Tuesday, December 6, 2011

AJ HQ's Response

Hey jammers! Good news, AJHQ replied to your amazing ideas, and the response was very good! Click for full size.
Thank you Marin for such a thoughtful and thorough answer! I sure hope some of our ideas make it to the AJ drawing board, jammers. If you submitted your ideas, thank you! If I missed your user than I'm really sorry, it was quite hard organizing all the ideas in one email.

Next up is the ideas for the blog, I've organized the general ones into this list... Can you think of any more to add?
Does this cover it? And as for the holiday blog decorations, what would you guys like changed? I need to be told again, I'm easily confused. ^^ Thanks again for the wonderful ideas in AJ and the AJS. See you in Jamaa and Happy Jamaalidays!

UPDATE: New post on the Spirit Artwork mini blog!
Note: Thank you chevyhemi, oliviacrafts, 22ar, and chris0209 for the gifts!


  1. Wow I'm so glad I'm able to help Animaljam :O And I love the ideas and the response.


  2. im not so fussy on the backround,but everything else is great....
    ....as for the list it LOOKS complete.......


  3. Ooooh, I got mentioned! Great! Well now this has put me in a good mood, which doesn't happen very often.

  4. Hope you find a chat box with better moderation alot of people swear on there...

  5. By the way what was the privileges for nonmembers? Ya know the non member rights?

  6. Max,Jedediah's Father.December 6, 2011 at 8:02 PM

    Hello Snowyclaw,my answer to your question concerning Animal Jam Spirit's looks is that it looks terrific!It does not need any more changes but if you would like to change it than do it.continued...accident in cubicle!

  7. I like the 3 improvement to happen...

  8. we made a storm of creative ideas!

  9. Max,Jedediah's Father.(I am planning to apply for moderation jobs on Animal Jam)maybeDecember 6, 2011 at 8:23 PM

    Hmmmmmm,I have an odd question for you or anyone else,either one is wildy great!Well I was wondering if I should play Animal Jam as a guide.But I'm a parent and don't work for Animal Jam,should I still do it?Yes I know your thinking,why is he asking us?

  10. Margo00/Austin Jedediah Jr. Dawkins or just AJ for short.I KNOW,AJ AS IN ANIMAL JAM AND AJ AS IN AUSTIN JEDEDIAH,LOL.ALU A E?December 6, 2011 at 8:39 PM

    Dad u didnt tell me anything about that,awesome.I give up on setings thing Iv tried it about 27 times!My bkog still wont show up on google.oh well.
    Blog looks great though!
    In my foreign language Oranoo is Olano,oh-lane-oh.Maloelelei Olano.:)

  11. @Snowyclaw
    I think you are a girl,I had a dream when I saw you drinking kava(its tongan traditional drnk)you were a girl.And I want to just know if your a girl and if your a pre-teen.thats wht u wer in my dream,lol, sorry if it is uncomfortable to you

  12. @AJ Jr. D/Margo00
    That's totally alright for you to speculate! ^^ I don't share my gender because, well, meh, I don't really know. I think everyone should imagine me as they want me to be, because it's what's on the inside that counts.

  13. Thanks for adding all of our ideas!

  14. I found something new in Jamaa!


  15. I want to point out Animal Jam has seemingly given up on the Jamaa lore!

    Me and my friends are frustrated to see them ignore their own rules (a new animal needs a spirit stone)
    and that they don't give animals their appropriate homes.

    They need to have a place to read about the history and lore of Jamaa, Mira, and Zios.

    It's most likely due to the demand of new things constantly. :C

  16. I agree! AjHq has given up on shamans, homes, and just plain fun history.Untill i read this blog i didnt know about the shamans!

  17. i know im late but id love if they brought back rare spiked collars and rare spiked wristbands for a special occasion =)

  18. wait... u play pottermore snowyclaw?!? awesome!

  19. :o! Pottermore? You play Pottermore? :D. I do!!! I didin't know that snowyclaw liked Harry potter! :D

  20. hi please help me i have been praying for a membership for a while now my first parents said no before they gave me away my second and third said the same thing(im a foster kid)an.....well....your my last hope please do this and help me we are poor and they just don buy stuff for me but basic stuff please please please! make me happy for once in my life please.........(well heres my user and pass)user:imsocute and here is my pass:lluvia. thank you so so much if you do help me bye thank you once again if you do bye!:)

  21. Hi Snowyclaw,

    I recently sent a complaint to Animal Jam via their customer support address online. I did not receive the prize for a contest I entered. I received an automated response that did not address the issue at all. Do you have any tips on how to reach them? Is there any other way than sending the email? Thanks.

  22. can you put what the AJ server names mean? thanks alot for the blog, it's the most helpful AJ blog i have ever been on! -Infinity Articspirit

  23. Hey im super nice on animal jam and i will do almost ANYTHING for a SPIKE or a HALO i really want them for my sister please trade me. P.S. please add me my user is lesey6

    1. Hey lesey6 i really like the idea of trading i might trade you because your so nice to me

    2. Not to be rude but talking to ur self is so not cool u made a fake reply in a minute >_< :p just telling not being offensive

  24. Wow, great ideas guys! Btw, Spikes are in the Diamond Shop now! Hope the Space ship den will come true! ~Starisacat

  25. Hi world! I am li66144, and I have also sent a letter to ajhq. They responded the next day! And i can't wait for eagles maybe they just hover in land worlds.

  26. wut is ur animal jam gmail?


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw