Do you want to make a difference? . . click here . . .
Hey jammers! The new item of the day is the Falling Phantoms game now sold in the Sol Arcade! Isn't it neat?

I'd buy if I wasn't saving up for clearance items! Also, you may have noticed the Freedom Plushies have been taken off the Summer Carnival shelves with no clearance warning.

I hope you got the ones you wanted! The Freedom Party also seems to be over for good now. Lastly, Sky High (at the top of Coral Canyons) is now on DOUBLE GEMS!

Happy jamming everyone, hope to see you in Jamaa!
Meep! I didn't get a chance to get all the Freedom Plushies!!! :( I was wondering if anyone has them could they please reply and maybe we could do a trade? If so that would be great! Reply here or on my blog the Animal Jam Times.
i got none :(
DeleteSame. I didn't get one single Freedom Plushie.
DeleteI have a Freedom Ducky. They're very tiny! And I wonder when the Summer Carnival is going to end...I enjoyed it! And Snowyclaw, how do you post so early? I post around 8 a.m usually!
ReplyDeleteHappy Jamming! C:
well i had non LOL anyway just waking up early i guess a little like me
DeleteI sleep in on Saturday's. ;D
Deletelucky XD
DeleteI e-mailed Snowy and asked her about that. She said that she's a night that's all I got to say. :P
DeleteI normally wake up at around 8:00 to 7:00 in the morning.
ugh just get on and got a note "Animal Jam will be closing for a short update 1 minute"! it does it everyday now. WEIRD...!
ReplyDeleteAlso, i think it's strange that we got fallingphantoms... I mean we have 5 year old kids on there! isn't it a bit violent?
I personally don't think falling phantoms is not violent, i mean, there's only phantoms falling from the sky! There's no blood or killing! It's not that big of a deal, I've seen crueler and violent games before.
Deletehonestly not really it,s alright there is no gore it,s fine :)
Deletei dont think it is violent..... its a GAME... and i dont think a 5 year old can work a computer without an adults help....
DeleteI sure didnt know how to work one when i was 5!!
DeleteI know. It happens to me too it's really annoying! >.<
Also, I can assure that it is not violent because the phantoms just crash to the ground and turn into a puff of smoke!
DeleteLol I couldn't work a computer either when I was 5. Well I could but my mom had to be there with me. :P
I knew how to get on a computer ALONE when I was 3. But it was only for games such as PBS Kids.
YAY i cant wait to buy a falling phantoms game for my den!!
DeleteI know, same! It's my absolute favorite game!
Yea. Falling phantoms isnt violant because first of all. Phantoms are like enemies of jamaa and when u get hit by it. Ur character would just jump and fall! (very funny for me.. BP) It's not like they would scream...O3O
ReplyDeleteyeah honestly it,s fine and fun and kinda jammaision :)
DeleteYeah it is Jamaasian because phantoms are a part of jamaasian lore.
Falling phantoms is my favorite game! it was horse derby before falling phantoms came out. I got 20,000 gems from falling phantoms!!! once you get good you will win so much gems!
ReplyDeletei know right but im pretty much to good at Jamma derby to not be my fave game XD
Deleteya im good at the games that have other people in it
Deletesame here
DeleteI got 40 thousand! :D
Delete:I i only get about 1002 in 100 plays XD
Deletei got about.. 6,000. but that was cuz my computer time was up and i had to stop :(
Deletei think i probably couldve earned more...
@ bobby carth
DeleteI'm good at those games too lol
DeleteI'm good at Falling Phantoms, Jamaa Derby, and Sky High. Oh and also Fruit Slinger. Loooovve that game....XD
Oh and by the way I just earned 2,000 gems in Falling Phantoms because I bought a Silver Glove, and I always like to earn my gems back so I don't go poor. Lol. :P
Please Come Visit My New Blog!!
Comment Please!
Little Tinyfriend
Little tiny friend,it's not nice to go on someone's else's blog and advertise your's just taking away her fans and getting you when they were hers.(this also goes to all jammers).
Deletenot really some people do it i do sometimes all it is for is so they get people to see there blog when they need to the people will still read the other blog just people need a remount of people
Delete*little tinyfriend
Deletei read your blog so far and it looks great- i would post a comment but it says everything but anonymous. ill try to make account.
*anonymous and Kerriecat (ish)
it is not the greatest thing but snowy could take of the comment if they wanted to. And if you start a blog its hard to get people to read it so they need people so they dont feel like they are talking to no one
yeah exactly i had someone3 do it on my blog got a remount of people to come to there blog then i got rid of it later :)
Delete>:( I was talking to you Kerriecat!!!!!(and other jammers)not to be mean if I'm sounding mean.
Deletewell i liked her blog i dont think its rude to put your blog on other peoples blog i used to love that til i cancled my blog
DeleteYou people are mini-modding. Please stop.
Delete@Little Tinyfriend
DeleteI love your blog background! Simply wonderful and looking good!
Well people can advertise their blogs on other peoples' blogs as long as the owner of the blog says it's ok. And I'm a fan of LOTS AND LOTS of blogs.
Kerriecat,it's rude.its not nice.ok?its not nice at all.if snowy was reading this,she would say this to.go advertise on someone's else's blog but not this 1!!!!!to prove this,go to fuzzy shivyivys blog and go down to the very bottom(pick a post first)and scroll down all the way were its says "please don't post your blogs,my blog is.NOT your advertisement.
ReplyDeleteit,s not exactly rude it,s what people sometimes HAVE TO DO if it sounds rude to anymore it is not a meaning to be mean...people just do it....i hardly do it sometimes i have to when im low on people honestly im never trying to be rude when i do it plus Snow gets it lots and no one has really got a message about it...people only do it if there is something going on on there blog not so they can steal all the people on Snowyclaws blog
Deleteim saying this nicely im not fighting with you im just telling you why people do it im not the kind thst will be rude
p,s i already got a AJ blog called website madness and im on my bloggers im really not trying to sound rude
Ok dear u two,
DeleteFirst of all the ppl reading the comments gst that its.rude to go other ppl blog and advertise ur blog.
Second of all the person knows that it.s someone else blog but they just want ppl to check their blog.
Last of all just stop.we All got the point.what you think is wut u think.dont matter wut othsr ppl think.
I'm not trying to be mean!!!!!!!!!!!i think y'all are all calling me a cyber bully...
DeleteUhh.. Honestly, I'm not trying to be meanto anyone who disagrees, but people can have two favorite blogs. I used to read this blog AND Lovelost's blog. (now she quit her blog. :(. ) It's not like people are trying to take away fans of the blog. If anyone agrees... Hehe... My blog is
Deleteim not trying to be mean or start a fight...Anonymous just leave it im not saying your mean just saying i don,t want to get into a fight...
DeleteHonestly, you guys may think it isn't nice, but haven't you noticed that Snowyclaw has a whole page showing different blogs? And we are not calling you a cyber bully. Finally, it is okay because, like chu714 said, you could have to favorite blogs. I have Snowyclaw's and another, but I can't access the other one. Sometimes, people have no choice and have to advertise or else they might lose their whole blog. And please don't fight.
Delete-Dance287 (Sorry if this was long.)
And why is everyone being so mean to Kerriecat! She didn't do anything wrong. She only just said one of her stories and your picking on her!
People, what you are doing is called mini modding. It is very rude and you should leave her alone!
DeleteI don't think it's rude to advertise your blog you go ahead and do it don't listen ot these people.
P.s. Kerriecat I like your blog. =D
Kerriecat,it's not nice.go to someone's else's blog if you are going to pit your advertisement on her blog,go do it someone elses blog but not hers!i bet if she was reading this right now,she would not want you to advertise your blog!!this is her blog not your and Not your advertisement blog.(I'm not trying to be mean if your think I'm am).
ReplyDeleteP.s.(if you want to advertise,go make your own blog called your aj advertisement not trying to be mean...
How are you not trying to be mean to kerriecat? And Fuzxy Shyivy's blog has nothing to do with this blog. I think snowy doesn't mind, if she did, she would probably make a post to stop advertising. BTW, you are being mean to kerriecat. Plus, advertising your blog is the only way to get more views! I had to advertise my blog to get 10,000 + views.
P.S. I visit kerriecat's blog frequently. I may not comment but I visit it.
P.P.S Visit my blog Animal Jam Fire! My goal is to get 100,000 + views!
I agree with big cats. Everything he said. Could anyone visit my blog, animal jam dragon? Http:// I know I haven't posted yet but im going to now :)
Deletenow you are starting to annoy me i am really trying not to shout.....i only said when you said to someone it,s rude to do it and i said well honestly it,s not rude i was saying it nicely im still talking nicely i am just starting to get annoyed...
DeleteIf snowyclaw didn't want us to advertise she would tell us.
DeleteJust don't listen to that guy he or she is probably jealous of you or something. Just don't reply to the comments and the conflict will go away eventually..
Yeah. Since so many people do it, Snowy would of told at least 1 of us. If you can though, please check out my blog, Animal Jam Charm (
Aww man! I still need to get 3 more freedom plushies. If anyone has the duck, butterfly, or hamster and you want to trade, reply this and we can cordinate a time to meet. The falling phantoms game is AWESOME!!!!! Some people were saying its violent. It isn't. Its not like theres blood or anything. I've seen worse.
Seriously? It's alright if people advertise their blogs on here, it's not ruining your life! Snowyclaw has over 600,000 pageviews! And if she did get bothered by it, she'd post about or comment nicely about it. Leave all of these advertising bloggers alone. I bet some of you advertised on Snowyclaw's blog to get pageviews, and to be honest I did too! Use the Golden Rule, treat others the way you want to be treated.
ReplyDeleteyeah thanks :) your the best :)
DeleteI agree
DeleteY'all all are not treating me the way I want to be treated so why so I treat you the way do????and I don't like to be called "mean"...when people call me mean on my iPod,I feel like y'all are calling me a cyber bully.
DeleteI don't think your mean, I just think you disagreed with people.
DeleteYour not mean, nor a cyber bully. You just disagreed. This is just sort of like a debate. That's all.
Delete-Dance287 (Wow, I usually don't comment this much!)
Aww thanks!!!!just try telling that to bigcatsforever and Kerriecat!!!i just fell like y'all are calling me 1 and that I'm not nice or mean and things like that....
Deletei am really trying to be as calm so i can..since i joined Snowyclaws blog it is to say how i care for other people i know you,r not mean you just don,t understand what we are saying even if you was mean i still will of cared i care for all people and you,r not mean just you are finding it hard understandively (understand) what we are exactly saying...just sometimes it happens i know how it is when people don,t understand exactly but you just need to calm down a little and we will calm down...
DeleteJust don't worry about it anymore.
OH and P.S. could anyone visit my blog?
DeleteName: The Daily Howl
Thanks in advance!
Guys! Really? This is a saying my mom once told me. "Together we are strong, but divided we fall." So listen and PLEASE DO NOT FIGHT. And I don't think your a cyber bully, I just think you are disagreeing.
Falling Phantoms is one of the best games in Jamaa. That's my opinion though. Other people may have other opinions. (I don't want to be criticized by anonymous like what he did to Kerriecat and Little Tinyfriend. Although it is true that some people have other opinions.)
ReplyDeleteyeah so right...even know got a thing about Jamma Darby
DeleteBigcatsforever,Kerriecat,did yousee my post???I SAID IM NOT TRYING TO BE MEAN!!!!!!!!now that you really know that,just letting y'all know te two of you are hurting my feelings and making me cry!!!!i hope yea finally know I was not trying to be mean!!!!
DeleteAnd I also said,if you want to advertise make an advertising blog were people can advertise there blog on there!!!!gezze!!!!!yall are making me cry. :.( I thought everyone was nice on this blog!!!!now I just want to switch back to fuzzys...
DeleteNow I'm thinking of going back to fuzzys blog again.........some of y'all re being mean to me for no good reason....I'm most likely to go back and start posting on there again....
DeleteAnd I also said,if you want to advertise make an advertising blog were people can advertise there blog on there!!!!gezze!!!!!yall are making me cry. :.( I thought everyone was nice on this blog!!!!now I just want to switch back to fuzzys...
DeleteOk, I'm getting neutral about this. I'm on kerriecat and bigcat's side, but I'm also on the anonymous person's side. Kerriecat and bigcat's side cause people can advertise their blogs and it won't take away any fans from this blog. But the reason I'm on anonymous person's side, is because he said he's not trying to be mean and other people think he's tring to be mean. (not trying to be mean either) So my suggestion is to stop fighting.
Deletewell i just want to stop it be4 it started for real..all i want is it to stop even know he/she did say that i was mean and don,t go to my blog it upsets me very much but i care for all for example mean or nice i care like if some was about to die if there good oer bad i will of tried to heal them i really want to just stop the fight all this time i have tried to stop it...
DeleteCan we jsut drop the subject???????
Oh and also I know a tip for Jamaa Derby if anyone wants it. :)
Oh, sure!
DeleteOk, now I don't like this. WE DON'T FIGHT? Think about those people in the world who are famous. Teddy Roosevelt didn't fight. Martin Luther King didn't fight. SO why are we fighting! And for such a useless topic!
@ anonomyous
DeleteIf u don't like kerricat, stop commenting and go to a different blog. And the reason that a blog for commenting other blogs is a bad idea is because how r u going to get people to read THAT blog?
oh and guys has anyone saw Wolfgang lately?
ReplyDeleteNot me...
Deleteyeah she,s been gone so long...
DeleteNo I haven't see nWolfGang....maybe she went on vacation or maybe she's sick? Hopefully not...
well phantoms treasure ,, if your computures running slow or its rush hour on animaljam than steer away from that game very slow than and hard to get out of and at 2 o-clock in the morning i cant find anyone to play with other than those times i agree if your going for bigger n numbers i play phantoms treasure alot if only it were times x2 gems id be staking up gems like there was no tommorow ! but that game gets a little boring after about 300 gems point if it were x2 ud have 600 gems!!!! i dont play the one with all the fish i play the sunken boat its easier to click and find things because they are BIGGER :D both of those games are reallly fast earning gems games
ReplyDeleteeven tho i really love those and aj is getting a little too human like i'd personily love a archery range it'd be cool if you even before you shot like in normal ranges have to say IS THE RANGE CLEAR! and if you get middle 1000 gems ect.. anyone read the hunger games??? HUGE fan of it onto my fourth time reading the series no i cant decide peeta or gale if anyone in the series i like the most??? haymitch buttercup and finnick but i keep thinking when i read it , ANIMALJAM has bow and arrows me and my sis accualy recommended them she for matching with the head dress theme , me HUNGER GAMES! it took a while though for them to come out they must have needed to perfect it! anyway would an't a archery or rifleree range be cool ik ik EPIX
That is 1 long commet!
DeleteI luuuuuv hunger games! Anyway, I've seen longer comments. :)
DeleteHunger Games is awesome, I'd agree in a heartbeat. And now I do notice the corresponding headdresses. :)
Deleteyes iv made longer comments :D and if only the black bow and arrow had a head dress im hoping for a silver bow even tho there is one :P and a bronze but they probably won't oh well :D
Deletei'm up to the part where she sings rue to sleep and covers her in flowers and i like it so far
DeleteI'm neutral with the Hunger Games, really. Not a fan, but not a hater either. :l
DeleteFalling Phantoms is SO HARD for me... I don't know why, but I may play it again even if it isn't likely... :3
Besides that, I think the new den should be underwater. Honestly, I do want a new den, but I don't think it's fair that land dens get all the attention... The underwater dens are kind of natural, I think. I think an Abandoned Submarine den would be nice, or an Underwater Cave den! :)
~ The One and Only True Spider Fan
I've gotten to the top of sky high 😃
ReplyDeletesame well lots of times but YAY LOL
Deletewhat happens when you get to the top?!
DeleteI've never got there. I fail at Sky High, LOL.
You jump on a treasure chest full of gems and dance with your colors AND your clothing!
Deletewell you see a treasure chests with lots of gems on it jump on it it gives you lots of extra gems
DeleteMy friend told me there was a phantom screaming, "Noooooo!"
Deletenot true they don,t....sorry
Deletewell usaly im bad at that game and i dont play it not enough gems :P :D
Deletei made that my goal of the day to get to the top and if i ddint get it id have to get 10,000 gems in the next to days and give it away to nonmember and let them choose what they wanted i did get to the top but at the end after all the trying i hade 10,000 gems so i gave it away :D fun experiance alothough i imagined getting to the top a bigger congradualations but i got an award im still super happy :D
DeleteOk I get it Anonymous, your not trying to be mean... Gosh =.=
ReplyDeleteI get your not trying to be mean, but it's not like advertising is a bad thing. A bad thing is when people curse on a blog. (people have been doing it on my blog and I decided to moderate comments)
ReplyDeleteSorry for being mean. :(
ReplyDeleteGreat bigcatsforever you making me feel worse!!!!!
ReplyDelete-sighs- can't we just make peace with nO advertiseming anymore?????
ReplyDeletei,m trying to make peace and you are bring on a fight im not fighting with you but you are arguing with me can you please just calm down and just leave it please?
Delete... I said sorry.... I think I should quit AJ if that helps! :D
ReplyDeleteLet's just make peace with no advertising!!!!
DeleteHow much do lions cost?????
P.s.wht is this fight about???
You need to buy a gift card from AJ Outfitters. I don't know the price though.
DeleteOh ok thanks bigcatsforever!!!!
P.s. why are you quitting AJ wht is this fight about???im so behind!!!!
I just figered out!!!!16 bucks free den 15,000 gems and a 3 month membership!!!!!! I'm going to get 1!!!!thanks for all the help!!
P.s.wht is this fight about!!!!!??????
oh yes i got a lion and i got 44,000 gems glitch!!!
DeleteBye AJ!
ReplyDeletedon,t leave AJ this is not on AJ please im trying to calm him/her down...
DeleteDon't quit bigcatsforever!
DeleteIf it's because of a fight, I'm sure the water will simmer down soon enough. :)
My phone corrects foever into forever :)
DeleteNooo please dont leave!! AJ is a wonderful place to be in!!
Deleteis bigcatsfoever a guy or a girl confusanation :P
DeletePlease I'm tired of fighting with y'all lets just make peace with no advertising!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteFine peace
ReplyDeleteYay peace no advertising!!!!!WOOP WOOP!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteNo Quiting AJ!!!!WOOP WOOP!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAJ AJ AJ AJ ROCKS!!!!!!! AJ AJ AJ AJ PEACE!!!!!WOOP WOOP!!!!!!
P.s. I luv fuzzy shivyivys blog!!!!it rock this house down!!!WOOP WOOP!!!!!!
WOOP!!!!!!!! XD
ReplyDeleteI'm not quiiting
ReplyDeleteon animal jam the mouse is diffrent
ReplyDeletegood :) at least it gets me a little more happy it is really hurting the inside of me of Anonymous saying im mean don,t go to my blog..... i was talking nicely saying that it,s not rude and then he/she is getting at me a just upsets me...more then when someone said i was a copycat for having a AJ blog like Snowyclaw ha got a aj blog mines mixed it really upset me im sensitivev:(
ReplyDeleteI'm still her karriecat!!!the person who was not trying to be mean and you said I was being mean!!!!now I think you are tying to be mean!!!!i called peace are you trying to start a fight again????(says sweetly ) I'm not trying to be mean if I'm dousing like I'm being mean....
DeleteAnd I wasn't being mean or saying that!!!!
ReplyDeleteI called peace.. She didn't does not matter who called peace!!!!
3.were not starting a new fight
And a boy!!!!
ReplyDeleteI was talking about kerriecat
DeleteNo offense kerriecat
DeleteOK dont matter who started what!!! it matters how to solve this problem AND PLUS BIG CATS MAN UP~!!!!!!!!!!!!! U GOT RARES THT EVERONE WISHES T6HEY HAD IF YOUR GONNA QUIT GIVE IT AWAY IM NOT ASKING FOR YOUR STUFF ID RATHER YOU STAY I DONT WANT YOUR STUFF I WANNA HELP THE LESS FORTUNATE!!! yes she did call peace lets peace
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if your blind and not loving you cant see what it is if you see the real thing reply i wanna know what your heartys about
LOL lets laugh about it together and peace it didnt turn out as what i was expecting
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there it is trying again
Delete- - -
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I wasn't going to quit anyways, I was waiting for YOU to apologize. =.= I'm not quitting anytime soon. So be quiet and this WHOLE conversation is over, period. No buts, what, waits or anything. This conversation is over. And btw, don't tell me to man up, that's seriously rude and mean.
DeleteI'm not going to give if anything if I ever quit.
DeleteAnd you are way over reacting.
DeleteI would show what my heart feels like if you didn't tell me to man up
DeleteOk bigcatsforever that's was not me the 1hi you hast that big fight with you....differ anonymous ...
DeleteI know. That anonymous had improper grammar
Deleteso why do you asume all annoymunouses are the bad annoyminuos theyr are alot of annopymin uses to prove it i shall be an anominus
ReplyDelete- - -
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ReplyDelete---- -----
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--- - ----
-- --- --- ok maybe this will turn out better but do you see it reply
peace sign???
DeleteCome on guys.... Snowy can take care of advertisers. You guys might as well leave it alone. Y'all are over-reacting way too much.
Cece3546???on animaljam do you have a wife named majorkaylee??
Deletelittle von bunny was skipping frantilcly throu jamma she was paceing and [panting she didnt know what to do people were advertizing and other people thought it was wrong little didnt know what to do! so she yelled " PEACE " people stoped for a second to listen but waved thee offer away .she was disapointed , she thought to her self if only snowy claw would tell us what she dislikes and likes but she knew this jamma was no good the fight is drawing players away even little shall i find another jamma to roam they must be silent so she went off to mount shiveer brr she didnt like this new town not at all way to cold if only her town wasn't fighting shall we peace she went back to jamma to find a wonderful snowy claw little jumped and screeched her name as if she wouldn't hear but she did and what she said , little knew the world can be moved by just her words so she told snowyclaw about the fight of advertizing snowyclaw did not inturupt she did tho listen she said loud and clear to all the jammers fighting is not a good solution!,advertizing is normal in the town of jamma and normal in other jammas shall we leave it and not worry who started it .. everything was silent until someone said well i'll just stop going to this blog i want no advertizment snowyclay smoothly worded, then do not look at such comments now why does it bother you if it really bothers you comment no mean words but nicely say
ReplyDeletesnowyclaw please take that away...
little didnt bother advertizments until it twas a fight she knew she had to do many people knew snowy claw did make a diffrence tho jamma was now roaming with joy ...
thanks guys i hope you read it all it resembles thus
fight jamma is the blog and the rest is the fighters and just commenters i know snowy claw will solve this later until than listen and let the story sing songs in your heart
I saw the jamma derby in the sol arcade shop. it looked really cool
it did :D i like subject changers!
DeleteHey snowyclaw, have you noticed the custom cursor in animal jam?
ReplyDeleteHope everyone is safe from these hurricanes,rain,thunderstorms,and everything else!!!!happy jamming!:)be safe drive safe enjoy your sleep!!!!!
Omg tons of comments
ReplyDeleteahh 2 many commets
ReplyDeleteOoh Eeh Ooh Ah Aah Ting Tang Walla Walla Bing Bang C;
ReplyDeleteGUYS GUYS GUYS! This is how to stop the fight. If someone comments, DO NOT REPLY.Then more people will reply and the fight gets bigger. We've got people quitting for heavens sake! JUST STOP!
P.S. Please visit my blog, Animal Jam Charm.
Yeah I agree but anonymous is saying that people can't advertise. Snowy would tell us if she didn't want us to advertise.
DeleteI don't see a fight.... You are replying to: Ooh Eeh Ooh Ah Aah Ting Tang Walla Walla Bing Bang C;Thats all....I don't see any fight.
DeleteActually people should pretend nothing happened that a way I stopped a fight between me and my friend. And don't say mean things about what i said it a free country anyway!If you say something mean it is gees to you.
DeleteI'm not sure the place you're getting your information, but good topic.
ReplyDeleteI must spend a while studying much more or figuring out more.
Thank you for magnificent information I was looking for
this info for my mission.
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