Hey jammers! Today's "rare" item is the Rare Seaweed Hair. You can purchase one on the second page of Bahari Bargains.

My post tomorrow will be quite late, but if I know the item it shall be tweeted via twitter, and you can read it in my twitter box on the right side of the blog. ^.^ Now . . . Mystery Monday!
With shamans returning, why not ponder about them?

Where has Sir Gilbert been these long few years? What have his adventures been? Why is he returning to Jamaa?

New artwork on the Spirit Art mini blog!
Hi 1st comment! :p Got you bigcatsforever! :P
ReplyDeleteSeaweed hair looks HORRIBLE on an octopus! totally freaky lol. Anyway check out my blog i have a contest.
Hahaha.I seen them on an octopus.I think their wicked cool!xD
I called it, no fair!
Delete-steals Recess Cups- I took your Recess Cups! now I am going to give them to Tiggerkat. -gives to tiggerkat-
DeleteLol. Some sad news. I may have to quit reading this blog. School starts today. :(
Please visit The Daily Howl. (My first contest is going on!)
DeleteHere is the URL:
And please sign up for the Howl Club!!!!
Anonymous this is not a meaning to stop reading the blog :( just read it after school is over or so just please keep on the blog :(
DeleteKerriecat old blogger user and AJ user
sure ill check it out but right now i have no time for the contest :( but i may as well look :) and follow
DeleteKerriecat old blogger user and AJ user
school gonna start soon :C oh well....
Deletefor me it's 2 or 1 weeks..
DeleteKerriecat old blogger user and AJ user
@kerriecat lucky! I'm the anonymous who commented about school starting yesterday. I won't stop.
Long reply line! Anyways, I want candy.
K, ill see your tweets. And this item is ish
ReplyDeleteI don't really want anyone to know my real name so I Wont post my Twitter user....only one jammer that I don't know in real.life knows it
DeleteI only read the tweets sometimes but I will this time. But Snow why are you going to be so late? Need some more sleep..?
Do you love warriors, but hate the drama in the clans on Animal Jam? Well, I have the site for you! Join
It's an active role playing site with friendly members. We have five clans for you to join and a tribe! We also have loners and kitty pets too! Come on in and join Cinderpaw!
DeleteMy guess is that snowy starts school that day...Just a guess!
oh Mango sorry im late to reply anyway well from updating my blogger to Google plus and now it shows my real name sometimes i don't feel safe but im fine now i calmed down anyway but sometimes i have my odd times so... now everyone knows on whole name on Bloggers and Google plus..but im fine now
DeleteKerriecat old blogger user and AJ user
I miss kerriecat too.
Have you noticed that the Seaweed hair is the same color as the Rare Pigtails! And they both are some type of hair! Coincidence? I think not!
ReplyDeleteSir Girlbert was in a tall mountain, although, only he knew how to get up there without being killed. He wanted to rest, and take a break from Jamaa. He wanted just to relax and not worry about anything. Then, Phantoms came exploding from a volcano, and hitting inocent jammers. Sir Gilbert relized the destruction in Jamaa, when he left. Now he wants to save Jamaa.
cool story it's gonna take forever for me to put the whole story of mine.... and btw yep i catched that a little so yeah.....
DeleteKerriecat old blogger user and AJ user
I didn't notice that! You're so right!!! They ARE the same color...and they're both hair. o.0
yeah ikr it's weird...
DeleteKerriecat old blogger user and AJ user
I don't like this item... I mean, it looks bad enough... Opinion .-.
I like the seaweed hair.:)
ReplyDeleteIt makes me hungry!:D xD
Bon appetit!
Sushi is my favorite food! I will make seaweed hair sushi! XD
DeleteLOL honestly i hate sushi but yeah LOL
DeleteKerriecat old blogger user and AJ user
Oh and I love eating seaweed and sushi. :D
My class hated me because I ate seaweed... :(
It's just that I'm different... :(
~ The One and Only True Spider Fan
I LIKE SPIDERS but honestly i never tried seaweed...
DeleteKerriecat old blogger user and AJ user
I want a pet tarantula. SPIDERS.
Delete~ The One and Only True Spider Fan
DeleteSushi and seaweed. Lalalallalalalaalala rainbow.
"rainbow barf"
Hungry. O.O Coincidence, I think not! >:D
ReplyDeleteLol I'm starving cause I just woke up and I'm hungry!!!!
DeleteKerriecat old blogger user and AJ user
Double rainbows!!!!!!!!! >3<
ReplyDeleteI have something strange to say. Yesterday, when I logged in, I had 10 gems. When I logged in today, I had 9,856 gems! Can someone explain that? >.<
ReplyDeletesure. GLITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteIf your a member, your member ship was redeemed.
Very odd but probably a glitch or something like Anonymous said.
some kind of glitch im guessing but MAY be some kind of hack not sure but more chance glitch...
DeleteKerriecat old blogger user and AJ user
But I was able to spend the gems. ... :/
DeleteRenewed membership no glitch you can spend no... It's either a gift or purchase....
Sir Gilburt within battle of the phantoms not so long since won as he did not know it was yet still going in fact Sir Gilburt got kidnapped by the phantom king and forced to be evil he will never of done this NEVER he had hope for Jamma he had hope for you jammers as so it was hard to let go with Jamma's life but he had no choice as so he did NOT go for to go evil of course...but he was to be trapped with the phantoms forever as so he was thinking that in time all shaman was kidnapped and in the end the sky mother Mira they was doomed Jamma turned into darkness and most jammers died from suffer as most thank there was no hope Jamma township turned to darkness and Mira's statue crushed till there was nothing left but as it replaced as the king phantom known as the new ruler of Jamma and as phantom swarmed the land
ReplyDeletei will be doing part 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 yes it has 5 parts LOL soon
Kerriecat old blogger user and AJ user
however Sir Gilburt was never saw for years from now the loss to all jammers but one days he broke out but now... Sir Gilburt is freeing the others as so the shaman will soon ever be back..
Deletesorry the story sucks a bit...btw this is part 2 LOL
Kerriecat old blogger user and AJ user
okay i only put in 2 parts sorry the rest i can not think...
DeleteKerriecat old blogger user and AJ user
It's pretty good. :p :)
thanks Ronnie :)
DeleteKerriecat old blogger user and AJ user
The story.
ReplyDeleteSir Gilbert was driven out of Jamaa, the phantoms had cast a curse on him. If he ever went back to Jamaa when the spell wasn't broken, he would destroy everything, and everyone - ever Mira. Mira was upset as she couldn't help Sir Gilbert. She called all the shamans together and told them what had happened to Sir Gilbert. They all agreed they had to break the curse. But they couldn't get near him since the phantoms could control them. "We will defeat the phantoms and drive them out of Jamaa. They'll take him to bait us." whispered Harper. It was the best plan they had - and the only chance. It made the other shamans sad, but they knew they must do it. It hurt Mira to watch Sir Gilbert to be driven out, but she knew it would weaken- she just didn't know when. The magic would weaken over time, as all phantoms curses' do that.
Years later.
The spell had weakened but hadn't broke completely.
Mira and Sir Gilbert were alone. Sir Gilbert stared at Mother Mira with hate in his eyes. He flicked his tail and hissed. " Sir Gilbert, you've changed." Mira whispered. Peck was hiding, waiting to put the cross of Jamaa on Gilbert when Mira gave the signal. Just then Mira raised her foot and tapped once. Peck dashed out and stuck it on his armband. The spell was now broken. But to prove himself worthy, Sir Gilbert had to go on a quest to a mountain to find a spirit stone. It took many days and many nights to climb into the cave, but it caved in, which is that cave at mt shiver full of rocks. He picked up the spirit stone when he finally found it and inspected it. It was in the shape of a fox. Despite all his fur, Sir Gilbert was shivering. He heard some movement behind him and a warm cloak was draped over him. Suddenly, Gilbert knew the spirit stone was a foxes. Sir Gilbert has been controled by phantoms, gone on a quest to prove himself still a worthy shaman and found the fox spirit stone. He needs to set all his wrongs right. He had been forgiven by Mira and the other shamans, but he needs us to forgive him too. Can we find it in our hearts to forgive him? Or will he feel his wrongs will never be set right. I forgive him, but do you...?
great story :)
DeleteKerriecat old blogger user and AJ user
I think I like yours better Kerrie
Deleteaww thanks :) but honestly yours is WAY better i even posted your story onto my blog :)
DeleteKerriecat old blogger name and AJ user
Awesome story!
DeleteKerriecat old blogger user and AJ user
ReplyDeleteI really hope everyone forgives him!
Please visit The Daily Howl. (My first contest is going on!)
DeleteHere is the URL:
And please sign up for the Howl Club!!!!
oh and also Snowy i got a good idea for contest results but im a bit worried if it courses upsettings if there low right for example 1st 2nd 3rd at least them will be good but im not sure about this kind of things everyone gets a rate and whoever get's the most wins but im betting even with 1st 2nd 3rd will be good it will be about votes from people for example i will of voted for T.U.K.W.O.J - Unknown Wolf of Jamaa's story and we will have many votes for it if it was on so yeah i think we may have a vote thing about this...
ReplyDeleteKerriecat old blogger name and AJ user
Sadly, Sir Gilbert has been replaced as a Lion...
umm......well i guess but im guess he's still a tiger shaman...
DeleteKerriecat old blogger user and AJ user
Well, yes, but in aj he has been replaced as a lion......
Deletehow you find this out?
DeleteKerriecat old blogger user and AJ user
So now Sir Gilbert is the tiger and lion shaman..?
yeah as far as i hear but kinda replaced as lion so MAYBE just lion....
DeleteKerriecat old blogger user and AJ user
Sir Gilbert
ReplyDeleteGilbert was a young tiger, one day wishing he would become something...Special. "I wish I could go do something for the entire world that would make me special" Said the young Gilbert. He was the smallest all his brothers and sisters. The largest female being Oak and the largest male being Cedar. Yes, as you can tell the two were twins. Cedar was tough, and mean to the smaller cubs, while Oak was always nice. Gilbert admired the new cubs born last week. So tiny. That made him not the smallest. Gilbert was not yet full grown so he had some hope to wish for. Gilbert climbed into the cave he called home, crawled onto his leaf-made bed. Tomorrow he would be old enough to hunt.
In Gilbert's dreams he saw weird images. Images of horror and peace, happiness and love. When he woke, standing in front of him was a giant gray haron. Gilbert growled and showed his teeth but the haron just smiled. "Hello" said the haron. Gilbert stared. "From now on you will call me Mira, The sky mother." She said in the softest tone. "And I will know you as?" She asked. "Gilbert." said Gilbert. "Ah... So Sir Gilbert are you ready for your journey?" Mira said, still smiling. "What journey!?" Said Sir Gilbert in shock. "And who are you?!". "Ah... Your mother has not yet told you that you have great powers. Realizing that he had gotten bigger in the past five minutes, he just looked at the haron named Mira and said "Where are these journeys." Mira just smiled and said "Follow" and so he did.
Three Years Later...
"C'mon Greely. We can't fight these things off all day!" Said Sir Gilbert as he hit a phantom with a spear. "Oh come on they can't get tha.." said Greely, cut off by a phantom zooming by. "Ok maybe it can..." he said as another zoomed past. "Where are they going?" Said Sir Gilbert in a worried tone. They both looked at each other. They were going to the Zios Temple, Where they would bring down both Mira and Zios. Both thinking the same thing they both ran to the castle as fast as they could. When they got there, Zios had already fallen. Poor Mira's tears were what the phantoms wanted - more. Greely sobbed, but Sir Gilbert just sat and watched. From then on he would flee the phantoms. He didn't want to end up like the great Zios. He breathed, than ran, being chased by many shamans, but once he reached the Jamaa Boundaries the shamans stopped chasing him. They knew he would return someday, but not today...
Ooh! I've been working on a story for this!
ReplyDeleteLong ago, in the years of early Beta, Sir Gilbert looked up at the snowy vast regions to the north. "This will be the start of a new land for the good Jamaasians!" Jammers cheered from the cliff leading to the nearby forest. Liza looked brave, ready. Greely smirked. He knew what liza was thinking and knew where to find it. Gilbert roared. The shamans walked off to the north.
Not too far in, they saw a cave with phantoms. Greely howled and the phantoms shivered and exploded. Gilbert piped up. "I regognise this echo. This is the uncharted regions of my cave!" Suddenly, Graham disappeared! A worried Cosmo looked at a monkey-shaped hole in the ice. Greely howled. That was a mistake. Something grabbed him! Gilbert looked around. Suddenly, he saw the icy lands through bars. Liza ran like the wind! "Don't worry!" she called. "I will come back for you!"
Hours later, in the other side of his cave, Gilbert, Greely, and a rather wet Graham were tied up in a cage. A big phantoms trailing chains and wearing a crown came up. "Hookleg," muttered Greely. "Yes," rumbled the phantom. "'Tis i, Hookleg, High King of all Phantoms!" Gilbert felt a small growl in his throat. Hookleg continiued. "we will never forgive you for destroying half our population with... THESE." Hookleg's hook held many enchanted spears. Gasps from all three. "The Spears," breathed Graham. Hookleg scolded all three. "Now, you will pay!" Gilbert saw a zap building up in Hookleg's body. "Not so fast!" came a panda's voice. Liza swung at Hookleg with a frozen vine. she just managed to grab hold of a Spear Hookleg was holding. She swung back at him and stabbed Hookleg with the spear. "AAAAAARRRGGHH!!!" Screech Hookleg before he exploded. Liza quickly cut the cage that the three Shamans were in and cut the ropes. the rest of the phantoms look one look at the free Greely and exploded. The six shamans walked into the wilds to complete their Quest.
DeleteThey have recently completed their Quest and are marching back into Jamaa...
OMG Gilbert is the pretzel Goldfish!!! Maybe they named Sir Gilbert after that!
ReplyDeleteLong ago, as a new shaman, Gilbert had been told to defeat the phantom king. The other shamans agreed to help. Gilbert chose the most dangerous role in the attack... Distracting the king. As Greely Selected a spell, Gilbert announced " king of the phantoms. I, Sir Gilbert will defeat you". Greely created a plasma ball behind the phantoms Gilbert stabbed the phantom. The phantom was dead, but not before it said " you have won the battle, but not the war. The rest of my army is trapped in a cave at the mountain." Gilbert had decided to find them alone. He traveled to mount shiveer and did not return for many moons.
my story:
ReplyDeleteLong, long, long ago when Shamans and jammers and Mira still lived in harmony- almost. Mira wished for that. Phantoms had come to invade Jamaa. Sadly, sadly Mira had urged her soldiers on. But she needed a good warrior. She had looked everywhere for him, and finally, after many days, she found Sir Gilbert. She had told him about the war. And he had accepted the challenge with a knight's pride, honor, nobility and soveriegnness. He had helped Mira set up the truce with the phantoms. Where she, her statue I mean, would have to be torn from Jamaa and the Phantoms put their's instead. After a few months of piece, Mira left. (when I tell the legend it always makes people cry at that part)
Sir Gilbert remembered that. Shamans were forced into exile. and he now felt a stirring in his heart, his that he had to go. He had to go to Jamaa. He set off at an easy trot. Sir Gilbert did not pack anything. He looked around him, his old exile for the past year and a half. it was a dark cave. Jungles surrounded it. The jungles weren't like Jamaa's- these were darker, crueler. After he had cleared the jungle he ran. OH! he thought, it feels so good to run! By nightfall he had covered what no tiger could have covered before- 43 miles- without rest.
Sir Gilbert stopped to rest. He was in a plain-ish biome and loved it. Suddenly a low, menacing growl erupted from the throat of a beast. Kind yet valiant Sir Gilbert walked over to that noise," who are you?" he asked.
"I go by no name. Though once, a mighty people called me Greely."
Sir Gilbert felt like someone had slugged him in the stomach," Greely! It is me, Sir Gilbert."
Suddenly the wolf perked up. The two male shamans spoke no words. By morning the two had covered 12 miles. Along the way the met Peck, Graham and Cosmo. The Shamans journeyed for days before they caught sight of Liza. She was still beautiful in her kind nature, yet she looked weak, defeated.
"Liza! Liza over here!" Peck exclaimed.
The Panda shaman lumbered over the way all pandas do and smiled. No words were said- these were Shamans. Shamans do not need words to speak. They listen to each other through their hearts.
They had come so far. And in the distance, they could just see the tip of a building, a small bamboo hut. Liza saw the Canyons and Mt. Shiveer. They raced home- forgetting they were Shamans- on four legs. Graham swung from the trees- Peck did a jig, Greely for once, smiled, and Liza and Sir Gilbert hugged.
Once they had settled down, Sir Gilbert let out a roar. It held all his pain and suffering. Yet it also held . . . Hope!
Wow awesome story!
guys all your srories are better then mine well BETA LOL
ReplyDeleteKerriecat old blogger user and AJ user
Please visit The Daily Howl. (My first contest is going on!)
DeleteHere is the URL:
And please sign up for the Howl Club!!!!
Long Ago, the legendary tiger shaman, Sir Gilbert, was just a small tiger cub when a whole army of phantoms had attacked Jamaa. Sir Gilbert let out a fearsome roar and flung himself at a phantom, small claws extended. He sunk his teeth deep into the phantom and snarled. The phantom let out a high pitched squeal and fell to the ground, dead. Sir Gilbert had killed his first phantom, when he was just a cub! That was a day the tiger shaman never would forget. One day, Sir Gilbert was taking a nice walk when a whole army of phantoms exploded out of the bushes right beside him! They tackled the tiger shaman to the ground and held him there. Sir Gilbert lashed out at the attacking enemies but the phantoms were too strong. They lifted Sir Gilbert right off the ground and carried him over Jamaa. Sir Gilbert helplessly roared for help but the phantoms low buzzing sounds drowned him out. The tiger shaman was carried far from Jamaa, into the unknown wilderness. Suddenly, Sir Gilbert was thrown into a large river with a very strong current. The phantoms cheered wildly as Sir Gilbert was swept away by strong current. Sir Gilbert washed up on shore a day later, his fur soaked to the bone. The tiger shaman woke up and looked around, confused. He then remembered the phantoms and growled angrily. Sir Gilbert got to his paws unsteadily and started to make his long journey back to his home. The tiger shaman promised himself he would not rest until he found Jamaa. But he soon broke his promise. After 4 long days and nights of walking, Sir Gilbert slumped to the ground and let himself fall into a deep sleep. He dreamed of returning to Jamaa and seeing the relieved faces of the other shamans. He saw Liza's beautiful panda face as she ran to him and hugged him. He saw Greely smile at his and welcome him home. He saw Peck dance around his big paws and he saw Cosmo welcome him home. But then he saw the phantoms that carried him away from his beloved home. Sir Gilbert watched as they grabbed each Shaman. The tiger shaman lashed out at the phantoms but it was no use. He watched as his friends were carried to the sky and were flown away from Jamaa, kicking and screaming for help. Sir Gilbert jerked awake, his whole body shaking. He had to get home! Sir Gilbert got to his paws right away and started running, running through the untamed wilderness. He would soon find Jamaa, but the tiger shaman knew that it wouldn't be for a long time. I'll return one day, the shaman thought, but not today!
ReplyDeletehe has been staying in the sealed cave when Crystal Sands changed i bet when he comes out he will be near the cave in Crystal Sands
ReplyDeletePlease visit The Daily Howl. (My first contest is going on!)
ReplyDeleteHere is the URL:
And please sign up for the Howl Club!!!!
sir gilbert and the other shamans where confused on how beta items came and left aj so sunndenly, they set off on research and a journey to find out why, as they left, more stuff from beta days returns to our town, perhaps this is their clue tht beta will return 1 day in jamaa?
DeleteWow! That is a really cool perspective. I like that a lot because it explains a few things even though that's probably not what happened I really like it!!!!
thanks ducier :) i believe this is the real story becuz everysince they been gone, more rare items from beta days have returned, it could be our sign tht beta stuff will return to us jammers once more
DeleteIt was a cold chilly day in a land far away from Jamaa.
ReplyDeleteSir Gilbert was shivering even in his robe. He was tired of always having to do dangerous quests. But, he didn't want to disappoint Mira. "Sir Gilbert?" He looked up and saw Amelia, the fox shaman there. "Yes?" He answered. "Umm, where is everyone?" Amelia questioned. Sir Gilbert looked around. Then he saw all the shamans gathered around Mira. He told Amelia to follow him to the gathering. When they arrived, Mira said. " Good job shamans on all your discoveries, as a reward, I will let you all return back to Jamaa." As soon as those words were said, all the shamans were greatly happy. All the shamans chorused " Thank you Mira!"Mira answered back " Don't thank me, it has been your long hard journey that got you this." ~Animalgirl58943
AJ IS OFFLINE!!!!?????? IT 5:08 PM!!!!!!! DX
ReplyDeleteIK!!!!!!! Why why WHY
DeleteNvm it back!!
DeleteYay it back!!!! XD
DeleteKerriecat old blogger user and AJ user
UGH! AJ JUST LOGGED ME OUT D: I went back on, and they were updating!! D: Well.. at least it wasn't the phantoms this time :L ~Animalgirl58943
ReplyDeleteIn a land close to Mt.Shiveer, Sir Glibert washed his paws for a good meal he was looking forward to in the river close by.He looked up at the sunny hills then back at the rushing river, then said: " This land is perfect for all living in Jamma!" He was very happy with this land, and he couldnt wait to tell the jammsians. After he finished his dinner, Sir Gilbert explored the hills nearby. He was planning to make a shop near the bottom of a small hill. He thought of the shop that was once in Coral Canyons and said " We could reopen that shop! Right here!" Then he thought about the jammisans fishing in the river and swimming in it on hot days. This land would be perfect for the jammsians!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletePlease visit The Daily Howl. (My first contest is going on!)
ReplyDeleteHere is the URL:
And please sign up for the Howl Club!!!!
I cant find ur blog D: it says it has been removed d: D:
SNOWY, I think this was on another comment (on the last post maybe?) but Lost Temple of Zios isn't lost anymore -- It's just called Temple of Zios with an awkward space where the Lost should go! xD this is awesome! What do you think of it? :3
ReplyDeletei wanted to post my comment but it was too long i'll do it by pieces!
ReplyDeleteSir Gilbert was sent on a very dark quest to find phantoms nesting. Sir Gilbert proudly said,
" dangerous? I am a true warrior, i think not" I said.
For the others warned me Greely disappeared trying to find they'r lair.I went to a flash back of Jammers terrified wondering were shamans are going and disappearing to...I drop my head and look at the ground I look at the badge on my left leg,and glance at my cape. "I told him it was to dangerous" he says in a low smooth but slightly rough voice. I see a tiny Jammer bunny come up behind me and say to me while I'm in a conversation for getting my next quest..
i remind her not to interrupt shamans for they'r work should not be interrupted.. she proceeds anyway
" I a jammer think you should not only go on this quest for to find the phantoms but to save Greely , you used to be good friends remember?"
i remind her "used too..." i say with a fiery rising in. I feel as if i should tell this small bunny everything of my past... but it'd waste time of me saving Greely.Ugh i think to my self she's convinced my thoughts to save him no matter if he didn't listen to me..I speak quietly as if sorry i said no to her before..
" i'll try and find him.."
she looked so happy the smile was at least a mile wide and that she hopped away spreading a rumor Greely. I knew it was hopeless and I'd end up somewhere trapped like Greely. But he started off right away charging into the dark forest seeing glimpses of shadows and hearing the howls of hoots feeling the feet below him grow tired and his tongue so try unable to speak, he stops and know he should turn back by now hes so far deep in the woods, he looks for water to cure his rough tongue.he sees some dripping in the distance not bothering to look around him just focusing on the liquid , thoughtfully he checks if its water and sips it fast once he was back to himself and hydrated. He finely noticed were he was but he was to late to escape.
"it was some sort of trap!" i repeated in my head..
I'm in some sort of cage and I finely notice whats happening what they're doing...
ReplyDeleteThey are luring all the shamans into they're cave til they can trap them all and over rule Jamaa and take over I catch a glimpse of his eye knowing i'll be with him til death trapped in this cage better not be enimes
He is the first to speak not a real good hi , since it's been a couple years
"The food is pretty nice considering we don't have to catch it ourselves he slightly smiles in the dark i can see it i grin knowing that's the Greely i haven't seen in awhile. He speaks again.
"I'm sorry I didn't listen to you I just wanted to prove to Mira I'm just as good of a warrior as you" he puffs
I smile and say " that's okay i guess we can put that behind us now right?"
"i bet you've figured out they'r plan by now.." he says flatly
"yep lure all the shamans in to trap us like rats feed us so we don't die and eventual y they'll all come.. and phantoms will take over jamaa"
His reply was simple"indeed"
Months later..
" well that didn't take long."
when a bunch of unbreakable cages lands next to us containing a shaman in each. I'm sort of jealous cause I have to share one but at the same time glad i have a compainon also terrified for jamaa what will happen to us..
The phantoms have left to jamaa to take over leaving a phantom named scar well we nicknamed him scar cause he's silent and he feed us and has a scar above his one eye.We also manage to harvest our seeds from plants and drops of water and grow a leaf, we know some where today some jammer is being over come by phantoms.
to be continued..
ReplyDeleteIn jamaa
everyone is running around people are starting clans wolves turning on bunnies brothers turning on brothers and the story of the shamans and Mira start to fade away" til a group called the Jamaasian movement speak up and say some words that teaches a few jammers the history of jamaa and teaches us about shamans we become curious and ask questions "where are the shamans!" "why is everyone so mean" and our questions had multiple answers but only a main one.. "phantoms" for they silently roam around jamaa and the Jamaasian movement refused to be casted under their spell and fought on til one day they kept changing jamaa had statues named and finely set off for a quest of their own .. they were going to find the shamans,,,
they found the shamans later that day and brought them back they had very good personalty and taught other jammers to be nice and soon the phantoms disappeared Jamaa was still a happy place
im sure we can defeat those phantoms with some friend ship being nice not fighting be a buddy jamming not scamming brighten jamma! -lillyfh well its a little long i dont blame you for not wanting to read it all :P wow three posts lol im sorry its too long but i think it describes it epic :D
Hey Snowy there is now a Tree stump sink :)
ReplyDeleteKerriecat old blogger user and AJ user
Snowy you need 2 post 4 today it's the tree stump sink. (some1 is behind...)
ReplyDeleteHe said he would be late on his next post -.- did u read his whole post?
Deleteit came out only a remount of time ago and Snow did say she may of been late..
DeleteKerriecat old blogger user and AJ user
Omg your great snowyclaw good job on the contest luv ur fox facts congrats!! Ur da best!!
ReplyDeleteIf you guys wanna see the new item, you can always check out my blog. :3
ReplyDeletehey guys i have had no one lately checking my blog out lately and the work i put into it...so guys please? i need it to keep running...i will check yours out any time in fact i check out random ones :)
ReplyDeleteKerriecat old blogger user and AJ user
meep! Snowy you won the news crew! Good Job! P.S. Last day to enter contest on my bl0g! Animaljammonitor.wordpress.com! Deadline Today at 2PM Central! ~Animalgirl58943
ReplyDeletesnowy i have a message for you...........................
ReplyDeleteYOU WON THE NEWS CREW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you have a legend that you do not like that is not gold Please Jam-a-gram me or come to me. My user is coolrabb and i am trying to collect some to give to my friend. she got hacked a few days ago... :( Oh And GREAT BLOGGING SNOWYCLAW YOUR THE BEST!!!!
ReplyDelete100th comment! Yusss lol anyway I have seen Lisa and Cosmo, so they might not show as much as others, and Graham as shown as you know I'm sure ^3^
ReplyDeleteOnce apon Jamaa, Sir Gilbert was a small cub and lived with other tigers in the forest. His father, Sir Drake was a warrior for his tiger clan. They usally fought other animals such as wolves or bears. His father told his young cub that he would not be around forever and he had to be a strong warrior. Sir Gilbert looked up at his father proudly and said i will! But, my young cub.. id like you to travel far make peace with all in the animals in a wonder place kwown as Jamaa, once you find it bring all of our tigers there safely. Young Gilbert noded and padded off to play with the other cubs. Hey Naki hi Kikoo,my father said i need to be a warrior! Gilbert explained to his friends what his father had told him. WOW!! squeled the two cubs. I cant wait to go there! Lets play train! sqeaked Kikoo who was very exicted. They wrested and play fighted. Until one day when they were all grown up and Gilbert's dad had now passed away, gilbert became "Sir" Gilbert and was the strongest of the tigers and a very proud warrior, Kikoo was 2nd in command of the tigers and was Sergeant Kikoo, Naki became 3rd in command and was now Trainer Naki. They had told the other tigers about the Jamaa place. The other tigers thought it was non sense to befriend other animals that were not cats. But Sir Gilbert lead them to Jamaa as soon as they looked into Mira's eyes they immeditly just became peace with the other Jamaa animals. One day somthing happened to all the shamans and they didnt come back for almost 2 years. Now there on there journey back to Jamaa and Sir Gilbert is going through some trouble.. on there way they passed throuhg his old home and he stopped and stared apon it, the other shamans puzzled at the strange place told him to come on. Sir Gilbert sighed and headed with them at the back of the group. Lately he had also been going through something new for him. When they had passed near a closely looking place like Jamaa he stared into the water.. and knew who she was, Sir Gilbert was now "in Love"....
ReplyDeleteTHE END! hope you liked it! Will i finish about his true love? thats up to you if you comment on my story!
this was wrote by: lovelion123