Friday, September 9, 2011

Letter to AJ HQ

Hey jammers! I thought it was about time that we sent a letter to AJ HQ, about lots of things. New pets, new animals, new items... Get creative! I'll send everyone's ideas in in one massive letter, then when they get back to be I'll post the response on the blog! This is a time for us to get together as a group to HQ what we love about AJ, and what we want in the future.
If you'd like to send your own letter, I've decided to include a picture tutorial on how to send ideas to AJ HQ.
Go to main AJ site.
Scroll down to bottom of page, click "Contact Us."
Enter in your info in the blanks and write your message.
It works best if you are clear, polite, and sincere.
Comment with your ideas for a future Jamaa! Let's all work together to make AJ as fun as it can possibly be. 


  1. i think animaljam should make more secret places for us to discover thats all i could think of right now


    1. ya thats a great idea nobbie!!

    2. Everyone on AJ should be treated the same NO more member stuff PLEASE

    3. I agree! There's only ever nonmember, and member stuff. That should be in the letter, but the letter was probably sent two years ago ^.^

    4. its not fair!! DX it started when my membership expired DX DX DX i'm soooo sad

    5. All sites need membership because it's how they pay for the site. If no one had membership, aj would close because they couldn't pay for the site funding. So it's a bad idea not to have membership. I think it's pretty fair now, lots of clothes and they even have pets.
      -Rachelaj (or tigergurl16402

  2. They also have an email for ideas. it is called I think.....

  3. Sorry you got hacked. Here are my ideas
    1 items to bring back: All Halloween items, Freedom Wings,Freedom Helmet, Freedom Mask, Freedom Bands,Reindeer Mask,Antlers, Bat Mask, Worn Blanket,TopHat
    2New animal: Jaguar
    3 new items : Jaguar mask
    4 new land: Amizonia holds jaguar spirit stone and based on amazon rain forest

  4. Omg I want a llama too!!!!! Oh and Aj should make an orange glove

  5. Hmmm...Okay, here are my ideas:
    For Everyone:
    •Gazelles as animals
    •Woodpeckers, meerkats, lizards, and crabs as pets
    •New turquoise color, as well as neon green, and two more colors
    •Bigger map, so we can have a desert plain
    •Red-Tailed Hawk and/or Roadrunner to go with the desert!
    •Bring back the ALL the Halloween costumes and furniture from last year back this year, including the all important nonmember bat wings (except for Take One Treat Bowls and some member things, because you need at least one new thing!)
    •Let nonmembers change colors of their clothes again:)
    •Scuba suits for everyone, that come in different designs (all scuba suits for everyone!)
    •Create-your-own clothes (Winterstream's idea)

  6. •Candy Collection Furniture: Peanut Butter Cup Beanbag, Sour Candy Torch (With Changing Color Glow, Ekoorb4321's idea), Chocolate Bar Collection (Chairs, Coffee Tablles, Anything that's furniture, Nicky67's idea), Sour Candy Chair (Cooooolguy's idea), Gingerbread Dog House, Gumdrop Beanbag Chairs, Gummy Worm Mat (gummy worms weaved in), Mint Curtains (assorted member and nonmember, mainly nonmember)

  7. @Jammers
    These are all amazing ideas! I'll send them to AJHQ at this very moment! If more people comment I'll be sure to send those in later on.

  8. 1-bring back the halloween clothes
    2-color changing for non members
    3- 1 other big cat except the tiger
    4-bats as pets (i love bats!!!!)
    5-a new scary area (like a special halloween place)
    6-one or more other space for non members to have an animal!!!
    7-snakes for a pet :3!!!
    9-GECKOS for pets :3 :)!!
    10-food for the animal that we have
    11-one pet for us non members!!!
    12-more games like "temple of trivia"!!!
    13-more secret stuff like dancing with Mira
    14-a giraffe for a new animal and a jaguar is a good idea too
    15-more emoticons for non members and members
    16-non members to have 1 den more

    This are all my ideas for now

  9. Here are my ideas

    -new animal : dingo
    - new pet : gecko
    -new land :outback themed
    -new clothes : safari like clothes
    - new pet : ferret

    if you need to know what a dingo is it is a australian wild dog.

    New items : painted stone, surfboard,boomerang,and stone arc

    Reason why geckos should be pets:they are awesome!

    1. are you from Australia? it seems like it for some reason

  10. I KNOW! That Land you were talking about in AJ ponders Ed. 2, they should bring that out!

  11. I would like in animaljam:
    Waterfalls for your dens
    Beavers as animals
    Dogs and cats as animals
    A new land (peferably a wet land which will be my clans land no acceptions lol)
    Real cruises you can go on and it takes you around the world on jamaa and you can pay for the ticket for 1000 gems each
    That would be so cool!! id take my whole clan+friends and family on the cruise :))

    1. Oh im loved2 on AJ

    2. a cruise would be really great. and not just a cruise ship party.

    3. Snowy claw here I think that is a great idea I will send a letter to AJHQ right away!

    4. Cave man6 AKA crashing speedy robot thinks that is awesome idea the cruise

    5. AJHQ here we approve the cruise ship but only for 100 gems

  12. I want a crocodiles only party...also...
    New Animals: Swan, Flamingo, Whale, Matatee, Mantaray
    Dens: Temple, Underground
    Pets: None at the moment, exept a tadpole
    Thats all for now!
    I sent you a letter saying that this blog rules!
    Count Desertstone

  13. I think that I will send AJHQ a letter myself! Thanks Snowyclaw!

  14. Wow I'm so excited to hear there reply! Please mention the jamasian movement for me!!!!


  15. I REALLY want my fav animal Panthers to come to Jamaa! I even named my cat Panther! :P The other cat i have is Tiger!


  16. I wish owls would come to jammu! But, how would they fly? Or Maybe, panthers! I'm getting excited just thinking about it!!! 😝

  17. Flying animals would be awesome!!!

  18. Dear Aj hq what happened to all the gliches? we can't do the temple of zios glich and i love that glich
    your addoring fan, harry potter7766
    p.s.can we bring bears or frogs to jamma?

    1. the animals i want in AJ is a sheep a bison and maybe even black bears and another flying animal a parrot i like those colorful birds. and i want a pet chameleon

  19. AJ hq please bring glitches back and for a new animal(s):Llama like the other jammers said :flying creatures like hawks,bald eagles,cardinal,or more like Mira's animal if her animal flys

  20. i think they should have like a lot of secrets and stuff not like "breaking the bridge" or "dancing around the fire" i mean like discovering secret places by yourself and finding shamans or mira or something there

  21. i think more parties like foxes only and seals only elephants only rhinos crocodiles and all the animals only parties if you know what i mean.and more animals like maybe even house pets ya know and more secret places which we find and maybe share to our friends!;D

  22. oh and more pets this is from the last comment by the way and flying animals we can play as!

  23. omg did u know if u send aj hq a letter like in a envelope and if u include ur user they will send u a aj hq plaugue!!!!!! and if you get your howl in jamaa central u will get a howl plauge!! and if u get a picture of urs in jamaa central u get a artist plague! and if u win a contest you get a star plauge!! ( sorry for my misspellings) i hope this helped u!!


    1. Non-members get hamster now, but it's not as cool because we can't dress them up.

    2. Ahem, There is an eight year old on this blog. AJHQ can't do that, Wouldn't it not be fair for members? Thir parents spending money for nothing? If this really happens I am quitting, My dad spent 15$ x 2 for me and my sister to have fun on AnimalJam, You really want to make people quit...

  25. bring back many items such as spike collars, nm wings, mech angel helmets, and maybe some den betas.

    also, for monthly member gifts, stop giving out pets and give out clothing or den items please!

  26. Animaljam should have beavers and kangaroos. Also, all nonmembers should be able to buy one 2nd den that costs as much money as most member dens. The strobe lights should also be free. Lastly, in Animal Jam contests and on The Daily Explorer, animal jam should tell jammer's usernames and not just the name of their animal.

  27. Animal jam should be gone, it's ruining my brothers life. He spends all day there and I am not kidding. Animal jam should be banned.

    1. Yes, AnimalJam does take control of our lives, AJHQ isn't a doctor that says "Dont play too long on AnimalJam" Its addicting but it shouldn't be banned. Happy your taking care of your brother, But its called " HAVING FUN "

    2. WHAT? no way animal jam does not need to be banned talk to your mom alone and tell her hey my brother is on animal jam TOO much can you ask or tell him to stop for at least 4 hours then he can get back on tell your mom that or dad either one it does not need to be banned because of that.

  28. I like what you guys are usually up too. This sort of clever work and reporting!
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    1. exactly if there were no reporting guess how mean people would be in AJ

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  30. hi im Articwolflove and i was suspended for 1 day yesterday and i was wondering if...someone could please take it away...i wasn't using offensive language...i would never do that im not joking i would never call anyone names i was just acting like my pewdiepie character and asking people if they like pewdiepie and wanted to be my bros and i got suspended for no reason i hope you take my reasons and explainations into consideration i would love to get back on aj and make new friends

    sincerely yours,Articwolflove

  31. Dear snowy, i am sorry, but i had to use your email to write a letter to aj. the reason being, that i was afraid my brother would be mad at me for using his email. i hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. from your friend, skitten219. (btw, maybe you could post ajs responce? it would make me happy if you did) PLZ REPLY.

    1. i renember you, skitten !! you gave me the idea for the deercat clan !! -rovan

  32. Can you send this to them plz?
    1.Nonmembers can change color for clothing
    2.EVERYONE have free chat even when they first sign up)
    3.Nonmembers can buy at LEAST 1 different den
    4.Nonmembers buy a member animal from the Diamond Shop and become memeber
    5.Phantoms take over for the month of October
    Thanks! I will maybe do it for my account to, just to make sure! :)

  33. my idea for animal jam is sugarskull armor~

  34. how about a land called " Snowy Peak "?

    1. good idea!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. my idea for AJ is to have a TV in your den that actually has real TV shows on it like for instant spongebob, sam and cat, austin and ally, jessie, and the crocadile hunter i use to love that shoe after his accident in the ocean R.I.P

  35. or maybe " Cloud City " for the future of animal jam if we ever have any animals that we can turn into that can fly...

  36. Dash, That's a great idea Snowy Peak, flying animals, It's GREAT! But also Snowyclaw... your blog inspired me to make my own =D so thx, and last thing Snowyclaw, thanks for the AJHQ Contacting steps! It helped a lot!

  37. My school's mascot is a bear, but they already have pandas, so you can just be brown on Color 1 and 2. Maybe I can email to AJ HQ about that Jammers want new animals.

  38. I need people to help get the idea of a BIRD as a new animal, considering that AJ has none (as of now.)


  39. Awesome! Birds sound like an awesome idea!
    But we need a certain one. ^.^

  40. A Hawk, or eagle!!!!

  41. I would love if that you were a good jammer they would send you a pet owl for non memebrs and able you to be able to accept it

  42. Guys, stop saying no more membership! MEMBERSHIP IS IMPORTANT! Aj makes a lot of stuff member because they want people to buy it. Memberships are the reason A LOT of sites exist! It helps them pay! You are supporting aj with membership! That's why they gave out rare gifts when you're a member. It's only right guys, it's kinda what they have to do.
    -Rachelaj (or tigergurl16402)

    1. Lol yes this is VERY important to have Membership. If y'all want to take away member ship..Everyone will be mad.
      What if animaljam ( Just joking XD ) Closed because of people saying "NO MORE MEMBERSHIP!" AJHQ wont care if the non member people want no mor membership,
      BTW if there was no membership. Animaljam will STILL have resrictions for the non members and they wont be able to change the color of stuff they want

    2. I think that membership is VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT because if we had no membership there would be way less houses and less stuff for your den plus for you all non members out there ask your parents if you can get a member ship if they say no it's ok ask again the next day but not all the time, k.

  43. i think they should have it to wear in the diamond shop u can buy diamonds with ur gems like.... 1000g for 1d see?

  44. i think they should have it to wear in the diamond shop u can buy diamonds with ur gems like.... 1000g for 1d see?

  45. i think they should have it to wear in the diamond shop u can buy diamonds with ur gems like.... 1000g for 1d see?

  46. i think they should have it to wear in the diamond shop u can buy diamonds with ur gems like.... 1000g for 1d see?

  47. i think they should have it to wear in the diamond shop u can buy diamonds with ur gems like.... 1000g for 1d see?

  48. i think they should have it to wear in the diamond shop u can buy diamonds with ur gems like.... 1000g for 1d see?

  49. i think they should have it to wear in the diamond shop u can buy diamonds with ur gems like.... 1000g for 1d see?

  50. i think they should have it to wear in the diamond shop u can buy diamonds with ur gems like.... 1000g for 1d see?

  51. i think they should have it to wear in the diamond shop u can buy diamonds with ur gems like.... 1000g for 1d see?

  52. i think they should have it to wear in the diamond shop u can buy diamonds with ur gems like.... 1000g for 1d see?

  53. i think they should have it to wear in the diamond shop u can buy diamonds with ur gems like.... 1000g for 1d see?

  54. that would be the coolest thing in the world if you could be a polar bear in animal jam that would be so cool

  55. Here are mine please send it

    1. bring party hats back
    2. bring betas back
    3. have a jaguar as a new animal not in the diamond shop
    4. bring polar bears to animal jam not in diamond shop
    5. let people buy diamonds with gems at the diamond shop
    6. let non members have a new animal
    7. make new non member items

  56. hey aj... I was wondering if u could let non member have 3 animals at a time the reason im saying this is because I have 3 items I most like and I can display then all at once... also I like to stick with two of the same land animals but I don't want to delete one of them just to get a sea animal to see what's new in the sea this is just wasting gems... I hope you pick this up and read it because I really want aj to add in a new animal slot for non members. This comment is coming from werewolfsrule12345

  57. werewolverule12345July 8, 2014 at 9:43 PM

    My fav animal is a snake and im crazy over them!!! And a really want snakes to come to aj just like a cobra, easy enough... if u do please make it non member seriously if snakes r new non member animals I would be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY... like a dream come true! XD anywayz think about it.
    Actions would be:
    sit: just normal sitting (like how a snake stands)
    dance: i don't know about this one
    play: snake striking (kind of like the lion)
    sleep: rolled up in kind of like a ball
    hop: jump like a spring
    these are just some suggestions... BUT SEREOUSLY THINK ABOUT IT
    here's a picture of what they might look like VERY BAD DONT JUDGE

  58. i think that the non members should get more rights and that every one can have free chat!

  59. my headdress artic hood and 2 more things were scamed plz help me aj hq

  60. Ajuga I got scammed big time I'm bob berry my blue headdress is gone! Plz help me u my only hope

  61. Oops I'm bbberry

  62. hi animal jam you are so nice for making aj it's wonderful plz jam a gram me

  63. hi AJ HQ some scam took my phamtons Amor can you plz return it thank you I have a friend name theenagersmith on aj hee got all he stuff back can you do the same for me thank you name djkels00 ok plz thank you from djkels00 aj name

  64. there is this boy who has a crush on my friend and every time I add him he blocks my and I don't know what to do help me plz thank you his name is tanimal12345 :-)

  65. some kids keep on hacking me please

  66. help im randomly suspended :'( someone reported me fro no reason my username is lolcrazyface thank you aj HQ

  67. please and i dont know thier username cause i forgot

  68. also i LOVE the jammer wall

  69. i love minecraft


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw