Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Spirit Snaps
Panda Snap Winners!

Hey Jammers! And yes, the winners have been chosen! Thank you to everyone who entered, it was quite difficult choosing the winners since you all did amazing! However I could only pick what was supposed to be two later turned to three. Anyways let's get to it!

First place goes to... drum roll please...
Congrats Owllover76! Out of all the entries I think this one had the most effort including all the lovely little details. I could only imagine how much time you put into this! So congratulations! I will send you your first place prize of a Panda Hat as soon as I can!

Second place goes to... drum roll please...

Congrats to sonicboom111! I really love how you and your buddies matched! I also liked the symmetry, it's quite visually appealing! So congratulations on winning rare bow and arrows!

And last but not least third place goes to... drum roll please...
Congrats to DinozWisdom! I loved all the bamboo showing a panda's natural habitat! I also love the contrast between the colors! Also very visually appealing! Congrats on winning a last minute prize I added, non rare bow and arrows, I am sorry it is a bad prize however it was very last minute that I chose from my storage. 

Speaking of pandas, a very cute red panda!
I don't know if any of you watch the Ellen show
but I remember but awhile back when she showed
this adorable red panda!

 Anyways I currently don't have a contest planned however keep sending in your snaps to be possibly featured on the AJS! But to conclude, thank you very much for reading! 

Send them to me directly ( or to all of us at Animal Jam Spirit (