Friday, May 25, 2012

Bunny Party Discoveries

As promised, here is a fun jamaasian thing to do in the newest party, for bunnies only! Walk all the way to the right, to the bunny plushie machine. Now walk down that staircase, the the star huge, star-patterned  drum. Bring a bunch of buddies.
Ravenpaw is who brought my attention to it with a comment. Can you see who is in that stone there? Guess who?!
It's Peck! If you don't know much about her click here. I believe this is the spirit of Peck, just as we each meet the spirit of Liza when we first begin Jamaa (doesn't respond, so she's a spirit).
They even got the ear bell right! Is anyone else excited to see the return of some jamaasian culture? I love this party.
These Peck sightings are so exciting for me! What do you guys think of them? Meanwhile, here is a funny little thing that someone added to one of the massive drums. Can you spot it?
Look near the center... I think I spot a smiley face. ^.^ Now, here is the bunny only skyway, hopfully it's a good explanation!

teacher - Goofy8966
Start next to the song shop.
Click another jammers name.
Click their
game tab.
Click the bunny down the stairs
(you can also try to the right of
the jammer's animal card). 
Click any game.
Click cancel.
If you do it right (it helps if your computer is lagging)
you'll start running to the right, don't panic.
Quickly (and carefully) click
the upper part of the wall.

And that is all there is to it! Good luck on your shaman quests and skyway adventures. Happy jamming everyone!

Update: New post on the Spirit Artwork mini blog (Rufistar)!