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Hey jammers! Today's "rare" item is the Rare Coral Necklace, sold on the second page of Bahari Bargains.

Neat color combo I guess. :) I'm sure you've all heard about the new fox patterns, but I forgot to post about it!

Looks like it spells AJ. ^.^ Anyway, this special fox pattern colors the ears and the legs, doesn't it look cool? Now for our mystery monday! In the ancient ice mountains of Mt. Shiveer. . .

. . . there lies a carving of a seal. Who carved it? What does it mean? Who lived in that icy cavern? How did it close?
First Comment :O
ReplyDeleteOn my phone, cant sleep, and not impressed wuth the kast 2 rare item mondays >.<
Hi Snowy! About todays rare.... Hmm... I'd prefer it if it was red and orange or something, non-member and less expensive, even though AJ HQ seems to be lowering the prices a TEENY little bit... And about the seal carving, I think it was carved by Harper to all the seals in Jamaa so they would not forget her. But the cave used to be fully sealed up, now it's crumbling away, so I think a new room will open soon, and maybe we might see Harper on some days! That would be GREAT!!!!!
Last Rare item Monday a rare pirate bandanna cost, like 700 or 800 gems! And snowyclaw, can other animals you the new pattern or is it only foxes?
Deletepretty much guys...sorry im moving house o im slow to comment :(
DeleteI think the new pattern is foxes only.
No raccoons can have it
Deletethis is for the mystery monday :D. eons ago, in the time of the dinos, lived a small bunny. she had no name, no family, and no shelter. one day she found herself in a strange icy land, and there she saw a cave. so she went in. little did she know that she was being watched...the small bunny saw a tunnel leading down the cave, and, having nothing to live for, went down the tunnel. the creature that ha been watching the little bunny followed her into the cave and down the tunnel. the little bunny had heard something coming, and she turned around, face to face with a dinosaur! "eek!" squeaked the little bunny, and the dinosaur let out a deafening roar, making the ground shake, and the ceiling collapse. and that is why there is a cave in there.
ReplyDeletehey I'm the same guy who did the post before, and I'm sorry it's a little short
ReplyDeleteIt's ok. A good story doesn't have to be long!
Second Comment! Yay! Ugh member rare again. Anyway, here's my story.
ReplyDeleteThe Seal
Once, when shammans still visited Jamma, Liza made an announcement. "Shammans, I am pleased to announce, that I will be setting off tonight at dusk to find a new animal." All the shammans were glad, because they had been feeling lonely. So Liza went to her bamboo forest and packed. The shammans came to say goodbye. Each gave a gift. But the most special was a magical compass, made by Greely. "Take this. It will guide you on the right path," Greely said. Then, when the first streak of dusk appeared, she set off. Using a magical compass that Greely had given her, she set off North. After a week of traveling, a white fluffy substance started to fall. She had no idea what it was, but it was COLD. She luckily had her fur coat to help out. Soon, she reached a mountain. But the mountain was not safe. It was full of mean wolves (unlike Greely) and bears. Liza tried to fight, but a bear came up and charged. She ran, ran as fast as her paws would take her. She found a cave, and ducked in. The bear didn't know where she had gone, and left. Liza spent the next 3 days staying in her cave. Then she decided to explore. At the end of a cave, there sat a stone. Not an ordinary stone, a SPIRIT STONE! But Liza didn't know that the phantoms had cursed it! When she picked it up, The cave rumbled. It shook. Liza ran, ran right out of the cave. To say that she got out in the nick of time was an understatement. The millisecond she was out... BAM! The cave's opening collapsed! Liza thought about roosting here, but her food supply was dangerously low. So she prayed to Mira to help her. So Mira created the Cocoa Hut. Liza thanked Mira, and refilled her pouch. Then she returned home. The first place she went was Greely's home. She asked him to activate the spirit stone. He did, and all the shammans ran to The Pit, located in The Temple of Zios. A seal, Harper, appeared. she was made a shamman, and soon seals were popping up everywhere! And, the mountain where Liza stayed, was namedMt. Shiveer.
Hope you liked the story everyone!
I like it!
Deletethts really cool, and true :)
Oh yeah and by the way these member rares are getting on my nerves even though I am a member.
Oops, thought I was second. When I was typing I was going to be second.
DeleteThanks everyone! If you can, I'm having a party this Friday on my blog, so check it out! (
i put a whole big story and the computer turned off on me :(
ReplyDeleteDang it right? That happened to me once too. :(
DeleteYeah, I know, it sucks. :(
DeleteThat's hideous!!! I would have loved to see your story. :(
Well, I was trying to do part 3 and then my iPad crashed and now I have to go to my brother's piano class anyway bye!
DeletePart 1
ReplyDeleteHarper stood in Mt Shiver.
Her home had caved in (it's at the bottem of the peek of Mt Shiver) She had nowhere to go AND the phantoms were going to attack THAT night. Little did she know Mt Shiver was a valcanio which han't been active for ages. The Ground started shaking. Harper thought nothing was wrong. After all, it had been shaking when her home caved in. Suddenly there was a bang...
Part 2
DeleteHarper knew she had to get out. She started sliding over the ice, when she looked back, there was red following her. And over that red, phantoms were following her."NOOOO!" screamed the King Phantom, Zinze,"Don't let her get away!" The lava started going faster. It was cursed and Harper was ready to give up...
"Harper, believe in me," Mira's voice was in Harper's head,"Believe in me, and I can save you." Harper couldn't get away by herself which she knew very well. She stoped.The phantoms were so surprised they stopped, too. The lava also stopped."I BELIEVE IN YOU MIRA!" shouted Harper,"SAVE ME PLEASE!" She faced the phantoms. They started flying towards her again...
DeletePart 3
DeleteThe lava went faster then before and Harper was terrified.Whoosh... Mira flew though the clouds. She swept the phantoms away in to a jar and they became tiny."Now you shall be put into a game," said Mother Mira,"So you cannot harm Jamaa again." She tapped the jar with her beak and falling phantoms was created
Part 4
DeleteYou may be wondering what happened to Harper. I will tell you. Mira saw Harper's home and Harper asked if she could fix it.
"I will make you," replied Mira," A new private home." so she did. And that is why there is a cave under the seal painting.
Peck painted the seal for Harper.
That is the story of the mysteries seal and cave. And that is why falling phantoms has a valcanio in it.
I also wrote a story on yesterdays post and my user is piease
DeleteCreative! Btw, does mrspider ever go on his "cow" user anymore?
DeleteGreat story! I loved the part about how Falling PHantoms was created and when Mira put the phantoms into a jar! I love those parts!
no i don't i got bored of it on the first day
DeleteI love all the stories.
The Story:
ReplyDeleteWhen Liza was on her expedition, she was exploring Mt. Shiver. She sent a letter home saying she is close to finding a new spirit stone. And then the next animal came to be a harp seal.
DeleteShort but sweet! :D
Ok hers my story
ReplyDeleteOne day harper was hanging out with peck. Peck had an idea. Peck told harper her idea and Harper said it was ok. So peck found a sharp piece of ice and began carving. When it was done it was a picture of Harper and that picture marked the cave Harper lived in. Peck left and Harper stood outside admiring the carving. Then all if the sudden some I've started to fall and Harper ran to the saftey of her cave. The cave closed in. I think that no one has seen shamans lately cause they are trapped.
I like this 1 a lot!
DeleteOne day the noble shaman, Peck, took a walk in Mt. Shiveer. She heard soft foot steps and looked up to realize that a seal stood before her. "Why, who are you?" Asked Peck. "I am Harper, the Seal Shaman." Replied the Seal. They both shook paws and smiled at each other. "It is wonderful to meet you, said Peck." "You too." Said Harper. Suddenly, Peck smiled. "I have an idea to celebrate our new found friendship!" She said, "Is it ok if I carve sometyhingninti the ice though?" "Of course!" Said Harper. Peck picked up a carving tool from her pocket and started to work. Harper tried to get a glimpse of what Peck was doing while she worked. Finally Peck stepped back to reveal a beautiful portrait of Harper! "It's wonderful!" Exclaimed Harper. "You are a very kind and talented shaman." "Thank you Harper, you are kind as well." They set off to have adventures with the other shamans, protecting Jamaa and they lived happily ever after.
ReplyDeleteTHE END
By chorus2010
wow nice story... i like it! awholenewworld
DeleteI luv rare Mondays. Wow snowy im proud that you wake up so early. OK time for my story.
ReplyDeleteOne day when Liza was on her expedition she heard a whimper and a yelp. She followed the sound to a baby harp seal. On a small ice peace in the middle of cold water. she stepped on some broken little icebergs and saved the seal. With it in a old blanket and hood, she make the ice come back together again and put a "DANGER" sign. On her way back everyone was amazed what she found. "Hold on..." said Mira. "If the spirit stones haven't been brought to life yet then how did this seal become?" A few years later as the seal grew up he could tell the story. "Ok I know you have all been wondering, My name is Harper. I lived at MT. Shiver." Mt. Shiver? Whats that?" some of them asked. "Mt. Shiver Is the place where you sent Liza. I can say that every point is safe to explore BUT the ice. If to many people come on it might crash." Harper said. "Now to the story...
"THERE ARE SOME KIND OF BLACK MONSTERS IN THE SKY." A seal yelled. They all ran back into there home but the ice broke up and 3 seals where left.
"Don't worry Harper mommy's coming." She ran to get Harper but ice fell in front of her by a phantom.
Only Harper managed to survive. One was taken away my the phantoms and the other one's iceberg broke.
~End Flashback~
"I have to save my family." Said Harper.
The next day Harper and some other shamans when to Mt. Shiver and helped all the seals squirm out until the phantoms came. All the seals and shamans VS all the phantoms. It was a hard battle. Then one time a phantom shot lightning at Liza. When the light cleared up the phantoms where gone and Harper was on the floor.
"Harper!" Said Liza. He was able to get up.
"Harper." Mira said. "You have proven yourself worthy. Would you become the seal shaman of Jamaa?" Everyone was quiet. They waited for an answer. Harper closed his eyes and said,
"I was born to do this."
Sorry if it's long!
~Another story by Maryp7
With an awesome den. XD
Snowyclaw, look! Your fox is 3D!
ReplyDeletePlease visit my blog!!
no period after the www
@Little Tinyfriend
DeleteI visited your blog and commented. Your doing good so far!
I think that the ice cave is the seal shaman's den.
DeleteI think that is a very good theory.
What her (ducier's) is related to your theory!
DeleteDucier's story I mean lol
once there was cave in which all the seals could find a place. nobody was left out and everyone was welcome. one day lots of phantoms came on miras order to simply ask if there were any other animals in there, but it turned out to be much more. when the phantoms arrived and asked the seals the question mira came out. she framed the phantoms. she said this was the beginning of a plot totake down their peaceful city. the phanotms at this time had no powers , and were liked by many people. but once mira spoke this to the world, all the people that had once liked the phanotms looked up. they shouted 'is it true' a phrase that mira had promised she would allways answer truthfully and she shouted back 'yes'!!! the phantoms were furiousy evil powers came and with the anger and the power the told the seals that if the don't go inside they will have punishment.
ReplyDeleteand then the phanotoms took the newly found strength and shot lightning at the wall it crashed. all theseals outside were destroyed ecsept for a little pup. the leader phantom said that it would spare him and send him back with his famliy inside. above the wreckeagehe pushed the pup through.the pup and the family inside live on seperate from the outsid world. back in miras castle mira sat in front of a window that looked down into the tundra. she smile and laughed this was how it was supposed to go.... in the perfect book for her at least...
sorry its a little long...
DeleteYou should see mine. It's so long that I couldn't post it in a comment. XD
DeleteGo here to read it:
Great story, by the way! It's really creative. ^^
Sorry if this is getting ANNOYING to many ppl /).(\. Anyways, Plz check out my blog. Its called: Since I haz google, People cant view my blog from clicking me. BI. Bye! ^-^
ReplyDeleteNot a huge fan of this item..... :/
Ok, here's my story:
ReplyDeleteHarper, the seal shaman, was the newest shaman in Jamaa. She had to find a home. So far she had looked everywhere except Mt. Shiveer. Harper found a cave in Mt. Shiveer. She decided that would be her home. She asked Peck if she could borrow some of her supplies, and carved a seal over her home to let the other shamans know she lived there.
One day, when Harper was outside in Mt. Shiveer,
phantoms spotted the newest shaman's home. They thought that since she was so new to Jamaa, she would not know about how to defeat phantoms. They were very wrong.
The phantoms attacked Harper, but she was to fast for the phantoms. They didn't stand a chance! Harper ran into her cave. The phantoms tried to follow her, but they hit the cave roof, and blocks of ice came tumbling down, blocking the cave entrance.
Harper was trapped in the cave for a long time. The other shamans were starting to wonder where she was. Harper was looking around the cave for a way out. After a long time, she found a pool of water in the very back of the big cave. She swam through the water, under the ice, because she knew all rivers lead to the ocean, and this was like a river. She was right, and she ended up in what is now Crystal Reef. The other shamans were happy to see that Harper was back in Jamaa.
I hope you like it!
I think the carving is of Harper, The seal shaman. Cool Rare monday :).
ReplyDeleteOkay if you all read the post yesterday you will know what this is about. Livieloo6 (not stating real name) is getting better. She had a later discussion about her problems with a doctor and got to talk with the person that will donate blood for her. I thank you for having hope in my daughter and my husband and I are very thankful for the comments on the post yesterday. Thank you all and I'll post again later if something happens.
ReplyDeleteOh thank you thank you thank u!!!!!shes ok!!!im just so happy she's ok!!!
Oh thank goodness she is ok! This is wonderful! Thank you!
That's great news!
DeleteMy story....
ReplyDeleteLong ago,right after beta happened,, Harper the seal shaman carved an engraving of a seal in some ice in Mt. Shiveer hoping for other Jammers to realize how important it was to preserve nature, inside the cave was lots of natures artifacts, containing gems, seashells, fossils, leaves, twigs and others. Many of the residents in Jamaa went into the cave to look at all the objects, but soon after the disappearance of shamans visiting Jamaa, and beta closing, the nature cave mysteriously closed, due to thins, Aj has turned to rares, and other things that don't follow what they said they would do: "To teach kids about nature, and the great outdoors, this website is specially designed for kids who love nature and the outdoors." And now they're teaching kids about how to trade, get rares, shop for clothing, and furniture. Yes, they have a few things where you can click and learn about animals and permafrost and stuff like that, and the movies. But this isn't exactly as much as the bucketload of rares and clothing we have, I'd say there's more clothing and rares,then facts.
SpiritHowl who was. :)
ok i havent done a story before so bear with me (lol get it?)well here i go...
ReplyDeletePeck was in the wrong place at the wrong time... she just knew it. She was exploring a place where no ne had gone... well thats what she thought. She heard sounded, different.Peck, the bunny shaman, decided to go talk to Cosmo, the koala shaman.
"ouch another paper cut, good thing i have a good supply of plant potion."Cosmo was a inventor, reader, teacher, and so on."Hello cosmo. i see you are reading up a storm."the bunny said. "oh Peck, long time no see i guess. but- what do you need."the Koala shaman Asked. "Well i WANT you to come with me exploring a new land." Peck requested "why wouldn't you ask sir Gilbert or Greeley, they can do much more things faster than I." "
i know you need this i do too, we need to bond more."Peck implied. "bunnies, what should i do with them. fine ill come." and that was that...
as they walked through forest once and again and again... time started passing."peck. the sun is setting and i saw that bird 3 times before. are we lost?"the koala said. "uh- wait ill draw a picture right here so we know." when Peck was drawing her stick got stuck in a plant. when she was going to try to get it of- she noticed it had three leafs and cosmo was about to talk.
finally things started getting cold- Peck heard that strange sound again and again, she realized it was sorta like a- BARK. when they went to a rocky wall she heard the sound better. she know something was trapped. "peck i think those are- seals" peck knew she couldnt get them she drew a seal on top of the ragged wall so people could see that they should help and they fed them fresh fish every week.
...legend says that you can hear barking when you drop fish in there...
-awholenewworld. i know its long but oh well
OMG Snowy! I thought the pattern looked like AJ too! lol And another new member item! UGH! Anyway heres my story:
ReplyDeleteMany years ago, Liza began her journey for a new land. It took months to find it, but she finally did. As she was walking through this weird cold land, she heard a whimpering sound. She looked and looked and she finally found the source: a young harp seal. Liza felt sorry for the poor thing, so she picked it up and started bringing it home, even though she hadn't found a Spirit Stone. She was thinking of coming back later. While Liza was thinking, the young harp seal kept squirming. Finally Liza set the seal down. Right when it touched the ground, it darted away. Liza followed. When she found the seal, it was by a cave. Right above where the seal was standing, was a beautiful picture of a seal carved out of ice. It looked exactly like the seal. Right when she saw it, Liza knew it was Mira's way of saying that this young seal was the seal shaman. Liza went into the cave. At the back of the cave she found a pedestal. On the pedestal was a Spirit Stone. Liza carefully took it and went outside. She picked up the seal and carried them both back to Jamaa. Went she got back, she showed all the shamans the Spirit Stone and the seal shaman. When everyone had left, Liza named the seal Harper.
Liza raised Harper like her own. They went on many adventures together. A few years after Mt.Shiveer had first been discovered, a grown up Harper was walking though Mt.Shiveer. She came to the old cave and went inside. The phantoms had been watching her walk in. They snuck up behind her and charged at the ceiling. When she heard the ceiling crack, she turned around. As the ceiling was falling, the phantoms escaped. Harper was trapped in the cave forever. When Liza heard what had happened, she ordered all the shamans to never come out. This is why no one sees shamans anymore.
I hoped you liked it!
BTW guys, i'm thinking of doing a daily story on here. Thoughts?
Cool idea. You should do it since your really good at it.
The should make rare pilgrim hats because they are a bit better then those last 2 ocean items.
ReplyDeletewhen r u gonna post the winner for ur contest? i entered and i wanna know if i won (most likeiy not :\ ) mare61400
ReplyDeleteHere is my story Jammers.(If you have noticed I havn't been on AJS or my blog or anyother blog,I'm sorry.I was vacationing.)
ReplyDeleteThe Seal Carved Cave:
Many years ago when Harper was a small Seal Pup her father and mother chose a Ice Cave to live in.Harper loved her Ice Cave so much!One day a mysterious Jammer came to Mt.Shiveer he talked with Harpers father.The next day Harper woke up to notice a beautiful seal carved on top of their Ice Cave!"Who carved this beautiful seal?!" Harper asked."This very special bunny,he is an artist.His name is Pleck.He finished the carving earlier because his granddaughter was announced born,he named her Peck!"Harper smiled at the seal carving craving to know more about Pleck,the artist!
Many years after that,when Harper was older,Mira called upon her to be a Seal Shaman,she soon moved out of her loved Ice Cave along with her parents to a closer Den to the other shamans.Peck told Harper about her grandfather,who taught her the beauty of color.Today,you can see Harper's Ice Cave which she was raised in when she was a young pup.During the years the Harper and her family have been out of the Ice Cave,water ran over the Seal Carving and soon froze up.Blocking the entrance to the Beautiful Ice Cave which Harper lived in!
The End.Hope you like it Jammers!:D
People on chat are not being nice to other peoples opinions i thing you should do a post about the chat and to behave on it
ReplyDeleteHere's my theory of the carving......
ReplyDeleteLong ago, the rabbit shaman Peck was wandering around Mt. Shiveer. She was looking for good ice to draw in, and noticed a good bunch. She pressed her drawing pick into the ice, but all of a sudden, it started to crack. The ice gave way with a deafening shatter, leaving in it's place a cave entrance. Suddenly, a bundle of creamy fur rolled out of the cave and knocked the shocked Peck right over! "Eeep!" Peck shouted in shock. "Who are you?" The creature on top of her stared with large brown eyes. "Thank you, kind one, for freeing me. " The creature replied. It scampered off Peck with a hearty leap. "Wait!" Peck called, rising to her paws. "Will you pose for a picture?" The She asked. The creature stood still. Peck stepped onto the remnants of the ice and engraved a drawing of the creature They waved farewell, and the creature faded into the light of her memory.
Eventually, through time and weather, the cave froze up again. But Peck's icy engraving remained, forever reminding her of that time.
OMG!!! Look at the turtle post on the daily explorer! There are one of those beetles in the corner. Now, look closer at the beetle. It's legs are BESIDE it!!!! Please post.
ReplyDeleteOMG!!!! YOu're right!!!!! That's WEIRD!!!
lameo this is fatandy3 on aj
DeleteI'm dumb. I haven't noticed that. Lol
Hi jammers!julysweet here!(this is my first story I've ever done on AJ it might be bad but please don't make fun of it!)
ReplyDeleteOne day,a rare seal ands it's mother went to mt shiver.the knew that phantoms were attacking jammma so she found a cave with seal carving on it.she said to her baby,stay here you will be safe.then the moms leaves to go to the...............UGH I CAN'T DO THIS!!!!!ARGHHHHHHH!!!!IT TO HARD!!!!!(the part were it strarted at the capitals,that's not part of the story):......(I never be good at this!!!
It's ok, it's ok. There's a first for everything, and the first time you do it it's never perfect. I think you got writer's block. :P It happens. :) Just practice and you'll get better at it! :D
It s a Spirit Stone. And the Seal Shaman lived in that cave, until it was destroyed by phantoms one Halloween. -.- I
ReplyDeleteQuick Summary of Answers:
ReplyDeleteIn the ancient ice mountains of Mt. Shiveer. . .
. . . there lies a carving of a seal.
1. Who carved it?
The Spirit Stone created the carving because it was locked away in the ice, above the icy cavern. The carving looked exactly like the carving on the Spirit Stone.
2. What does it mean?
It means that a new animal, the seal, was going to be created. It also meant that there was a Spirit Stone in the ice.
3. Who lived in that icy cavern?
Later, Harper and his friends where born from the Spirit Stone and drawn to the cave. There they lived until the cave collapsed.
4. How did it close?
It closed from an argument about Liza and her fantasy of "Spirit Stones"(which was really real). Harper yelled and due to the cave's echoing, the cave began to collapse.
I couldn't put the story in a comment because it was too big.(It said this:
Your HTML cannot be accepted: Must be at most 4,096 characters)
But if you want to read it, I posted it on my blog. I didn't want to waste all of the time I put into the story.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteOh, wait! I just found out a way of how to post my story here! I'll post it in parts.
The eerie wind blew through the empty tundra, which grew into great mountains and touched the skies of Mira. A white blanket covered everything in sight, from head to tail. The cold could chill even the thickest fur of a tiger and freeze the hottest drink.
Liza, the panda shaman, had traveled all the way to these freezing mountains in search of a new land and Spirit Stone. "Ah, a good name for this place would be Mt.Shiveer. It does make me shiver quite a lot,"Liza stated. "Now, I just need to find a Spirit Stone. What lies hidden in these mountains?"she thought aloud. The thick-furred panda traveled deeper into the cloudy white mist, her paws freezing at almost every step. No longer could she see what lay in front of her eyes, for the mist turned her vision to white, and no longer could she smell clearly, for she only smelled the icy water, no longer could she hear anything but the howling of the winds.
After a few minutes that seemed a long expedition, she slipped over an icy surface and lost her footing. She looked down into the frozen waters, and saw a fish frozen in place, and once again she slipped and hit a hard, icy, cold wall. She looked up, and she faintly saw a blue glow. There was something else up on the ice wall, but she couldn't make it out. "What is that?"she whispered silently to herself. Liza could not hold onto consciousness, and she fainted in the freezing cold.
When Liza awoke, she felt oddly warm after all of the numbing coldness. She could feel a pelt of warmth set over her, but she could tell from her smell that they where in a watery cave. Liza blinked three times and finally opened her eyes. Around her was a family of never-before seen animals. They had round bodies and slick flippers. These animals where as white as snow.
DeleteIn her curiosity, she spoke, "What are you?" One of the boldest seals replied,
"What are YOU? I have never seen such a furry thing in these lands!" Liza sat up, then sad firmly,
"I am the Panda Shaman. And you?"
"I'm Harper, a seal is what we are called."
"Ah,"Liza said, looking around the cave. "How did I get in here?"
"You where fainted outside of our cave. So we decided to take you inside."
"Do you have any type of... stone here?" She knew the Spirit Stone had to be in this cave for these seals to exist.
"No stone... just ice. This is an ice cave, it's great for seals like us."
"But.. then how do you exist? Do you know of Spirit Stones?"
"No,"a smaller seal replied. "Stones are stones."
Liza looked at the little seal and said,"Spirit Stones are stones that make it possible for animals to exist. There has to be one here."
Harper, the largest seal grumbled, "Silly legends..." Liza turned around and looked at Harper softly, with a pinch of annoyance in her eyes.
"Harper, trust me, the legends are true. I will find the Seal Spirit Stone and show you that the I am not lying." Harper's only reply was a grunt of disbelief, but before anyone could speak up, Liza dashed off(rather slipped and fell over) looking for the Spirit Stone.
"It has to be here somewhere,"she thought to herself, looking around the ice cave. She wasn't having much hope, for all she found was ice-made furniture and sometimes animal hides for beds. But no stones. The icy surface was difficult to walk on, and Liza kept on slipping. She could hear the seal's talk from where she was, because even the smallest sounds echoed through the cave.
"She's slipping a lot."
"Maybe we should help her."
"Spirit Stones can't be real!"
"Liza is crazy."
"Harper, you should have helped her find this stone!"
"She is crazy."
"NO!" Harper's voice echoed so loudly that the cave began to rumble, and then it only took her a few seconds to realize that-
The seals slipped past her, including Harper. Liza had a hard time running, and kept on falling down and slipping backwards. Liza heard Harper yell, "Liza! Just slide on your but! It's the fastest way out!" Liza did what Harper said and pushed herself along, sliding way quicker then she would have thought. As she came to the entrance, she saw that it was about to crumble.
Delete"I'm not going to make it!" The icy roof fell away, but in the last seconds of the cave's life, Harper grabbed Liza and pulled her out into safety of the open snow.
Liza, Harper and the rest of the seals just stood there, looking at the ruins of the cave. For the first time, Liza noticed the carving at the top of the cave. It showed a seal, and right away, Liza knew that the Spirit Stone was the only thing that could have created that drawing in such a lonely place. In the ruins, there it was, the Spirit Stone, the markings of a seal glowing on it brightly. The seal on the Spirit Stone perfectly matched the drawing on the cave.
"That's just what I saw before I fainted,"she whispered. In a louder voice, Liza pointed out, "There it is, the Spirit Stone." Harper looked at the chunk of rock with the mysterious markings.
He blinked then said, "I have seen that in my dreams before. It glows the color of the great blue heron that I also sometimes see. The heron talks a lot about destiny and go to Jamaa."
Liza gasped in astonishment, and then replied, "The blue heron is Mira, Sky Mother. I.. I think you are the new Seal Shaman." Liza bowed her head to the young white seal, and he just looked at the ground in embarrassment.
"I guess you where right. Now, thanks to my yelling, my cave is destroyed."
But Liza just smiled and softly spoke, "Don't worry, you can come back with me to Jamaa. Just don't forget the Spirit Stone, and make sure to ask your seal friends if they want to come."
"Okay,"Harper smiled, and he picked up the Spirit Stone and went to talk with his seal friends. Afterwards he went to Liza and announced,"I'm ready! The others say they want to stay, so I'll be the only one coming." Liza, the panda shaman, and the new seal shaman, Harper headed off, back to Jamaa.
Pawsomest story ever!!!
Thank you! It's nice for my stories to be appreciated.
DeleteYou're welcome! If it isn't too much trouble, could you read my story? It's at the end-ish.
Ok guys so i'm gonna start doing daily stories on here. Here it goes....
ReplyDeleteThousands of years ago, before Jamaa was even discovered, was a bunny. This bunny was the only living thing. This bunny's name was Umbre. Umbre was an incredibly smart bunny, but he wanted to know more. Anyway. Umbre had just returned to his den from picking carrots and lettuce. After he went into his office, which was pretty much his entire den, he began looking at a picture he had painted. It was a picture of a town. With all different begins, big and small. Nothing bad in the world, everyone happy and cheerful. Then he began to make blueprints for buildings. And then bigger dens and fountains. He became so caught up in his work, he didnt eat for days. A bigger spirit than Mira and Zios knew it was Umbre's time. This spirit rewarded Umbre by giving him a gift better than any other. Right when Umbre finished the blueprints, he passed away. Years passed, but no one ever came. Then a wolf came. The first wolf ever. He started to read the blueprints. In his mind they were becoming a reality. This wolf had Umbre's spirit. This was Umbre's grandson, son of Zios and Mira, who were Umbre's children. This wolf, named Rufus, searched Umbre's den more. Then he found a stone. The very first spirit stone in the history of Jamaa.
Check back tomorrow for more!
The Icy Land
ReplyDeleteIt was nighttime. A seal was trapped underwater, with ice sheets the size of airplanes falling down on her every side. She swam with all her might, until she finally found a hole big enough for her to jump out. And she did. But the seal looked out to the forever crumbling ice caused by the cursed two-legs' pollution. My family, she thought. Just then, she spotted the Aurora Borealis in the night sky. The seal gained hope, but lost it as quickly. She looked down. But then the seal glimpsed some familiar faces in the midnight sky. "Mother! Father!,"she yelled. One seal spoke loud and clear in her head,"Harper, we are not lost. To find us--" The father interrupted,"Umm... You didn't forget the poem, did you?" The mother slapped her paw against her face. Harper laughed. The mother said,"Well, maybe another time. Anyway, you have not lost all hope in survival." Harper's father spoke,"Do the thing that you feel like is best." "But remember, many challenges await you. The next one should start" The Aurora Borealis disappeared, as well as Harper's parents' image. The ice started to crumble under Harper's feet. Harper's instincts told her to run. Harper waddled as fast as she could across the unbroken ice. She ran like this for miles and miles, until she came across an enormous mountain.
Part 2 Snakes and Ladders, Arctic Version
DeleteHarper looked up at the dizzying mountain. Her father had taught her how to climb on an iceberg using her hidden claws, and her strong muscles. She had mastered it when she was just a pup, and later on she even mastered climbing the iceberg underwater. She looked at the treacherous mountain again. It didn't seem so intimidating, it seemed as small as an iceberg... Harper said to herself,"This is not a mountain, Harper, it's the small teeny tiny iceberg that I used to climb when I was a pup." She put one paw down, digging in the slippery snow one using her claws. One paw at a time, she somehow managed to find herself at the top of the mountain. "It's an iceberg,"she said with a giggle. She walked to the peak, and looked down. It was as intimidating as it was down on the ice. How could Harper climb down all this way? She was full of exhaust. Then Harper thought, maybe I don't have to CLIMB down, maybe slide down... She put her tail in front of her. And she pushed off from the ledge above her. "WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"she yelled with excitement as she sled down to the bottom. Harper landed in a small snow drift with an "OOF!" She dug out of the snowdrift to find herself in a small ice cave with creepy shadows all over.
Part 3 Forest Fire (NOT!)
DeleteHarper looked around the cave. The shadows seemed to be representing a heron and a couple of animals charging some... Things. Then Harper looked to her left. The cave ended there, as well as the ice Harper lived on. At the bottom the ocean's waves churned. Harper's stomach rumbled. "Well, hopefully I'll find some good fish down there." She jumped off the ledge. Wind flew past her fur. Right before she landed in the ocean, she was teleported to somewhere else. Harper landed with an "OOF!" She walked around, surprised that this wasn't the ocean. As far as she could walk, she saw a locked house, a movie theater, a slide, a ledge for parachuting, and a campfire. This whole place was a treehouse with no roof or walls. Harper went in the movie theater first, her stomach hungry for popcorn. Sure enough, there was a wolf selling popcorn! "May I have some popcorn? I'm starving!" The wolf fixed his crooked glasses and said,"May I ask, what animal are you?" Harper answered,"A seal." The wolf said,"Never heard of one. Let me ask my manager." He called the manager bunny and they whispered a bit. Finally, the bunny shook his head. The wolf said,"Well, it appears there are no seal shamans yet. Mira is busy with the phantom war in the Temple, so I'm afraid you'll have to wait until the war is done." Harper asked,"War?"
Part 4 The "Thing" War
DeleteHarper remembered,"Wait, can I have some popcorn first?" The wolf nodded. Harper went into the movie theater. She looked at all the possible films, and saw "A Tour of Jamaa." Harper thought, maybe this will help me with all my questions... She watched it, chomping on popcorn. A map appeared on the movie screen. "Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah..." Harper watched it curiously, learning about all the places in this land called "Jamaa". The narrator said,"Mira is the leader of Jamaa. She and all the animal shamans lead Jamaa. Phantoms are our enemies, so keep watch! Right now Mira and the shamans are fighting in the Lost Temple of Zios against the phantoms. Zios was Mira's long lost husband and his remains lie in the Lost Temple of Zios. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah..." Harper watched it to the end. She was so fascinated that she forgot to eat her popcorn. Then the film ended. Harper wanted to talk to Mira as soon as possible. She remembered the map in her head, and ran to the Lost Temple of Zios. Everything looked exactly like the shadows in the cave. A war.
Part 5 Harper's Icepop Power
DeleteShe ran to the animals. A panda was busy making a phantom shishkabob with her spear. She noticed Harper and yelled,"We must finish this war before any new shamans are made!" Harper thought, maybe I can help them finish this war... Harper concentrated. She thought of her Arctic land, destroyed by the two-legs. She thought of her mother and father, lost in the frozen sea. She thought of the icy mountain. Finally, she let burst all her emotions and pretty much, most of the phantoms were frozen like icicles. All the animals finished off the remaining phantoms. Mira looked at Harper. "You are a seal, I suppose?" "Yes,"Harper answered. "Come with me to Jamaa Township." Harper replied,"Oh,I already know the way." Harper ran to the Jamaa Township. Mira and the shamans followed her.
Part 6 The New Shaman
DeleteHarper went to the Jamaa Township. Mira said,"Go further north." And Haroer did so. Then they gathered around the statue of Mira. Mira said,"Since you are the first seal known to be in Jamaa, you will be the seal shaman. You will meet the other shamans. The panda Harper had talked to before spoke,"I am Liza, the panda shaman." Liza looked adventurous and curious. A bunny said,"I am Peck, the bunny shaman. Peck blushed with a paintbrush behind her back. And so on, until all the shamans had introduced themselves. Mira said,"Now that we have introduced ourselves, why don't you tell about yourself?" Harper told them about her story, how she came to Jamaa. "My parents are down there somewhere under the broken ice." Mira reassured her and said,"You have the powers of a shaman. You can fix your land. It will become a part of Jamaa." Mira transported them to the top of the mountain. Harper concentrated like she did at the Lost Temple of Zios. She thought of the same things. The water began freezing and fixing itself together, remaking her Arctic land. "I will call my land Mt. Shiveer." Just then, a nearby cave crumbled. Not the one that led to Sarepia Forest. The cave that Harper used to live in. Harper had a tear on her cheek. Mira said,"All will be well."
The Land Of Ice
ReplyDeleteAs Liza was walking around to discover a land, she saw steam coming from a pond. It lead her to an icy land with a snowy mountain. Around the land were a bunch of seals, but one seal Liza noticed was special. Liza walked over to say hello. "Hi, my name is Liza, what's your name?" "My name is Harper, I am the leader of the seals in this area. Our ancestors carved the carving over there, it represents us seals. But an ice age began and destroy the land, but the only thing that survived was the carving. The was also a cave but it was blocked off." " Wow... Can I ask you something? You see, there is a country called Jamaa. We want to expand the lands. I wanted to know, if we can have this land, and if seals can be part of Jamaa's animals. You could be the shaman for the seals." Liza asked. " Sure, under two things. Name the land Mt. Shiveer, and build a Cocoa Hut. It gets very cold here and we would like to have a warm drink." Harper replied. Liza agreed and Mt. Shiveer and the seals became a part of Jamaa.
:l Apparently there was a bug writing part 3 so you'll see it later.
ReplyDeleteNow I'm writing part 4 :3
DeleteNow I'm writing part 5
DeleteHere is my story for the Monday mystery. Enjoy.
ReplyDeleteOnce a seal was strolling around MT. Shiveer looking for a place to live and the seal was Harper the Seal Shaman. After 2 hours of looking she found a cave. A cave suitable for her. So then she decided to live there. The next morning she found a carving of a seal on top of the opening of the cave. She wondered who carved that. Then she saw Peck the Rabbit Shaman near the cave drawing in the snow. Harper asked,"Peck did you draw the seal on my cave?" "Yes, do you like it?" said Peck. Harper nodded yes. Peck said,"I really like to draw and sometimes when I come here I find stuff to draw on like you cave. "I guess drawing is everything to you," said Harper. Peck said,"Of course!" "I can't live without drawing!" "Well the seal you carved is beautiful," said Harper. "Well I'm going to go catch breakfast." "Bye Peck," said Harper. "Bye Harper,"said Peck.
ok that's the end of my story. Hope you liked it and sorry if it might be long.
Hey snowy. Can I have your permision? You see, im writing something like a book that has nothing to do with AJ. But it has something to do with animals on aj like bunnies wolves and foxes and stuff. It's a really cool one and I want to post it somewhere. Why not here? Sorry! I have no where else. So please? Can I post a long book here? Chapter by chapter? If no thats OK. because it might be spam to some people.
ReplyDelete~Maryp7 with the awesome den
In my opinion, yeah!
DeleteHi! This is Ducier and this is my story:
ReplyDeleteHarper's Carving
By Ducier
Long ago, before time itself had come, there lived the seal, Harper. She would soon be the shaman of the land of Jamaa, but we'll save that for another time. Harper was swimming around in the icy waters of Mt. Shiveer, her home, when she swam by a particularly odd piece of ice. It was shaped like a blog, perfect for carving! Harper got out of the water, and started towards it. She knocked against the ice with her flipper, to see that it was ice-solid. Harper left the ice, careful to pinpoint the location of it in her mind. She spotted a stick laying on the ground nearby, and picked it up with her flipper. Holding the stick, she walked back over to the ice. Harper grasped the stick tightly in both flippers and dug it into the ice. After an hour and a half, the carving was done. It was a carving of herself, laying on the shore. Proud of her carving, Harper added a little carving of a flipper beneath the main carving. It was a sign that she had made it. Harper started waddling back to the bone-chilling water, but night was falling. Tired but proud, Harper went back to her carving. She noticed there was a very small little opening in the bottom of the ice. She was small, so she pulled herself through somewhat ungracefully. Once inside the small cavern, Harper dragged herself towards the left side, which appeared to be warmer, shoved away the snow, and went to sleep.
Harper woke with a start. The earth shook underneath her. Terrified, Harper raced out of the cavern. The earth still rumbled underneath her. "Help!" cried Harper, knowing that no one would come. She hurried towards the water, hoping it would be safer then land. Trees began to snap, snow began to shift, ice began to sway and crack. It was a earthquake. Harper dove into the chilling waters, wishing only to escape with her life. The fish and penguins swam around and with her, fleeing from the ice. Tired and scared, Harper found an ice berg floating in the sea. She climbed on, tucked her tail around her nose, and fell into a cold and restless sleep.
When she woke, she immediately thought of her hard-worked-on carving. Could it have shattered in the ice? Harper leaped off the ice berg and dove deep into the waters. The penguins and fish were gone, they probably went to safer waters. Harper propelled herself through the water, restless to know what had happened to her carving. When she reached shore, she hauled herself onto it, and waddled towards the ice carving. Harper had a smile that stretched a mile wide. It was not ruined! The entrance to the cavern and the flipper that had shown that she had made it were all crumbled away, but the main carving of Harper remained. Harper later left the ice carving, knowing nothing can stand the test of time, which would come around eventually. :p
The carving is still standing, a reminder of Harper's skill and love of the icy mountains of Shiveer.
Hope you liked it!
Great story! Really creative and descriptive! I like it. ^^
DeleteThank you so much!
Actually, for the new Fox patten, its shaped as Ears and Paws, because Foxes have black paws and ears. That's why it doesn't have the strike in it an A would have. And it's shaped as a leg. Your welcome, ;D
ReplyDelete-General Rockywolf
It does look like AJ and that's exactly what I noticed :D
DeleteYeah I noticed that too!
Honestly, I would have NEVER noticed that if you didn't just mention it. ;)
Deletehi snowyclaw, sorry i din't comment too often lately, to make up for that heres my story: one seal (nobody knows her name) was a seal shaman and she roamed the land "dum dee dum" sang the seal as she took a walk in Mt. shiver as she did that she heard a cry for help, but the sound sounded like it was coming from EVERYWHERE she looked here she looked there but then she sighed and said "it was probably the wind" and went back home. she curled up in her bed made from leafs she took a nap. in a few minutes the ground began to ruble so much it woke her up! (she is very good at keeping asleep) then she figured that the cry for help was coming from everyone, a earthquake was coming! since she was deep in her home and was not good at running fast she wobbled to her door, but it was too late!her entrance was locked from rocks! so as she cryed mira came to visit (mira can walk throe walls! "i will guide you, you can come to live in the sky with me intill the day this door will open and you can come back" and they fley out of there. after the earthquake a jammer carved a picture of the seal on the door and made this story (the part where the seal's name was got chipped off) and now that seal is still with mira intill we break open the door The End by: me snowflakedaisypet
ReplyDeleteIm going to post the begining tomaroow. :)
ReplyDelete~maryp7 with the awesome den
so for the Monday thingy... One day, harper the seal was looking after her little sister. Her little sister was building a snowseal (snowman) just outside of their den. She was just putting the finishing touches on it before the cave shook. "watch out!" harper yelled. she pushed her sister out of the way, just in time to watch the avalanche of snow fall where they had been a seconds ago. Now, harper was trapped inside the cave! Harper went farther into the cave, in hopes of finding the back door. She didn't, and only sucseeded in getting lost. she walked on, less sure about which direction she should go. then, she turned into a dead end. "oh no!" wailed harper, "what should I do?" Harper was about to turn back, when she noticed a small tunnel in the left corner. with a little difficulty she entered a room filled with a bright light. "eek!" Harper jumped back, surprised. there was a glowing rock against the wall.She picked it up, and went down another tunnel. After walking along for a few more minutes, she noticed a light. when she got closer, she noticed there was a hole in the roof of the tunnel "Finally, an exit!" harper exclaimed. She was beginning to think that there was no way out, and that she'd be stuck there forever. Once she got out, she looked around. Her sister was talking to a bunny and a panda that harper didn't recognize. She slid on her belly down to where they were. That's how the slide of Mt. shiveer was made. When her sister saw her, she looked up. " Harper!" she exclaimed, "I thought I would never see you again!" "Hey," harper said, too happy to say anything else. then she remembered the rabbit and the panda. "I don't want to be rude, but who are you guys?" she asked them. The panda smiled. "Hello, I am Lisa (or was it Liza?), the panda Shaman, and this is my friend, Peck the rabbit shaman." Peck obviously wasn't listening. She picked up a sharp shard of ice and carved something in the wall. "what are you doing, peck?" harper asked. Peck stood back and showed everyone her drawing. it was of a seal, with its head lifted upwards. "thats a great picture!" harper said. then, peck noticed harper's glowing rock. "is that a ---" she said, before lisa interupted her. "its the spirit stone we were looking for!" lisa exclaimed, "now seals can come to jamaa! But," she said, "we need a seal shaman. would you like to be the shaman, harper?" she asked. "of course! " harper replied. "I'll make sure to visit you often" she said to her sister. The mountain where harper lived was named mt. seals, because that was where seals were discovered, but after a century, they accidentaly called it Mt. shiveer, and the name stuck. As for the seal drawing? There were many avalanches, but that drawing still stayed there, a sign of harper and her new friends.
ReplyDeleteWhen Mira brought Harper the Seal Shaman to Jamaa, she thought that the perfect place for her would be Mt. Shiveer. When Harper first arrived there she found a small cave, since she got so curious about what kind of wonders might be in there she finally decided to just go exploring. When she first entered the cave she noticed weird markings carved in the walls. She took out her journal she had brought with her and drew the weird markings. As she traveled further into the mysterious cave she came to two tunnels. There were markings around the sides of the openings. The markings around the left tunnel had the same markings as the ones when she walked in the cave. She continued venturing deeper and deeper into the cave until she slipped on some ice! "Whoa!!" she yelled. The floor got steeper and she kept sliding down until she slid into a light blue room that was glowing. When she looked in front of her she saw a big pile of snow and before she could scream she ran straight into it. "Ooph!"
ReplyDelete"Where am I?"
"You're in the Heart of Mt. Shiveer."
As Harper turned around she saw Mira sitting in the middle of the room. "Mira, what do you mean by were in the heart of Mt. Shiveer?"
"Every place in Jamaa has a special place kind of like this one. If you've seen the cave with Greeley carved on the outside you've seen the one he explored when I first brought him to Jamaa."
"But that one is closed, why?"
"Once the Shamans find the heart of the lands there is a special connection that makes it possible for only the Shaman that discovered the cave to enter. So to the public the cave shall appear closed and will not allow them to enter. But to the Shaman that discovered the cave it will open."
"O.K., but how do we get out of here?"
"Did you see the passage on the right before you slid down here?"
"That's the way out, there's stairs down that one."
While Mira and Harper were walking up the stairs there was a light blue glow that surrounded Harper. When they got to the entrance Harper noticed that the strange carvings were now of her. "Mira, aren't those-"
"You? Yes."
When they walked out the cave entrance closed. Harper turned around and saw a carving of her in the ice.
The next day when some of the other Shamans came over Greeley said, "So Mira told us you found the heart of Mt. Shiveer."
"Yup. And I plan on going there for a long time."
Hope you enjoyed my story I am flarion27951 on Animal Jam.
@ snowyclaw
ReplyDeletei have a new glitch!!!!
its called the shadow glitch: first you turn into a ghost in the scary party and then you get muddy and ta-da! you look like a shadow!!!! ii figgered this out on my own
i'm going to post this glitch on the ask snowyclaw page :l
Long ago...
ReplyDeleteHarper was the guardian of mt shiveer...
harper was the seal queen, her daughter shiveer 1 day was attacked by phantoms...
the phantoms sealed her under ice
harper made a small ice cave and sealed the phantoms in their and the carving was to remember shiveer..
actually the thing tht looks like A is the back of the ear and the J is the leg of the fox!
ReplyDeletelol ur right
DeleteThat's a shaman cave... The seal shaman.......... It's possible to open....
I like the pattern. I am from the FUTURE!!!!!!!!! There are going to be snow leporads/pumas!! Also the new Spider-Man movie is out and i have it
ReplyDeleteYou are awesome speaking of the <3 <3<3 lol
DeleteLol I have the movie too I also heard there is an Amazing Spider Man 2!!!!!!!!!!!!! But it's in Summer 2014!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT ANOTHER SECOND, PEOPLE I NEED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is really cool and awesome.