Our second mission has begun . . . click here.
Hey jammers! The old Fireworks Fountain from last year is back. It's animated, it's nonmember, and it's festive, woohoo!

Also, Picturechamp told me about the mega firework!

Check it out at the bottom of Jamaa Township.
For some reason AJHQ has been having a hard time getting all the labels working properly. Here's an example. . .

First of all, that isn't a Tooltip. Second of all, what in Jamaa is a Tooltip? An secret item for the world beyond? Speaking of AJHQ, they sent a message yesterday, sadly not a shaman lead.

I assumed the new video was located here. . .

Is this video new? I certainly recommend watching it.

That's about all for now, happy jamming!
The second spirit contest is in progress . . . click here.

I will watch it! And woooohooo! I've been waiting and waiting and waiting for this items for ages because my favorite song is Firework!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI just watched the video and it's great!!! I had the firework fountain from before though so I don't need to buy one quite yet.
Since the firework is pretty festive, do you think AJ HQ is finally hearing our pleas for more culture and more beta-like days? Could it be happening???!!!
Sorry for ruining your hopes but I think the firework is just a 4th of July item that came back this year. :I
Deleteyay XD
ReplyDeleteI KNOW THERE'S A FIRE WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I think I know a jammer who discovered a Tooltip-Factor...
ReplyDeleteFireworks rox xD
ReplyDeleteHave you ever wonders if ajhq just MIGHT b under a lil pressure from this whole jamaasian movement? If you made the name up then why are you pressing it so hard? People think aj made that name.. for like beta or something... you do realise you know wayyyy too much to be JUST a kid right? How old r u exactly? You know... I don't know what you did to become soooooo famous but me and my mom thinks you are a grown up working for ajhq and that's why you're so famous... and snowy... you do realise you don't have your comments set for approval right? And if you do then props to ya... but if you don't have them set up for approval ppl like me can just come along and make comments like this.. ME AND MY MOM THINK YOU R A GROWN UP!!! And for the love of God will you please just say if you are a boy or a girl??!?!!?!!??!??! People just wanna know because you are keeping it so secret... just frickin' tell us! We will have a better opinion of you if you would just tell us... you don't tells us your age, your gender, or your first name... you seem to be an adult. My mom thinks so, I think so, all my friends think so... WHAT R U HIDING????? r u a grown-up? Tell us!!! R u a boy or a girl? Ppl think ur a girl because of the way you do things.. its like just the way you act... but please yell your fans!!! IF YOU CARED ABOUT YOUR READERS THEN YOU WOULD TELL US!!! So why not and what would it matter? And by the way just as a funny extra note... I typed all this on a kindle fire... lol if I have any spelling errors its cuz the stupid auto correct has a mind of its own and it corrects when it wants to lol...
ReplyDeleteall i can answer is she is a bloody girl okay!
Deleteso what if shes a grown-up??
Delete'nuff said
You know what anonymous? She is not a grown-up. SHE is a smart GIRL who loves animal jam! You think she works for AJHQ? Really, you must really think and add everything together. She was telling about the glitches and stuff but AJHQ wouldn't want their mistakes pointed out. And AJHQ is National Geographic! That is adults! I don't like what you said because it is not true! You know, we don't care if you think snowyclaw is an adult. She is not, and even if she is, she would love children, and she will still have the awesome title, Snowyclaw.
She cannot tell because those stuff are personal things.
DeleteGender and age aren't that personal, but Snowy doesn't have to tell us. And Snowy is not AJHQ because...
Delete1: She tells us glitches. AJHQ certainly do NOT want glitches in animal jam. If you ask me "How do you know?" I'll punch you in the face because it's so obvious.
2: Why would she even bother with the Jamaa Movement if she's AJHQ? If she's AJHQ she can just tell the other people there and they'll bring the culture back somehow.
And also, it doesn't matter if she's a grown-up. If she's a grown-up posing as a kid that just means she wants to be with kids and she wants the kids to act like she's a kid because kids act differently with adults.
Snowy got popular because maybe there wasn't that much blogs, and hers was a very succesfull one.
And you know what's funny? Nobody before you or your mom thought snowy was that... so nobody belives and nobody really cares. :)
She's a girl and she's an amazing blogger ;D
It's snowyclaw's choice if she wants to tell the public and it's kind of personal information so you can't just ask her to tell everyone!!! It's kind of rude. It'd be nice to know, but it's not something everyone needs to know, so just let it be. :)
Most people don't share personal information for safety reasons!
DeleteTelling your gender, age, first name on the Internet can be highly dangerous, and you asking kinda makes you sound creepy. Snowy has the right to decide whether she wants to make her private information a secret or known. Maybe she got popular because she's an AMAZING blogger. Maye it's because she works hard everyday for us. AJHQ doesn't want us to know glitches, so he/she obviously isn't from AJHQ. If he/she is an adult, why do you care so much? Snowyclaw's amazing all the same.
DeleteIf he/she doesn't care about her readers, he/she wouldn't do this blog. Snowyclaw is kind and funny and it's people like you who ruin this for others. So how about you chill your peaches, stop insulting him/her, and leave? No-ones making you read this blog, so if you have a problem with it go ahead and close this window.
By the way, why the heck does your mom care? Because we don't really care what "you and your MOM think" saying that just makes you sound immature.
Also, if your spellcheck doesn't work, how about you not be lazy and check it yourself. Because chatspeak is flipping impossible to read.
I think that one time she said she was a kid.
DeleteIf she was an adult she wouldn't have the time to go on animal jam and do this blog so much because she would have a job.
DeleteLol I meant tell*
ReplyDeleteTooltip appeared sometime ago when I went to Appondale. Months ago, I went to play Fruit Slinger and when I ran the cursor over the game icon, "Tooltip" instead of "Fruit Slinger" popped up.
ReplyDeleteI know, its like in roblo, Parents and Childs, instansece etc. They are coding names, like, If true do, then ToolTip (remove)
Ok, that script would meen if like, somone pressed the RIGHT button, tooltip would dissipear.
Its not o complacated, its just a name for stuff.
I ment Roblox, sorry. And mean, and so.
DeleteI didnt re check it for spelling mistakes.
SNOWY , they named some of the statues of the shamans in the secret shop in temple of zios , cornelius and ruby and ... you should make some storys now that we know theyre names!
ReplyDeleteThey do not even have ocean animal statues! Also, can I draw the new shamans? :D
DeleteOMG guys look at this!
ReplyDeleteJun 22 11:06 (MDT):
I need the people at AJHQ to understand that AJ is turning into a silly dating site with no history, storys, or shamans.
There was one guy who had finished a long River Race game with his friend.
"Thank Zios that is over"
"Whos Zios?"
"Yout dont know who Zios is?!?"
See? I have talked to people and some people don't know who shamans are, and someone asked:
"whos mira?"
the other person said:
"Shes that statue in Jamaa township"
We also need you to stop talking to us like we are five! I mean, you blame coding glitches that happened when updates came on phantoms, and honestly, mot people are over 8 on AJ, and me myself am started to learn to script games.
I want you to understand we are all mad at Animal Jam becoming more human then animal. I mean, crusie ships and plastic sandles?
What next, human advatars? I really want AJ folk lore and ANIMAL stuff, not morden human stuff. I have enjoyed AJ because it took my mind off the real world, but now AJ is BECOMEING the real world!
Please replay back, and not as if im a five year old.
Molly, Jun 25 16:45 (MDT):
Hi There, Jammer!
Thank you for contacting Animal Jam HQ!
As you may know, the Shamans are very mysterious. They are the leaders of each kind of animal, and are the guardians and protectors of Jamaa. They spend most of their time exploring new lands, and bringing new types of animals back to Jamaa. Since they are quite busy, we have only caught glimpses of them.
The Shamans wanted us to tell you they love hearing from super special Jammers such as yourself. Even though they are usually very busy, they told us that they hope to see you in Jamaa sometime, so keep your eyes peeled and maybe you will see one soon!
Additionally, we at Animal Jam HQ appreciate you writing in to tell us that you want to hear more about the lore of Jamaa and we'll be sure to pass your feedback along to the appropriate people!
All the best and play wild!
Animal Jam HQ
Obouisly, they did NOT read the whole thing.
Dont they think i would know about how AJ works if i can script in Lua?
By the way, that was me who ended with JAMMASIAN MOVEMENT! -Dance287
DeleteBy the way, that was me who came up with the Zios/long river race thing. It was in a comment, right? :)
DeleteI think they DID read the whole thing, but you see... they do not know how to respond to kids like this. So they just come up with whatever response.
Also, their exuse is the SHAMANS ARE BUSY? First they tell us that they are guides and their job is to GUIDE NEW ANIMALS so if they are busy we should see them! And only once in a while they explore and do other things. and certainly not all of them at the same time! And I was like "Sure they will come to Jamaa" because there has hardly been any Shaman sightings! And I'm sure that if at least 5 people saw one shaman, one of them will take a screenshot.
Funny, you say "Stop treating us like toddlers!" and they say "The shamans read your message!". Also, I hate clans becuase the fights are totally unfair since they are just phrases. And they seriously need to do something about online dating! The report button doesn't work because the bad word/bad action filter does not work at all because you can't really tell if the words are meant in a bad manner. For example: "Awww, your pet froggy is so CUTE. I LOVE him!" "If you think I'm CUTE and you LOVE me go to my den!" SEE?
A while ago Kinyonga and I were chanting stuff about Shamans in Jamaa Township and one person didnt kno wat a Shaman was or wvwn liza, Mira, ir Zios.
DeleteAnd wat MOlly said to you is exactly wat Diana said to me!
DeleteBeta123 has the pirate sword! No need to thank me.
Snowy u freget somthing new hompage on aj!
ReplyDeleteSNOWY SNOWY!! The whole AJ opening page is completely different! They added a desert/savannah screen! :D
ReplyDeleteFROM LSTAS6
ReplyDeletesnowyclaw,theres a new aj home page look
its a new home page for animal jam:
Hey Snowy!
ReplyDeleteThey update a little early?
The log in screen now has a Safari backdrop and a rhino, lion, giraffes, ect.
Snowy did you know that EVERYBODY can now play the horse race?
ReplyDeleteBefore everybody could play dude
Deleteomg, u haven't noticed???
ReplyDelete(Sorry, I was excited)
I have last year's firework fountain. I'm glad they came back, I had 1 and wanted 3!
I had one too. I traded it so I actually never knew when it came out. =3
Hey Snowy, there's a new home page! Here: http://animaljamjelly.blogspot.com/2012/06/home-screens-labels-and-more.html
ReplyDeleteWow new home page! =O
ReplyDeleteHey, Jammers?
ReplyDeleteI'm not trying to beg but I'm going to be gone until august, (no questionz please) so could you, maybe?, get me any new rares/cool, jamaasian stuff? Also ,maybe?, could you do that for my friend, rac28? if not- alright. See ya in august!
my AJ account is pac10 . . . BTW
Delete-pac10 who doesn't mean to beg but apparently HAS to
I will get any nm rares because I have like 80,000 gems (Yay IM RICH :D) and I could get you rares and stuff. But only if you're member. -RUFISTAR
DeleteI'm member and thanks :) Could you also maybe do it for meh sis- rac28?
ReplyDeleteOMG I LOVED THE CONTEST! I had so much fun searching for the things. I knew where about 4 were. I was so surprised when I went to see if I was correct about --- being in --- but next to the entrance I saw another item from a picture! :D Please do not make it easier just because some people are like "OMG TOO HARD" those just don't want to TRY. This contest wasn't that hard it was PERFECT. Any expierenced Jammer could do it, because it's just looking for a few items from pics.
I said I was going to get you rares in my other comment but I meant NEW RARES. And I'm only gonna do it if you're member not because I think members are better than nms but because I can just send it to you.
Yea it actually was pretty easy.
DeleteWell it was easy for me but it did take me an hour because I couldn't find that circlish lamp with the tree leaves on it and i couldn't find that little box. I was so proud of my self when I finished and again I want to wish everyone good luck! Even though I have a very small chance of winning in the raffle, it was fun just finding the items. I hope there's another contest soon!
That;s what I meant too. I don't want your OLD rares, I'd like the new stuff since i won't be on till august. I completely understand. Thank you, 'sponsor'
ReplyDeleteDear Snowyclaw,
Hi Snowy! It's me stang, the wolf that you wouldn't buddy and barely paid attention to. I just wanted to ask you some questions... /\ (line above) Well i'm just going to ask it by comment... Can you buddy me? Yes, i know you hear this a lot and you don't like to unbuddy friends ( your buddy list is full :( well i just want to be your friend) Can you at least make a new account such as with a username of: SnowyclawBuddie or something like that, because i need a way to contact you. (well not really like NEED but i want to, i want to so hard it might be considered NEED.) If we ever meet online, you can ask me to make the account for you. And, also, yesterday, when i met you... You said "it's like i'm famous" after this bunny begged you for your autograph, well i think you are, and i think you aren't. In animal jam, yes, you are KIND OF famous, well lets say well known...But compared to the 8 billion people out there... not so much... (only 352 people made an account in it? compared to 8 billion +?!)
From, stang on animal jam
Dear animal jam spirit blog readers,
Please reply i want to be snowyclaw's buddy if you want to be snowy claw's buddy.
From, stang, your fellow jammer
DeleteLook Snowyclaw Buddy Person,
DeleteI don't think Snowy likes adding random people. Well, I don't. I don't think random people should be on anyone's buddy list. Or at least people that just add you and don't even say Hello! Love that outfit! And Snowy might not even go on the other acount that much.
You are all Snowy's "buddies" because Snowy's not mean or nasty to any of you right? You can contact her by Blogger with comments or by email.
Excuse me Rufistar, but if I ever buddied snowyclaw it would be because she has been very kind to me.
Bye the way, there is a new homescreen...
ReplyDelete- coolrabb
there is also a new back round withsome new animals
ReplyDeleteWhat were we celebrating in that party, 400,000 views? :D
I got suspended for 3 days. .-.
ReplyDeleteI didn't even do anything mean T^T
I'm on my storage called 'n00bie' XD
Snowyclaw, a tooltip is just the label when you scroll over an item with your mouse. They're on Minecraft, too. -caracal100
ReplyDeletetool tip? What the heck?!?
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You have to say.
ReplyDeleteI did not find it, thanks for wasting my time
ReplyDeleteI have it if you would like to trade me a rare for it then I would accept.
ReplyDeleteMake it nonmember. Thanks :)
Yea. I don't think Snowy is famous, except.