Hey jammers! I still haven't decided on the time or date for the party, but I'm working on it. Meanwhile, the new item of the day is the Crossbow, for sale in the clothing globe of Epic Wonders.

Thank goodness we have a break in the golden items, but doesn't this seem a little violence oriented for the social game that Animal Jam is? Hmm. . . Also, AJHQ posted two new articles.
It is confirmed, the den contest is not over! Still, a bit sad for everyone (including me) who sent in underground dens ideas and so were automatically rejected. /).(\ Oh well, exciting new den to look forward too, what will it be? Happy jamming!

first comment again woo!
ReplyDeletewhat is the party about and were i would like to come
Deletea good party? hmm my favorite party is the tradig party you should go there you can be any animal and you can win things in the claw!
Deletedarn! i always want the first comment-people always see it first!!!! GRRR!!! ROAR!!!! lol lparents- check out my blog, toO!!! lparents- please check out my blog too
DeleteLily always goes for first comment lol
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteooooh, comment removed??? did you say anything bad?? lol, just kidding!
Deleteim still curious!!
Meh not really it just happens.
DeleteI'm sorry bout your feelings on the item snowy, but yea I'm gettin like 10-15 of them .. lol
ReplyDelete~ footclane
I kind of like the Crossbow, but I agree, it's not the best item for a social game but then again they also sold Nunchucks and I go to Kung Fu and we use them in fighting so that's not exactly good either but anyways I like it.
(There's a contest going on and if you can, please sign up for the Howl Club!)
its weird to wonder like how the paws would use it cause its so tilted..
DeleteI don't know I guess a guy kinda stretches the bow for them? XD
I'm confused... :/ What does AJ HQ mean? I thought the Enchanted Hollows was the new den... Ah well, I think I get it lol!
DeleteThe Enchanted Hollow wasn't the new den for the Den Contest, it was just, well, a new den.
(There's a contest going on and if you can, please sign up for the Howl Club!)
ya, i was like, im confused...? lparents
DeleteI wonder if it's like the bow and arrow. Cool, but I dot like it enough to buy one...especially at the price.
ReplyDeleteyeah... also i agree with Snowy it is a LITTLE violent for a game for kids that some are aged 5/4/6 honestly....but other then that it's alright and also 0)_)0 like the face LOL anyway OMG it's not over? 0-0 just what my bad night needed....
DeleteKerriecat old blogger user and AJ user
i like it to but for 5 6 4 like or so..
DeleteKerriecat old blogger user and AJ user
Yeah, tha's the only problem....
DeleteWell it's not like you can actually shoot the arrow in the crossbow, so there's really no harm done, is there?
(There's a contest going on and if you can, please sign up for the Howl Club!)
true honestly..
DeleteKerriecat old blogger user and AJ user
Kerri I opened a g-mail account just so I could comment in you page, and look you can' t even keep it up to date for me ... lol ;)
Delete~ footclane
today i saw clans fighting in the forest they kind of took it too the extremes like ya.. hurting innocent bunnies and fighting with other clans and when i told them little kids play on here too and asked them exactly why they don't like that other clan they simply ignored me it makes no sense..
DeletePoor bunnies :( im a bunny now i feel unprotected by clans...
Deletei think it's unfair there is only wolf and fox clans. well, there is other clans for other animals, but those aren't nearly as popular. Guys, you have to admit, fighting on aj is a little fun. Still, the bunnies should have their own defense! if they weren't fighting back, i don't see why we should fight at all.
did you get my reasoning? please reply if you don't..
I want them to have effects on everything.....
I agree it's alittle too violent but I like it. Shamans are coming out next week!
ReplyDeleteREALLY? YES sorry going crazy lol
DeleteKerriecat old blogger user and AJ user
How come there aren't ocean shamans? If there are, they haven't mentioned them... :(
Deletewell idk but they may of just not of thank it out yet...
DeleteKerriecat old blogger user and AJ user
I agree. The oceans deserve shamans and statues of them, too!
(There's a contest going on and if you can, please sign up for the Howl Club!)
Yep! also when shamans come out do you think it will only be original shamans or giraffes and horses etc.. too!? :D happy jamming -lillyfh
DeleteOh boy here we go again!!!!!!:(how has spike?and wht r shamans?!?!?!?!?!wht do y'all mean bye there coming out next week?
really? i don't keep track, thanks for saying that!!!
Violent ?? No more violent then bows and swords
ReplyDeleteYAY!!! Cant wait to log in and earn gemz to buy that crossbow!!!!!!! They look soo cool!!!!
ReplyDeletei have one on my fox, and stuff, please check it out! i have it in blue, btw. hope you think i look well!
ReplyDeleteYayy!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I can "Win" Crssows at the Carnival!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
ReplyDeleteWell as much as I'm bummed that the den contest was a rip-off, the crossbows looks REALLY fun. (for someone like me, of course) But how will they look on someone? I don't want to spend all my gems on a thing that looks horrible.
Just find someone that has already bought it and look and see if you think it looks good on a certain animal.
(There's a contest going on and if you can, please sign up for the Howl Club!)
I got it without looking at it first.. Looks epic on bunnies. If you are unsure, like I was, if you want to get it or not, just look me up. I am very sure everyone knows my AJ user. BTW, people I don't want you to quit! don' quit!
Delete-pac10 who knows what it feels like to almost quit (and I still might)
I have Planet Walls on AnimalJam. Anyone know what's worth them? You can trade for them if you like! I'm always online 4 times a day! :D
At most i'd say like a pink top hat I've seen some people trade 3 worns for it and they declined...
DeleteI think the bow is pretty cool....I don't see the violence in it. It's about the same as the bow and arrow. But the price is really bad on it. That's why I'm not getting it. Too pricy! In my opinion, aj should lower their prices.
It is a very unique item but i think the way its violent compared to the regular bow its the arrow head at the end.Where as the original bow hasn't been loaded yet.
DeleteI love Archery but I agree with you, it's a bit violent for Animal Jam. :/ Thank Mira we have a break from Golden items. Anyway, Yay, the den contest isn't over! ^-^
Snowy i need u answer ahould i quit aniaml jam aniaml jam has becom a scamming place i have no rares any more and almost everybody is mean i feel terrible and sad!
Don't quit! Not everyone is mean. Ignore the people who are mean and ignore the Scammers.
Agreed! we all know that Animal Jam kind of got mean and took over by phantoms doesn't mean we should give up on cleaning it up!Also Animal Jam isn't about rares in the least bit you'll always get more a way to is buy the holiday themed things and ugly things and clearance things not many people buy ugly things so when they dispere, no one really has them than what every one wants them ! happy jamming!
DeleteSnowy please don't have it on Sunday or Tuesday
ReplyDeleteThat's a cool new item in Epic Wonders! I wanna buy it but.. I wasted 15,000 gems on a race car D: Anyways, it's a cool item! In Phantom arrow game thing, I almost got ALL the letters. I couldn't get "M". Aw man lol all the phantoms at me arrows.. xD ~Animalgirl58943
ReplyDeleteP.S. I'm having a contest at my blog AnimalJamMonitor.wordpress.com (You have to scroll down a bit)
Snowyclaw i figured something out!! Please feature this on the next post brcause i found something COOL! I did an expirement with lucky items and non lucky items. First I wore the lucky items and played The Claw. My chances of winning were higher, i even got a fox plush! Then, I wore the non-lucky items I didn't get as much as rare plushies as last time...
Hmm i gotta get my self a lucky item ;)
DeleteWhat a lucky item? Is it something from saint patricks day? >3<
Deletecool, i'll try that out! i thought it was weird, because i was a monkey, wearing a rare wreath, earmuffs, white glove, you can buy those, and i got a green monkey plush on my first try!! talk about lucky.
DeleteSnowyclaw you should have a contest at your den! :DD Oh and snowyclaw please add me, Im cookiesXD I love your blog very much!
ReplyDeleteIf you ever have a plushie store and this Jammer named CRAZYCHICKEN comes in, she will most likely want Giraffes, Foxes, and other RARE plushies (Like those with top hats and etc.)If you don't trade her a plushie, she will go berserk and she will keep sending you JAM-A-GRAMS (though there is a limit to it) and keep sending you game requests or adding you! It's so annoying :(
And also, ABUNABI11 (I think)
Is a scammer! He tried to trade me a wooden toy box for all the things on my list and he said if you get a trade from me you will get 2000 NM Bat wings because he said he can hack into the AJ Headquarters, and yeah right, we can't even hold up to 2000 NM Bat wings, only 200. Like, why won't he have his own NM Bat Wings if he could do that for himself?
I nearly quit AJ because of all this =.=
Well I'd ignore her tantrums is not the way to get what you want..and I don't think in the game of Animal Jam there still is 2,000 players with nm bat wings.So ya your right..
DeleteHey Guys
Why I LUV Scammers:
Scammers are what makes jamaa have something to do. If everyone was nice, we would get bored.
The End
(P.S I, sesshomaru123, am a scammer and i like admitting it!!!)
Ooh... Your right (My identity is VERY HIDDEN)
DeleteThe user explains EVERYTHING
It does create drama... but scamming is not right have you ever got scammed i used to have a top hat and i got scammed and it wasn't fun for me so I think its not right to encourage steeling peoples things and hurting people...
DeleteI agree! Scammers RUIN jamaa! Maybe sometimes me get bored, but drama aint the way to have fun! Find something else to do! Plus, scammers hurt jammers feelings, in my 1 month away and I've been playing for a year I've never been scammed but from other jammers, I've seen people who have started crying in real life, and I do think that they're over reacting doing that) but still, scammers hurt their feelings, and that's NOT nice! So I don't think it make jamaa fun.
Some scammers are clever, but some
DeleteAre just obvious -_/)
This item is so awesome!!!!!!!! I love it!!!!
im glad the HQ finally started to get stuff for non members. i think they should make a cool den for non members too, for like thirty days, they'll give it to them, and stuff, so they get a look on waht a member life is like!
Deletelparents i luvvvvvvvvvvvvvv being a mmember!
ReplyDelete,iju.788 ;i'l juk,vtnmfgc
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletewell you weren't necessarily rejected you still got you den :)
ReplyDeleteYou know what, Snowy, I don't think AJ HQ meant to make another winner when they made the Enchanted Hollows den, but Jammers were saying stuff like "This isn't a proper contest" and so on and they decided to make another winner, a real one. I hope the old beta den is chosen! Or at least the new den is nonmember!
PS. I'm going to have a contest as soon as I get about 100 more views (I'll have 1000 then) so keep checking back to the Animal Jam Spark!
I think they made it to go with foxes and than some people entered that so they put that up while they sort through the rest.
DeleteImma work on sum artwork :P
aj is offline!
that happened to me once. it was annoying :(
Deletelparents-aka- annoymouse
annoymouse??? lol
never mind...
ReplyDeleteThe crossbows don't look as nice as the bow and arrows do...
ReplyDeleteagreed they don't look as detailed or as friendly :3
Deleteya, bow and arrows look a ton better! i luv the pink bow! i used to have it, i cant remember what i traded it for...
To me the new den looks like the Taj mahal In India.....I've never been there....But I've seen a suuuuuuuuper Kiddy picture of it XP.
ReplyDeleteOMG, I luv the Crossbow! :D It's even better than bow and arrows! I bought a purple one right away! >3< About the den contest, I am sooo dissapointed! I thought the Enchanted Hollow was the winning entry 4 sure! I'm upset cause it's the den I entered. :( I wonder what the actual winning entry is? o3o
Hey fellow jammers! There seems to be a lot of violent items coming out. O.o
ReplyDelete•In December of 2011 bow and arrows came out. They were a huge hit for clanners and fashion designers on AJ.
•At the beginning of 2012 nunchucks came out. A very violent item. A big hit when they came out, but died away after a few months.
•And now crossbows!! Sure to be another hit with clanners. But of course, very violent.
Even though these are cool items for your look, there are 5 to 7 year olds on here. Is this the kind of stuff they should be exposed to? Is this what the old Jamaa is turning into? A violent online game? Whats next?
Josh, I think you're making a big deal. Five year olds and six year olds aren't dumb. Anyways, seven year olds are way smarter than you think, definitely. This is what the AJHQ wants! Big hits. Believe me, they know what they are doing. It's not violent if you can't use it to hit another jammer. Nunchucks just hang around on your leg. Anyways, they don't want a game that is boring. 5 and 7 year olds are smart! they are taught to be good kids. Anyway, it is just clothes. It isn't like real life, or anything. You're making a big deal! Parents know what their kids are doing, and they probably check on them.
DeleteAj is getting more and more violent. I wish I could quit but, I can go back now. I love it too much. And my BFF would be HEARTBROKEN!!
ReplyDeleteI mean cant
DeleteGuys! Reality check. Also for the sake of your bff, this game is also educational. Guys, people FIGHT online, but it isn't as big in real life. It's kind of like, when they're annoyed, they can shout out anything, not ANYTHING, but they can also express their anger. Aj is fun! Trading, buddying, games, fun, fashion shows... The only thing that the hq should lower down is the romance! people want to
Delete"do it" to young. They're just kids! That's all.
lparents-p.s. i have my own blog-please check it out!
I hope my den wins. I entered it late and I really like it.
I wonder what the secret wolf is, does anyone have it so I can see?
ReplyDeletedear scammers and hackers, yes, i admit it, i accidentally hacked once. i didn't take anything, but i deleted all their buddies. i nearly scammed once. im ashamed of it, and i want all the hackers to know? GO AHEAD! try and hack me! i'll see if you can. I wonder if you all are so smart if you think you are! try and crack my code, doofuses! it starts with a d! try and guess, doofus hackers+ scammers!
ReplyDeletelparents, you'll be sorry you ever hacked/scammed again.
What is with the violent wear? Bows and arrow, crossbow, whats next!?
ReplyDeleteSwords, Crossbow, Bows and arrows, Nunchucks, Spartan items, helmets, armor, Samurai helmet, Dual Samurai swords, and more! Gosh AJ, this is NOT necessary!!
Deletei know right so unnecessary. well do you want to know all of my awesome clothing for aj i have a red nm glove and a black nm glove and a red fox hat and a white fox hat i usaly were my white one tho so everyone who commented on this please buddy me!!!!! oh and im friends with a lot of famous people like alex something and also bepper and snowyclaw its rely awesome the only famous person im not friends with is julian2 :( oh well idleast im friends with snowyclaw
ReplyDeletei got a non member pirate sword OMG!!!!P.S. i thik scammers are mean and horried! p.p.sif ya want to trade my non member sword use is...
ReplyDeletekiljhtf :)happy jamming! and are nm bat wings worth more than nm pirate swords???? someone traded me two bat wings (nm) for my nm pirate sword! is it a fair trade should i re-trade? thanks for help again, kiljhtf!
ReplyDeletelol i think the next item is guns AJ is going. a little extereme.....
ReplyDelete:0 snoweh im a big fan plz buddy meh im TmntMikey1 or send meh something I will send back 030