Hey jammers! Today's "rare" is a Rare Pirate Hat. You can find it on the sixth page of the Jam Mart Clothing shop.

Now, today isn't a mystery day, I'm sorry. I have some tough questions that I need some help with. First, the comments.

I just wanted to tell you guys, that the word jamaasian was created by me. I'm not sure where I got it, but I started to use it to describe the cultural parts of Jamaa. For me, a jamaasian is someone who knows and cares about the history of Jamaa. Do you agree? I also put up a poll about the renaming issue. I think the blog should stay the same. It's for everyone, all jammers. Some jammers can also be jamaasians, it's your choice.

Contests definitely sound fun, but they are hard to organize. Meanwhile, it's hard for me to give away rares. What should I give for prizes? I'm open to any ideas!

Hi Snowyclaw,
ReplyDeleteDo not make the prizes BIG rares because then, people will be going MAD for the prize!
So lets just make the rares like...Bat masks or well...I think you know what I mean.
second comment :)
Yay first comment! I have got a new engineer. :)
ReplyDelete@Anounymous You are going crazy! I saw I WAS FIRST.
ReplyDeleteThe arguement really doesn't matter...
DeleteContest's seem a great idea but, Like snowyclaw said, It's a bit hard to organise (^-_-^)/.
ReplyDeleteAnd if you are doing as contest snowy, Don't do BIG rares like Top hats or Worns, Because people go CRAZY over them, Lots of people think Rares are the best thing about Animal Jam :(.
*Mumabean *LOVE AJ*
ReplyDeleteI saw GalaxyWulf was first, You were 2nd and i was 3rd and 4th in this comment. This argument is Pretty Pointless...
Ya, it really doesn't matter...
ReplyDeleteIf you did do contests you could do spare rares,double items, or items you really don't like for prizes!
Hope it helped,
~Shooting Star
Cool ideas! Also, (is it ok if I add somethign to your suggestions? Thanks!) this is your chance to get rid of somethign you never really wanted(oh wait, that was ShootingStar's idea, my bad! (parentheses inside parentheses XD, oh um... Sorry about the copying...)lol parentheses inside parentheses end. Parentheses. (Sorry, another inside parentheses, I said "paretheses" like: I do not need a fish for breakfast. Period) ok parentheses inside parentheses ended, hope we don't have anymore (oh great, ok, btw, (too many commas, and parentheses inside a parentheses inside a parentheses) Wait... what was I going to say?)hehe this parentheses series is going to end. Now. Period. Parentheses.) Ok, that was the longest half-unuseful comment ever.
DeleteHahaha.... I wish I didn't read that lol. I wish I will read it forever. I'm glad I read it. I'm sad I read it. Lol...
Delete- awholenewworld (the anonymousperson (that's a weird word)anonymous) )
Hello Snowyclaw! I'm whis98 snowy82889's brother. I saw you and her friend BlackWings talking about Goofy! What's up with it, I want to know!
Hi there snowy's brother :3 Yeah, don't you think he replies soooo much? XD it's not a bad thing but it's just like whoa that's a lot of replies 0.0
DeleteIm thinking the prize should be a medium rare. Not to big and not to small. Maybe something from january. Its not big and its not small its like the medium size. anyone agree?
ReplyDeleteI agree alot.
Same here.
DeleteThat's a good idea! Maybe even for the top prize something from December. But if Snowyclaw doesn't have these items, then she has to go trade for them. I bet she does though.
DeleteYay contest! Make the prize freedom wings! Jk, jk. Make it any item. This is so kewlioo ;D
ReplyDeleteX3 It would be AWESOME OwO... But in our dreams xD
DeleteI suggest maybe a tail armor because I know you have many of those O.O I'm so weird :3
Oh hey blackwings! Will you someday get online on AJ? I'm waiting. We are going to get a lot of good time.
DeleteI'll get on tonight (you left last night DX)
Cya on AJ Amy ;)
Yea, so srry, some techinal difficulites....... x3
DeleteSee you c;
nonmember items colored or rare you choose.
ReplyDeleteHey snowyclaw! I have a question. remember lolkingcentury1 last year who hacked animal jam and changed his name to im not going 2 say wat, but, word in coral canyons, he made a new account, ohbabyeatthisvigina. u shud prove this right, and tell ppl, cuz no1 reads my blog... oh well! my blog is www.trueajscammers, hope u read it!
ReplyDeleteOmg that's sooooo inapropro OoO
DeleteYeah I saw a video of what he looked like and OMGosh, that was soo bad, I canonly say one word in his name ______ ____you! Thatwas terribile,if I may say. I wonder how he did it tho.... ?
I remember you, Tay, from Scammer Watch. coco####, remember? Oh, and I remember that you said to firetigerx that you would make your own scammer blog. Btw, I searched AND typed it in website address and it says it doesn't exist.
Deleteomg NASTY user. and btw, i can get to your blog Tay
oops sorry i meant CAN'T get to your blog lol
I cant either. Try saying it again.awholenewworld
DeleteOmg tay. So incorporate. People these days -.-
Remember the name, "Tay" from Scammer Watch? coco#### is at it again...
DeleteEvery AJ player is a Jammer, but to be in the Jamaasian group, you must still have faith in the Shamans, Mira, Zios, and Jamaa's old culture.
ReplyDeleteI miss the old aj. I first got on when the original member gloves came for a gift(I miss the card was like) (if you know what I mean) now its dating andrares . No more shamans. No one even knows about them hardly. I was talking about peck one day.... and somebody said "who's peck". I'm ashamed of the new aj. They work TOO hard. They're changing it TOO much....
Some aren't, actually a majority of them aren't. They're called "scammers". Look at Scammer Watch, :D
Deletewho knows about penguins??? ?_?
ReplyDeleteomg little kids might look on this blog and say...EWWW look at the user. and there mom might be watching them play on the computer or read the blog and come to those word ohbabyeatthis*****. .-. wht would he get that user animal jam would have said invallid username when you pressed go on we have to report him!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDelete~your #1 fan powerpuff3
Remember he did hack Animal Jam so he probably could've had any name he wanted.
Deletehmmmm, contests do sound cool...
Snowyclaw, don't change it! The google popularity will change with the username!
ReplyDeletewhatsthat's blog has a contest... she's offering roses. But, snowyclaw, for a contest prize, I suggest different kinds of plushies. In my den, I have eighty three (and counting) bunny plushies! Rare for the winner, plushie of choice (color, kind, but not rare) and third place gets a plushie of whatever kind you have most of. Oh and, i'm not trying to take away publicity of your blog snowyclaw, but whatsthat's blog, thedailygembonus.blogspot.com is considerably new and me and my sis and whatsthat are bassically the only commenters. Plz, SOMEBODY check it out!
Hehe. I'm a jamaasian! :D
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI suggest Snowy should put small rare (Daily gifts from Jamiladays or clover blankets or other seasonal items as prizes) And snowy could have harder contests that you can give medium rares for.(Day of the Phantoms items or Feast of Thanks items) But that's just me. Who else thinks this is a good idea?
ReplyDeleteOh wow, I didn't know you made the word "Jamaasian". ^.^' I actually use it a lot... sorry... (Did you know that Freechatters was a word in the old Jamaa days? Some people still use Betaasians.)
ReplyDeleteJust wondering, were you a Beta player, Snowy?
Yes she was, another user of hers. In one of her early posts, she talks about a glitch(or was it something else?) in the beta time period.
Deletelol not keen myself but still cool...
ReplyDeletei like the word "Jamaasian", it sound epic! :D And maybe you could have maybe 1 or 2 contests a month? and for the prize, well not something you can already buy but maybe a small rare like a fox hat.
Ditto! Btw, fox hats were Rare Monday items too... Just to let you know...
Delete☼LuvMindlessBehavior☼ in reply to chu714
Deletei know they were a rare monday item, but that was a while back, and the orange color is too common so maybe like she could give out different color fox hats
you don't have to give prizes for contests! just do something like the winner gets to post something they want on your blog. Like the winner can say something about themselves or introduce themselves, you know, a chance for people to be recognized on AJ.
ReplyDeleteyeah prizes would b great like founders hats?
idk how rare u r im just throwing ideas
I use Jamaasian sometimes never even knew you used it...
ReplyDeleteThese "Rare" Pirate hats give me the idea that were getting close to "Rare" Non member pirate swords!
Hi Snowyclaw!
ReplyDeleteSince everyone wants to be your buddy, why not instead of having rares for a prize in a contest, which may seem totally awesome, why not just have the winner be your buddy?!
-Dance287 (my username)
Well in my opinion, Snowyclaw wouldn't want random people on his/her buddy list. I know I wouldn't!
DeleteI don't either. Then when I delete buddies people start to cry and say I'm mean that I didn't add them or whatever...
DeleteSame here!
Yeah, I agree TT Coyote... I once deleted my best friend accidentily when I was going to add another one to my 100 buddies...
DeleteOh, and Rufistar.
ReplyDeleteI know a scanner. His username is cat123abc
i'm sorry but i don't really think we should have a contest and WHAT is the contest for i don't understand..
oops i meant to put 1 dot.It's me again
Contests are for people on AJ to answer questions and win prizes (one prize for each contest, unless you want to have more than one). Hope this helps! Peace.
DeleteHi Anyone know any accounts with gardens with flowers or just flowers?
ReplyDeletePhoebe69021 here
i like jammer but jamaasian annoys me.
ReplyDeletePleaase don't change it from Jammer to Jamaasian. I know people always put an "an" to the end of a person's title like "American" and "Canadian", but "Jamaasian" sounds weird. Jammer was the original one and now people think that Jamaasian was... Anyways please don't change the title.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, I would rather not be called Jamaasian at all...
Hmm... I would suggest a kind-of-rare, a small rare, or a medium rare. People would go, like, 1,000 comments to just get the prize if it was super rare, like a headdress. (not really rare, but a lot of people want it)
ReplyDeleteOh, forogt, I would also suggest "Animal Jam Spirit Blog for the Jammers/Jamaasians", "Animal Jam Spirit Blog for the Jammers and Jamaasians", or "Animal Jam Spirit Blog for the Jamaasians", any way, I want Jamaasians. Because who wouldn't be interested in the tales, the shamans, and the legends. (Pretty much the same as tales)
DeleteSorry, typo, I typed "forogt" when it was supposed to be "forgot".
DeleteAnd I was supposed to put a question mark instead of a period after ''legends''.
DeleteMan, I am typing a lot of comments today... Well, at least... -screen goes blank-
ReplyDeletedear snowyclaw,
ReplyDeletehi. this is stang on animal jam.I just wanted to tel, you that you should actually just give away a 75% rare for 1st place, half rare for 2nd place, and a color changed item for 3rd place.
P.S. I hoped this helped. oh, and you should also concentrate on WHAT the contest is going to be about. I hoped this helped you. :) i'm stang on animal jam is you want to talk to me or something.
Umm... If anyone reads my comments and thinks it is mean, please forgive me... I've had plenty of bad luck and I am used to it, so I fight back, so if anyone thinks I have harsh behavior please read this comment.
ReplyDeleteHow do you put the picture on your comment? I mean like, snowyclaw has a picture of herself on it. How do you put that on there? I put the picture there, but I don't know hwo to put it in the comment. Can someone help me with this?
ReplyDeleteWhen will we get an actual rare? This is just an item, but a color you can't buy! That doesnt make it rare! Why can they bring back headdresses, bow ad arrows, clover blankets, etc? WE WANT REAL RAREZ!
ReplyDeleteheaddress's come back in november and i didn't mean give out rares i give out plushies and on minimum rare :\ ps. go to my blog animaljamtaco.blogspot.com i will be holding a contest on the 13th of june
ReplyDeleteThats my last day of school!
DeleteFor prizes you could have options like "day with snowy" or "rare plushies" or "medium rare clothes". I know you wouldn't want to give you fav. Rares to strangers... -awholenewworld
ReplyDeleteOops. I was reading the comments just now and I notice some one already put medium, I'm so sorry. Didn't mean to.... awholenewworld
DeleteHow about a leaf necklace for a prize? Or maybe one of the rare Halloween masks, like a yeti mask or something
I wonder why the nonmember hat with a feather in it isn't rare? (I forgot the name of it) I mean headdresses are "rare". They come out the same time.then again the game is all about dares for some people. Hardly anyone remembers shamans, I was talking about peck then some one asked "who's peck?"
Thats a bit very rare
ReplyDeleteYeah, I guess so :/ oh well
yea... but im not keen so not getting it lol
ReplyDeletenew duck plushie at the carnival (\^.^/)
ReplyDeleteI like the word jamaasian, but I didn't know u invented it! Its COOL! For a prize you could just give something small, like nm gloves or I don't know what... Maybe worns? Also I think you SHOULD change it to jamaasians... It was my idea! ;)
ReplyDeleteSnowy I think that the prize should be a day with you (snowy).
Maybe the contest could be an Old Jamaa/Beta Jamaa quiz, and the prize could be buddying you! ^.^
ReplyDeleteYesterday, a shop owner in Animal Jam called me a scammer, but I never scammed anyone!! Such a liar. She kept on doing it and I felt like punching her. I am going to call her parents and spank them AND her.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
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