The Jamaasian Movement is in motion, click here.
Hey jammers! Tons of fun stuff in the newest update, but first, today's new item - the Star Couch! You can find this modern style item for purchase in Jam Mart Furniture.

There is also a new item, the Golden Pirate Sword, in Epic Wonders. If you didn't know the Pirate Sword was a nonmember sword sold during beta that is now very rare. Sadly, the Epic Wonders item is for members, and not nearly as epic.

Now for the Jamaa Journal! Nonmembers can now play as penguins, plus the Penguins Only Party has begun.
In celebration there is also a new JAG to go with the release!

Hummingbirds are still for sale at AJ Outfitters.
Just in case we forgot. There is also a fun little riddle on the second page of the J.J. I think I've figured it out already, but I'd like to hear your ideas, I'm sure you'll all get it right away.

Perhaps it has something to do with the pet contest, which at the moment is being judged by AJHQ, results next update?
There is a new journey in the Journey Book, this time for Crystals Sands. I'll post the hints on the Journey Guide page when I can, surely by the end of today, I hope.
For all you game lovers be sure to stock up on Arcade Machines because they are 50% off these next two weeks.
There are also a few filler articles, as well as a giraffe wallpaper posted on the Daily Explorer. Click each to enlarge.
Meanwhile, Fourth of July decorations have come to Jamaa, not super festive, but enough to make it seem like summer.

Here is this update's calender!
That's all for now, check back the for the Journey Guide, Penguins Party post, and my semi-late sprit contest!

ITS A FOX!!! The non-member animal is "cool" they live in icy places!
DeleteI don't think they should've made flip flops because they MAKE NO SENSE! Animals don't have toes (well some have but in aj they wear it like they don't) so how are the flip-flops supposed to stay on?
DeleteIf they want "Awesome new items" they can just bring back rares! That would make Jammers even happier!
ugh, i am sick today....i cant keep anything down in my stomach....well, i can keep ritz crackers down.
ReplyDeleteI feel so bad for you. I'm sorry your sick.
Me too. :(
aww that's not good i'm sick too. fever, sore, throat and stomach ache but i'm not throwing up..I hate being sick. >.< Oh and I think the animal is a fox. :p
Deletewell, at least you can eat ritz crackers! thats all i need in life :D
DeleteI feel sick. I know I'm not sick but I feel sick. I feel like I'm gonna puke. >.< I also found out my best friend is moving!!! To California! The animal is a fox, according to my grandparents...
P.S.- I can't eat anything.
Finally penguins are for non members also C=
ReplyDeleteEven thought I'm member....
u forgot about the freedom pet plushies at the summer carnival
ReplyDeletethats what i said
Deletehey what is the new dummy stop talking about being sick you know what fuck you all im out of here
Deletei mean pet
ReplyDeleteyou said it 2 times
DeleteActually I think its a snake
Deleteduh foxes i thought tht b4 the comments im so exited in the conservation mseum wenever i donate (which is a lot) i say i wan the new animal 2 b FOXES!! W000 IM SO EXITED FOXES R MY FAV ANIMAL. ok im done now. FOXES!! ok maybe nto.. well im exited my bff and i hav ben waiting 4 this 4EVER!!!
ReplyDeletetoo right bff!!!!!or did you mean nat? oh well!!
Deletefurry forrest found the freedom plushies out i think before any body if im wrong whatever don't get up in my face about it that will make the taco people sad D: :I
ReplyDeleteI saw you at the party, snowyclaw! I had a great time!
ReplyDeleteI hope they aren't member....
ReplyDeleteFat chance :\
Deletei hope they are for member cause i am a member
Deleteif they are foxes, what will they look like? hopefully something nice and NOT a disgusted creature!
Yes, foxes may become clan animals like wolves and make everything SO VIOLENT. Foxes may also become bullies by teasing innocent rhinos, elephants, etc. I hope foxes are as sweet as chocolate and not so spicy like a chilli pepper... I'm hoping that foxes will be friendly and helpful, not rude and selfish like some wolves. I'm not offending any wolf fans! It's just that wolves bullied me... almost all the time... I think. Foxes shouldn't be used as VIOLENCE AND ROMANCE, they should be a neutral animal, or maybe even a nice one! :)
Delete~ The One and Only True Spider Fan
The new animal is a fox
yay foxes
Meh to I own one of the fox clans X3 fox_spirit
DeleteIf foxes come out I hope the new land will too... And now when foxes come out their gonna go raid the clans and attack them cuz foxes steak the kits!!!! Ugh!!!!! Another downside to something for AJ.
ReplyDeleteSteal not steak is what I meant.
Deletewell i personally strongly dislike the clan thing. I joined one and it was fine then a bunch of fighting happened... Or they want me to spy on another clan... But once there was a decent clan but they broke up...
DeleteMy twilight clan is now missing me and my brother. It's kinda sad, but they were mean. To prove it, they called my brother worthless. :'(
Deletei DON'T like clans, because they think they OWN a place, mostly sarepia forest. most of the time, they attack and insult you, which i don't think is very jamaasian of them.
Deleteits a waste if time too :D
DeleteIt is! You have to remember all those clan names like "Thornheart" and "Grasspaw" or whatever! That's what nametags are for. It's pretty confusing how there are a bunch of "Thnderclans" and if you say I'm from thunderclan it's like which one?
DeleteAnd I don't like fights because they are SO UNFAIR. Just because a person says "no miss" you can't dodge a hit. And they can do anything because we're just typing!
CLANS ARE A WASTE OF TIME. I have run away from every clan in about 15 minutes.
Fox clan will one day will vanquish the shadow and dark clan fox_spirit
DeleteI'm forever against clans... I owned a clan, but it was peaceful. My clan never attacked other clans, but I quit doing my peaceful clan. It's not very nice to see violence on a kid's website. Foxes will just make the problem worse. It's just too much violence for me! It doesn't help the Lack of Culture problem either. I hope AJ HQ realizes there's too much violence on their website and makes the rules stricter.
Delete~ The One and Only True Spider Fan
I know, I mean if they have foxes- they'll pretty much be like wolves.... and I bate how people say "punches" or "kicks" because they are just saying they are. I want the old jamaa back!
i think it's a squirrel :3 cuz you never see black foxes do ya? =.='XD
you do
Deleteits a fox
DeleteYou can can see some foxes with black on them.
DeleteThere is a kind of Red Fox called a Silver Fox... it's not really silver, but it is black. :3
DeleteProof why this is not a Squirrel: Squirrels are clever, but usually foxes are the tricksters. You also don't usually see white squirrels, unless it's albino, which doesn't count. There isn't much "black" squirrels, because the most famous ones are the Red Squirrel and the Grey Squirrel. I'm not offending you, but I think you're wrong with the riddle. :)
~ The One and Only True Spider Fan
Id like a squirrel.
Do you see black or white squirrels naturally? :3
DeleteAlbino and gray squirrels DO NOT COUNT. So it's a fox, the proof is on my last comment in this whole reply.
~ The One and Only True Spider Fan
DeleteFOX!!!!!!!! I LOVE FOXES'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT''!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteEPIC! I love penguins and foxes! Too bad I can't get a penguin, and that the foxes/squirrels will most likely be member. Well, DoomyPanda has a penguin's only party at her/his den, check his/her blog, Animal Jam Stream!
ReplyDeletei think the animal is foxes, cuz thats wat Lovelost said, but OMG i love foxes and all canines! :D
i think it is a ox to because u can see them all over and there colors and they can be sly
ReplyDeleteox's do not change colour tho :D
Deletei thought owl i am probably wrong though
ReplyDeleteHighly possible knowing Animal Jam HQ. Plus Animal Jam needs more birds! There are so many birds in the world and all Animal Jam has is a Penguin. Don't all Jammers want to fly around as a Macaw, Owl, or Eagle? Hopefully I'm not the only one! :)
GUESS WHAT :D??? Your not! I have been thinking... what if Jamaa had a sky realm, like we have a lan realm and an ocean realm. Birds could fly around in the sky and there could be tall trees for us to land on!
DeleteGood guess! I hope owls come out as pets or animals. It isn't fair that Animal Jam has only one bird we can be, in this case the Penguin. We should have a sky realm divided into 3 basic sections. The first is Mira Plaza. The second one is the Temple of the Shamans. The third and last one is Little Flappers, a pet shop of where you can buy more bugs and other flying creatures. Bats and butterflies are allowed in the realm. This is the stuff you can do in the Sky Realm:
Delete1. The four basic actions are the same as the water realm.
2. There are unique patterns and eyes that are only available in the Sky Realm.
3. The two basic pets in the Sky Realm should be flies (the housefly, mosquito, etc.) and a firefly.
4. The two basic ANIMALS in this realm are Parrots and Owls/Hawks.
5. There isn't really a way to enter the Sky Realm. Here's how to enter: First, you must turn into a Sky Realm animal (It can be on Jamaa, just not very skillful like in the air). Then, you have to hop and say "Sky" three times. You enter the realm. Animals with wings can't enter the realm (example is wolf with bat wings).
That's all for my suggestions! :3
~ The One and Only True Spider Fan
please add my blog AJ super starr snowyclaw also its definite foxes I would say
ReplyDeleteyou forgot about the freedom plushies
ReplyDeleteyea snowy
DeleteIm guessing maybe der foxeh?
ReplyDeleteRiddle - Fox!
ReplyDeletehey! Was THIS a good trade?:
ReplyDeleteI traded:
Nm wings
wood floor
Tan Carpet (Nickname: Shapeless Beta Carpet)
~WhatsThat~ (very happy with trade)
ReplyDeleteYes :( They should celebrate other country's indepence. I live in the US but originally I'm from another country. They should have a anouncement at least. And I always wanted to be Canadian. :3
DeleteBut I think the reason why they only celebrate USA is because AJ HQ is located there. And isn't it ironic how this is Nation GEOGRAPHIC and it's all about different cultures and such.
I am austrlaian! They just don't think do they :(
DeleteI agree. ANIMAL JAM SHOULD RESPECT OTHER CULTURES TOO! I'm born in America, but I'm Vietnamese... Why is Animal Jam not releasing good, other country items? Here are some plain, old items that might never happen because Animal Jam doesn't seem to care for other people's cultures:
DeleteTriangular Starw Hat, Needs this! (Asian)
Headdress, Just fine (North America, mostly USA)
Headfeathers, Just fine too (Same thing as Headdress)
Sombrero, Just fine but there should be a land one (Mexico)
Mustache, Needs this! (France, Mexico, and a few others...)
Zebra Hair Headdress, Needs this, not for zebra fans. (Africa)
Beret, Needs this! (France)
Fur Hat Thingy, Needs this! (Russia, maybe...)
Beard, Just fine, make it more natural though. (Worldwide)
Vicuña Coat, Needs this, not for some animal fans. (South America, mostly by the Inca Indians)
Explanation for the Vicuña: Vicuñas are the South American version of a llama. They have very soft coats, and only the royal South American Indian royals got to wear a piece of their coat. (capes,coats [the clothes], etc.)
That's all for what Animal Jam NEEDS to release so the name, "NATIONAL Geographic" finally fits to what is has on Animal Jam!
~ The One and Only True Spider Fan
P.S.- I may have gotten confused with the animal, so please tell me which one fits properly to the explanation... if I got it wrong.
Berets are out! I guess my comment made it to AJ HQ. :l
DeleteNow I just need those 9 random items. Which will almost be impossible. D:
~ The One and Only True Spider Fan
I think it's a fox because they can be red and white and sometimes black or gray.
It's a fox...
ReplyDeleteFox? I'll make sure to get it, and then wear a fox hat on my fox. I will be a double fox :3
Yes, its a fox. I think you could use a wolf for a fox, but it will be cute to put a fox hat on a fox :3 besides, having a real fox is better then a "fox" (wolf). ~purplebelle1
ReplyDeleteThe riddle is definitely a fox!!
ReplyDeleteat first i thought it was a parrot. XD i read it worng. I thought it said I am colorful and i have wings LOL
I think the new animal is a fox.. Imagine a fox wearing a fox hat 0_0 Akward!
ReplyDeleteTo everyone who thinks it is a fox:
ReplyDeleteFoxes colors are only Orange and Grey.
I did the research! If you still doubt me search it!
Nooo... HEELLOOO! Artic foxes=white! Orange foxes have black parts in them!
DeleteIt is possible but I don't see black foxes, do you?
ReplyDeleteWho knows. It is possible judging by the fact that before there were lions there was a lion hat, then they brought lions, every animal seems to have a hat. So who really know besides Animal Jam HQ?
Orange foxes have black parts in them :3
DeleteI LOVE FOXES I KNOW ABOUT FOXES! They are one of my most favorite animals!
ReplyDeleteThe answer is fox :3 I was hoping bears would make it though. But, hey, I'm so exited for foxes! The new animals are becoming sooo cute! Like the giraffes! I wonder how the color arrangement will be, how patterns will look like, how clothing would be, the actions.. and most of all how it would just look in it's 3D form in Jamaa.
ReplyDeleteHere are the reasons why it's a fox.
I live in many areas around the world. True, foxes live in forests, deserts, and tundra areas.
My colors range from black to red to gray to white. Regular forest foxes are those orange foxes you see. They have some black parts and white parts, too. Artic foxes are all white and may have some grey tinges in them or grey in the summer.
I am known for being sly and clever. Have you heard any fox stories about how they trick or try to trick other animals? Have you seen any cartoons where a fox is being tricky? Have you read/seen Fantastic Mr. Fox? Well, there you go.
Those are the reasons. IF YOU HAVE DOUBTS PLEASE READ THE ABOVE! Thank you. :3
It is a fox just what the fox clan needs X3 I love foxes to death I could just fall over dead if I ha a really pet one well figure of spech hope to see u on chat snow from: fox_spirit
ReplyDeleteYeah foxes are great and awesome animals but we already have wolves. That is already really close to foxes..
DeleteI'm against the clan thing. Foxes will make the clan problem worse! Clans are violent, and should never be on a kid's website. It's not fair because you have to remember crazy and weird names like "Firepaw" or "Tigerclaw" AND people keep saying "no miss", "no nothing", and "no anything"... JUST BY TEXT! You lose your freedom in a clan too, you have to do the crazy territory things. There isn't much peaceful clans, clans that never attacked others, in Jamaa. Stop clans and violence! I'm very against clans and bad things in Jamaa... >:3
Delete~ The One and Only True Spider Fan
IT IS A FOX!!!! Mum figured it out though
ReplyDeleteIt is a fox for the riddle.
ReplyDeletePROOF: We already have wolves, so that's automatically wrong. Foxes also come in many different colors, not just the famous red/orange fox color. Foxes also live (almost) everywhere, from the Arctic to the desert. In folk tales and fables (mostly), foxes have been known to be sneaky and clever. This is proof for my answer.
Now, for the things for the update (not just the riddle.)
1: I hope spiders come to Jamaa soon for the pet contest! (owls and lizards too, maybe cockroaches?)
2: Animal Jam is being too modern lately...
3: The penguin on the flag is wearing a mech angel helmet, and the one on the music, "Chillin' Out", is wearing a DJ Headset. (It's not on this post though.)
4: Rares, rares, rares... WHY IS ANIMAL JAM DOING RARES SO MUCH NOW? (There's more to AJ than RARES.)
5: Finally, Animal Jam is being fair to nonmembers by letting them be an animal that used to be "Members-Only", it's a good start.
6: I wanted those arcade games, but I don't really want to earn gems right now...
The update is nice... it's just that Animal Jam keeps getting more modern on EVERY update...
~ The One and Only True Spider Fan
I got it right away it's a fox
I knew its a fox but IM REAlY ANGERY becuz there prob only for MEMBERS 👎 😡 💔
ReplyDeleteWhy dissennt my mad face and thumbs down show up
ReplyDeleteI dont really like members becuz sometimes they think they over power non members and can be quite greedy and selfish when they have nm bows and gloves and is why I say that is they can buy golden 1s at epic wonders its just not fair they prob get to be foxes that are MEMBERS ONLY! They also get lots other animals I have been playing animal jam science November 23 2010 and guess wht non members could change color of clothes and members only got an animal for A MONTH witch only happend when the seal came out. Also they weren't as spoiled and selfish :( I wish it wiz the betta days I just missed them:( its just not fair they prob only listen to members when they ask for the new pet cause i asked for turtle that is for NON MEMBERS
ReplyDeletethat is so not true! im very nice and im a member and im not selfish either! u cant just think that about every single member out there! actually nonmembers r actually the meanest to me! believe it or not! sheesh u dont have to hate members.....
DeleteIt is a fox I have I think 3 of them
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I love my fox! And Be my buddy... CuteGal2244
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