The Jamaasian Movement is in motion, click here.
Hey jammers! More rares are returning, this time it's the Flag! You can find them for sale in Jam Mart Clothing.

Do you like all these early AJ rares returning to Jamaa? I may have a contest later today, so check back often. Meanwhile, I totally forgot the Mystery Monday this week (Freedom Masks are very distracting) so I thought I'd post it now. Here it is. . .

There is something behind the Jamaa Central board. . . Something that does not exactly fit. Looking back on past mysteries (and past reflections. . .) what do you think this strange object is? What is the story behind it?
Lots of new art on Spirit Artwork mini blog, click here!

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ReplyDeleteFlags :P
DeleteOmg! What is AJ planning to do????/ DESTROY RARES????????? WHAT THE HECK?! There's going to be no rares left!!! But maybe...just maybe....That little mysterious thing behind that Jamaa Central thingy is the beginning of going back to beta days! It might be the old statue-with the emerald in the middle! P.S. Snowyclaw i'm sorry i said all that mean stuff it jst sometimes annoys me that ur famous and i'm practically a nobody. :(
Deletewhy is snowy so famous and where not its just not fair how she so famous anybody care to answer that p.s. buddy me and trade me a differ color fox hat my user is demo8 ronnie tolens its ok i feel the same way
DeleteMent to say first comment for first time also lol XD
ReplyDeletehey snowy i saw u in jamma i was the one who said hi to u with the red and blue flag, and orange spike*^.^*
P.S. i wanted to say you and your blog rock ;D
(ignore comment above i deleted)
Looking at it, It looks like an elf armor thing! It might be a jammer warrior that got frozen by the phantoms
ReplyDeleteToo awesome
ReplyDeleteI think it might be a shaman... Probably not but I dont know...
ReplyDeleteAs for the flags, as they came out AGES ago, then maybe beta stuff is coming back, and maybe shamans?! Maybe AJ HQ has heard us...
P.S I sent a message to AJ HQ about bringing back shamans, but they just replied in a REALLY boxed way: We will be sure to pass on your great ideas!
OMG!!!!! THAT'S WHAT THEY SAID TO ME, TOO!! maybe they just say the same thing to everybody, so they won't have to think of something to say to every single person?
Jamaasians for Jamaa!
probably, lol!!!
Snowyclaw, I believe the strange thing behind the message board is the stone circle that used to be there. Oh and i sent u an email my email adress is
DeleteI have written lots of letters to AJ HQ and I do get angry whenever they reply in a boxed way! But once I got so tired of it that I wrote: please do not give me a we will be sure to pass on your ideas, if you really did want to hear what we say then you wouldn't reply that way! When they replied they gave me an individual response.
DeleteFirst off im really sad all the rares are coming back because now all my rare items are beoming unrare and more people will try to scam these items cause they use to come from beta so beware.Second i think the mysteryious object on the back is just a pole for a poster. like those posters you see around jamaa about exticnted or endangered animals and so on.
ReplyDeletewow Werid I realized this the other day and just though it was a jammer guess not :3... now i really wonder what it is.
ReplyDeleteit's kinda creepy
ReplyDeleteI know what it is! It's a jammer doing the glitch but just staying behind the board. I was there that day. Alot of jammers try to talk as the board.
ReplyDeleteI was there too! So obviously I have to agree with u!!!
DeleteLol that rhymed totally by accident!
DeleteIt's not a Jammer. It has stayed still forever and as long as I have seen it. If the blue thing is the name tag, it's darker then the regular one.
DeleteYou can Change Name rag color you know
DeleteIt's a elf hat that got thrown away when the shaman warriors defeated the phantoms. They threw it away and it's stayed there. They didn't need it because after the defeat of the phantoms all peace resumed... Or it could be what citruscove265 said, A jammer doing a glitch!if it is a jammer doing a glitch, i think it's a seal. A lot of people know the glitch now, i have no idea who told them, it wasn't me or i'd get kicked out of a group called glitchbusters, which makes glitches which are easier. We even found a glitch for the flag shop-not bragging-it's hard though :)
ReplyDeleteIn beta times, there was a giant gong where the Jammer Central board is!
ReplyDeleteAnd I am positive the thing peeking out from the board is the gong.
P. S. Please check out my blog if ya have the time :)
I think it is a mask! An ancient relic!!!
ReplyDeleteit looks like a lion mask
DeleteNow that you mentioned it, I think early AJ rares are coming back!
ReplyDeleteAnd the mystery thing just migt be a little building.
It a grafie doing glitch
ReplyDeleteWow alot of AJ rares are coming back.At least people wont show them off anymore :)
ReplyDeleteYes but the mystery is will the non member wings come out??? I see them quite often...
DeleteYAY!! i have always wanted a flag,rare or not rare! and now they are out!! YAY
ReplyDeleteIt must be an ancient building.
ReplyDeleteI cant do this one- too hard. And I'm so glad cause of da flag!!!
I love the idea of bringing back old rares. If AJHQ keeps on doing doing this, soon there may not be any more rares. BTW the thing behind the board is a jammer. The tan thing is a helmet.
I think that's a jammer -3-
ReplyDeletei think it's a shaman maybe gram because he lives in trees :3
ReplyDeleteIt's spelled "Graham", Tigtac. Get 'cher shaman names right to be a Jamaasian. >3>
DeleteThat was kind of rude>.>
DeleteTigtac's my friend, she won't care X3
DeleteHey- guys. First the leaf necklaces, now the flags, not to mention the nonmem. freedom mask- doesn't this sound a bit, as snowy describes jamaasian, classy? BTW: I think it's an enchantment table from minecraft :D
Nice one
DeleteI love flags this is AWESOME!!!!!! :D I think that behind the board is a golden version of the old gong in the township, and that it was put there to remember the old gong but then it got grown over and everyone forgot about it.
cool idea...maybe it was added because of the Jamaasian Movement!
DeleteIt is just another jammer! See the straps of the flip flops?
ReplyDeleteIts horrible how rares are coming back. Think about ppl that just traded a rare for it! I hate scammers. Huh. Idk what it is. Its very odd. I think its just another one of thoose little glitches like the jam-mart-furniture store glitch. I have always wanted a flag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDelete- flynnybob
P.S. Check out my website!
no i think its a pole also for a banner i mean look at it. The tan ropes around is rope and the brown thing is the pole and underneath that is a greenish blueish color which is the banner. And thats no shapr of flip flops or helmets or anything. Its just a banner! Is it that hard to see?!
ReplyDeleteTo me, it looks like a lion mane. XD But I think it could be that mysterious green gem... Only Mira (and AJHQ) knows the answer.
lol as i saw and said about lolz and i think its that gem that was once there xxx
ReplyDeleteI think it was the old gong on the board from Beta times. Mabey having all the BETA rares coming back is a sign that our old Jamaa is coming back. Hint hint :)
ReplyDeleteSnowy, I think you have done such a good job with this blog! You have an post everyday about what is new on Animal Jam! I just want to say Thanks!
ReplyDeleteguys its easy its a hedgehog for spring decoration
ReplyDeleteLike its a hedgehog its easy
Deletei made a jamaasian movement in jamaa today people joined check animal jam taco blog to see pics
DeleteSnowyclaw right now we're having a party shouting: "SAVE JAMAA!" and "BRING OLD JAMAA BACK!" etc. Please come it's like idk server please just come. We're in Jamaa township
ReplyDeleteuhhh just come on my server if you can like see that >_< I really want you to come.
Deletei think we're in Gila and we're in coral canyons
DeleteNvm we're in coral canyons ,though. not in gila though...
Deleteplease just find us.
DeleteI was at the huge one in jamaa!!!!
I think that maybe if they r bringing back old aj rares then AJ HQ has heard us and is bringing back shamans and beta! Also, I'm glad more rares are coming out coz there wont be so much "im so rare and ur not hahaha!" LOLZ!
i bet its a jammer on a glitch with some kind of armor on
Royal blankets
Leaf necklaces
Whats next?
i think it could be worns, i think its kinda cool how rares are coming back but then they become less rare, i wish they could maybe be in the store for about a week
It's the stake holding the board in place. Pft. More more rares. I hope that founders come back.
ReplyDeletelol you got lol face lolz anyways yea....same..
DeleteMaybe a huge spirit stone? I'm not exactly sure... It might be a shaman. Better start talking to it. :3
ReplyDeleteI don't think that's a jammer. I walked by there and it was exactly the same. I don't think jammers would stay there for so long! I'd be surprised it it was!
ReplyDeleteOnce upon a time, when the lands of Jamaa were freshly created, thriving in culture and happiness, the shamans were holding a meeting in Jamaa Township. They observed the Jammers playing in the trees and having a great time, seeing if there was anything that needed improvement. All of a sudden, two monkeys playing tag broke out into a fight, arguing over who tagged who. The shamans rushed over to break up the fight, but it was too late. The whole population of Jamaa Township had gotten involved and were wrecking havoc over Jamaa. Building, animals, and plants were injured, and the shamans were heartbroken! Finally, with the help of Mira, the Jammers returned to their everyday business. The Jammers quickly forgot about the argument, but the shamans never did. They decided to post a watchman in Jamaa Township to prevent something like that from ever happening again. Since the shamans were always so busy, they asked Mira to create another shaman to keep order and peace in Jamaa. Mira agreed to this great idea, and orderd into existence a new shaman of peace named Pitalla. Ever since that unfortunate day, Pitalla, the peace shaman, has been stationed behind the Jamaa central board, keeping order within Jamaa.
ReplyDeleteis that an official story from AJ HQ or did you fabricate the story yourself? :D
I made up the whole thing :D
Deletethe original spirit stone!
ReplyDeletemaybe it a hidden shaman
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to say this but beta is IMPOSSIBLE to come back. The meaning of beta is like the older days of animal jam. So that means we can't have beta back (unless we have a time machine XD) My friend emailed animal jam about this and it is similar to this comment.
Hey guys! I think it is either a jammer talking as the board in a glitch, or the stone thing that used to be there. maybe its liza, cuz she is from china, and likes bamboo, and her home world is township, and her hut is nearby, so maybe liza. btw i support the jamaasian movement, but not mira. if only u guys knew what i knew about aj....
ReplyDeleteit probably a well.
ReplyDelete-mighty strongninja
Either a shaman, a rope with a gem, or a gem...or something we will never know! FOREVER UNKNOWN! >:D
ReplyDeleteI'm glad flags have returned. I like them ALOT, plus they are finally a cultural item. :) I got the post up about jamaasian movement on my blog! Look at my URL to visit the blog.
ReplyDeleteI like some of the rares coming back, but now I'm scared to trade because the item I traded rares for might come back the next day :/ But I do really like checking your blog each day and being excited about whatever the new item is!! :3
snowy aj is curently updating!!! WHEEEEE i cant wait, being an nm i can now get penguins!!! i hope tht nms get 4 animl slots now... cuz i wan a penguin but i also kinda wan a tiger or seal.... nms should hav mroe rights! i b member soon, so i wull also contibute 2 "cip in for chumps" but i don think we should call nms "chumps" oh well. im so exited 4 the update! i hope it brings bak some jamaasian culture
ReplyDeleteI traded a robot and a jester hat like months ago and now THEY BROUGHT THEM BACK?!?!?! IM SO MAD!!!
ReplyDeletewooooooooo hooo
ReplyDeletesnowyclaw tell us the riddle awnser
ReplyDeleteI think the "thing" behind the bushes is (I just have a weird feeling) is Graham the Monkey Shamaan! Lol
ReplyDeleteDid everyone miss the new epic wonder sword?
ReplyDeleteOMG SAW THE mysterious thing behind jamma centeral!! . maybe if aj clears it in the future it will be maybe a rare items hop!!!!!
ReplyDeleteGreat! This is great, buddy!
ReplyDeleteAbout the weekly mystery. My first time doing the glitch, i saw it, but i assumed it was just a jammer with a brown elf helmet. But Then weeks later i saw it in the exact same position. i then relized it's not a jammer. but i look at the colour and shape of the little shed or building behind all the leaves and it looks like it's a corner.
ReplyDeletei have a feeling its part of the beta days they are bringing back maybe its the green gong or even the metal stone thingeh in the trailer :P
ReplyDeletei know what thats thing is in the picture its a zios statue idlees i think it is yeah it is
ReplyDeleteKangaroos are coming they are gift cards i going to get one XD