Hey jammers! There is a new (member) Giraffe Banner now sold in the Animal Museum of Appondale.

Now, you may (or may not) have noticed the new Spirit Jammer, Goofy8966! Congrats Goofy, welcome to the Spirit Team! There is also a new category subject for the blog, skyways! I do the categories so you guys can read past articles that interest you.
Speaking of interesting articles here
is one about Cami's Frog, just click here.
Also, discoveries in the Bunnies Only Party have been made, including the spirit of Peck and the party skyway. Click here! Trickertreee Was kind enough to send me a pic of the first rare giraffe plushie to be photographed. With a little white sock!

XxFreeSpiritxX found that when you make a...

...face you automatically get a confused one!

Good to know! She also noticed that the scales in Spartan Armor disappear on giraffes; and Elf Cuffs are strange!

Do you think the cuff thing is on purpose? It does look pretty snazzy, if I don't say so myself. lokithorrrrr found a magical cloud that makes Yaks disappear. Where do they go?

I hope to hear some creative stories, you guys have the best imaginations I know of! Happy jamming, jamaasians!

I think harper, the Seal shaman leads them to an undergeound cave and feeds them and cared for them. Thats what i think :3
DeleteHmm . . .Sounds plausible. Very likely that is the case. Thanks FurryForest125! I think Harper could have a big part in this mystery, especially the underground cave one. :D
It's the Conservation Museum now. :)
DeleteYes, I love that new name for some reason... XD I love learning all I can to save animals from extinction, do you? I have a feeling, you can now find me in the Conservation Museum of Appondale now, compared to Dr. Brady Barr's Laboratory and Sol Arcade. I will still go there though! :P
Congrats Goofy for becoming part of the Spirit Team!
ReplyDeleteAnd i think i know what happends to to the yaks...
Look closer to the cloud,It looks like Corneluis The Crocidile Shaman! Weird...
Maybe Croneluis and Harper Had made this Cloud after their friendship?And you know the Land near Mt Shiver (Waterfall Willows i call it)? Maybe with that land The new animal could be a Yak! Maybe it could be something to do with the next news....
@Cheshiire Cat
DeleteAw thanks. I was pretty shocked at the time, but I am so happy now! I will dedicate myself to the Animal Jam Spirit, and help jammers like you, have a better time in Jamaa! Thanks for the congratulations! ;) I will make sure to fulfill snowyclaw's code of honor, to making each Jamaasian's time in Jamaa, the best time ever!
Thanks once again! ;) I am super excited to know, I've made the team!
Perhaps the yaks summon the cloud when they run out of grass to eat and it takes them away to another grass-filled place. The cloud could actually be a magic carpet in disguise.
DeleteWow! Really?! O.O Fascinating! I can't wait to hop on it! xD
Yak story: They are on the run. They warily feed on grass, but they rush. When the cloud hides them, they run like mad to another feeding spot, as they are afraid of.... PLUSHIES!!! Giraffe Plushie: I think the poor thing has a cast.
ReplyDelete@Izzie Corley
DeleteWhoa, so neat! It seems most Jamaasians think it has to do with their feeding time, neat! I never knew that... Also, cool a cast? I thought it was at first like a glove for the giraffe. But, a cast sounds more correct! Hope he/she heals soon! ;)
Me too :3
ReplyDeleteForgot to mention this earlier. ^.^ Here's the story of the Yaks.
It was cold out. Colder then any Shiveerian temperature. It was constantly dropping, barely any Jamaasian could stand it, so many often went inside to the Cocoa Shop, or stayed at home. That wasn't the case for one Jamaasian, she was a yak, new to Jamaasian lifestyle and culture, for she was the only on of her time. She wanted desperately to be with someone, so she wouldn't be the only yak in Jamaa. But, no one was around, it was getting dark and the land was completely barren. The young yak, by the name of Lucky, walked out onto the ice. She felt strong wisps of black fog around, but didn't know who or what they were at the time. She knew, the wipe of black fog, were something bad, she could sense it. In the night, Lucky was walking around Shiveer in search for any of her fellow family Jamaasians or friends. When a strong bright light shined in her face, it was the light of the Sky Mother, Mira. She said, "Do not be afraid, Lucky. For I am your mother, Mira. I've created you new to this lush land, in hoping you could educate some of my other children about yaks." Mira said with a clam voice. Lucky replied,"Mother, what about other yaks to Jamaa? Couldn't they learn better from them, since they are already better than I am? I don't think I will be very good." Lucky finished with a sadness about her face. Mira walked over to her and touched her with her talons, "Child, you are just as important as any of my children. I know you miss your family, I do too. But, something stronger then me, as taken them away. They've taken them behind a mysterious cloud-like format, I know for a fact." Lucky looked up at Mira,"May I go out and find them then? Since you said they are in a cloud-like format and all." Lucky said with a sense of hope. Mira bent down and looked at her,"Child, I've tried doing the same thing, but out there in Shiveer allies lies the black fog; phantoms. They will stop you and possibly take over your body." Mira said calmly. Lucky looked up at Mira and held onto her,"Mother, so the phantoms were around me earlier. I feel so afraid now." Lucky said with a worry look on her face. "Yes child, I've had to put up with these mysterious creatures all my life with Zios, your father. They are the reason, he left this land forever, and only left a small fraction of him behind; the stone bit in the temple area where I dedicated it all to him." Mira said as a tear dropped on Lucky. "Don't cry mother, I'm sure Dad is alright. Will he return someday?" Lucky said. "I do not know my child. He's been gone for two years now. I don't know anymore." Mira said with a cry. Lucky patted her on the back,"Seems like you need comfort now." Lucky said with a smile. Mira looked at her and because of Lucky's kindness and caring, she zapped the evil phantoms away from Shiveer and brought Lucky outside. Lucky ran up to the fire to keep warm, and Mira used her magic and created the dark cloud that used to be over Shiveer and magical cloud! Once it moved, Lucky looked up and saw her other yak friends. She cried tears of joy and gladness for her family was back. Once she looked around Mira had left, but a note was by her paw. The note said, "Dearest Lucky, thank you for the comfort you've given me, I greatly appreciate it. Remember never give up hope. Your mom, Mira." Lucky was pretty touched and to this day, you can see her cheering up sad jammers and fighting off the evil phantoms! Even her family, whom she joins in Shiveer from the magical cloud, that Mira has changed from darkness and sadness to joy and gladness. Lucky is now the Yak Shaman. (Hopefully yaks will come out soon) ^.^
wow good story and a pretty long one i liked it T.T
DeleteSnowyclaw I found another giraffe glitch wear a winter coat and it to big
DeleteHmm . . .I've tried it, it could just be the normal look on it, but I will pass along your feedback to snowyclaw don't you worry.
Snowyclaw this is classdshay. With the glitch with the armor its not called mech armor, its called spartan armor.
ReplyDeletesee you in Jamaa
DeleteOh thank you! I shall tell snowyclaw about that. Thanks for telling us classDshay! You really saved the day. Haha, I rhymed, kinda... Anyways, when snowyclaw comes on Animal Jam, I will make sure to tell him that, to fix her sentence where she had mech armor, instead of spartan armor. ;)
Goofy why did you say HE then she and her
Deletehim ^^^
DeleteOops, I meant she... Hehe, snowyclaw is a girl, and I wash;t paying any attention! Thank you though. XD
Congrats Goof!
DeleteThanks Spirit! ;) You are truly a model Spirit Jammer, I hope to fill in your shoes as an underdog Spirit Jammer. I know I'll do well, I will excel. Thanks once again. Hopefully Owls will come out on AJ soon then, you'll truly be in Jamaa. XD
Hey guys check dis out:
DeleteWow, really?! O.O Er, pawsome! Is this a sign of dinosaurs coming to AJ? I think yes. XD Can't wait, I'm super excited now! Also, I think snowyclaw might have posted this on one of her earlier posts, but seeing this again might remind AJHQ to bring dinosaurs, I know if they do, I'll be a dinosaur 24/7! ^.^ Thanks geckoguy!
How DO you become part of the spirit team?
DeleteWell, snowyclaw wants to see someone who can answer jammers questions on Jamaa, to better everyone's time on Animal Jam, as well as using good grammar and such. Also, you have to at least make the "top commenter" list to be on as well. Also, just help out around the blog, show you care to your fellow Jamaasians, that's what I do. xD
Plus congratulations Goofy!
DeleteAw, thanks! You're too kind, I thank you greatly, I will continue to uphold the title, "Spirit Jammer" in your honor, as well as in all Jamaasians! ^.^
First, congrats to a awesome jammer: goofy8966!! And snowyclaw, if you type :O the surprise emotion comes on! Weird
Delete~Betaqueen xD
DeleteWhoa, really?! Strange. Thank you for notifying us! :o I tested it does occur pretty strange. . .Thank you!
Lol, no prob! Aj does weird stuff to me because of my user :\
ReplyDelete~ Betaqueen xD
@Betaqueen xD
DeleteO.O Sounds pretty strange AJHQ. . .Hope they fix it soon. XD Thank you for commenting! ^.^
I got that giraffe plushie! it is my first giraffe too!
ReplyDeleteWow, really?! I haven't had a chance to get mine yet, I think I will try now! Thanks! For notifying that you too, have been able to get giraffes! ;)
Snowy I have a. Mushroom giraffe if yah want to see it I'm mad11637 on aj thanks :3
ReplyDeleteCool! Hopefully, I get the chance to see it soon! I really want one but I never got one even though I tried a lot and spent a lot of gems!
The Yaks are controlled by a phantom cloud, i think....
ReplyDeleteAfter Zios disappeared, Mira punished herself by not eating or drinking for 100 years. In those 100 sad years, Mira didn't do anything to help Jamaa. Her tears fell to the ground as rain. Jammers looked up at the clouds to hear a crying sound, but they didn't know where it came from. In Mt.Shiveer, the rain was the worst. The rain turned into a strange fog, and some of the fog turned into Ice Phantoms, which are in the game Gem Breaker today. Sometimes, Mira looked down at the Jammers, tears in her eyes. One day, Mira was free from her own punishment. She was still upset that Zios was gone, but she felt happy enough to help Jamaa. She cleared the clouds beneath every area and gasped. Phantoms were everywhere. "What have I done?", Mira thought. Every Jammer was screaming at Mira for help, but she couldn't help them. SHE created them, so Mira couldn't help anyone. She was so upset that she flew to the top of Mt.Shiveer and glared at some yaks. "Maybe those yaks will tell me how Zios disappeared...", Mira mumbled. She flew down in front of the yak herd. Mira asked the yaks, "How did my creator, Zios, disappear?" The yaks were confused and grunted, then they ate the grass, like the usual. Mira was steamed and very, very upset. She wanted to know how Zios disappeared, but no one understood. She wanted to revive him, give him his immortality back, and most of all, make harmony come back to Jamaa. She couldn't though. Mira wasn't powerful enough to revive her very own creator, so she wanted to teach the yaks a BIG lesson. She blew at the yaks, her icy breath became a BIG snow storm and it swept the yaks away. Mira was delighted of this. So, every once in a while, a snowstorm made out of Mira's breath swept the yaks away with her icy anger and sadness.
ReplyDelete~ The One and Only True Spider Fan
Oh wow! Great story! You know how you like spiders? Well I love your stories a lot! You have a true gift! I never really have enough imagination to imagine something like that. Great work!