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Hey jammers! I hope you're having a wonderful Wednesday, and thank you for stopping by AJS for your daily Animal Jam related newsy type things. Over at the Jam Mart Furniture we have...

The returning Clover Table! This classic Lucky Day item is often sold at the Lucky Day Party, but is moving out to the mainstream stores for the 2014 celebration. In other leafy green type news, many jammers are still having trouble in their gardens...
The Epic Seasonal Tree is having an epic battle of will with its conflicting emotions on whether its blooms should be green or pink. Watch out everybody, midleaf crisis going on. Might want to stand back. With the mention of a crisis, I'd like to let you know of my little anti-crisis. As you may know, my account was hacked a little while ago, and one item removed was my lavender Gazelle Horns.
Hey jammers! I hope you're having a wonderful Wednesday, and thank you for stopping by AJS for your daily Animal Jam related newsy type things. Over at the Jam Mart Furniture we have...

The returning Clover Table! This classic Lucky Day item is often sold at the Lucky Day Party, but is moving out to the mainstream stores for the 2014 celebration. In other leafy green type news, many jammers are still having trouble in their gardens...
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Picture sent in by NebulaNight. |
The Epic Seasonal Tree is having an epic battle of will with its conflicting emotions on whether its blooms should be green or pink. Watch out everybody, midleaf crisis going on. Might want to stand back. With the mention of a crisis, I'd like to let you know of my little anti-crisis. As you may know, my account was hacked a little while ago, and one item removed was my lavender Gazelle Horns.
Well, someone returned them today. I'm at a state of extreme confusion, but much elation to have these old items of mine returned. Of course there were many more removed, but these I had had a long time. The jammer sent them through JAGs and what appeared to be a storage account. Thought I should let you know!
The jamtastic Daily Explorers have given us a lovely creature feature today, with the adventurous Brady Barr. If you'd like to watch his video, CLICK HERE! Which brings me to the subject of today's written Wednesday (a freeform response type theme I made up, and its alliteration – the consonants have been doubled!).
What would you like to be when you grow up?
Personally, I think whatever Brady Barr does looks like fun.
Happy jamming! ^0^

The jamtastic Daily Explorers have given us a lovely creature feature today, with the adventurous Brady Barr. If you'd like to watch his video, CLICK HERE! Which brings me to the subject of today's written Wednesday (a freeform response type theme I made up, and its alliteration – the consonants have been doubled!).
Personally, I think whatever Brady Barr does looks like fun.
Happy jamming! ^0^

ReplyDelete- GeneralFluffy
I'd like to be a developer someday... But didn't the clover table appear on Lucky Party?
Deleteaww i was hoping that gazelles came out.. XD
oh and please come see my blog:
Congrats on first! ^.^
Congrats! ^.^
ReplyDeleteCongrats! ^.^
Lucky you, getting them back! :D I didn't get anything back from him *sigh* :p
ReplyDeleteThe hacker may have thought they were too compromising or something. Strange, though...
So many hackers... My friends 3 accounts all were hacked, got nothing back, my other friend hacked, nothing back, and just this weekend my bff/sister got hacked... I found her stuff, ALL ON MY SPARE ACCOUNT. I WAS SO IRRITATED. THEY TRIED TO FRAME ME!!!! I got her stuff back and told her about it. She apologized for blaming me and we lived happily ever after... TILL SUNDAY. I almost got hacked Sunday
DeleteI was on my spare account seeing what was on it. And I noticed I was on so I went to my den ans yelled at them. Then I logged em off and changed my pass. Hopefully that was the end of it.
I got hacked once. I logged in one day to realize that I was broke(I had like 30,000 gems), and that all my rares and more were gone. But I realized who it was. he was actually one of my buddies, because he had all my stuff. So, I had to spend the rest of the week transporting what was left of my first account(mmt10) to Owlzzz. I have some of my stuff back now, but Im still angry.
My friend got hacked, too! And her friends!! ;o
DeleteI felt bad so I gave her a little small rare to cheer her up :3
I, too, was hacked, it's a horrible thing ;c
All ya gotta do is work hard and you shall earn a Shiny Magikarp (Pokemon joke xD)
~kiki51772 peace love spiders~
My buddy also got hacked. DX but since she only lost the items that were store-bought, I bought them and sent them to her. But being nice, I also sent her a small rare that she didn't have already- I think. I also do this to my buddies when they tell me they've been scammed. :c
DeleteIf u guys watch Julian2's video he FRAMES Willowsmath1 for scamming, that liitle brat!!!
Deletemy friend was also hacked. she had like 20 rares until fman122 had to go and take them all. he even got her banned for like a whole month!!!
DeleteHorray for snowy! You get your looks back they are amazing!
ReplyDeleteAgreed, that was very lucky though.. >->
Delete@shadowcharizard yeah she was pretty lucky the hacker must have felt guilty and decided to give it back
DeleteI'd like to work with animals and do graphic design/animation/art... Maybe a writer too?
ReplyDeletenebula night i would like to do similar things! write,draw, and work with animals. that would be a dream come true! am i being to dramatic?
Yeah I liek drawing o3o
Deleteidek I don't wanna grow upppp qwq
Hey, that saying sounds familiar! To me at least. .w.
*high fives everybody*
ReplyDeletegood for u snowy!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHey Snowyclaw! Bad news for me, i've been hacked too! D: My headdress and some other rares got stolen but at least they didn't steal my skull helmet :D Anyway if you have any extra-unwanted headdress can you trade or send it to me? Anyone? i am Tonkeese1 plz it would make me feel better :)
ReplyDeleteThat's awesome that they gave it back! I hope to be some sort of programmer or engineer.
ReplyDeleteAgreed on the giving back part. Engineering seems hard but if you're meticulous enough then it's a good job I guess... XD
DeleteYay, you're gazelles came back! When I was hacked, I didn't get anything back. But that is very confusing! ^.^
ReplyDeleteAnd what would I like to be when I grow up? I've pondering that question for forever. Maybe a writer, or a scientist.... I don't know. XD
DeleteNot green Hershey's kisses, CLOVERS! Im very sure of it!
ReplyDelete@Snowyclaw: Im glad you got ur gazelles back! :3 :D
@Tonkeesel: Recycled_____? The hackers?
CLOVERS That's it! I can't believe I didn't see that, very observant guardiansofgahoole!
DeleteI know, I consider Snowy very lucky now. And I didn't notice the clovers either qwq
DeleteThanks i am quite observant...
Someone didnt hack you AJHQ took them because NO ONE else had them and it was a deffected item. Also there is 2 orange beards.
ReplyDeleteWell I don't know about that. They got sent back to her in a storage account and if it was AJHQ they wouldn't have given them back.
DeleteTrue, if AJ took them away, why would they give them back? O.o
DeleteKinda dounds crazy but I wana be a zookeeper and own a zoo with lots of kangaroos they my fav animal PS im australian.
Wow, what a coincidence. My sister also loves kangaroos XD
DeleteShe freaked out (in a good way) when kangas came out on aj, lol
I want to be an archaeologist. It's been my dream ever since i started reading Rick Riordan books. :)
ReplyDeleteI wanna be a Demi god when I grow up- said many PJO fans. Yeah. I wanna be a marine biologist maybe.... Or a singer. Yeah that would be my dream.
DeleteRICK RIORDAN! *high fives* YESSS!!! PJO fan here. :3 Heroes of Olympus, The Kane Chronicles, and Percy Jackson. :D best books ever<3
DeleteConfusing me >.<
Delete@avabug01 I'd like to become a marine biologist too! Or an astronomer, or vet ;u;
DeleteBeing a vet takes so much wooorrk though. :'c
DeleteNo but really, it's hard. If you like animals (and reading textbooks) enough though, then I guess you'll be up for it. xD
Delete~kiki51772 peace love spiders~
Demigads 4evah.. <33
Delete~kiki51772 peace love spiders~
Have u guys ever heard if spirit animals the book series?I have book one!!!
Ohh congrats on getting your gazelles back! Umm there are so many things I want to do when I grow up. Interior designer, vet, marine biologist, lawyer, cognitive therapists, or a herbalist.
ReplyDeleteI'm for the animals myself :) but I already do Youtube but i don't really take that as a job....
Well I guess if you make money off of it, you could count it as a job. o3o
I want to be a farmer when I grow up, a good, self-sufficient one with a good hard-working husband and lots of kids to help. Cows, pigs, chickens, horses, ducks, sheep, the whole thing. Then maybe I'll be a botanist or a knitwear designer on the side. I do NOT want to sit in a cubicle all day, that's just not for me. I'd rather be in the dirt or raising barns or feeding chickens or selling turnips at the farmer's market.
Good thinking. I mean seriously, who WOULD WANT TO SIT IN A CUBICLE?! Lol..... I love farmers markets x3
DeleteWell some people will do anything for money, sitting in cubicles included. But that is definitely not for me. I'd scream if I had to sit on one of those boring ol' things. >.>
DeleteAnd also is it really "hacking" people are doing? Isn't hacking using like a program. If that's what there doing that's pretty scaring (not the idea of getting items taken away, but the fact that kids can do that) I mean I don't think they are adults. Why would they waste their time on a kids game taking away items and ruining accounts.
ReplyDeleteWell, I did see a 30 year old on once. And more then enough 17-18 year olds. There was a 30 who had uh.... something adults do written with pillows in his den! And he said he scams....
DeleteAha, I saw that written. I did it once for the crack >.< Don't worry, everyone of my buddies were offline and I removed it once I was done XD
DeleteO-O 30 year old playing AJ!?! And being inappropriate!?! What is WRONG with some people!? O.o
DeleteAnd it is sick that some kids are able to hack on AJ/into AJ!! Gosh!
DeleteI have no idea. @_@
The world may never know why some people, such as 30 year olds?, play AJ in the first place and why they do awful things. ._.
DeleteOoh, a herbalist, that's fun. I did a bit of that last summer. There's a lot of good you can do there, especially because of all those awful new medicines that are coming out that do more harm than good.
ReplyDeleteDarn I thought I replied to Dooda's first comment.^^ OOPS
DeleteYay my friend had this awful rash and no doctor could heal it, but when they went to Flordia their friend was a herbalist and just gathered plants from their own property. And a week later it was gone.
DeleteHerbal remedies are the best. :)
DeletePLANTS ARE COOL 'nuff said
DeleteI'd like to be a published author, a video game programmer, and work at an animal conservation type place, to help endangered animals, hurt animals, orphan animals, and stuff like that.
ReplyDeleteOh, and I'd also like to live a second life as a platypus.
DeleteOooooooh and maybe-- WAIT! I'd much prefer to let the land shape me and live in Alaska with nothing but a rifle and some clothes. Life off the land.... Oooh yesh dats a good one O_O
DeleteAnd, live in a hobbit house.
AND, I want to write a book, AND work with animals, WHILE LIVING IN THE ALASKAN MOUNTAINS :DDDD
That reminds me of: PERRY THE PLATYPUS! X3
DeleteHmm... I want to be a professional gymnast (although that is more of a teenage thing, I guess), maybe a historian, maybe a photographer or even an archaeologist. I have a lot of things I am interested in. xDD
ReplyDeleteSame here, it's hard to decide qwq
Deleteyeah. xD
DeleteI was thinking Of making a online game kind of like Animal jam. How you can help the environment and to what you want. If it never works out I really want to be a Veterinarian at the Animal Humane Society.
ReplyDeleteAwesome! :D
DeleteI would wish a game that has these things like the old AJ:
Delete-No scamming/hacking
-No rares
-Rich Lore
-A bit of freedom for non-members
-Updates each week
-No items that change the style of the game (for example, human items in a game about animals, I hate that).
Wow, that's a lot. This is why I'm starting to hate AJ. :( There's so many mean Jammers and AJHQ seems to forget about everything! I'm going to quit this game next year if the major problems of the game aren't solved (scamming, rare obsession and forgetting history).
Well rares are fine as long as jammers don't brag about it it's fine 0-0
DeleteOMG YES KRAZY!! Did you read my mind or something?! xD AGREED. Soo much. Like just... omz yes.
DeleteI agree kerriecat, but the only way to stop Jammers bragging about them is when they return so they can leave some Jammers with rare items alone.
DeleteI didn't read your mind, Mia. That's impossible! XD
P.S.- Or did I?! (dun dun duuuuuunnn)
DeleteWow I would love to see that. Except maybe you could make it even better than AJ.
I agree with the improvements Krazy suggested. Also you'll need to have STRONG and I MEAN STRONG moderation. Like people who walk around that are secretly moderators and if they see someone doing something inapropro they'll give them a warning or a ban mwahahaha >:L
You blew my mind, Krazy..
DeleteBy reading my mind!!
I'm going to quit AJ until dis is solved >.>
I honestly don't care if my crush quits AJ with me or not, you never know... :T
(Those who think i'm a noob having a crush on AJ are wrong. We know eachother in RL and <3 eachother, not in a bad way, just.. love <33)
AANYWAY... I hate the fact that SBI bought AJ..
If SBI never bought AJ, this discussion would never be brought up and that would be a good thing. -sighs- I remember when I first joined..
No scammers, no braggers, hackers, no drama queens. It was the simple life..
Until the Diamond Shop came..
I want to close this comment before I lose myself and rage myself into a rant..
meh :3
~kiki51772 peace love spiders~
btw where are the mods these days?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Wat is sbi? Sorry I dont go on aj alot
DeleteAnd, true. The mods might of got fired or discontinued?
i wanna make a game with no bullies and helps save animals
DeleteI;ve always loved to draw. I don't know what kink of job that will get me, but whatever. Oh and anything to do with animals.
For drawing, you can be an illustrator, animator, painter, comic writer, and others. And I also like drawing and luv animals! c;
DeleteYesh! Well I do anyways. ^-^
Delete@ShadowCharizard: Also, I saw some of your latest artwork- its pawsome!!
Don't we all love animals... >:3
DeleteI like drawing animals. :P
DeleteLol, at first I thought that when I saw the word gazelles, I thought gazelle horns returned. It's obvious that rares won't come back because AJHQ never does anything to stop scamming. -.-
ReplyDeleteI'm happy that you got some stuff back, Snowy. Not many peeps get their stuff back when they're scammed or hacked, which is kinda sad. I hope you're changing your passwords each month. It is a very low chance to get hacked that way. :) Be careful, Snowy.
IKR. When I first saw the words "Gazelles?!" I thought they were a "new" item in the Diamond Shop and was like O.M.G.! xD But anyways, I'm happy that Snowy got her light purple gazelles back. She deserves them for being such a nice Jammer! :)
DeleteIKR such a misleading title, snowy! XD
Deletei wished that gazelles came out too :T
This makes me feel lucky to have them 0-0
DeleteWhen I saw the name of the page I freaked
Delete" gazelles are back, no way AJHQ "
Delete*Hugs tree* well this is...awkward....
ReplyDeleteHi Snowy, as you know we've spoken on Twitter (I am Chip8967 on Twitter) I've been blogging about another game, Bin Weevils for a year and now I'm an Animal Jam blogger, my blog is: I hope you can come and comment, or check it out. I really want Jammers visit it!
ReplyDeleteThank you,
Liam (AJ USERNAME- akachip8967)
Thank You SO much person who returned those gazelles
ReplyDeleteI know that taking them was wrong, but it takes a lot of courage to return something like that! I am so happy for you snowyclaw
Agreed, it's really awkward giving things back after you regret taking them, it must've been really hard. But it sure made Snow happy. ^w^
DeleteOk guys this is part 3 of my story! Part 2 was on the last post snowy put up and part 1 was on the rare item Monday post. You will have to scroll up a bit to find them though XD! Anyway here's part 3!
ReplyDeleteGreely had no choice but to dress like what peck called 'a ninja' to escape being caught bringing the phantom king through Jamaa and then people getting the wrong idea. He didn't think the phantom king deserved a second chance yet, but If he hadn't agreed to this deal Jamaa was most certain to be destroyed. His heart raced as he sneaked from bush to bush and felt like he was going to have a heart attack if he got caught. The phantom king, however, was floating happily in the sky above Greely. Phantoms could change form, so he had changed to a coal black eagle. Even though he was a animal, he did get a few stares from jammers, why? Well he was about 3 times bigger than the usual eagle and his eyes were red where they were supposed to be white.
Greely and the giant phantom finally came out of the busy township, now they were in a secret bit above Mira's statue and waited for some sort of appearance of Mira herself. They heard steps.... They saw a shadow... Um, and they heard laughing? Suddenly out of the shadows came Peck, the bunny alpha.
"Greely?" She burst out in giggles.
"I didn't mean it when I said you had to wear the ninja mask I gave you for your birthday! Glad you haven't sold it yet though!"
Greely waited for the surprise when Peck saw the phantom king, but instead she just started laughing again.
"Who is that sick animal? He must be really poorly! Im sure wolves are 5 times smaller than that, oh and he looks like he hasn't had any sleep in weeks, Just look at his eyes!"
Greely turned around in surprise to see the phantom king had changed form to a sleek black wolf.
"Err.. I know... Um.. He is very sick so only Mira knows the cure! Can you show us where she is?" Greely didn't think this would fail.
"Oh sure! I have to go the bunnies only party afterwards though!"
Peck lead Greely and the black phantom king wolf to a place in the clouds where there was a million rainbows.
"She's in there!" Peck pointed at a hut in the middle of the rainbows.
"Well, get better soon! Got to go! And she hopped away swiftly.
"lets go in!" The phantom king was more eager than a puppy wanting a bone.
"ok." Greely had to agree.
When they walked into the hut, Mira was ..... crying?
Her feathers had dimmed to a darker blue and she was crying.
"Not a good time for a visit..." Greely knew he should have just stayed asleep at the phantoms prison.
This story was made my rock8009 on AJ! Add me if you like my story.
WRITE MORE! WRITE MORE! WRITE MORE! *chants* xD. I really really am enjoying your story! I love it! :D
DeleteI wanna know what happen next! I like reading stories. There much better than my stories.
AMAZING STORY, yet again!!!!! :D
Delete(PS: Is it just me, or does Greely seem nice in these stories? c:)
(PPS: I like how you say that the Phantom King can change life forms. It reminds me of a book series' character- from "Seekers" :3)
This is awesome! I'd love to read the rest soon ^w^
DeleteI keep noticing the pet glitch
ReplyDeleteAnd a new glitch with pets
Come to my den to check it out
(Sorry if locked there is a weird glitch where my den is unlocked only it says it's locked)
Congrats :)
ReplyDeleteI want to be an architect :) or an animal trainer
ReplyDelete1) My Wednesday is going well so far. You're welcome in terms of me and everybody else visiting your blog everyday.
2) I'm one of those people who don't even care if about an item if it's member-only. Especially returning ones.
3) That midleaf crisis sounds pretty bad. I have a tomato garden in my den. I basically got the idea when plants were on clearance. I bought three garden plots, but since most of the plants were member-only, I could only buy tomatoes. They stuck to me right away and I'll never stop growing them. As for the conflicting war, as much as I really like green, I prefer pink blooms because there's a lot of green in Jamaa right now.
4) The returning of your gazelles was pretty fortunate. I've never been hacked because I'm careful about internet safety. I don't even call AJ hacking real hacking. I don't underestimate the age of a person (because people of any age can do amazing things), but all that really happens is people try to guess your password. A tip to everybody: change your passwords often. What about every other month? I also heard that people can hack your account using your parent email. I haven't figured out why just yet...
5) I've seen the video before. I personally think AJHQ should incorporate (put) more education in-game, because some people don't visit the Daily Explorer or AJ Academy. Temple Of Trivia questions are constantly being repeated so... Brady Barr is a herpetologist, somebody who studies reptiles and amphibians. I just don't get the fact how he makes videos about animals out of that category though.
I have a lot of careers in mind :P Most of them I can start doing right now instead of waiting later. I'm concerned with being a:
Forensic Scientist
Online Game Designer
And more of which I forgot :P
Hmm, well when I grow up, I wanna do something associated with the arts. Hmm let's see, I like visual art, singing, acting, and also creating writing. So... maybe I'd star in musicals (I don't like playing the lead role though lol, I don't have that much courage) and write and illustrate books. But I also like to cook too.... okay, so actress/singer, author/illustrator, and chef? But I don't wanna be famous though... GAHH I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!
ReplyDeleteWelcome to the club! :) Club Of Don't-Know-What-To-Do (Think it will take off?). :D I think a lot of people don't know and it's not the end of the world. You just take little steps towards what you like and then you have it someday :)
DeletePlease check out my blog!
ReplyDeleteAnd, as for your gazelle horns, Snowy, I find it really scary that someone's tinkering with you account...
Written Wednesday: I would like to be a...
ReplyDelete1) job that involves animals-not ONLY meaning a vet
2) writer/illustrator
3) idk any others right now. XD
Okay I'll admit it, I'm pretty clueless about what I want to be when I grow up.
i would love to be a vet and maybe also maybe be a part time cryptid reaserch examp: nessie, bigfoot, jersy devils,ect... ~littlestarm
ReplyDeletei would like to rescue animals,and littlestarm,your choice is cool! do u think u might find the oklahoma octopus? that thing is scary! i saw a show about it! SOOOO CREEPY!
ReplyDeletehah inside joke
I said that in kindergarten
DeleteI'd like to be a successful buisness man :)
ReplyDeletePS Congrats on getting your gazelles back, Snowy! That's SO awesome! :D
100th comment! XD! Anyways, congrats on getting your gazelles back! That person must've felt guilty or something about hacking you, I'm happy he/she got back into his/her right mind :). What do I want to be when I grow up? Its to early for me to think of that already! I'm only 10 right now so I have all the time in the world (Kinda...)! Oh yea, here is a random suggestion, you should have something called 'Spirit Adventures' or something, kinda like a role playing thing maybe, maybe chain-stories or chain-comics(Where someone writes/draws a story and someone else continues it off, and so on, the limit should be 1,000 words for stories and a couple panels for comics I guess). Really random, but I thought it would be interesting to have those!
ReplyDeleteQuote: Wrong is Wrong, even if everyone is doing it, and Right is Right, even if no one is doing it.
Good idea. I love role-plays. If she makes them, hopefully it'll be better and easier than Chicken Smoothie role-plays. :)
Cute quote at the end.... i love it!
DeleteI wish I was a member. And in a bonus I want Hershey kisses!
I cant get on aj D:
ReplyDeleteHi guys! If anybosy has a spare violin on AJ, can you plz send me one? Thx!
ReplyDeleteAlso, what are some of the most popular clans on AJ? (also list the users of who own them) Don't list madjasterrf, because she locked her den
Also, make sure to visit!
DeleteI want to be a animator because I am really good at drawing! Sorry I can't talk for long I has a big track meet and I am pooped.
Live laugh and love huskies
Ok, SnowyClaw you have to read this but the people who send you stuff like that, like amazing betas and whatever, they arent storage accounts but they are glitched beta accounts. Nothing will happen to you, dont worry but I thought I might just mention this as this happens to me on Animal Jam. If you wanna know more, Jam A Gram me on Aj, my username is hiddenforever. Btw what was the name of the account that sent you the gazelles? Just curious lol
ReplyDeletelol you must be right! i got a cami frog and a rocking horse from an beta account i think called incognito
Deletei want to be a zookeeper when i grow up. and good post im glad u got ur gazells back :)
ReplyDeletecloudblaze is beta and better than snowy
ReplyDeleteJust because somebody has rares does not make them a higher status than somebody else.
DeleteBtw Snowy came from early Jamaa as we'll.
snowy made animal jam plus don't be rude
DeleteOkay. Nobody is better than anyone else. More rares and betas doesn't mean the person is more on a higher status/better than others. (Like what Goldcobra said)
DeleteAnd. Snowy didn't make Animal Jam- AJHQ did (National Geographic & Smart Bomb Interactive) Snowy started AJ in the early beta days, I think, and she wanted to make a blog about AJ.
Also, I agree: Don't be rude to others. c:
Yay!!!! You got your gazelles back
ReplyDeletei <3 Animal Jam soooo much i go on every single day my user is pouncer06
ReplyDeleteI would like to be a graphic designer and a expert jammer
you said +gazelles... what about gazelles?
ReplyDeleteOMG I WANT GAZELLES I would trade all (only 4 things though) my goods for gazelles! EVEN MY EAGLE PUSHIE!! :D
ReplyDeleteyeah i'm gonna keep saying, "Animal Jam rocks!" for a while cuz I'm bored...
ReplyDeleteAnimal Jam rocks! Animal Jam rocks! Animal Jam rocks! Animal Jam rocks! Animal Jam rocks!
ReplyDeletelolz XD laggy lag llagging
ReplyDeleteOMG I WENT ON AJ TAB AND SOMEONE SWEARED ~screams screams screams screams~
ReplyDeleteDid anyone notice the adventure base camp became back to normal or im i just weird?
ReplyDeletethe new claw machine is so cute.
ReplyDeleteWhen I grow up I want to de an oceanoligist.Becuase I love the ocean
ReplyDeleteUh....First president of the United States, actress, or scientist dealing with medicine, or chemist!!
Or a writer/blogger, or some computer thing...and a bunch more. I have conflicting emotions.
Deletei really have my heart set on a teacher. im the clverest in my year and my dad and brother are teachers
ReplyDeleteCongrats snowyclaw. But what is a JAG?
ReplyDeletea JAG is a: jam a gram
ReplyDeleteHeyyyyyyyyyyyy so ppl havent posted on this since 2014 YAYAYAYYAYAYA