Click here to enter the Party Hat and Rare Bow Giveaway!
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Hey jammers! Welcome to my rather sleepy Sunday post. ^.^ In Jamaa today, we have brand new, classy item.
Sadly it is a member only item at the moment. Maybe AJHQ will come out with an every-jammer Bow Tie! That would be cool. Bow ties are cool. In other news, little rare eagles plushies!

So far a little mohawk eagle and a wittle viking eagle. Bawww... Meanwhile, there is a fun little chat glitch going on!

Hey jammers! Welcome to my rather sleepy Sunday post. ^.^ In Jamaa today, we have brand new, classy item.
Sadly it is a member only item at the moment. Maybe AJHQ will come out with an every-jammer Bow Tie! That would be cool. Bow ties are cool. In other news, little rare eagles plushies!

So far a little mohawk eagle and a wittle viking eagle. Bawww... Meanwhile, there is a fun little chat glitch going on!
Unlimited chat glitch? Neat! Thanks for sending this in GoldCobra. I'm not sure why I find this glitch so entertaining. Perhaps because it's goofy for the sake of being goofy. I like that.
Happy jamming!

first comment
ReplyDelete-aaoazja2001 add me
Deleteno congrats? okayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :3
DeleteCongrats on 1st! :3
Deleteonce i was trying to say HAHAHAHAHA for as long as it went and and it went so long i was like what!?!?!??!
Deleteit was so cool!
~3berrygirl buddy me!
please visit my blog i have a new picture on it :D
Congrats dude. :)
Delete~mkitty12 in animaljam
Anyone here play Poptropica? li66144
DeleteCongrats!! :D
DeleteOh yeah, I've done that glitch before!
ReplyDeleteIt amazing. :D
Deletei have the same glitch, but no one else sees what i type. -aaoazja2001
ReplyDeleteAww that's too bad! D:
Delete3rd comment. yay! its a reallly sunny day i just got an ice cream! theseyo, out.
ReplyDeleteCongrats! I love ice cream o3o
Delete4th~! Making the creepypasta continuation right now! Might take a bit. Instead of it being replying to the first comment, it'll reply to my comment. (Unless you guys want me to change it)
Quote: Some day you'll cry like I did for you
Some day you'll miss me like I missed you
Some day you'll need me like I needed you
Some day you'll love me...But I couldn't love you.
DeletePeople Reading: Shaddup Shiny and let us enjoy the story -.-
Creepypasta: (CONTINUATION)
(Note: Despite this is a Creepypasta, there will be close to no gore in this 'Pasta, only just a small ammount of red stuff. Thats all!)
My eyes trailed upward of my screen to the x button. but then realized that it was shaded in a grey color. I moved my cursor over it and clicked, but nothing happened. I tried to log off but it was the same result.
I sighed and looked back to my Animal Jam window, my Snow Leopard was just sitting there, almost like she was waiting for me to make a move.
I pressed gently down on the left arrow key and my animal moved left slightly, which mean I could finally control my animal! This means I could get out of this creepy passage and finally log off! I pressed down on my arrow keys quickly and my animal walked into the stairs, I waited anxiously for the loading screen to appear, but suddenly she was shoved backwards!
The red message that usually appears when you get banned or something popped up, "Rule #5, you may not leave until the game has been completed."
I attempted again, but my poor Snow Leopard was shoved backwards once again and the message was back. This was really frustrating...
I decided to proceed forward, my animal walked silently. There was no music or any noise despite the fact I was wearing headphones. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop if there was one. This was so creepy.
I saw one of those floating button things, but the small icon in there was a book. I hesitantly clicked on it and another message appeared on the screen.
Deletei think im first coment at the continuation DX
DeleteI stared at the title with awe, and slowly scrolled down the message.
"Rule #1. You cannot exit the window, open another tab, log off, shut down the computer, or unplug it once this event has been activated.
Rule #2. You cannot remove the weapon you receive at the start of this event. The weapons you get are ones that are naturally found in animals, Fangs or Claws.
Rule #3. You may not switch animals at any part of this event.
Rule #4. You MAY change items (Part from Fangs or Claws). Each item in Animal Jam has a status in what its advantages for you are, and disadvantages. For example: A Party Hat (I stared at the screen in astonishment for my Snow Leopard was currently wearing a Party Hat), gives enemies a strong desire to party. However, its disadvantages are is when an enemy is dancing, they might accidentally hit you.
(REAL) Example: Knight Armor gives the user a high defense, so when he/she deals damage from enemies, it will serve them less damage. However, the weight of Knight Armor will slow the user down considerably, making it much harder to escape foes.
Rule #5. You may not leave until the game has been completed."
I groaned, so this was some kind of sick game? Why did Animal Jam program this?!
"If you look at the bottom left corner of the screen, you will see underneath your animal icon, there are 5 hearts. When you are attacked by an opponent, you will loose a certain amount of hearts, depending on what you are wearing and the foe's strength. If you loose all of your hearts, game over.
Foes will be Phantoms; They can use various electric shocks to impair you, from mere sparks to lightning bolts crashing down on you. But these attacks will vary from what stage they are in. You can determinate what stage a Phantom is in by seeing the ring around a Phantom, their sight and aura. The darker the shade, the more dangerous they are.
In each floor, there will be a knowledge puzzle. You need to complete these to obtain a key which you use to unlock the door which leads you to the next floor. There is a total of 7 floors. The more higher you go, the more harder the puzzles.
There will also be resting points to restore lost hearts. But once you leave one of these resting points, you can never enter again.
Now, exit this message. You have a choice to proceed forward now, or check your inventory to see what your items can do and then move on."
I moved my mouse upward to close the message. I wasn't the sharpest pencil in the box, I most likely was going to fail at those puzzles...I decided to open my inventory to see what I had.
My inventory appeared, everything was where it should be, part from Claws being shaded in a grey symbolizing that I couldn't remove it.
Despite that, I rolled over it to see what it could do.
"Claws are one of the two weapons you receive at the start of this event. You can use Claws to slash Phantoms or reveal secret passages, which are usually hidden behind carpets, paintings, or statues."
I then rolled over my Party Hat, curious.
"The confetti falling from Party Hats can obscure the foe's vision, making you have enough time to flee. But Party Hats have very poor defenses, making them easy to destroy."
I was NOT going to lose that Party Hat that I over traded for! So I took it off so it would be safe in my inventory. What should I wear instead?
(Whew! Took a bit! This dumb comment thing wouldn't let me paste it from Microsoft word so I had to type it ALL OVER AGAIN!!!!! Anyways, what should my Snow Leopard wear? You guys decided! Give suggestions of items and tell what their uses are and disadvantages are!)
Spirit Armor: Helps ward off weaker phantoms. The only disadvantage is that it is always a dead givaway of where you are in darkness, because it's aura is so bright.
DeleteSpike collar: Rare spike collars raise your attack sharply and also gives you a fierce look. Diamond shop collars only slightly raise your attack, but also give you a fierce appearance. The diadvantage for both of these is that in tough situations that collar may slightly choke you.
Wind armor: Depending on what body part the armor covers, it halves any damage done to that area. The disadvantage is that the armor will be destroyed instantly if it comes into contact with Boomslang skin, boomslang potion, or any other object that contains any part of a boomslang. (P.S. Boomslangs are snakes)
Mustache (XD): The mustache can be used to enchance your persuasive skills and allows you to convince the enemy to do something more easily. The disadvantage is that if you don't persuade them, they become enraged.
Do more please! :3
DeleteSword : Easy to attack phantoms,more its easy to be destructed.
DeleteFirefly Necklace : When you have 1 heart/life,it restores at all! Only can be used ONE time.
Bow and arrow : Takes so much damage,more harder to hit the phantom,them run away!
Unicorn Horn : omg very powerfully XD! LETS SHOOT RAINBOW LASERS AT THE PHANTOMS!!!
-Melimeow AJ(lol i dont stop to log on and log off)
DeleteFairy Wings: allows you to fly, but lowers you ability to fight ailments and other things like poisoning, or confusion.
gazzelle horns increase your critical hit ratio used for a adc (attack damage career)
ice armor: freezes phantom through one stage
DeleteEpic Dragon Mask: Enables to let the user breathe fire for a long distance, the more charged, the longer it takes for the cool down. It works good with fangs.
Ice Claws: Ice claws can be put over the user's claws so the user attacks with their claws are sharper, and their attacks have a chance of freezing the enemy for a while.
Phantom Hat (big one with the eye and lightning): Fools weak phantoms that DO NOT have a strong aurora to attack you, if they see a phantom attack you, or you attack them, they'll fight.
Phantom hat (small one with the button eye): Barely fools phantoms, and is weak.
Tail Armor: Protects the user's tail and adds defense. The other kinds have a boost like adding a burn, making you quicker though it doesn't have as much damage, and making the enemy frozen for a short time.
Phoenix Set: Makes the user able to burn things, and enemies, though it makes it easier for the phantoms to see the player(s).
Ice Set: Adds a decent amount of armor, and if attacked by a enemy, it will freeze them for a short while.
Wind Set: Weak, but adds a huge speed boost.
Headdress: Lets the player(s) summon a army of dead animals, and control them before they explode at the enemy, though they are weak, their explosions do a lot of damage.
Oh and the new Chamber Of Knowledge Shop gives me the creeps aswell, I think I have the Chamber Vibes!
Awesome so far! Please continue soon!
DeleteI have a tip for comparing normal phantoms and Spouter Phantoms (phantoms that come from the spouters {spouters first show up in Meet Cosmo after the first cavern}). The normal phantoms have squiggly lines in their sight circle while the spouter phantoms don't.
DeleteMonster teeth:
DeleteAdvantages- causes severe damage to enemies
Disadvantages- after an unknown number of kills it takes away lives
Worn blanket or bandage: Slowly restores hearts by fractions of hearts, but once you have 5, the worn or bandage is destroyed for good.
DeleteGardening hat: The pollen from the flowers puts enemies into a sneezy fit, however the pollen will run out. The flowers can also be burnt off or something. xD
Freedom Helmet: Gives nearby enemies a strong sense of your freedom and they might fight alongside you for a while. The disadvantage is when they snap out of it, they will be right next to you, ready for a close range, damaging attack.
Top hat: Intimidates enemies with your dapper amazingness.
Pink purse: The pink purse can generate random items for you to use every 30 minutes or so. haha, messy bottomless purse? XD
Deer Fur: Takes some of the damage for you. It gets destroyed after taking too much damage.
Homeade wings: Very strong and durable wings. They will not get destroyed by damage. They help you to fly very little though. some of these were really random... this makes the pink purse more appealing. xD
I might post more if I think of anything. lol
I got one!!!
DeleteAny type of wing: Makes you fly. Faerie Wings will glow lightly in the dark, letting stronger phantoms see you.
Eyeball hat: Lets you see in dark and through things
Rare (black) Tiara: Lets you side with phantoms if you wish
King's crown and (normal) tiara: weaker phantoms will side with you, but now and then they will snap out off it like Freedom Helmet (comment above). Repeating (lol), only does this to weaker phantoms.
Fire amulet: Lets a light follow you
Ninja Mask: If you are the matching color (not shade) then the weaker phantoms can't see you.
Rhino/horn helmet: allows you to crash into a phantom. Stronger phantoms can zap you while if a weaker phantom is crashed into, you will not be zapped.
One more thing to the rhino/horn helmet:
DeleteRare Rhino and rare horn helmets can protect you against the stronger ones but not king.
You said more harder, that's not correct grammar XD
DeleteI'm a grammar freak
- cowcat3
third comment!
ReplyDeleteXD now i think im third!
5th =P MEOW
ReplyDeleteThe one with the eagle plushies is my picture that I sent in. :3
ReplyDeleteCongrats on having your picture featured! And I finally got a cute green eagle plush!
DeleteOur thoughts and prayers are with those and their families involved in the Malaysia Airlines disappearance. Please reply and support! :(
i SUPPORT YOU! - ccalikay987
DeleteSO do i
DeleteI Support ^.^! I hope they find the plane...
DeleteI Support and hope they find it also!
Deletei support ;(
oh and here is an epic pic:
~jzale314 <3
Agreed! The hours tick by, and still no sign ;(.
DeleteI support! Maybe...
DeleteIt went into a place with no radio signals
Crashed into the water :C
It's like the Bermuda Triangle (dun dun DUUUUN!)
Maybe as in what happened
DeleteSupport! Hope they get found soon! :c
DeleteWe had to learn about that in school, very sad and my friends think that:
DeleteThey needed fuel so as not to drown stopped at an island
They lost radio signals
They went over Bermuda Triangle (DUNNN DUNNN DUNNNNN)
I hope it's one of the first 2, but my heart and mind tell me something else
P.S. They only had 9 hours of fuel so they are not flying :(
Let our minds be with them and hope they return safely
-cowcat3 (to sad to make the joke the mighty cowcat, so now I will just say the sad cowcat)
aka the sad cowcat
10th XD
ReplyDeleteI might try that glitch. I would try to get da plushies, but my inventory is full. They should add more, agreed?
DeleteUgh I had to go in Jamaa township and gift a bunch of store items because I felt bad recycling them... T^T
DeleteYou forgot the hungry eagle plushie!! :3
ReplyDelete~kiki51772 peace <3 spiders~
Hungry eagle? I need to see this XD
Deleteim in the chamber of knowlege the music sounds mystical instead of scary is there something wrong with me?! O.O
ReplyDelete~kiki51772 peace <3 spiders~
Wow I went there! It is pretty nice! XD
DeleteIt's great for scary movies XD
DeleteOh I did that glitch! Thing is other jammers around you can't see it. I wish they could! And I know where you got that rare eagle plushies picture!!! They're from Pink's storage's den! Well, one of her storages! :3 Happy jamming!
It's too bad!! I wish other people could see it xc
DeleteOh my gosh... those eagle plushies are just too cute :3
ReplyDeleteI collect rare plushies, so I'm gonna have to get those eventually. I still need the blue raccoon plushie though >:[ they're so hard to find..
What's your username 'cause I have the blue raccoon plushie for trade
It's pielover4ever. I tried sending you a request, but your requests are turned off. Mine are turned on, so next time you get on AJ, make sure to add me.
DeleteGood luck on those plushies! XD
DeleteI'm not very much a collector myself, though when a new plushie comes out I feel the need I must have it. XD
Amaze post >:3
ReplyDeleteWaiting for @Shinymewgal continue the Creepypasta.
This glitch is very stupid >-<
I think its not a glitch,i think ... :|
It might not be a glitch, maybe something that AJ forgot to take care of. lol
DeleteAMAZING POST SNOWY >.< finally i know what rares eagle plushies i need to get, and i hope there will be a non member tie :3
Don't worry I'm sure there will be more nonmember ties after the jamaaliday one. :3
ReplyDeletecan you please watch my rolling in the deep music video preview and tell me if you like it or if you don't (if you don't please specify what's bad about it). the link is:
I really want to use that glitch!!!
ReplyDeleteCheck out my blog for a contest and more!
LOL and nice glitch ill try 2 use it next time I go on :D
aaaahg whatever :P
ReplyDeleteplese visit my blog:
where are the rare eagle plushies you have posted, I have only seen the ones in the claw machine???
ReplyDeleteI am no use. By the way I am also random.
ReplyDeleteupdate sorry just saw top of page re rare eagle plushies. the other is a little eagle with fork and knive. He's getting ready to eat. have the other except the mowhack. I will trade a beta phantom toy, the guys with the jail suit and money bag for the other eagle. Find me in jamaa, user same as here. Happy Jammin guys.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone play AnimalCrossing Newleaf?
I do!
Um the chat "glitch" wasn't that the new update?
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know if you can still get deer plushies?
ReplyDeleteYes you still can get deer plushies, I have been trying to collect them all
DeleteAll I still need is the deer plushie with a jet pack
I'll trade something good for one
Oops my username is cowcat3
DeleteSorry about the above delete comment am very new here and it shows I'm sure. I have spent a very very very long time at the claw machines this past week. Ao, although we can see the lions and cheetahs etc. I'm sure they haven't actually released them. When they do I'll lots to trade. I have the jet pack deer user same same as here. For other jammers I have lots of deer plushies. Can someone please please please tell me if the graham nesting nm dolls were ever in the Epic Wonders? I have checked several times a day since Snowy let us know about the dolls. WERE THE NM NESTING DOLLS EVER EVER IN THE STORE? I have asked this question in several different places on this site (as I said I am very new) and have not really gotten a reply. IF ANYONE HERE HAS SEEN OR HAS THE NM NESTING DOLLS I WILL TRADE VERY GOOD FOR THEM. I have asked around AJ all day and nobody seems to have them, not even one jammer.
DeleteYes, they do exist. The Graham Nesting Doll. For some reason AJHQ removed it from stores. I have NO idea why. I hope this helped!
Maybe AJHQ let them out a little early. I hope they come back, I want all the nesting dolls too! I didn't have a chance to buy Graham, but at least I got Liza.
DeleteDoes anyone have mini lion plushies for trade I'll trade something good for one
if anyone has a green or yellow rare deer plushie or any of the new plushies that came out they dont want let me know plz, im helping a friend
ReplyDeleteUgh, see the above answer to your questions. As said new here so not used to posting. Sorry for all the mistakes with posting places and replies.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletePlease check out my blog and comment on it!
The other eagle plushie is on this other blog I read,
It has a fork, spoon, and bib. The color of it is orange. :3
Has anyone gotten a Cheeta, Snow Leapord,or Arctic Wolf from The Claw? All i got were Eagles, regular plushies and a Phantom plushie.
ReplyDeletehey snowy when are you gonna end the giveaway I cant comment forever XD
ReplyDeletehow do u get the eagle plushies?
ReplyDeletePlushie machines.
DeleteI got an eagle (Gray) and a cheetah (Yellow) and a Arctic wolf! (Green)
ReplyDeleteSorry for going AWOL >.<
ReplyDeleteIt's me, tarachimah.
I've missed you guys SO much! I'm sorry I left for a few months without saying goodbye <3
I was going to quit, but a few of my friends helped me. Mainly it was Qwenlovebird1, Weekid, Handsom1123 (<- SHE IS A GIRL!), & Gotosleep123. I love ya guys so much! :)
I won't be on AJ so much as I used to be (DAILY)... but I can visit C;
Qwenlovebird1?? I remember I used to be buddies with her, I don't know what happened... D:
I typed so much on animal jam and the bubble was very very very very very big. So big u could not see the top, it was like infinity
ReplyDeleteI typed for an hour nonstop and it went from the bottom of Coral Canyons to the top! Everyone surrounded me after it went away O_O