it on the bus. I'm such a rebel). Mmmmm today was a good day.
Anyway. for that commenting thing that Snowy's talking about it: Nonmembers can't open gifts sooo.... Not that I have much need for bows and swords anway, but just for the other nonmembers. I'm just curious how they would get their gift..
DeleteAs for nonmembers, usually what Snowy does is buddy them for a short time to be able to trade them their gift, and then she unbuddies them to be fair to other people.
today is pi day because its 3/14 and pi is 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679
I love pi! :D
DeleteWe were celebrating it in math class, playing around with that dang unit circle XD
today is π day
ReplyDeleteYes indeedy doodle :D
DeleteDX Sorry I haven't been commenting as much as I'd like. Don't count on consistent comments, my schedule is so crazy!
ReplyDeleteThe earmuffs look fuzzy :) I need earmuffs! Though I don't think they'll help my bunny. The earmuffs don't even cover half of her ears!
That's an odd glitch O.O Hope it doesn't happen to me! Though if it isn't a glitch, it could be like how in Best Dressed, if you don't vote, you don't get any gems. Maybe that jammer left early or something?
Congratulations ShadowCharizard! You definitely deserve it!
Haha, earmuffs were made for things with small ears *cough* humans *cough* so they wouldn't be good for Peck and her friends because of their freakishly large ears :D
Deletehehe anyone get the referenceeee?
DeleteHuman items = FOR HUMANS.
AJHQ = Oh let's see how human items fit on animals.
Items = Look so awkward on animals
AJHQ = OMZ those items look epic on animals
Some jammers = OMG OMGGG So awesome
Other jammers = Um.. Strange..
DeleteHi snowy claw. Will the monthly prize go anyone? Even someone with different time zones? Coz I visit everyday but I never comment coz I on different time zones.
ReplyDeleteTime zones don't really matter, you can comment at any time! :D
DeleteEven in the middle of the night, or the middle of the day, or pretty much whenever you waaant lol
DeleteWow. Your doing monthly prizes? That's really nice :D
ReplyDeleteOi, my goodness! Thank you for the bow ;w;
ReplyDeleteOh and the arrows too. We must never forget the arrows. Because what is a bow without arrows, riiiight?
- rascalcat
You're right! I really needa appreciate pi day next year o3o
DeleteHey that's cool that you figured it out. So next year it would be 3/14/15 since pi is 3.1415_______> I didn't know it's the 1st time it'll ever happen since Pi was invented 'cause wasn't Pi invented in those good ol' BC days?
DeleteYep it was invented 400-500 years ago :))
Delete- rascalcat
Well, it has existed from the beginning of time a d the Egyptians used it, although they did not have a. Name of formula for it. But it is the first time wih the current name, official day, and current formula.
DeleteAlso there are many more things in nature then just circles that equal pi. Like for instance something to do with crossing annoy river times the time and distance across it in a plane divided by something equals pi too, and it works with any river. It's really cool, also the base of the great pyramid if u cut it exactly in in half and measured half equals pi, even though the Egyptians never actually aknowledged pi as far as we know.
Isn't that cool?
- rascalcat
-Mind explodes-
DeleteOh, the Egyptians didn't have a name for pi? That's what I meant by "good ol' BC days" since my math teacher gave my class a history lesson about pi and said it involved the ancient Egyptians. Anyways, thanks for clearing it up. ;)
DeleteThe 0 gems might be because they left the game before they gave out the gems
ReplyDeleteTrue, they might have, but falling phantoms is an overall glitchy game to me... XD
DeleteIf its ok with you i would like a prize ;3 Love the spirit <3
Don't worry they're only small things like bows and pirate swords, things that you (yes, you!) could get by adventure. c:
ReplyDeleteHai guys! Not gonna be able to continue meh story AT THE MOMENT, but just letting you guys know that the rhino's name will be Rhett. (a few buddies on AJ also suggested stuff, so yeah. Sorry X3)
ReplyDeleteCoolio! :D
DeleteI will be awaiting the rest of that story c:
i saw something really sad today there was a non member new jammer and they were like trade me rares! and then this member came up and said hey go away you dont have anything good for trade you dont belong in aj i thought it was really mean so i reported him
ReplyDeleteUGH!!! I absolutely HATE when a member bullies someone else ,such as a nonmember! But the "new jammer" who is a nonmember just goes up and says, "TRADE ME RARES I DON'T HAVE ANY!" or anything like that just annoys me SOO MUCH. It took me forever (like around a year) to have all the "rares" I have today (not that rare at all) and so did almost every other Jammer to get their "rares"- except for scammers/hackers who steal others' items (rares)<.< NOT cool. So a "new jammer" can't just get all rares like that- they have to work for them. *My opinion*
DeleteYeah. Most of those "New Jammers" are probably storages, trying to get rares for the main account. I find that so very sad. :c
Deletesorry had to bring that up
ReplyDeleteHoly Mira, I'm 3rd on the comments list? omg... xD I never realized..
Deletefourth i think but any way i just want to say that i really am open to all fox hat trades!!!
Who likes potatoes? I like potatoes! We all like potatoes! YAY!!!!!
ReplyDelete~From le random lill916 who comments once in a blue moon.
It's okay- I also comment random things lol.
DeleteI have a "Potato Curse" XD Every time I hear, er see, "potato"/"potatoes" I think about that scene in the ASDF movies when the guy yells, "Die potato! >:D" at a potato.
~I know I've been saying very, very strange/ awkward comments today. Probably because it's Friday! :D
POTATOES?! YOU HAVE BAD LANGUAGE LILL AND CUTEPUPS D:<! Shame on you! Go to timeout! -points to mini bench with words 'time out' printed on it-.
Quote: Potatoes is a bad word! I have bad language for saying the fruit word! Are potatoes fruit? O.o
Nuu I didn't mean it like bad words at/for potato! I meant it like I have a weird thing that pops in my head every time I hear "potato" (read my other comment to see weird thing that pops into my head every time I hear "potato" now X3)
DeleteGoes sit in lil' bench in corner. -lol- cries :'c (jk)
I never knew "potato"/"potatoes" is considered a "bad word"- huh, I learn something new (usually odd now) every day! But how is a potato a fruit??? X3
Wait, you're just kidding, right? ~I hope so LOL~
Yeah, they aren't much of a big deal; I just enjoy commenting regardless. Glad spring break will give me more of a chance to comment :D
ReplyDeleteI learned how to change my password today :D I felt like I would be hacked soon. So I looked it up in HELP. Happy birthday random person who might have a birthday today! ^.^
I is super bored. DX
ReplyDeletePlease visit my blog!
Ppl let's comment,comment,comment!😁 buddy me on an I'm snowyowl38332
ReplyDeleteI'm not gonna be on at all today :(. I'm at my aunt's house and its really late...All my family is doing is talking and me and my sister (Christmaspaw) are watching American Idol. Gonna upload the creepypasta continuation later tommorow.And I like the prize thing! Not that I could win since I'm pretty much no help to the blog :P.
Quote: Life is like a windup toy. If we don't have goals and motitives to turn the crank of the toy, we will sputter out and die. Not to move any foward until you get another goal to push you foward once again.
Hai it's me again! XD
DeleteAnywho, you're not worthless to this Blog, commenters help, right?
Can't wait to read your Creepypasta later! (:
If you guys want some ice cream go to 205kat's den (that's me) and click on ze ice cream cart and BOOM! You get ice cream ^.^
ReplyDeleteOh and whenever you go to other places the color of the ice cream changes :D
Your den is locked.
DeleteHey, y'know why the icecream changes when you go to other places? Because.... IT'S MAGICAL PIXELATED ANIMAL JAM ICECREAM!!!! =D
DeleteWell Im bored.................BUT THIS BLOG MADE MY DAY XD
I love this blog.
ReplyDeleteI also love this blog- wait, so does everyone else here who comments here I suppose.
ReplyDeleteJust so Jamtastic! :)
i been helping people around jamaa, my friend has a hard time getting items he always wanted cuz he is a nm and people make fun of him, i stand up for him cuz nms are awesome, just cuz they dont have membership doesnt mean they dont have feelings or that they arent special, they r very special, i usually give him a rare i dont need, like the other day someone randomly trading me a freedom helmet, i gave it to him
ReplyDeleteHi peeps imma blog fan on my phone imma typer 4ever DONT CHU FORGET IT GOODNIGHT LA!!!
ReplyDeleteMhmmm dats right I waste my time 24 7 INTRESTING FACT DON DON DON