Hey jammers! There is a new animated item in Sunken Treasures, the blue Underwater Fire Pit. Very wacky. :)

There is also a throne in the Spooky Party.
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Sorry for the messy picture. :P |
That's about all that is new, but I wanted to show you all what Jamaa Township's center structure used to be.
A green gem... What do you think it was? Where was it from? Why has it disappeared? I hope to hear some cool ideas!

The Jammer stone, The strongest spirit stone of them all. Liza placed it in a wall as the Pesky phantom's tried to steal it for them and Their Power. Many Years past as new Poster's were put ontop of It, But if you pulled all those boarder's off, The Jammer stone would still be gleaming Showing it's power. I know it's the wrong one but it's just made up! -CheshiireCat
ReplyDeleteWhat jammer stone? Where is this so called "JAMMER STONE"? If you could tell me what land it's in then thanks.
The Jamma stone:
ReplyDeleteMany years ago phantoms battled the spirit shamans, they were much to strong, for Great Mother Mira has created them with the tears of sadness after Zois' death, but one day she mysteriously vanished leaving only a statue to be remembered by...
No shaman could ever be as powerful as Mother Mira, so at the last battle, where all the majestic spirit shamans stood side by side, wind curling and swishing their furs and manes, and the sunlight making circles of holly light around their heads, they stood, all their staffs ready to conjure the gem stone of life, the gem stone of jamma...
Each and every one of those shamans put their sole into that stone: Liza's wisdom
Sir Gilbert's bravery
Graham's hope
Peck's creativity
Greely's mysteries
Cosmo's love
All they needed was Mira, they used the last of their powers to summon,
Mira's past, the past were we stand and play today, the past was Jamma.
Together they put the combinations into the massive lifeless gem, and as it filled up with power, life, hope and fun it became the emerald gem of life...
With their last energy they put the stone into the most center place in Jamma, they called it the Jamma township, home of their children...
And with that they vanished, to a world of peace quiet and love, where they can restore thier powers,they left only the statue of Mira, and the Gem of life behind,
From this day forward they visit us when ever they have the chance, but there will be always the phantoms haunting Zios' grave and getting advantages to escape when jammers are asleep.
Genuinedeal (my account name)
-only made up
Wow! I couldn't have written anything better than that
DeleteCool ideas!!!!
ReplyDeleteWell I think it's a magical stone that keeps phantoms away so jamma is a phantom free place!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHorse back riding I mean' t :P
ReplyDeleteThe Shamon Jewel
ReplyDeleteLong time ago, before any animal was created Mira and Zois lived happily together. Zois died mysteriously, making Mira cry until she noticed what she had done, she created phantoms. New animals were created as the shamons arrived while they were not aware of the phantoms. The phantoms haunted jamma till that day on, trying to distroy everything in Jamma. They wanted power, they wanted all the animals of jamma to fear them, to worship them just like the animals did to Mira.They would steal, distroy and capture innocent animals. The animals of Jamma were hopeless, even the shamans were not sure what to do to stop these evil creatures. Not until one day they finally noticed something, while the phantoms created hate, wars, and lies, the animals of jamma created friendship, peace, and were honest. So the shamons decided to create a jewel that would protect us from any harm...or so that they thought. The shamons were able to put the jewel in the center of jamma, where it would use its protective engery shields to protect animals. The shamons were taken away from the phantoms as they did so. They sacrificed to protect Jamma. The phantoms couldn't attack the animals since then, but they did have a few ways to get through the force field. When the animals slept near Zois's grave they were able to get through the cracks of the stone. They were able to get through the forcefield on the day of the phantoms, when the forcefeild was weakend by the dark powers that accure each year. They still attack animals, but not as much as they used to, the jewel still protected the animals and for centuries it stayed to protect it's citizens. The citizens would remember that they should be greatful for the jewel for it saved their lives from the darkest times in history, but there is little records of this tragic history, somewhere deaply barried in the temples of zoise. They called the jewel that Shamon Jewel. As long at the jewel was there, the animals were safe, but if it was gone...nobody was safe.
The emerald of nature's story....
ReplyDeleteThere was a time when jamaa was more beautiful than today. And that was when the emerald of nature was in jamaa township. It was the shaman's job to look after it, and make sure no thieves - or today called scammers - would take it. One day,the most unknown and talented thief in jamaa got caught. They thought for sure she would take it. All they're focus was on the one thief. No others. They didn't even think of another thief that could have done it. The emerald was in danger! And if removed, 100 years from then, an animal would be endangered! It happened that night. A smart thief - who was a monkey - took the jewel! Liza looked out of jamaa, graham, dashing from tree-to-tree, was looking in sarepia. The rest of the shamans were looking in jamaa's islands, and... 3 weeks later the monkey was found in a cold place. Liza thought it would be a good thing to add to the map, but greely shook his head and said "Wait for the time to come"... Mira took the jewel into the clouds, but then as she did, jamaa started losing it`s beauty. And I did say that in 100 years an animal would be endangered... and now, 100 years later, the monkey has left jamaa. But jamaa is coming back with it`s beauty. Why? Because of Spirit Stones. ~WhatsThat
The emerald of nature's story....
ReplyDeleteThere was a time when jamaa was more beautiful than today. And that was when the emerald of nature was in jamaa township. It was the shaman's job to look after it, and make sure no thieves - or today called scammers - would take it. One day,the most unknown and talented thief in jamaa got caught. They thought for sure she would take it. All they're focus was on the one thief. No others. They didn't even think of another thief that could have done it. The emerald was in danger! And if removed, 100 years from then, an animal would be endangered! It happened that night. A smart thief - who was a monkey - took the jewel! Liza looked out of jamaa, graham, dashing from tree-to-tree, was looking in sarepia. The rest of the shamans were looking in jamaa's islands, and... 3 weeks later the monkey was found in a cold place. Liza thought it would be a good thing to add to the map, but greely shook his head and said "Wait for the time to come"... Mira took the jewel into the clouds, but then as she did, jamaa started losing it`s beauty. And I did say that in 100 years an animal would be endangered... and now, 100 years later, the monkey has left jamaa. But jamaa is coming back with it`s beauty. Why? Because of Spirit Stones. ~WhatsThat
Snowyclaw just to tell you, there is also a new skeleton throne from the spooky party
ReplyDeleteUhhh you dont have to say it twice whatsthat.
ReplyDeleteThe gem is still there but they covered it up with all the drawings and stuff like that like we have now in jamaa.I mean Liza put it there why did AJHQ cover it up with the stuff?Thats not nice because that is the stone of Liza's birth.That why she put it there.jamaa is here home she put it there also so people can remember her.She's a happy shaman she gets to great jammers all over the world even at the same time!She's a wonderfull shaman.And all the people know that.So Thats my story.(well it's not really a story)Add me on AJ i'm -powerpuff3-
ReplyDeleteMaybe it was like a phantom portal. And it didn't work for many years but then phantoms got it to work so the shamans destroyed it.?
P.s. I finally got my blog launched! Could youadd it to more blogs? Here's the link, http://jumpingscarymonkey.com.
There is a skeleton throne at the Spooky Party
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing plz no rude comments!!!
ReplyDeleteThe first day of jamaa. there was a baby bird born. After there was a fire. the birds mother and father died in that fire. Years later the egg that hatched turned into a hope stone just for mira.
Warriorcatz1209 ( colorfullbear )
There is a skeleton in the spooky party, Snowy! c:
ReplyDeleteI think AJ is getting a little off topic here, AJ was supposed to teach kids about the great outdoors and animals, and now all people care about now, is rares mostly, and now they have madeawn underwater firepit, which is nothing close real life, because fire is killed by water, and a firepit underwater wouldn't last longer then about 3 minutes...
yeah... I liked The Shaman Jewel from anonymous- it touched me.
ReplyDeleteI believe anonymous!
I, Erasmus CanyonGem, think that it is the Emrald of power. anyone who can find it and hold it will have the power to do whatever they want. :D -snaper6010
ReplyDeleteI don't think the gem disappeared. It was just covered up by the bulletin board. I think that the gem gave life to all Jammers in Jamaa. If it disappeared, then there would be no animals! As for where it's from, I think it was discovered by Greely.
ReplyDeleteI did not say that twice???
they covered it with the board to prevent it from being stolen. mira placed it there, long ago. it protects us from teh phantoms! without it,jamma would be a dark scary place, and all Jammassians would give to darkness. that's why, every october jamma grows dark, for it is the month of phantoms. we had to give them a month or else they'd get mad XD
ReplyDeleteYeah!I remember that old green gem! Then the update board came. :(
Hello Snowyclaw!
ReplyDeleteI just went to your den and you were at the entrance i was a wolf with a blue headress then you said you had to go :( i am a huge fan of this blog when i saw you i was like "OMG OMG OMG" please add me!!!!!!
I belive it is the Emerald of Spirits. It gives us life, holds the legends encrusted in the Emerald, and is quite dangerous to those holding it. It has a fraction of the Shamans' personalities inside. Inscribed on the Emerald is: "Those who belive and call themselves Jamaasians may hold this gem and be protected." When one was not a beliver, it was covered up with posters and became Jammer Centeral.
ReplyDeleteIndeed, that's what I think.
ReplyDeleteSnowyclaw i was just looking at the news from May 4th but i don't know witch pet menu.Please tell me snowyclaw. :) i'm powerpuff3 add me on Aj
ReplyDeleteDang it i really miss the old AJ DX
ReplyDeleteThe skeleton throne really creeps me out...
Hey snowyclaw, I'll try my hand at writing a story about the gemstone and e-mail you it. It may take a few days, but expect it to be good*ish*
ReplyDeleteI'm sure it will be awesome! Or rather.... PAWsome!
Let me just figure out how to change my comments....
Theres a scary unicorn horn in spooky party ="3
I believe it is one of the spirit stones, The Emerald.
ReplyDeleteThe Emerald spirit stone:
Mira lay n the ground, next to the shamans after battle. She reliesed no matter how many times she fought them, she would, and the shamans, would lose. Mira got up and help the shamans. She thought "I created the phantoms... on ACCIDENT! I wonder if i can get rid of them... somehow... battle won't work..." So using her powers, she created an earthly spirit stone, the Emerald. Liza said "Whats that for?" Mira told the rest of the Shamans it was going to be used as Miras power force against the Phantoms because she created them... on accident. Greely said "Great idea Master Mira! But if we combined it with my magic...?" Mira smileds under her big beak. "Great Idea Greely!" Mira said softly, with her peaceful voice. She got greely to use some of his Magic to make the stone more powerful. "Hey, Mira! My paintbrush," Peck lifted up slowly and comtinued, "We could create an extra force! I could easily paint it!" Mira nodded as Peck painted an extra force. Mira summoned the Phantoms. When they were in sight, she flew up and used her powers to activate the Emerald. Peck put her force in action. Mira flew towards the Phantoms with the force. The force half killed the phantoms. Pecks force did more damage. Greely used his magic to put the phantoms under a trance. The rest of the shamans, along with Mira and Greely, they used they're moves to defeat the phantoms. But soon after later, Jammers put posts on the emerald because it never got used again....
The end! XD
Thx Pac10! Lolz, i was just making this stuff up. I'm surprised that someone actually was touched to my made up story!
ReplyDeleteyou didn't know there was two double gems? it's been like that for a while now it used to be Super Sort and that other game in the chamber of knoledge i forgot what it was called maybe i should have said something then lol
ReplyDeleteHEY ANYONE GONNA COMMENT ON Y STORY :( I made my blog for nothing then! :'( <:'(
ReplyDeleteI think it is a spirit stone thart Mira was born out of. Thats why it is gone. Mira thought the phantoms were going to steal it and evolve, so she took it and she hid it in a place where nobody- not even SHE could find it! What do you think of MY opinion?
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThat emerald was the Gem of Harmony and Peace (I call it the Harmony Gem for short). Long ago, Jamaa has lived happily because of this gem. When the phantoms came, they were weak at first so they were easy to defeat, but then they became stronger... because of the Harmony Gem. The phantoms liked eating gems, so they took a TEENY bite to test the gem, and then... they were unstoppable. The shamans didn't know why this had happened, but with a piece of the gem missing, chaos ruled Jamaa for about 10,000 years. Every year, however, the phantoms gradually go weaker because their own chaos means that they don't need any powers, so that means they don't need to be strong anymore. The shamans hid the gem to prevent further damage, or any more chaos in Jamaa...
ReplyDelete~ The One and Only True Spider Fan
DeleteAnother fantastic story! Keep up the good work!
Jam on!
Mira lay in the ground, next to the shamans after battle. She reliesed no matter how many times she fought them, she would, and the shamans, would lose. Mira got up and help the shamans. She thought "I created the phantoms... on ACCIDENT! I wonder if i can get rid of them... somehow... battle won't work..." So using her powers, she created an earthly spirit stone, the Emerald. Liza said "Whats that for?" Mira told the rest of the Shamans it was going to be used as Miras power force against the Phantoms because she created them... on accident. Greely said "Great idea Master Mira! But if we combined it with my magic...?" Mira smileds under her big beak. "Great Idea Greely!" Mira said softly, with her peaceful voice. She got greely to use some of his Magic to make the stone more powerful. "Hey, Mira! My paintbrush," Peck lifted up slowly and comtinued, "We could create an extra force! I could easily paint it!" Mira nodded as Peck painted an extra force. Mira summoned the Phantoms. When they were in sight, she flew up and used her powers to activate the Emerald. Peck put her force in action. Mira flew towards the Phantoms with the force. The force half killed the phantoms. Pecks force did more damage. Greely used his magic to put the phantoms under a trance. The rest of the shamans, along with Mira and Greely, they used they're moves to defeat the phantoms. But soon after later, Jammers put posts on the emerald because it never got used again....
ReplyDeleteAJ is a scary place now that i know many secrets
ReplyDeleteI agree. I get creeped out by how they just forgot Mira.
DeleteWe all have great ideas. Here's mine:
ReplyDeleteZios got lonely (blah blah blah). He created mira at the stone. The stone gave Mira all her powers. together, they made the stone be both of their powers. When the phantoms captured (ik it isn't true) zios and killed him, Mira's power decreased a bit. Instead of having enough power so no badness happens, she made phantoms out of her tears of sadness and anger. The phantoms' hopes and dreams were to ruin jamaa. They started creating chaos in this new land. The animals were scared. Mira knew of her mistake and went out to fix it. she met the shamans, invited them over and passed her powers on to them. She was growing weaker each day. The shamans battled phantoms daily. Suddenly, Mira just disappeared. The shamans assumed the phantoms trapped her inside the statue and have been fighting the phantoms for thousands of years. Instead, Mira felt she made the right decision and split her powers on to the shamans, including immortality. The rest of her spirit went in to the gem. The shamans didn't know so they put jammer central on the gem. Mira may have disappeared forever but the shamans always sense her presents beside the former home of that stone. I know this is probably not true but i like my story.
ReplyDeleteYou know adventures? THATS THE PORTAL CRYSTAL!!!!!!! LIZA FOUND DAT, IT HOLDS JAMMA TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!