Hey jammers! Today's new item is the Mushroom Table being sold in Jam Mart Furniture. What do you think of it?

To bad it's not nonmember. :( Here are some posts from AJHQ.
AJHQ also responded to my question about the shamans changing to alphas, but only a pre-typed email. >.<
Now I'd like to talk about the upcoming school year. I hope you guys will keep visiting, I'll try and keep posting, but posts may be later. A good friend of mine, Goldfishypuppy, has offered to help me with the daily posts. Is that alright with you guys?
Yes, she is a friend, but Goldy is also an experienced blogger (she ran a daily blog, Animal Jam Freedom, for a while and is now working on a lessons of AJ blog). She is also up at earlier hours, and has a bit more time to post than I do normally.
I'll still do all update posts and some daily posts, I just don't have all the time I wish I had. I'm sorry I didn't hold author sign-ups, I will do those for sure next summer. Until then I hope you guys keep visiting Animal Jam Spirit.
See you around Jamaa. (\^o^/)

in that post i have a feeling SHAMAN ARE NOT EXACTLY COMING BACK....im not sure if that was said so jammer's will be nice or so but it seems they said it in the way like for example they are to busy to come to Jamma but you can help them by.....
that just for some reason gives me the idea that's so...
Kerriecat old Blogger user and AJ user
Oh my gosh
Deleteikr well at least of what i was thinking when i was reading but idk really whats gonna happen...
DeleteKerriecat old Blogger user and AJ User
Noo. Noo. They'll come back. -Hypervenalates-
DeleteThey can't be just, LYING! That would be child abuse! It- it-...
i know....but im not sure it just gave me the feeling it's a 50 50 i guess but more 60 on with it being a lie that there coming back but im NOT sure i was just aware of this...
DeleteKerriecat old Blogger user and AJ user now
They will AJHQ wouldn't lie to us i bet we all have that 50/50 feeling but they will!
DeleteI hope the shamans DO come back...but AJHQ has lied to us before. :(
(There's a contest going on and pleas join the Howl Club!)
Oh f they're going to put that in the news were thousands of people read i don't think they'd change it :( :)
DeleteYeahhhhh.... I believe in you goldeh
DeleteFallenStari ****** I forget that a lot
Deletethe mushroom table is nice and all but they should really make some good things or non members :< :C
ReplyDeleteyeah ikr...
DeleteKerriecat old Blogger user and AJ user
I know! Just because nonmembers can't buy the Enchanted Hollow den doesn't mean they should not be able to buy the items that go with it!
(There's a contest going on and pleas join the Howl Club!)
btw im bestuzzesever add me if u like
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSure thats fine!!! - - - great blogging snowy
ReplyDeleteIt's k with me too. :)
(There's a contest going on and pleas join the Howl Club!)
I still don't get why people are overeacting about shamans being called Alphas, I mean who cares? they're the same thing. tell me, would it be better to have Alphas, or no Alphas at all?
ReplyDeleteWell maybe but some people want the beta days back every part of it but they changed shamons to alphas it might just frustrate people.......
DeleteWell those people will have to learn we can't bring the Beta Days back. It is impossible. Jamaa is Jamaa and so some people may have to deal with it. If you don't like the game don't play it.
Delete(I am an addict when it comes to Chicken Smoothie. ;) So you may have to find something you like and get exercise, play outside.
Some people may not be able to play because it involves "shamans". We are going to have to learn we can't change everything in life, just the little things.
DeleteAlphas honestly i just don't like the name it DOES kinda annoy me in a way honestly however i know it's just a name change but i known the name (shaman) since i started AJ in 2011 middle of early and late i will just miss the name...
DeleteKerriecat old Blogger user and AJ user
Yeah! I MET A Shaman. Look, I don't care if you care a lot about whether they're "shamans" or... "alphas" but all I know is about half of us betas and a lot of others WILL miss the name! They aren't... It just... BUGS me... I... it's... they're supposed to be... Shamans...
I Actually Agree with BCF (Bigcatsfoever) Who cares! I don't actually Want this "Fight" Again Through Which is Which, But let's just get over it, Anyways, IT'S A VIRTUAL GAME! It's not like shamans/alphas are People! (Though they are, I'm talking about AJ shamans if you don't understand me :\) We can call them Shamans or Alphas, It's O.K.! They're the Same thing! Shamans will always be like themselves!
Delete~Dreamzy (A.K.A. DreamsOfBlue)
Agreed whatever they're called we still want them back!:D
DeleteYes but still shamans just goes better. :l I'm always going to call them shamans I don't care if they're alphas or whatever they will always be shamans to me!
(There's a contest going on and pleas join the Howl Club!)
I'm from BETA but I don't mind the name alpha. I think it's better now since before ppl couldn't play becuz of shamans! Don't speak for me I can say how I feel myself. :)
DeleteAnimal Jam should be for everyone ur selfish if you don't want others to play becuz of the name shaman.
I'm not saying they shouldn't go on AJ, I said, you may have to lay low on AJ if you don't like some things. Play with your friends or something. Over half of the U.S.A's children are overweight and obese. Because they eat junkfood and don't play outside. I am not saying you people are overweight or anything, just that, it is good to get at least 60 minutes of playing outside a day. Also, it if bad if you are in front of a screen for more than two hours.
DeleteI agree with u completely bigcats
DeleteI agree, Bigcats... Except for one thing... Doesn't "Alphas" sound like something out of a clan or pack which on AJ can get pretty violent?
DeleteI hope they change alphas back to shamons like kerriecat said i dNt know if they will come back
ReplyDeleteAnimal jam career's
ReplyDelete1.A rare collector.
To be a rare collector, U need to love rares. U have to be strong and trade rares for rares. U have to have big trading skills! So u need to have space in your den items and in your clothing items too.(For rares of course) So these are the main things to become a rare collector but if u r one already, u can choose from other and this career witch one are you related to.
2.A glitcher
To be a start a glitcher career u need to know at least 1 glitch. So when you start this career you will become a glitch expert,like me i know almost all of the glitches!So first start the easy ones like the dens, maybe the castle(the grey one) or the fantasy den. So if you start like this you will not stop to try to do the other ones! The easiest land one it the temple of zios. So if you know at least 6 glitches than you are a glitcher!
3.A shop lover.
So to be a shop lover, you need to love shopping around jamaa, or in the real world anyway! For this you need to collect money, of course by playing games!When u have enough money you can buy loads of stuff in the shops! And specially if you are a member, you can go to the epic wonders and buy much, much amazing stuff! And if you are a nonmember, hmm you can save up money for the rare Monday's!
4.Money spender.
This one is for the money spenders, as the title says, for this career you need to love to spend your gems! This is almost the same as a shop lover, but there you collect and spend, here you just spend lol So if you want this career (i am not recommending) you have to have loads of money!
5.An explorer.
For this career you need to love to go out somewhere where you don't know where that where is lol this is complicated! But anyway, you just need to go out there And explore the forests, mountains, And rivers and lots lots more in jamaa! For that you need the right gear. That is your own clothing mix !
For this one is almost the same as the explorer one. I mean you just need to get the gear created by you(your imagination) And you need to travel but it this case you have(must) meet some wild animals, or monsters lol You need to fight or to to to an adventure in the woods, To climb to the trees, or to hang on the vines!
7.Mystery discoverer.
This one is very easy. For this you need to be like an scientist or something. You need to explore the past of animal jam, to see how much info can you find searching all the lands of jamaa! I recommend to start in the oldest place in jamaa, the temple of zios.There you can discover loads of mystery's , the most in the chamber of knowledge, i think that the chamber of knowledge was the house of the shamans(or the alphas...)
8.Buddy lover (a social one).
This one is for the social ones, the buddy lovers. The ones who love to chat, go to parties or just hang out at other buddies dens.If you want to go to a party, or to just hang out at the epic dens, or just chat for fun! Or if you just want to listen to a random music, just relax you mind and enjoy this career...
9.A spy (or a ninja)
This is an interesting one, you just need to dress up perfectly, so no one can see you. I recommend to put on a ninja mask, be a bunny and paint yourself all black. So in this career you can go to random clan den and spy on them, their conversations! So it is fun to do it . you just need to look what other people are doing.
10.A pet lover.
This is for the animal lovers, and for members only, so you have to pay if you are a nonmember, but still you want to get this career : ( So anyway i just wanted to say that if you want to get this career you need to have loads of pets, with rare or regular Accessories to get you pets look fabilous!
These were the descriptions of the 10 most popular careers! So if you Want to suggest some ideas about the careers just comment !
I'd say I have my own. So, in that, I'd say it'd be an explorer-adventurer-social buddy-mix. Me and my three friends started a RPG. Don't ask to join. Anywho... It's with immortals and mortals and love and war and hatred and bloody violence and peace and sorrow and agony and laughter... It may sound bad to some of you, but this is a portion of my life! In fact, I nearly quit because my friend wasn't on all the time (like, once a month)
Delete-pac10 an RPGer (of course)
I think I'm a spender I can never save my gems :)
DeleteI'd say I'm kind of social and a few other things but you know.
(There's a contest going on and pleas join the Howl Club!)
I think I'm a rare collecter, spy, and mystery person XD
Im a rare collectet
DeleteYa I start school tomorrow. I'll be in 4th grade now.Also,in that email from AJHQ was really not very helpful.
Yeah it didn't tell us anything and I start school on September 4 and I can't wait until next summer for author sign ups!!! :D
(There's a contest going on and pleas join the Howl Club!)
Come to think of it I might need some authors for my own blog...
(There's a contest going on and pleas join the Howl Club!)
Galloping I'm one of them XD
DeleteStill haven't posted bout it yet 030
WHY ONLY MEMBERS!!!!!! T.T Im an animal luver and I want a pet >BI.
DeleteNot really snowy, I mean, there are other great bloggers that have been wanting to help post on your blog too. If you let Goldy, you should let the other bloggers help post too. Because that wouldn't be fair if you let only Goldy post and not every other blogger that wants to. It's either you, or all the bloggers posting.
ReplyDeleteWell that might be too many because a lot of people want to write for Snow's blog. But I agree. Author sign-ups would have been more fair, but then again, it's HER blog. But true, there are hundreds of other excellent and experienced bloggers that good do just as well but Goldy will be good. :)
Yeah.. I personally don't like this. Too much confusion.
Well Snowyclaw, I am not a famous jammer on AJ, I could get screenshots with out a crowd, you and Goldy are SUPER famous on AJ. I would really really really want to post on your blog. I have some time before school too. It can be us three posting, you, me, and Goldy! How does that sound? Reply to this comment, snowy, or email me.
ReplyDeleteIf you become a blogger then you'll become famous :P
DeleteI want to become famous though. XD
Deletewell not all of us just some i guess..
DeleteKerriecat old Blogger user and AJ user now
Well yea...if they want. I believe that's fair.
Deleteyeah i got half fame half not LOL blog is KINDA slow LOL
DeleteKerriecat old Blogger user and AJ user
How do you become a mod, She should have a sign up sheet or a contest and assign each person one day and than this would be like super blog because people would tell they're friend hey i'm posting on Tuesdays check it out! right?
DeleteI'm like Kerrie I'm half popular half not. :p But anyways it would be nice to post on this blog, I wonder how people will adjust to other people posting on it...
(There's a contest going on and pleas join the Howl Club!)
:) I don't care i'd adjust fast i love this blog :) I don't know if I'd love to be a mod cause people would get mad like >.< I like sticking to my own blog :D
DeleteOmg is the MT. Shiver myth real???
ReplyDeletenope not as far as i know i think it's just saying about jumping on the ice like the ie will crack a little meaning by something will happen but very much i don't think it is real myself...
DeleteKerriecat old Blogger user and AJ user now
Well I've jumped on the ice for hours and nothing happened at all. :< So I agree with Kerrie I don't think the ice can break it just cracks a little.
(There's a contest going on and pleas join the Howl Club!)
Yep its never been captured but allot of rumors it doesn't happen though ,..:T
DeleteThe Mushroom Table looks real cool! I would get one but i am out of invent. slots.. :P
ReplyDeleteI won't have time in the school year either which starts tomorrow cause of the storm.
Great Blogging Snowy!
DeleteI like the Mushroom Table too but I'm not going to buy it. I'm saving up on gems. I have a lot of time even when I'm in school because I wake up at 6:00 in the morning (sometimes 5:30) and my school ends at 2:50 in the day so I got plenty of time. :)
(There's a contest going on and pleas join the Howl Club!)
Snowy I'm sad that you can't post as much but having Goldy post is an AWESOME dicision!
I'm sure we will all like Goldy just as much she is really nice :)
DeleteGold will be great!!!! :D
Can someone send me a lei? I forgot to buy one yestraday. D: If you did Thanks!
ReplyDelete~Bunnyfoofee (member)
I, maggie1520 , am dedicated to The Animal Jam Spirit blog, and will continue to be a part of it and the AJ community. I will be considerate of other jammers, and will try to make this blog, and Jamaa, a better place for everyone. Thank you everyone for making this blog an awesome place to be! See you in Jamaa. :)
ReplyDeleteI've faintly heard of goldyfishypuppy. I think it was on spino11's blog and a different blog. And are we ALL suffering with storms, hurricanes and tornadoes? Anyways, I'll missing seeing you snowy, but I still hope goldy does a good job!
Cool! Her ajmv vids are awesome! ^-^
ReplyDeleteSame letter sent to me. EXACT SAME ONE. (maybe not the name, but still.)
ReplyDeleteSchool started for me yesterday O.O my shcedule is so complicated!! but, i am getting the hang of it!
ReplyDeleteI saw your video on that!
(There's a contest going on and pleas join the Howl Club!)
I can't wait for Gold to post! :3 This is going to be fun! xD
Hey snowy I was wondering if you could give me any tips for this school year, last year I had none of my friends in my class which made it really hard cause I got bullied, I recently found out which teacher I got and hope to hear from my friends soon on who they got, if none of my friends are in my class do you have any tips for me?
ReplyDeletewell all i got to say is live your life never give up stay calm and stick up for yourself you will be fine :)
DeleteKerriecat old Blogger user and AJ user
Thanks for the advice :)
DeleteDear snowyclaw,
ReplyDeletei want you to know that you don't have to worry about losing jammers. There are thousands of jammers out there who are a huge fan and try their best to read the blog every single day because 1. You are like the most famous AJ blogger, 2. Everyone wants to hear what's new in jamaa today from you, and 3. We all love the blog and love to keep hearing about new things from you! Good Luck with the blog this school year. don't worry, we all know that anybody who you trust is probably really awesome! I am an AJS Fan 4Ever!
(your BIGGEST fan!)
i dont care is goldfishypuppy help fine with me
Thanks for the kind words everyone!
I will keep looking at this blog...FOREVER :D! I love your blog! And, I have no problem at all with Goldfishypuppy posting on here!
Does anyone have a Rare Lei for Trade? I'm Mia776 in AJ. If you do, Can you please send me a Jam-A-Gram :D!
I know, same here!!!! I'm at least supporting this blog for two more years, maybe more!!! MAYBE FOREVER!!! :P And I'm sure Goldy will do a great job, I was an author for her blog not too long ago. :)
(There's a contest going on and pleas join the Howl Club!)
i cant belive thy still turned the shamans to alphas! what a disapiontment... and that we cant see them eitheir! thats also horrible...kinda sad now :( but keep up the good work!
ReplyDelete- lovelion123
Yeah...shamans sounds way better. Why AJHQ????
(There's a contest going on and pleas join the Howl Club!)
the sky is NOT the limit for a super citizen.
ReplyDeletesuper citizens can fly OVER jamaa!
erasmus/snaper6010 (i can't find my account)
When your playing high sky i guess anythings the limit until the treasure box.
DeleteCool, I follow Goldy too. XD
ReplyDeleteI received the exact-same-not-on-topic E-Mail a few weeks ago.
Actually, I don't want to post, I've changed my mind.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, I have a big project coming up in school..
Thanks :D
That's not me. :)
Delete@Goldfishypuppy ^
DeleteThe person that commented above you isn't you? Whoever it is probably is jealous...
Yeah that's not me, I have a picture up. If I didn't want to post, I would have emailed snowy, and she knows that. Don't worry. :)
DeleteOkay, whew! :p Okay, I won't worry. :)
:L I don't know who can maybe help snowy post because most everyone has school.
ReplyDeleteI'm fine with him posting! I think it'd be cool. :) i need to start posting on my blog everyday. 'I haven't posted everyday; :L
@JUmping Scary monkey
DeleteGoldy is she. I post every other day kind of...
(There's a contest going on and pleas join the Howl Club!)
Congrats Goldfishypuppy!!!
ReplyDeleteYay Goldfishypuppy!!!!! Congratulations!
congrats goldfishpuppy we will miss you snowyclaw but we know goldfishpuppy will do a awesome job! happy jamming see everybody around jamma
@Ducier - Haha, thanks.
Delete@Superscott23g23 Snowy will still be posting, I will just help out
DeleteAnytime. :) Maybe I'll get to be an author someday!
OK thanks everybody
Deletehappy jamming
Animal jam was having problems now it's offline :(
ReplyDeletenoooooooo! aj updating! oh btw if you heard lovelion123 comments anyway im her brother kme531 Happy Jamming of chicken wings! :D
They totally didn't even answer your question, Snowy, that sucks.
ReplyDeleteOf course I'll keep visiting your blogs! Why wouldn't I? (:
I got the same reply from them too.
DeleteOf course I will keep reading your blog! It's great! The mushroom table is cute >.< Also, I don't know why anyone would have a problem with Goldy helping out, her blog is great as well!
AJ is back online now.
ReplyDeleteProbably one of the fun things to do on AJ with the big Slender Man ruckus all over the internet is to dress all in white and follow people, and call yourself "Slender Wolf"
DeleteOh god, I play the PC slender game, and believe me, it's VERY scary! Especially when he pops out of nowhere and kills you! My heart stops every time that happens!!
Deleteim fine with the helper thing. i need some help with my blog too. if anyone can help me just fill out the application on my blog. animaljammaster.blogspot.com
so the ice dose brake!?!!?!?!?!!?!
ReplyDeleteI just thought about the mushroom table, it kind of reminds me of Mario brothers. XD
Wow, now that you say that.... It does! :P
ReplyDelete<3 LiveLovePuppy =) =)
Don't beg Snowyclaw like that it's kinda rude to beg, and Snowyclaw visited mine too.
DeleteNobody wants to accept sombody who begs for rares or higher status.
DeleteHi Live, I thought you quit? :( Or did you rejoin again? :)
DeleteFunny! I was just talking to Goldfishypuppy in Jamaa today. =P
ReplyDeleteLove your blog. You're so to-the-point and informative.
I lost a buddy today...
ReplyDeleteCursed Dating...
Like, she fell in love (VERY UNEXPECTED) and hardly paid attention to me :'(
Please Reply
ReplyDeleteI'm still calling them Shamans instead of Alphas.
ReplyDeleteDon't tell me the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon that is 384,400 kilometers from the Earth O:)
ReplyDelete~ uoƃɐɹp s,ᄅ⇂0ᄅ~
ReplyDeleteI think HQ has lied to us before... about the bridge/thin ice breaking