Hey jammers! There is a Sheriff's Badge for sale in Bahari Bargains of the Bahari ocean, be sure to get one!

And here is something really off topic, but all you Harry Potter fans out there, visit Pottermore. It's just open.
Click here to visit the site. If you like friend me, I'm DawnAsh3. Sorry for the random, see you around Jamaa, jammers!

I'll totally add you! I'm NoxQuill19915! What house are you in? I'm in Hufflepuff, because I'm awesome like that XD
ReplyDeleteOh! I see you are in Gryffindor! Lucky! :P
DeleteHufflepuff is an awesome house though! Cedric Digory and Tonks both came from there. :D
honk a tonk badonk a donk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
DeleteI went to this camp where the theme was Harry Potter and I got in Hufflepuff! It's awesome!
DeleteI love that song personally! I'm a country girl myself!....
I'm in Gryffindor, and I'm StarWild31605! :D
snowy weird glitch is going on around AJ peoples stuff are just disappearing. one of my imprisoned phantoms disppeared a friend of mines rare flag disappeared and someother people are saying some of there items are disappearing. whats going on?
ReplyDeleteMe too! I had an odd glitch with my Jam-A-Gram and it wouldn't let me accept my gift - now it's all gone!
DeleteYeah my rare purple glove disappeared. -cries-
DeleteI traded my pink headdress for an orange one, but of course, when I logged back in it was PINK!
Delete@ pac10: Correct. Not funny AJHQ
@snowflakeprophecy same thing happend to me
DeleteNice i might try pottermore it sounds fun! and yea i had the glitch yesterday when randomly my leaf was in the mail..?
I love harry potter! Guys, you should also visit universal studios. ;-)
ReplyDeletei visited universal we got early there and it was completely full
ReplyDeletewhat ever happened to mother's day?
hey snowy! Can you PRETTY PLEASE help me with my blog? Please email me at kittykatz2002@yahoo.com (i dont often check my replies on comments and i want our conversations to be private)
Snowy you missed something-
ReplyDeleteIn epic wonders there's a nonmember bronze brick for $2500! PLEASE PUT THIS ON YOUR NEXT POST!!! BRONZE BRICKS IN EPIC WONDERZ!
@pac10 (and other jammers)
DeleteI'm replying cause I'm kinda tired of this comment. The bronze brick came out a few days ago. You must have missed my post because you were distracted by the issues with Animal Jam. Just look back a few days time.
I think the bricks are lame. But that is just my opinion.
Deletehe did post the bronze brick!!!!!!!!! stop asking he is tired of the question -_-
DeleteOk, now it isn't fair that ppl get two and I got one! this is really making me sick!
ReplyDeleteFriend me on Pottermore im HowlWolf23296!!
ReplyDeleteFriend me on AJ I'm wolf29!!
Friend me on Warrior Cats RPG I'm skyclanforever!!
The warrior cats rpg sounded cool so i made a account can you help me out?
Deletemy user is LinzKinz26
friend me on animal jam my user name is 44233
DeleteOooooo I got 1!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm in RavenClaw!
I'm gonna sign up as soon as I can... I hope I'm in Ravenclaw :3
ReplyDeleteI just created a account and sent you a request snowy! I am HeartWizard1143. And anyone else who would like to friend me is welcome ^-^
ReplyDeleteim creating an account today don't friend me or anything like that until the next day
Deleteim creating an account today don't friend me until the next day my user name is vine storm 24978 have fun on pottermore
Deletenever mind i can't create one sorry deny the comment that says "my user name is vine storm 24978
DeleteWhen I logged on this morning my purple glove was gone. But my sister had a purple. Little bit suspicious. By the way friendme I am actressgirl2001. My animal ammeter is fabulous fancy belle or lieutenant shiver paw
ReplyDeleteI meant my animal name is fabulous fancy belle or lieutenant shiver paw.
ReplyDeleteMy glove is missing. GRR. But my sister has a new one. I am a little bit suspicious.
ReplyDeleteFriend me my User name is actressgirl2001.
ReplyDeleteEverything I left was changed. My animal's color, my tipe of den.. and old items I recycled last year are back in my innovatory! Oh btw a message about a pet drawing contest came.
ReplyDelete@Snowy I've already friended you on Pottermore!
ReplyDelete@everyone else in this wonderful world we live on
Friend me on Pottermore! I'm WolfRiver2428
Wow, what coincidence, my real friend told me about this a few days ago and voila, you play it too!
ReplyDeleteHey everyone! <3 I'm still alive, LOL. I'm playing Minecraft and Whirled http://www.whirled.com/ , so yeah... If you want to meet me on Whirled search up v.shiverbelle@yahoo.com and add me n_n
ReplyDeleteI am SwordGalleon4082 i sent u a request!
im silverhallow9898
ReplyDeleteAwesome! C: I'm AurorWolf7089 on Pottermore! I'll have to add you. :)
stop talking about pottermore please i feel bad i don't go on it and don't have an account
DeleteHaha! Ok! I'm Dawnbat4610. ;)
ReplyDeleteAny-one go on little space heroes?Add me I am Vivi982 and I am on at 3:00pm to 4:00pm (Australian eastern standard time) But i bet no-one here is from Australia.. sigh not being affensive but too any americans on aj sigh
ReplyDeleteOr maybe you can go on Moshi monsters? Then again Australian standard time. Sigh...
ReplyDeletei don't like moshie monsters anymore (my user name is bert1299)
Deletesighs i got grounded for playing on my computer late psst i was grounded for a whole week and then my friend delete me for no resone!!! >:(
DeleteLittle space heores? Wait i said that and i meant "heroes" not "heores" i tend to do that a lot sigh
ReplyDeleteI got a Pottermore account! My username is HollyBronze29438.
my mom says harry potter is awesome (i don't agree with my mom sorry people that like harryoptter and my mom) :( and i didn't get a pottermore account :( but im still sad i didn't get a pottermore account i don't know why
DeleteI love Pottermore! My username is AshCentaur3511! I am in Hufflepuff! I wanted to be in Gryffindor though. Hufflepuff is great to!